function Context(&$Configuration)
     $this->Configuration =& $Configuration;
     $this->BodyAttributes = '';
     $this->StyleUrl = '';
     $this->PageTitle = '';
     $this->Dictionary = array();
     $this->DelegateCollection = array();
     $this->PassThruVars = array();
     $this->CommentFormats = array();
     $this->CommentFormats[] = 'Text';
     // Create an object factory
     $this->ObjectFactory = new ObjectFactory();
     // Current Mode
     $this->Mode = ForceIncomingCookieString('Mode', '');
     // Url of the current page (this should be hard-coded by each page since php server vars are unreliable)
     $this->SelfUrl = ForceString($Configuration['SELF_URL'], 'index.php');
     // Instantiate a SqlCollector (for debugging)
     $this->SqlCollector = new MessageCollector();
     $this->SqlCollector->CssClass = 'Sql';
     // Instantiate a Warning collector (for user errors)
     $this->WarningCollector = new MessageCollector();
     // Instantiate an Error manager (for fatal errors)
     $this->ErrorManager = new ErrorManager();
     // Instantiate a Database object (for performing database actions)
     $this->Database = new $Configuration['DATABASE_SERVER']($this);
     // Instantiate the string manipulation object
     $this->StringManipulator = new StringManipulator($this->Configuration);
     // Add the plain text manipulator
     $TextFormatter = new TextFormatter();
     $this->StringManipulator->AddManipulator($Configuration['DEFAULT_FORMAT_TYPE'], $TextFormatter);
 function Context()
     // Create an object factory
     $this->ObjectFactory = new ObjectFactory();
     // Current Mode
     $this->Mode = ForceIncomingCookieString("Mode", "");
     // Url of the current page
     $this->SelfUrl = basename(ForceString(@$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], "index.php"));
     // Instantiate a SqlCollector (for debugging)
     $this->SqlCollector = new MessageCollector();
     $this->SqlCollector->CssClass = "Sql";
     // Instantiate a Warning collector (for user errors)
     $this->WarningCollector = new MessageCollector();
     // Instantiate an Error manager (for fatal errors)
     $this->ErrorManager = new ErrorManager();
     // Instantiate a Database object (for performing database actions)
     $this->Database = new MySQL(dbHOST, dbNAME, dbUSER, dbPASSWORD, $this);
 function GetIdentity()
     if (!session_id()) {
     $UserID = ForceInt(@$_SESSION[$this->Context->Configuration['SESSION_USER_IDENTIFIER']], 0);
     if ($UserID == 0) {
         // UserID wasn't found in the session, so attempt to retrieve it from the cookies
         // Retrieve cookie values
         $EncryptedUserID = ForceIncomingCookieString($this->Context->Configuration['COOKIE_USER_KEY'], '');
         $VerificationKey = ForceIncomingCookieString($this->Context->Configuration['COOKIE_VERIFICATION_KEY'], '');
         if ($EncryptedUserID != '' && $VerificationKey != '') {
             // Compare against db values
             // Sadly, because this class is meant to be an interface for distributed objects, I can't use any of the error checking in the Lussumo Framework
             $Query = "select UserID\n               from LUM_User\n               where VerificationKey = '" . FormatStringForDatabaseInput($VerificationKey) . "'";
             $Result = $this->Context->Database->Execute($Query, 'Authenticator', 'GetIdentity', 'An error occurred while attempting to validate your remember me credentials');
             if ($Result) {
                 $UserID = 0;
                 while ($rows = $this->Context->Database->GetRow($Result)) {
                     if ($EncryptedUserID == md5($rows['UserID'])) {
                         $UserID = ForceInt($rows['UserID'], 0);
                         $EncryptedUserID = $rows['EncryptedUserID'];
                 if ($UserID > 0) {
                     // 1. Set a new verification key
                     $VerificationKey = DefineVerificationKey();
                     // 2. Update the user's information
                     $this->UpdateLastVisit($UserID, $VerificationKey);
                     // 3. Set the 'remember me' cookies
                     $this->SetCookieCredentials($EncryptedUserID, $VerificationKey);
                     // 4. Log the user's IP address
     // If it has now been found, set up the session.
