function ProcessImageName($imagename)
    global $imagelist, $imagelistfull;
    global $imagecount;
    GetImagePaths($imagename, $fullpath, $thumbpath);
    $size = GlassyImageSize($fullpath, $imagename);
    if ($size[0] && $size[1] && ($size[2] == 99 || $size[2] < 4)) {
        $fileroot = explode('.', basename($imagename));
        EnsureThumbnail($imagename, $size, THUMBSIZE);
        if (strcmp($fileroot[0], "null")) {
            $imagelist[$imagecount] = $imagename;
            $imagelistfull[$imagecount] = $thumbpath;
// Set Up Images
// handle uploaded image, if any
// make sure a user image directory exists
@mkdir(USRIMGPATH, 0700);
@chmod(USRIMGPATH, 0700);
@mkdir(USRIMGTHUMBPATH, 0755);
@chmod(USRIMGTHUMBPATH, 0755);
if (!empty($_FILES[USERIMG]['tmp_name']) && $_FILES[USERIMG]['size'] < MAXUSRIMGSIZE) {
    $imagename = tempnam(USRIMGPATH, "");
    move_uploaded_file($_FILES[USERIMG]['tmp_name'], $imagename);
    $_SESSION[USRIMGFILE] = $imagename;
    $image_name = $_SESSION[USRIMGNAME];
    // create a thumbnail
    $size = GlassyImageSize($imagename, $image_name);
    if ($size[0] && $size[1] && ($size[2] == 99 || $size[2] < 4)) {
        $fileroot = explode('.', basename($imagename));
        EnsureThumbnail($image_name, $size, THUMBSIZE);
// fix up strings that should be lower case
$color = strtolower($color);
$grcolor = strtolower($grcolor);
$text_color = strtolower($text_color);
$back_color = strtolower($back_color);
$font_style = strtolower($font_style);
$rcolor = strtolower($rcolor);
$rgrcolor = strtolower($rgrcolor);
$rtext_color = strtolower($rtext_color);
$image_foregroundcolor = strtolower($image_foregroundcolor);
function MakeGradientFilledButtonPolygon($qualityfactor, $width_temp, $height_temp, &$actwoa, &$acthoa, $radius_temp, $color_inner, $color_outer, $text, $text_height_temp, $text_color = "black", $bkcolor = "white", $image_locate, $image_height_temp, $image_name, $image_foreground, $image_foregroundcolor, $image_transparent, $image_transparentcolor, $font_path = "")
    $width = $qualityfactor * $width_temp;
    $height = $qualityfactor * $height_temp;
    $radius = $qualityfactor * $radius_temp;
    $text_height = $qualityfactor * $text_height_temp;
    $image_height = $qualityfactor * $image_height_temp;
    $fontname = $font_path;
    if ($fontname == "") {
        $fontname = FONT;
    $baseimage = MakeFilledButtonPolygon($width, $height, $actwoa, $acthoa, $radius, $color_outer, $bkcolor);
    $ccolor_outer = new cColor($color_outer);
    $ccolor_inner = new cColor($color_inner);
    if ($radius > 0) {
        /* construct a gradient fill for this button */
        for ($step = 0, $newr = $radius, $newh = $height, $neww = $width; $newr > 0; $step++, $newr--, $newh -= 2, $neww -= 2) {
            $newcolor = $ccolor_outer->GradientColor($ccolor_inner, 100 * sqrt(($radius - $newr) / $radius));
            $overlayimage = MakeFilledButtonPolygon($neww, $newh, $actw, $acth, $newr, $newcolor->ColorHexVal());
            imagecopymerge($baseimage, $overlayimage, $step, ($acthoa - $acth) / 1.5, 0, 0, $actw, $acth, 100);
            //      imagecopymerge($baseimage, $overlayimage, $step, ($acthoa-$acth)/2, 0, 0, $actw, $acth, 100);
    $ctcolor = new cColor($text_color);
    $blk = $ctcolor->Allocate($baseimage);
    imagealphablending($baseimage, TRUE);
    // find out the size of the text at that font size
    $txtlns = explode("\n", $text);
    $linecount = count($txtlns);
    $i = $linecount;
    foreach ($txtlns as $txtln) {
        $bbox = imagettfbbox($text_height, 0, $fontname, $txtln);
        $left_text = $bbox[0];
        $right_text = $bbox[2];
        $text_w = $right_text - $left_text;
        $text_x = $actwoa / 2.0 - $text_w / 2.0;
        if ($left_text < 0) {
            $text_x += abs($left_text);
        // add factor for left overhang
        $text_y = $acthoa / 2 + $text_height / 2 * $linecount + $text_height / 6 * ($linecount - 1) - $text_height * ($i - 1) - $text_height / 3 * ($i - 1);
        $textlines[] = array('text' => $txtln, 'x' => $text_x, 'y' => $text_y, 'w' => $text_w);
        $widths[] = $text_w;
    $maxwidth = max($widths);
    $foreground_custom = strcmp($image_foreground, "custom") == 0;
    $foreground_auto = strcmp($image_foreground, "auto") == 0;
    $foreground_none = strcmp($image_foreground, "none") == 0;
    $transparent_custom = strcmp($image_transparent, "custom") == 0;
    $transparent_auto = strcmp($image_transparent, "auto") == 0;
    $transparent_none = strcmp($image_transparent, "none") == 0;
    $cicolor = new cColor("black");
    if ($foreground_custom) {
        $cicolor = new cColor($image_foregroundcolor);
    $citcolor = new cColor("white");
    if ($transparent_custom) {
        $citcolor = new cColor($image_transparentcolor);
    GetImagePaths($image_name, $img_path, $thumbpath);
    //  $img_size = @getimagesize($img_path);
    $img_size = GlassyImageSize($img_path, $image_name);
    $img_overlay = "invalid";
    switch ($img_size[2]) {
        case IMAGETYPE_GIF:
            $img_overlay = imagecreatefromgif($img_path);
        case IMAGETYPE_JPEG:
            $img_overlay = imagecreatefromjpeg($img_path);
        case IMAGETYPE_PNG:
            $img_overlay = imagecreatefrompng($img_path);
        case 99:
            // double-secret code for SVG
            $destfile = tempnam(IMGPATH, "");
            @rename($destfile, $destfile . ".png");
            $destfile = $destfile . ".png";
            // we limit svg conversions to TWO colors only because there is no way to disable
            // antialiasing and antialiased images look like hell when we do color conversions
            // at a later step..  so, SVG images are relatively useless at this time
            $execarg = IMCONVERT . " -resize 10000" . "x{$image_height} -colors 2 {$img_path} {$destfile}";
            $img_overlay = imagecreatefrompng($destfile);
            $img_size[0] = imagesx($img_overlay);
            $img_size[1] = imagesy($img_overlay);
    // image and text!
