continue; } $sharedfriends[] = $friend; } } $path = $upfile; $detail = $_POST['description']; $candiscuss = isset($_POST['discuss']) ? 1 : 0; $canrate = isset($_POST['rate']) ? 1 : 0; $keywords = preg_replace('/\\s+/', '', $_POST['keywords']); //$keywords = ''; //foreach( $_POST['keyword'] as $word) { // $keywords .= $Keywords[$word]. ','; //} //insert into media table addMedia($title, $username, $type, $catetory, $sharetype, $sharedfriends, $path, $detail, $candiscuss, $canrate, $keywords); $result = "0"; $errortext = "successfully uploaded file"; chmod($upfile, 0644); } } else { $result = "7"; //upload file failed $errortext = "failed to upload file, error code is {$result}"; } //} } //You can process the error code of the $result here. $myUploads = getUploads($_SESSION["username"]); render("upload_template.php", ["errortext" => $errortext, "titile" => "Uploads", "keywords" => $Keywords, "myuploads" => $myUploads]); } else {
writeToLog('ERROR: kaltura notification params empty'); return FALSE; } elseif ($noti->valid_signature === FALSE) { writeToLog('ERROR: kaltura notification signature not valid'); return FALSE; } else { // assert: valid notification $data = array_shift($noti->data); $notiType = $data['notification_type']; writeToLog("Notifications type: {$notiType}\n"); $msg = "kaltura notification (" . date("H:i:s") . ") {$notiType}\n"; // check notification type if ("entry_update" == $notiType) { writeToLog("in Entry update\n"); // on "entry_update" notification is fired then addMedia to appropriated database addMedia($data); } } /* * add row to media table for the appropriate database by reading 'tags' of uploaded video * to determine the version of OVAL ie. 'clas_dev_server' or 'clas_prod_server' */ function addMedia($data) { global $kalturaUploadsUser, $kalturaUploadsPassword; $tags = $data['tags']; $tags = json_decode($tags, true); $userID = $tags['userid']; $serverVersion = $tags['version']; writeToLog("tags: {$tags}\n"); writeToLog("userID: {$userID}\n");