function login($ip, $nick, $password) { /*$intentos = 0; if (isset($_COOKIE['intentos'])){ $intentos = $_COOKIE['intentos']; } if ($intentos <= 3){*/ $hashedPassword = hash("sha256", $password, false); if (checkNickPassword($nick, $hashedPassword)) { $email = getEmail($nick); $_SESSION['nick'] = $nick; $_SESSION['email'] = $email; $_SESSION['role'] = getRole($email); //setcookie( 'intentos', 0, time() + 1800 ); //30 minutos addAction($nick, $email, $ip, 'logged_in'); addConnection($nick, $email, $ip); return '0'; // Logged. } else { //if ($intentos < 3) { //setcookie( 'intentos', $intentos + 1, time() + 1800 ); //30 minutos return '1'; // Log in failed. } /*} setcookie( 'intentos', 0, time() + 1800); return '2'; // Superado el lĂmite de intentos. */ }
/** * Import nodes and connections from the given CIF url for the selected nodeids into the given map. * The node import limit is set by '$CFG->ImportLimit'. * @param url the url for the CIF data to load * @param mapid the id of the map to get alerts for * @param selectedids an array of the CIF node ides to import * @param poses an array of the positions of the nodes in the map each array item is in * the format 'x:y' and the position in the array should correspond ot the position of * its node in the selectednodeids array. * before it is considered out of date and should be refetched and recalculated. * Defaults to 60 seconds. * @param private true if the data should be created as private, else false. * @return View object of the map or Error. * */ function addNodesAndConnectionsFromJsonld($url, $mapid, $selectedids, $poses, $private) { global $USER, $HUB_FLM, $CFG, $ERROR; require_once $HUB_FLM->getCodeDirPath("core/io/catalyst/catalyst_jsonld_reader.class.php"); require_once $HUB_FLM->getCodeDirPath("core/lib/url-validation.class.php"); //error_log(print_r($selectedids, true)); if (count($selectedids) > $CFG->ImportLimit) { $ERROR = new error(); $ERROR->createAccessDeniedError(); return $ERROR; } //error_log(print_r($poses, true)); // Check if the map is in a group and if so get the group id. $groupid = ""; $v = new View($mapid); $view = $v->load(); if (!$view instanceof Error) { if (isset($view->viewnode->groups)) { $groups = $view->viewnode->groups; if (count($groups) > 0) { $groupid = $groups[0]->groupid; } } } else { return $view; } // make sure current user in group, if group set. if ($groupid != "") { $group = new Group($groupid); if (!$group instanceof Error) { if (!$group->ismember($USER->userid)) { $error = new Error(); return $error->createNotInGroup($group->name); } } } $withhistory = false; $withvotes = false; $reader = new catalyst_jsonld_reader(); $reader = $reader->load($url, $withhistory, $withvotes); if (!$reader instanceof Error) { $nodeset = $reader->nodeSet; $nodes = $nodeset->nodes; $count = count($nodes); $newnodeSet = new NodeSet(); $newNodeCheck = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $node = $nodes[$i]; $position = array_search($node->nodeid, $selectedids); //error_log("position:".$position); if ($position !== FALSE) { $position = intval($position); $positem = $poses[$position]; $positemArray = explode(":", $positem); $xpos = ""; $ypos = ""; if (count($positemArray) == 2) { $xpos = $positemArray[0]; $ypos = $positemArray[1]; } //error_log("xpos:".$xpos.":ypos:".$ypos); $role = getRoleByName($node->rolename); $description = ""; if (isset($node->description)) { $description = $node->description; } $newnode = addNode($node->name, $description, $private, $role->roleid); //error_log(print_r($newnode, true)); if (!$newnode instanceof Error) { $newNodeCheck[$node->nodeid] = $newnode; //error_log($node->nodeid); // if we have positioning information add the node to the map. if ($xpos != "" && $ypos != "") { $viewnode = $view->addNode($newnode->nodeid, $xpos, $ypos); //if (!