$divs[] = $MyRow->DivId; } $Divisions = implode(',', array_unique($divs)); // get the classes based on the division selected $Select2 = "select ClId, ClValidClass, DivId from Classes" . " inner join Divisions on DivTournament=ClTournament and DivAthlete=ClAthlete" . ($Div ? " AND DivId='{$Div}'" : '') . " where ClTournament={$_SESSION['TourId']}" . " AND (ClDivisionsAllowed='' or find_in_set(DivId, ClDivisionsAllowed))" . " AND ClSex in (-1, {$Sex})" . ($Age ? " and (ClAthlete!='1' or (ClAgeFrom<={$Age} and ClAgeTo>={$Age}))" : '') . " order by ClViewOrder, DivViewOrder "; $RsCl = safe_r_sql($Select2); while ($MyRow = safe_fetch($RsCl)) { $clas[] = $MyRow->ClId; } // get the VALID classes based on the division and class selected $Select3 = "select ClId, ClValidClass, DivId from Classes" . " inner join Divisions on DivTournament=ClTournament and DivAthlete=ClAthlete" . ($Div ? " AND DivId='{$Div}'" : '') . " where ClTournament={$_SESSION['TourId']}" . " AND (ClDivisionsAllowed='' or find_in_set(DivId, ClDivisionsAllowed))" . " AND ClSex in (-1, {$Sex})" . ($Clas ? " AND ClId='{$Clas}'" : '') . ($Age ? " and (ClAthlete!='1' or (ClAgeFrom<={$Age} and ClAgeTo>={$Age}))" : '') . " order by ClViewOrder, DivViewOrder "; $RsCl = safe_r_sql($Select3); while ($MyRow = safe_fetch($RsCl)) { $vald = array_merge($vald, explode(',', $MyRow->ClValidClass)); } if ($Age or $Sex !== false or $Div) { $AgeClass = implode(',', array_unique($clas)); $Classes = implode(',', array_unique($vald)); } header('Content-Type: text/xml'); print '<response>' . "\n"; print '<error>' . $Errore . '</error>' . "\n"; print '<dob><![CDATA[' . RevertDate($ctrlCode) . ']]></dob>' . "\n"; print '<divisions><![CDATA[' . $Divisions . ']]></divisions>' . "\n"; print '<ageclass><![CDATA[' . $AgeClass . ']]></ageclass>' . "\n"; print '<classes><![CDATA[' . $Classes . ']]></classes>' . "\n"; print '<sql><![CDATA[' . "{$Select1}\n{$Select2}\n{$Select3}" . ']]></sql>' . "\n"; print '</response>' . "\n"; ?>
function GoodDate($TheDate) { return RevertDate($TheDate) === false ? false : true; }