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Development for Discrete Data Analysis with R web site

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Development for the Discrete Data Analysis with R web site


PHP 5.3.10 or greater (5.4+ preferred)

Web server (e.g. Apache)


This is a simple custom php/html framework. A high-level overview of how it works, as follows:

All site URLs are routed to the index.php file. Based on the URL's path, the routing mechanism determines which static .html files to serve and loads it in place inside an outer html wrapper page.


Apache Web Server

As described above, all URLs are routed to the index.php file. Apache needs a few things in place to make this happen:

Step 1

You will need to enable url rewriting in your Apache httpd.conf file, or add it via a rewriting package.

Step 2

If you are using a <VirtualHost> directive to define your web site, make sure it resembles the following.

Note, the <Directory> block. This allows the project to define an .htaccess file that sets up URL rewriting.

<VirtualHost *:80>
	DocumentRoot "/path/to/your/web/directory"
	ServerName web
	<Directory "/path/to/your/web/directory">
		AllowOverride All
		Options FollowSymLinks

If you are not using a virtual host file and are serving a single web site, then look for the apacheconf <Directory> block in Apache's httpd.conf file. Update as follows:

AllowOverride All
Options FollowSymLinks


You will also need to add an .htaccess file to your site root. This will setup URL rewriting.

RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule . index.php [L]

Note: If you are using an Alias directive, you will need to add a RewriteBase directive to the .htaccess file that points to the URL-path of your Alias.

Directory permissions

After installing the website, please make both the /scripts/bootstrap and /styles/bootstrap directories writable by the web server.

Composer package dependencies

External Libraries

This project requires Composer to set up project dependencies.

To install composer:

curl -sS | php -- --filename=composer

composer is then executable (by php) in the current directory.

On project installation

Run the following composer commands to install the dependencies:

composer install
composer run-script compile

On project updates

Run the following composer commands to update the dependencies:

composer update
composer run-script compile

Note: run-script compile copies Bootstrap files to {styles,scripts}/bootstrap.

Environment variable

You will need to create a .env file in the project's root directory with the following environment variable that defines which sub directory your site lives in.

The following example defined the site being served from the root directory.


If you are serving this project from a subdirectory of the website's root, change the above to point to the location of the subdirectory from the web root, i.e.


Important: Do not include a trailing slash if you are declaring a sub directory.

Note: If you are serving images in .html files, you will need to manually update their paths to be relative to the sub directory.

Site Map

This site is made up of the following initial files:

- index.php
- images/
- pages/
  - chapters/
		- ch01.html
		- ch01/
	- authors.html
	- error.html
	- home.html
	- other.html
	- using.html
- scripts/
- src/
- styles/



This is the main framework entry point. This file handles the setup of the html document, including the navigation and dynamic inclusion of the pages and chapters.

Note: All static files in this file, are served via a urlfor helper function. This helper sets the basepath for any scripts or pages linked to from this page. If you plan on adding any files or pages, you will need to use this helper as well.


This directory contains the global site images


This directory contains the main pages and the chapter pages. The main pages in this directory can be updated when needed. They are however hard-coded into the navigation in the index.php page. So adding any new pages will require you to add them to the index.php navigation markup.


This directory contains the chapter files. This part of the navigation is dynamically generated by the index.php file. When listing chapters, the index.php script scans the pages/chapters/ directory, looks for any files of the form (e.g.) ch01.html, and then adds that to the chapter list in the chapter navigation drop down menu.


This directory is where you would store all the images and assets for the any chapter files. Ideally you would keep assets for the chapters contained in this way so that there would be a ch01.html file and its corresponding ch01/ directory where its assets would live.

The idea here is that you will continue to render the chapter files from markdown using whatever process you have in place. The only caveat is that the rendered .html files should ideally not contain <html>, <head>, or <body> tags. They should only contain the markup inside the <body> tag.


This directory contains the global site javascript files


This directory contains any php libraries or helper functions used in the lindex.php page. It contains a custom URL Router and some helpers.


This directory contains a main.css file which is used for the global styles. It also contains a page.css file (where you should put page-specific css styles), and a chapters.css file (where you should put chapter-specific css styles).

You can change the markup of any of the pages to suit. Keep in mind that since this site uses the Bootstrap framework, you should use Bootstrap markup and classes wherever possible. Its not imperative that you do, but highly suggested since using the Bootstrap styles will keep the content responsive.

Read the Bootstrap documentation for full details:


Development for Discrete Data Analysis with R web site






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