if (!$TI_save_error) {
    //------------------------------------- debug
    IIRS_0_debug_print("  native_user_ID:{$native_user_ID} (don't forget that all emails on dev point to annesley newholms yahoo email address)");
    IIRS_0_debug_print("  native_ti_ID:{$native_ti_ID}");
    //------------------------------------- get some nice domain names for this town
    $domains_found = false;
    $domain_part = $location_is_example ? 'bedford' : $town_name;
    $nice_domains_html = '';
    // internationalisation of nice_domain array and TLD array
    $nice_domains = IIRS_0_get_nice_domains($domain_part);
    IIRS_0_debug_print('nice_domain stems:');
    //using our tld list is too time consuming
    //could use threads but beyond scope for now
    $effective_tld_names = file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/effective_tld_names.dat.txt');
    $aAllFileEntries     = explode("\n", $effective_tld_names);
    $all_TLDs               = array();
    foreach ($aAllFileEntries as $entry) {
      if (strlen($entry) && substr($entry, 0, 2) != '//') {
        $all_TLDs[] = $entry;
    IIRS_0_debug_print("check potential domain string [$domain_part] combinations against [" . count($all_TLDs) . "] TLDs:");
  Below is the current list of domain name checks that will be run.
  Do not create more than 5 because, currently, the checking is time consuming.
if (IIRS_0_translation('nice_domains') == 'nice_domains') {
    print 'It is currently the <b>English</b> default list.';
if (count($nice_domains) * count($all_TLDs) > 20) {
    print '<br/><b style="color:red">Too many domain checks (nice_domains * nice_tlds > 20). This will take too much time!</b>';
$nice_domains = IIRS_0_get_nice_domains('{$domain_part}');
foreach ($nice_domains as $nice_domain) {
    print "<li>{$nice_domain}</li>";

  The Top-Level-Domains are also configurable by translating the "<i>nice_tlds</i>" string.
  It should look something like this:
  Below is the current list of domain name checks that will be run.
if (IIRS_0_translation('nice_tlds') == 'nice_tlds') {
    print 'It is currently the <b>English</b> default list with your domain added.';