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We put together a video to explain the application! Watch it here:

Youtube Video of our app!

#Clinical Research Tracker

This repository contains the front-end and back-end source code for the Apollo Clinical Research Tracker. Made by UCL Computer Science students Desislava Koleva, Christoph Ulshoefer and Timur Kuzhagaliyev in 2016.

The apollo-app folder contains the main source code for the Apollo application, docs has the documentation generated using PHPDoc, mockup contains the functional mockups for the application

#Deployment Manual


This manual assumes that you have already installed Apache2 server and Composer dependency manager. These 2 pieces of software are commonly used nowadays and tutorials about their installation can be easily found online.

Setting up an Apache virtual host

The process of setting up of a virtual host for Apollo application is standard, just follow the instructions relevant to your Apache installation and operating system. Don't forget to point the virtual host to the apollo-app/web folder, as this folder contains the index.php entry script. Additionally, it is very important to enable Apache rewriting engine. A tutorial on how to do so can be found here, but if it is not suitable for your particular installation then you can easily find a similar tutorial on the web.

Installing dependencies

We use a dependency manager called Composer for managing dependencies. Information on how to install Composer can be found here. The (real) dependencies can be installed by opening the terminal (or a similar command line), switching to the apollo-app directory and running the command composer install. If you will get any errors about the permissions, try using sudo composer install.

Importing the MySQL dumps

The MySQL dump of our database can be found in the file called apollo.sql. Simply create a database in your MySQL installation (using, say, phpMyAdmin) called apollo or something similar and execute the SQL code found inside the file to import the content.

Setting up the config

You can find the config file located in apollo-app/apollo/Config.example.php. You can create a copy of this file and rename it into Config.php. Edit the resultant file to specify the credentials of your local MySQL server. Or, you have a choice to use the default values which will give you access to development MySQL server of Group 30 team members, but this one will be available only for a limited period of time (we will shut it down in the of May 2016).

Running the application

Now the application should be good to go. Try accessing the URL you have specified in your Apache virtual host. The default user email is and the password is test. Feel free to contact us if you will experience any issues.

Documentation and unit testing

Documentation for the PHP source code can be found in the docs folder in this repository. When you installed the dependencies, Composer automatically installed PHPUnit for you. You can run unit tests by simply executing the command vendor/bin/phpunit in your terminal, just make sure you current directory is `apollo-app.


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