$viewnode instanceof Error) { } if (isset($node->homepage) && $node->homepage != "") { $URLValidator = new mrsnk_URL_validation($node->homepage, MRSNK_URL_DO_NOT_PRINT_ERRORS, MRSNK_URL_DO_NOT_CONNECT_2_URL); if ($URLValidator->isValid()) { $urlObj = addURL($node->homepage, $node->homepage, "", $private, "", "", "", "cohere", ""); $newnode->addURL($urlObj->urlid, ""); // Add url to group? - not done on forms at present } else { error_log('Invalid node homepage: ' . $node->homepage . ': for ' . $node->nodeid); } } if (isset($node->users[0])) { $user = $node->users[0]; if (isset($user->homepage) && $user->homepage != "") { $URLValidator = new mrsnk_URL_validation($user->homepage, MRSNK_URL_DO_NOT_PRINT_ERRORS, MRSNK_URL_DO_NOT_CONNECT_2_URL); if ($URLValidator->isValid()) { $urlObj = addURL($user->homepage, $user->homepage, "", $private, "", "", "", "cohere", ""); $newnode->addURL($urlObj->urlid, ""); // Add url to group? - not done on forms at present } else { error_log('Invalid user homepage: ' . $user->homepage . ': for ' . $user->userid); } } } //if ($groupid != "") { // $newnode->addGroup($groupid); //} $newnodeSet->add($newnode); } else { error_log(print_r($newnode, true)); } } } $connectionset = $reader->connectionSet; $connections = $connectionset->connections; $count = count($connections); for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $conn = $connections[$i]; $from = $conn->from; $to = $conn->to; $fromrole = $conn->fromrole; $torole = $conn->torole; if (isset($newNodeCheck[$from->nodeid]) && isset($newNodeCheck[$to->nodeid])) { $newFromNode = $newNodeCheck[$from->nodeid]; $newToNode = $newNodeCheck[$to->nodeid]; // Might not need this as it might be done already //if ($newFromNode->role->name != $fromrole->name) { // updateNodeRole($newFromNode->nodeid,$fromrole->name); //} $linklabelname = $conn->linklabelname; //error_log($linklabelname); $lt = getLinkTypeByLabel($linklabelname); if (!$lt instanceof Error) { $linkType = $lt->linktypeid; //$frole = getRoleByName($fromrole->name); //$trole = getRoleByName($torole->name); $connection = addConnection($newFromNode->nodeid, $newFromNode->role->roleid, $linkType, $newToNode->nodeid, $newToNode->role->roleid, 'N', ""); //error_log(print_r($connection, true)); if (!$connection instanceof Error) { // add to group if (isset($groupid) && $groupid != "") { $connection->addGroup($groupid); } $viewcon = $view->addConnection($connection->connid); //error_log(print_r($viewcon,true)); } else { error_log(print_r($connection, true)); } } else { error_log("for label:" . $linklabelname . ":" . print_r($lt, true)); } } } } else { return $reader; } return $view; }
getContent($storyID); } else { if ($functionName == "saveContent") { saveContent($storyID); } else { if ($functionName == "getTitle") { getTitle($storyID); } else { if ($functionName == "getStoryDetails") { getStoryDetails($storyID); } else { if ($functionName == "saveStory") { saveStory($storyID); } else { if ($functionName == "addConnection") { addConnection($localhost, $user, $pw, $db, $storyID); } } } } } } } } } } } } } } }
$linktypeid = required_param('linktypeid', PARAM_ALPHANUMEXT); $tonodeid = required_param('tonodeid', PARAM_ALPHANUMEXT); $toroleid = required_param('toroleid', PARAM_ALPHANUMEXT); $description = optional_param('description', "", PARAM_TEXT); $response = addConnection($fromnodeid, $fromroleid, $linktypeid, $tonodeid, $toroleid, $private, $description); break; case "addconnectionlinkname": $fromnodeid = required_param('fromnodeid', PARAM_ALPHANUMEXT); $fromroleid = required_param('fromroleid', PARAM_ALPHANUMEXT); $linktypename = required_param('linktypename', PARAM_TEXT); $tonodeid = required_param('tonodeid', PARAM_ALPHANUMEXT); $toroleid = required_param('toroleid', PARAM_ALPHANUMEXT); $description = optional_param('description', "", PARAM_TEXT); $link = getLinkTypeByLabel($linktypename); if (!$link instanceof Error) { $response = addConnection($fromnodeid, $fromroleid, $link->linktypeid, $tonodeid, $toroleid, $private, $description); } else { $ERROR = new Error(); return $ERROR->createInvalidConnectionError(); } break; case "editconnectiondescription": $connid = required_param('connid', PARAM_ALPHANUMEXT); $description = optional_param('description', "", PARAM_TEXT); $response = editConnectionDescription($connid, $description); break; case "deleteconnection": $connid = required_param('connid', PARAM_ALPHANUMEXT); $response = deleteConnection($connid); break; /** ROLES aka NODE TYPES **/