     return $UserID;
 function Context()
     $this->BodyAttributes = "";
     $this->StyleUrl = "";
     $this->PageTitle = "";
     $this->Dictionary = array();
     $this->CommentFormats = array();
     $this->CommentFormats[] = "Text";
     $this->CommentFormats[] = "Html";
     // Create an object factory
     $this->ObjectFactory = new ObjectFactory();
     // Current Mode
     $this->Mode = ForceIncomingCookieString("Mode", "");
     // Url of the current page
     $this->SelfUrl = basename(ForceString(@$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], "index.php"));
     // Instantiate a string writer
     $this->Writer = new Writer();
     // Instantiate a SqlCollector (for debugging)
     $this->SqlCollector = new MessageCollector();
     $this->SqlCollector->CssClass = "Sql";
     // Instantiate a Warning collector (for user errors)
     $this->WarningCollector = new MessageCollector();
     // Instantiate an Error manager (for fatal errors)
     $this->ErrorManager = new ErrorManager();
     // Instantiate a Database object (for performing database actions)
     $this->Database = new MySQL(dbHOST, dbNAME, dbUSER, dbPASSWORD, $this);
     // Instantiate the string manipulation object
     $this->StringManipulator = new StringManipulator();
     // Add the plain text manipulator
     $TextFormatter = new TextFormatter();
     $this->StringManipulator->AddManipulator(agDEFAULTSTRINGFORMAT, $TextFormatter);
     // Instantiate a Session object (to identify and profile the current user)
     $this->Session = new Session();
     // The style url (as defined by the user session)
     if (@$this->Session->User) {
         $this->StyleUrl = ForceString($this->Session->User->StyleUrl, agDEFAULT_STYLE);
 function GetIdentity()
     if (!session_id()) {
         session_set_cookie_params(0, $this->Context->Configuration['COOKIE_PATH'], $this->Context->Configuration['COOKIE_DOMAIN']);
     $UserID = ForceInt(@$_SESSION[$this->Context->Configuration['SESSION_USER_IDENTIFIER']], 0);
     if ($UserID == 0) {
         // UserID wasn't found in the session, so attempt to retrieve it from the cookies
         // Retrieve cookie values
         $CookieUserID = ForceIncomingCookieString($this->Context->Configuration['COOKIE_USER_KEY'], '');
         $VerificationKey = ForceIncomingCookieString($this->Context->Configuration['COOKIE_VERIFICATION_KEY'], '');
         if ($CookieUserID != '' && $VerificationKey != '') {
             // Compare against db values
             $s = $this->Context->ObjectFactory->NewContextObject($this->Context, 'SqlBuilder');
             $s->SetMainTable('User', 'u');
             $s->AddJoin('Role', 'r', 'RoleID', 'u', 'RoleID', 'inner join');
             $s->AddSelect('UserID', 'u');
             $s->AddWhere('u', 'UserID', '', FormatStringForDatabaseInput($CookieUserID), '=');
             $s->AddWhere('u', 'VerificationKey', '', FormatStringForDatabaseInput($VerificationKey), '=');
             $Result = $this->Context->Database->Select($s, 'Authenticator', 'GetIdentity', 'An error occurred while attempting to validate your remember me credentials');
             if ($Result) {
                 while ($rows = $this->Context->Database->GetRow($Result)) {
                     $UserID = ForceInt($rows['UserID'], 0);
                 if ($UserID > 0) {
                     // 1. Update the user's information
                     // 2. Log the user's IP address
     // If it has now been found, set up the session.
     return $UserID;

* Copyright 2003 - 2005 Mark O'Sullivan
* This file is part of Vanilla.
* Vanilla is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* Vanilla is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Vanilla; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
* The latest source code for Vanilla is available at
* Contact Mark O'Sullivan at mark [at] lussumo [dot] com
* Description: Uses cookies to turn debugging information on and off
include "library/Utility.Functions.php";
$Mode = ForceIncomingCookieString("Mode", "RELEASE");
$PageAction = ForceIncomingString("PageAction", "");
if ($PageAction == "ToggleDebug") {
    if ($Mode == "DEBUG") {
        $Mode = "RELEASE";
    } elseif ($Mode == "RELEASE") {
        $Mode = "UPGRADE";
    } else {
        $Mode = "DEBUG";
    setcookie("Mode", $Mode, time() + 31104000, "/");
// Display the page //
if ($PageAction == "ToggleDebug") {
    echo "processing...\r\n\t<script>\r\n\tsetTimeout(\"document.location='debug.php';\",600);\r\n\t</script>";
 function ValidateCookieCredentials()
     // Retrieve cookie values
     $EncryptedUserID = ForceIncomingCookieString("pass", "");
     $VerificationKey = ForceIncomingCookieString("name", "");
     $UserID = 0;
     $EGW_Session_ID = ForceIncomingCookieString("sessionid", "");
     if ($EGW_Session_ID != "") {
         $s = $this->Context->ObjectFactory->NewContextObject($this->Context, "SqlBuilder");
         $s->SetMainTable("phpgw_config", "egwc", "");
         $s->AddSelect("config_value", "egwc");
         $s->AddWhere("config_app", "phpgwapi", "=");
