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PHP Library for Ontraport REST API

Installation - Using Composer

in order to use the library you need to update your require config in composer.json like this

"require": {
    "preluigi/ontraport": "dev-master"

Simple overview and usage

First you need to instantiate a new Ontraport object instance with your AppId and Key credentials

$ontraport = new Ontraport\Ontraport ( 'my_app_id', 'my_app_key' );

Then you can access OP objects and their CRUD functions like this

$my_contact = $ontraport->Contacts->read ( 55 ); //Where 55 is the ID of the contact

print_r ( $my_contact );

 * Ouputs something like:
 *    stdClass Object
 *    (
 *        [code] => 0
 *        [data] => stdClass Object
 *            (
 *                [name] => Customer Name
 *                [price] => 119.95
 *                [id] => 340
 *                [owner] => 2
 *                [firstname] =>
 *                [lastname] =>
 *                [email] =>
 *                [address] =>
 *                [city] =>
 *                [state] =>
 *                [zip] =>
 *                [birthday] =>
 *                [date] => 1448207931
 *                [notes] =>
 *                [status] =>
 *                [category] =>
 *                [lead_source] =>
 *            )

 *        [updates] => Array
 *            (
 *            )

 *        [notifications] => Array
 *            (
 *            )

 *        [account_id] => 27801
 *    )

$new_product = array (
    'name' => 'An awesome product!',
    'price' => 119.95
$result = $ontraport->Products->create ( $new_product );

print_r ( $result );

 * Outputs something like:
 * stdClass Object
 *	(
 *	    [code] => 0
 *	    [data] => stdClass Object
 *	        (
 *	            [name] => An awesome product!
 *	            [price] => 119.95
 *	            [id] => 19
 *	        )
 *	    [updates] => Array
 *	        (
 *	        )
 *	    [notifications] => Array
 *	        (
 *	        )
 *	    [account_id] => 27801
 *	)

Supported Ontraport Object Types

Currently the following Ontraport Object Types are supported:

  • Contacts
  • Notes
  • Objects
  • Products
  • Purchases
  • Shippings
  • Staff
  • Tags
  • Taxes

You can access them using the already seen syntax

$ontraport->{Object type classname, eg: Contacts}->{method to call}

Object Types methods

Every Object Type has the following default methods

  • find ( string $field, mixed $value, string $operand = '=', string $type = 'auto' )
  • create ( array $attrs )
  • read ( int $id )
  • get ( array $ids )
  • update ( object $object )
  • delete ( int $id )

Changing the API version

By default the library uses the version 1 of the REST API (which is the only one available at this moment). You can change the version to fit your needs (???) by using the Ontraport\Ontraport->set_version method:

$ontraport = new Ontraport\Ontraport ( 'my_app_id', 'my_app_key' );
$ontraport->set_version ( '2.1.2' );

Changing the default endpoints

By default the library initializes the following endpoints:

array (
  'object' => "",
  'objects' => "",
  'objects_meta' => "",
  'objects_tag' => "",
  'form' => "",
  'message' => "",
  'task_cancel' => "",
  'task_complete' => "",
  'transaction_processmanual' => "",
  'transaction_refund' => "",
  'transaction_converttodecline' => "",
  'transaction_converttocollections' => "",
  'transaction_void' => "",
  'transaction_voidpurchase' => "",
  'transaction_reruncommission' => "",
  'transaction_markpaid' => "",
  'transaction_rerun' => "",
  'transaction_writeoff' => "",
  'transaction_order' => "",
  'transaction_resendinvoice' => ""

You can change one or all of those endpoints by using the Ontraport\Ontraport->set_endpoint method:

$ontraport = new Ontraport\Ontraport ( 'my_app_id', 'my_app_key' );

$my_endpoints = array (
  'object' => "my_custom_endpoint_for_single_object",
  'objects' => "my_custom_endpoint_for_multiple_objects",

$ontraport->set_endpoint ( $my_endpoints ); // Will only change the endpoints defined in $my_endpoints

$ontraport->set_endpoint ( $my_endpoints, true ); // Will substitute all endpoints with only those defined in $my_endpoints

Note that custom defined endpoints will not use the API version attribute to generate the called endpoint, so you need to pass the complete endpoint URI.

How the library works

Before you start diving into more advanced OntraportPHP usages I bet you want to see in detail how the library works. So here's the answer: The library itself is composed by a set of classes organized by that pattern:

class Ontraport --calls--> class Contacts which extends class Objects

at the moment the library supports only operations on Ontraport Object Types; base CRUD methods are defined in the Ontraport\Objects class which is extended by object specific classes like Contacts or Products. So when you call ->Contacts->read() on an Ontraport\Ontraport object you're simply receiving the results from the Ontraport\Contacts->read() method which is inherited from the Ontraport\Objects class. Behind the scenes is going on a dependency injection from the class Ontraport\Ontraport object to the called class (eg: Ontraport\Contacts), in fact here there are two working examples:

$ontraport = new Ontraport\Ontraport ( 'my_app_id', 'my_app_key' );

 * Outputs the object representing contact with id=55
print_r ( $ontraport->Contacts->read ( 55 ) );

$contacts = new Ontraport\Contacts ( $ontraport );

 * Outputs the same object as above
print_r ( $contacts->read ( 55 ) );

Extend the library

I suggest you to read the preceding section: How the library works to better understand the following instructions.

There are basically two ways to extend the library with you own classes:

1) By using a custom namespace (Recommended)

The Ontraport\Ontraport class exposes a method called set_namespace which you can use to modify the namespace of the called Object Type classes, I think is better have an example:

  namespace MyNamespace;  // Using a custom namespace
  include ( __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php' ); // Including the composer autoload

   * Defining a MyNamespace\Contacts class which extends Ontraport\Contacts
  class Contacts extends Ontraport\Contacts {
    // Overriding the parent method
    public function read ( $id ) {
      $result = parent::read ( $id );
      // Adding the "example_field" to parent called method object result
      $result->data->example_field = 'Test';

      return $result;

  $ontraport = new Ontraport\Ontraport ( 'my_app_id', 'my_app_key' );

  $ontraport->Contacts->read ( 55 );  // Will return the Contact object with ID=55

   * Changing the base namespace where Ontraport\Ontraport looks for class inclusion
  $ontraport->set_namespace ( 'MyNamespace' );

  $ontraport->Contacts->read ( 55 );  // Will return the Contact object with ID=55 and added field "example_field"

Using this approach you can override any Object Type class and define your own while mantain the $ontraport->ClassName clear and compact syntax.

2) By using dependency injection

This method works the same as the first mentioned but instead of changing the base namespace used for inclusion you've got to extend Object Type classes and use dependency injection to pass the Ontraport\Ontraport object to the class constructor. Example:

  namespace MyNamespace;  // Using a custom namespace
  include ( __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php' ); // Including the composer autoload

   * Defining a MyNamespace\Contacts class which extends Ontraport\Contacts
  class Contacts extends Ontraport\Contacts {
    // Overriding the parent method
    public function read ( $id ) {
      $result = parent::read ( $id );
      // Adding the "example_field" to parent called method object result
      $result->data->example_field = 'Test';

      return $result;

  $ontraport = new Ontraport\Ontraport ( 'my_app_id', 'my_app_key' );

  $contacts_object = new Contacts ( $ontraport );

  $contacts_object->read ( 55 );  // Will return the Contact object with ID=55 and added field "example_field"


PHP Library for Ontraport REST API







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