    $img_newh = 0;
    $img_neww = 0;
    $img_x = 0;
    $img_y = 0;
    if ($img_overlay !== "invalid") {
        $img_newh = $image_height;
        $img_neww = $img_newh * $img_size[0] / $img_size[1];
        // palettize the user image if not already
        imagetruecolortopalette($img_overlay, FALSE, 256);
        // find the "foreground" color index, if configured to do so
        if (!$foreground_none) {
            $foregroundindex = imagecolorclosest($img_overlay, $cicolor->red, $cicolor->green, $cicolor->blue);
            // and set it to the text color
            if ($foregroundindex > -1) {
                imagecolorset($img_overlay, $foregroundindex, $ctcolor->red, $ctcolor->green, $ctcolor->blue);
        // find the transparent "background" color index, if configured to do so
        if (!$transparent_none) {
            $backgroundindex = imagecolorclosest($img_overlay, $citcolor->red, $citcolor->green, $citcolor->blue);
            if ($backgroundindex > -1) {
                imagecolortransparent($img_overlay, $backgroundindex);
        $img_y = $acthoa / 2 - $img_newh / 2;
        $img_x = $actwoa / 2 - $img_neww / 2;
    // make adjustments for relative positions
    if (strcmp($image_locate, "left") == 0) {
        $img_x -= $maxwidth / 2 + 5;
        foreach ($textlines as &$textline) {
            $textline['x'] += $img_neww / 2;
    } else {
        if (strcmp($image_locate, "right") == 0) {
            $img_x += $maxwidth / 2 + 5;
            foreach ($textlines as &$textline) {
                $textline['x'] -= $img_neww / 2;
    if ($img_overlay !== "invalid" && strcmp($image_locate, "none") != 0) {
        imagecopyresampled($baseimage, $img_overlay, $img_x, $img_y, 0, 0, $img_neww, $img_newh, $img_size[0], $img_size[1]);
    foreach ($textlines as $textline) {
        ImageTTFText($baseimage, $text_height, 0, $textline['x'], $textline['y'], $blk, $fontname, $textline['text']);
    if ($radius > 0) {
        $radiusstart = floor($radius / 1.2);
        $radiuslimit = floor($radius / 2.2);
        $outersteps = $radiusstart - $radiuslimit;
        $blendfactor = 100;
        if ($outersteps) {
            $blendfactor = 100 * sqrt(1 / $outersteps);
        // construct a hilight for this button
        //    $chilitecolor = imagecolorresolvealpha ( $baseimage, 255, 255, 255, 80);
        for ($newr = $radiusstart; $newr >= $radiuslimit; $newr--) {
            $chilitecolor = imagecolorresolvealpha($baseimage, 255, 255, 255, 100 - floor(100 * ($newr - $radiuslimit) / ($radiusstart - $radiuslimit)));
            MyImageArc($baseimage, $radius - 1, $radius, 2 * $radiusstart, 2 * $newr, 180, 270, $chilitecolor);
            if ($actwoa > 2 * $radius) {
                ImageLine($baseimage, $radius, $radius - $newr, $actwoa - $radius - 1, $radius - $newr, $chilitecolor);
            MyImageArc($baseimage, $actwoa - $radius, $radius, 2 * $radiusstart, 2 * $newr, 270, 0, $chilitecolor);
    $imagetemp = tempnam(IMGPATH, "");
    ImagePNG($baseimage, $imagetemp);
    // experimental, fill the corners with transparent color
    if (strcmp(strtoupper($bkcolor), "CLEAR") == 0) {
        $execarg = IMMOGRIFY . " -transparent #454545 {$imagetemp}";
    if ($qualityfactor > 1) {
        $neww = $actwoa / $qualityfactor;
        $newh = $acthoa / $qualityfactor;
        $execarg = IMMOGRIFY . " -resize " . $neww . "x" . $newh . " {$imagetemp}";
    return $imagetemp;