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The R extension allows to integrate output (raw text, HTML and graphics) from R and Octave programs, which are free software environments for statistical computing and graphics, on wiki pages.


For the usage see Extension:R at the mediawiki web site and my web page.


  • Go to the extensions directory of your MediaWiki installation.
  • Call git clone
  • Edit your LocalSettings.php and add at the end include("$IP/extensions/R/R.php");
  • Create a directory Rfiles in the root of your MediaWiki installation and make it read- and writable for the webserver account

For detailled installation and and configuration instructions see my web page.


  1. The extension is potentially a security reason, since it runs R and/or Octave code embedded in a wiki page. The code could be malicious, especially when anonymous editing in your wiki is allowed.
  2. The software is licensed under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE, Version 3, for details see LICENSE.