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#Recipe Finder Challenge


for running tests insure that composer is run

composer install

Running Application

From the root directory run the following command

php src/index.php <ingredients CSV> <recipes JSON>

replacng ingredients CSV with the path to the the a CSV file and recipes JSON with the path to the json file


php src/index.php ./resources/fridge.csv ./resources/recipes.json

The above example will always return no result as the expiry dates provided are in the past. An example of a working test with valid dates can be found using the following example:

php src/index.php ./resources/fridge2015.csv ./resources/recipes.json


Given a list of items in the fridge (presented as a csv list), and a collection of recipes (a collection of JSON formatted recipes), produce a recommendation for what to cook tonight.

Program should be written to take two inputs; fridge csv list, and the json recipe data. How you choose to implement this is up to you; you can write a console application which takes input file names as command line args, or as a web page which takes input through a form.

The only rule is that it must run and return a valid result using the provided input data.


Create a command line PHP application that uses PHPUnit testing.

The Application will consist of 2 data services:

  1. Will parse and valid the CSV input file
  2. Will parse and valid the JSON file

CSV Validation needs to ensure each row of the CSV contains 4 columns.

Column Type
1 String
2 Int
3 String
4 DateTime

JSON Validation needs to ensure the data structure is an array of objects.

Each object must contain 2 key/value pairs

Key Value
name String
ingredients[] Array of objects

ingredients should not be empty (incomplete recipe). Each array row contains an object of 2 key/value pairs

Key Value
item String
amount Int
unit String


  • An ingredient that is past its useby date cannot be used for cooking.
  • If more than one recipe is found, then preference should be given to the recipe with the closest useby item
  • If no recipe is found, the program should return “Order Takeout”
  • Program should be allinclusive and a run script included
  • Please provide a complete copy of a git repository, or a link to a github/public repo
    • We want to be able to see your commit history
  • Include unit tests

Using the sample input above, the program should return "salad sandwich".


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