if (empty($errors)) { // GET ROLES AND LINKS AS USER $r = getRoleByName("Issue"); $roleIssue = $r->roleid; // CREATE THE ISSUE NODE $issuenode = addNode($issue, $desc, $private, $roleIssue); if (!$issuenode instanceof Error) { // Add a see also to the chat comment node this was cread from if chatnodeid exists if ($clonenodeid != "") { $clonenode = getNode($clonenodeid); $clonerolename = $clonenode->role->name; $r = getRoleByName($clonerolename); $roleClone = $r->roleid; $lt = getLinkTypeByLabel($CFG->LINK_COMMENT_BUILT_FROM); $linkComment = $lt->linktypeid; $connection = addConnection($issuenode->nodeid, $roleIssue, $linkComment, $clonenodeid, $roleClone, "N"); } /*if ($_FILES['image']['error'] == 0) { $imagedir = $HUB_FLM->getUploadsNodeDir($issuenode->nodeid); $photofilename = uploadImageToFit('image',$errors,$imagedir); if($photofilename == ""){ $photofilename = $CFG->DEFAULT_ISSUE_PHOTO; } $issuenode->updateImage($photofilename); }*/ if (isset($groupid) && $groupid != "") { $issuenode->addGroup($groupid); } /** ADD RESOURCES **/ if (empty($errors)) {
case "rejectUser": case "rejectuser": $oldignoreuserabort = ignore_user_abort(true); rejectUser(cbGetParam($_POST,'uids')); break; case "sendUserEmail": case "senduseremail": $oldignoreuserabort = ignore_user_abort(true); sendUserEmail( $option, (int) cbGetParam( $_POST, 'toID', 0 ), (int) cbGetParam( $_POST, 'fromID', 0 ), cbGetParam( $_POST, 'emailSubject', '' ), cbGetParam( $_POST, 'emailBody', '' ) ); break; case "addConnection": case "addconnection": $oldignoreuserabort = ignore_user_abort(true); addConnection( $_CB_framework->myId(), (int) cbGetParam($_REQUEST,'connectionid'), ((isset($_POST['message'])) ? cbGetParam($_POST,'message') : "")); break; case "removeConnection": case "removeconnection": $oldignoreuserabort = ignore_user_abort(true); removeConnection( $_CB_framework->myId(), (int) cbGetParam($_REQUEST, 'connectionid') ); break; case "denyConnection": case "denyconnection": $oldignoreuserabort = ignore_user_abort(true); denyConnection( $_CB_framework->myId(), (int) cbGetParam($_REQUEST,'connectionid')); break; case "acceptConnection":
function mergeSelectedNodes($issuenodeid, $groupid, $ids, $title, $desc) { global $CFG; $mainConnections = getConnectionsByNode($issuenodeid, 0, -1, 'date', 'ASC', 'all', '', 'Solution'); $mainconns = $mainConnections->connections; $r = getRoleByName("Solution"); $rolesolution = $r->roleid; // CREATE THE solution NODE $solutionnode = addNode($title, $desc, 'N', $rolesolution); if (!$solutionnode instanceof Error) { // Add to group if (isset($groupid) && $groupid != "") { addGroupToNode($solutionnode->nodeid, $groupid); } // CONNECT NODE TO FOCAL $node = getNode($issuenodeid); $r = getRoleByName($node->role->name); $focalroleid = $r->roleid; $lt = getLinkTypeByLabel($CFG->LINK_SOLUTION_ISSUE); $linkType = $lt->linktypeid; $conndesc = ""; $connection = addConnection($solutionnode->nodeid, $rolesolution, $linkType, $issuenodeid, $focalroleid, "N", $conndesc); if (!$connection instanceof Error) { // add to group if (isset($groupid) && $groupid != "") { addGroupToConnection($connection->connid, $groupid); } // CONNECT NEW NODE TO SELECT NODES $lt2 = getLinkTypeByLabel($CFG->LINK_BUILT_FROM); $linkTypeBuiltFrom = $lt2->linktypeid; //error_log(print_r($linkTypeBuiltFrom, true)); $nodesArr = split(",", $ids); foreach ($nodesArr as $nodeid2) { $n = new CNode($nodeid2); $n = $n->load(); $r = getRoleByName($n->role->name); $roleid = $r->roleid; $connection2 = addConnection($solutionnode->nodeid, $rolesolution, $linkTypeBuiltFrom, $nodeid2, $roleid, "N", $conndesc); //error_log(print_r($connection2, true)); if (!