  * save the contents of this class as a transient
  * @access private
  * @since 3.8.14
  * @return none
 public static function save()
     if (self::_dirty()) {
         $mydata = array();
         // This all about which maps to we want to have available as soon as this class is initialized?
         // Serialize those maps into the saved verison of this object.
         $mydata['_maps_to_save_with_core_class'] = self::$_maps_to_save_with_core_class;
         foreach (self::$_maps_to_save_with_core_class as $map_name => $save_map) {
             if ($save_map) {
                 $mydata[$map_name] = self::${$map_name};
         _wpsc_set_transient(self::transient_name(), $mydata);
         self::$_dirty = false;
  * Make sure the data is available
  * @access public
  * @since 3.8.14
  * @return string  a map name to uniquely identify this map so it can be saved and restored
 private function _confirm_data_ready()
     if (!is_array($this->_map_data)) {
         // if this is a named map we can try to restore it from the transient store
         if (!empty($this->_map_name)) {
             // TODO: Maybe figure out why this causes problems with APC caches, or maybe it doesn't?
             // In any case because transients can be deleted at any time commenting this out should
             // merely force a rebuild.
             // see https://wordpress.org/support/topic/fatal-error-wpsc_countries/page/2?replies=49#post-6812338
             $this->_map_data = _wpsc_get_transient($this->_map_name);
         // if we still don't have a valid map and there is a constructor callback use it
         if (!is_array($this->_map_data) && !empty($this->_map_callback) && is_callable($this->_map_callback)) {
             static $already_invoking_callback = array();
             // the callback could be a string or an array, we can keep track of
             // who's call we are processing tp avoid a recursion problem, just in case!
             $callback_unique_key = md5(json_encode($this->_map_callback));
             if (!array_key_exists($callback_unique_key, $already_invoking_callback)) {
                 $already_invoking_callback[$callback_unique_key] = true;
                 $this->_map_data = array();
                 // callback has a single parameter, the data map
                 call_user_func($this->_map_callback, $this);
                 if (!is_array($this->_map_data)) {
                     $this->_map_data = array();
                 if (!empty($this->_map_name)) {
                     _wpsc_set_transient($this->_map_name, $this->_map_data);
                 // we just loaded and saved the data, that makes it not dirty
                 $this->_dirty = false;
             } else {
                 if (is_array($this->_map_callback)) {
                     $function = $this->_map_callback[0] . '::' . $this->_map_callback[1];
                 } else {
                     $function = $this->_map_callback;
                 _wpsc_doing_it_wrong($function, __('WPSC_Data_Map map creation callback is recursively calling itself.', 'wpsc'), '3.8.14');
         // if we still don't have valid map data create an empty array
         if (!is_array($this->_map_data)) {
             $this->_map_data = array();
     return is_array($this->_map_data);