function akismet_init() { global $wpcom_api_key, $akismet_api_host, $akismet_api_port; if ($wpcom_api_key) { $akismet_api_host = $wpcom_api_key . ''; } else { $akismet_api_host = get_option('wordpress_api_key') . ''; } $akismet_api_port = 80; add_action('admin_menu', 'akismet_config_page'); add_action('admin_menu', 'akismet_stats_page'); akismet_admin_warnings(); }
<?php add_action('admin_menu', 'akismet_config_page'); add_action('admin_menu', 'akismet_stats_page'); akismet_admin_warnings(); function akismet_admin_init() { global $wp_version; // all admin functions are disabled in old versions if (version_compare($wp_version, '3.0', '<')) { function akismet_version_warning() { echo "\n <div id='akismet-warning' class='updated fade'><p><strong>" . sprintf(__('Akismet %s required WordPress 3.0 or higher.'), AKISMET_VERSION) . "</strong> " . sprintf(__('Please <a href="%s">upgrade WordPress</a> to a current version, or <a href="%s">downgrade to version 2.4 of the Akismet plugin</a>.'), '', '') . "</p></div>\n "; } add_action('admin_notices', 'akismet_version_warning'); return; } if (function_exists('get_plugin_page_hook')) { $hook = get_plugin_page_hook('akismet-stats-display', 'index.php'); } else { $hook = 'dashboard_page_akismet-stats-display'; } add_action('admin_head-' . $hook, 'akismet_stats_script'); add_meta_box('akismet-status', __('Akismet Status'), 'akismet_comment_status_meta_box', 'comment', 'normal'); } add_action('admin_init', 'akismet_admin_init'); function akismet_nonce_field($action = -1) { return wp_nonce_field($action); } $akismet_nonce = 'akismet-update-key';