$connection2 instanceof Error) { // add to group if (isset($groupid) && $groupid != "") { addGroupToConnection($connection2->connid, $groupid); } // Link kids to new parent $conSetKids = getConnectionsByNode($nodeid2, 0, -1, 'date', 'ASC', 'all', '', 'Pro,Con,Comment'); $conns = $conSetKids->connections; foreach ($conns as $con) { $from = $con->from; $r2 = getRoleByName($from->role->name); $fromroleid = $r2->roleid; //error_log('nextfrom:'.print_r($from, true)); $lt3 = getLinkTypeByLabel($CFG->LINK_COMMENT_NODE); $linkType3 = $lt3->linktypeid; if ($from->role->name == "Pro") { $lt3 = getLinkTypeByLabel($CFG->LINK_PRO_SOLUTION); $linkType3 = $lt3->linktypeid; } else { if ($from->role->name == "Con") { $lt3 = getLinkTypeByLabel($CFG->LINK_CON_SOLUTION); $linkType3 = $lt3->linktypeid; } } // Connect the children of each node being merged to the new node $connection3 = addConnection($from->nodeid, $fromroleid, $linkType3, $solutionnode->nodeid, $rolesolution, "N", $conndesc); if (!$connection3 instanceof Error) { // add to group if (isset($groupid) && $groupid != "") { addGroupToConnection($connection3->connid, $groupid); } } else { //error_log(print_r($connection3, true)); } // retire old connection $con->updateStatus($CFG->STATUS_RETIRED); } // retire connection to parent foreach ($mainconns as $con) { $from = $con->from; if ($from->nodeid == $nodeid2) { $con->updateStatus($CFG->STATUS_RETIRED); } } // retire node $n->updateStatus($CFG->STATUS_RETIRED); } else { return $connection2; } } } else { return $connection; } } return $solutionnode; }
if (empty($errors)) { $currentUser = $USER; $orinode = getNode($nodeid); $r = getRoleByName($orinode->role->name); $roleid = $r->roleid; $i = 0; $count = count($ideanamearray); for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $name = $ideanamearray[$i]; $desc = $ideadescarray[$i]; $newconn = addNodeAndConnect($name, $desc, 'Solution', $debateid, $CFG->LINK_SOLUTION_ISSUE, 'from', $groupid = "", 'N'); $newnode = $newconn->from; // CONNECT NEW NODE TO SELECT NODES $lt2 = getLinkTypeByLabel($CFG->LINK_BUILT_FROM); $linkTypeBuiltFrom = $lt2->linktypeid; $connection = addConnection($newnode->nodeid, $newnode->role->roleid, $linkTypeBuiltFrom, $orinode->nodeid, $roleid, "N", ""); // add to group if (!$connection instanceof Error && isset($groupid) && $groupid != "") { addGroupToConnection($connection->connid, $groupid); } } // need to become the owner of the node you are editing the status of //$USER = $orinode->users[0]; $orinode->updateStatus($CFG->STATUS_RETIRED); echo '<script type=\'text/javascript\'>'; //echo 'window.opener.location.href = "'.$CFG->homeAddress.'user.php?id='.$USER->userid.'";'; echo "\t window.opener.location.reload(true);"; echo 'window.close();'; echo '</script>'; include_once $HUB_FLM->getCodeDirPath("ui/footerdialog.php"); die;
$currentUser = $USER; // GET ROLE FOR USER $r = getRoleByName("Solution"); $roleSolution = $r->roleid; // CREATE THE solution NODE $solutionnode = addNode($solution, $desc, $private, $roleSolution); if (!$solutionnode instanceof Error) { // Add a see also to the chat comment node this was cread from if chatnodeid exists if ($clonenodeid != "") { $clonenode = getNode($clonenodeid); $clonerolename = $clonenode->role->name; $r = getRoleByName($clonerolename); $roleClone = $r->roleid; $lt = getLinkTypeByLabel($CFG->LINK_COMMENT_BUILT_FROM); $linkComment = $lt->linktypeid; $connection = addConnection($solutionnode->nodeid, $roleSolution, $linkComment, $clonenodeid, $roleClone, "N"); } /** ADD RESOURCES **/ if (empty($errors)) { $lt = getLinkTypeByLabel('is related to'); $linkRelated = $lt->linktypeid; $i = 0; foreach ($resourceurlarray as $resourceurl) { $resourcetitle = trim($resourcetitlearray[$i]); // If they have entered nothing, don't do anything. if ($resourcetitle == "" && ($resourceurl == "http://" || $resourceurl == "")) { break; } //check all fields entered if ($resourcetitle != "" && ($resourceurl == "http://" || $resourceurl == "")) { array_push($errors, $LNG->FORM_RESOURCE_URL_REQUIRED);