         $s->AddWhere("config_name", "sessions_timeout", "=");
         $r = $this->Context->Database->Select($this->Context, $s, $this->Name, "GetEGWSessionsTimeout", "An error occurred while getting sessions timeout", 0);
         if (!$r) {
             $this->Context->WarningCollector->Add($this->Context->GetDefinition("ErrBadSessionsTimeout") . $this->Context->Database->ConnectionError());
         } else {
             while ($rows = $this->Context->Database->GetRow($r)) {
                 $EGW_Sessions_Timeout = ForceInt($rows['config_value'], 0);
         $s = $this->Context->ObjectFactory->NewContextObject($this->Context, "SqlBuilder");
         $s->SetMainTable("phpgw_sessions", "egws", "");
         $s->AddSelect(array("session_id", "session_lid", "session_dla"), "egws");
         $s->AddSelect("account_id", "egwu", "UserID");
         $s->AddJoin("phpgw_accounts", "egwu", "account_lid", "egws", "session_lid", "left join", "");
         $s->AddWhere("session_id", $EGW_Session_ID, "=");
         $s->AddWhere("session_dla", time() - $EGW_Sessions_Timeout, ">");
         $r = $this->Context->Database->Select($this->Context, $s, $this->Name, "GetEGWSession", "An error occurred while getting session", 0);
         if (!$r) {
             $this->Context->WarningCollector->Add($this->Context->GetDefinition("ErrBadSession") . $this->Context->Database->ConnectionError());
         } else {
             while ($rows = $this->Context->Database->GetRow($r)) {
                 $UserID = ForceInt($rows['UserID'], 0);
     		if ($EncryptedUserID != "" && $VerificationKey != "") {
     			// Compare against db values
     			$s = $this->Context->ObjectFactory->NewContextObject($this->Context, "SqlBuilder");
     			$s->SetMainTable("User", "u");
     			$s->AddSelect("UserID", "u");
     			$s->AddSelect("UserID", "u", "EncryptedUserID", "md5");
     			$s->AddWhere("md5(UserID)", $EncryptedUserID, "=");
     			$s->AddWhere("VerificationKey", $VerificationKey, "=");
     			$UserResult = $this->Context->Database->Select($this->Context, $s, $this->Name, "ValidateCookieCredentials", "An error occurred while validating your credentials", 0);
     			if (!$UserResult) {
     			} else {
     				if ($this->Context->Database->RowCount($UserResult) == 0) {
     					// Silently fail if checking cookie credentials fails
     				} else {
     					// Set session variables
     					while ($rows = $this->Context->Database->GetRow($UserResult)) {
     						$UserID = ForceInt($rows['UserID'], 0);
     					if ($UserID > 0) {
     						// Set a new verification key
                       $VerificationKey = $this->DefineVerificationKey();
     						// Update the user's information
                       $this->UpdateLastVisit($UserID, $VerificationKey);
     						// Set the "remembery" cookies
     						$this->SetCookieCredentials($EncryptedUserID, $VerificationKey);
     return $UserID;
 function GetIdentity()
     if (!session_id()) {
         if ($this->Context->Configuration['SESSION_NAME']) {
         session_set_cookie_params(0, $this->Context->Configuration['COOKIE_PATH'], $this->Context->Configuration['COOKIE_DOMAIN']);
     $UserID = ForceInt(@$_SESSION[$this->Context->Configuration['SESSION_USER_IDENTIFIER']], 0);
     if ($UserID == 0) {
         // UserID wasn't found in the session, so attempt to retrieve it from the cookies
         // Retrieve cookie values
         $CookieUserID = ForceIncomingCookieString($this->Context->Configuration['COOKIE_USER_KEY'], '');
         $VerificationKey = ForceIncomingCookieString($this->Context->Configuration['COOKIE_VERIFICATION_KEY'], '');
         $UserManager = $this->Context->ObjectFactory->NewContextObject($this->Context, 'UserManager');
         $UserID = $UserManager->ValidateVerificationKey($CookieUserID, $VerificationKey);
         if ($UserID > 0) {
             // 1. Update the user's information
             $UserManager->UpdateUserLastVisit($UserID, $VerificationKey);
             // 2. Log the user's IP address
             // If it has now been found, set up the session.
     return $UserID;
 function GetIdentity()
     $UserID = $this->Context->Session->GetVariable($this->Context->Configuration['SESSION_USER_IDENTIFIER'], 'int');
     if ($UserID == 0) {
         // UserID wasn't found in the session, so attempt to retrieve it from the cookies
         // Retrieve cookie values
         $EncryptedUserID = ForceIncomingCookieString($this->Context->Configuration['COOKIE_USER_KEY'], '');
         $VerificationKey = ForceIncomingCookieString($this->Context->Configuration['COOKIE_VERIFICATION_KEY'], '');
         $UserManager = $this->Context->ObjectFactory->NewContextObject($this->Context, 'UserManager');
         $UserID = $this->ValidateVerificationKey($UserManager, $EncryptedUserID, $VerificationKey);
         if ($UserID > 0) {
             // 1. Update the user's information
             $UserManager->UpdateUserLastVisit($UserID, $VerificationKey);
             // 2. Log the user's IP address
             // If it has now been found, set up the session.
     return $UserID;