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MediaFoundry API Client v1.2


This API client leverages the GuzzleHttp client and serves as a wrapper for the MediaFoundry API.

It provides a consistent interface to the API data, hiding some of its structure, and making interacting with the data simpler.


Require the client in your project's composer.json file:

    "repositories": [
            "type": "vcs",
            "url": ""
    "require": {
        "mediafoundry/api-client": "~1.0"

Then execute composer install.

Basic Client


require dirname(__FILE__) . '/vendor/autoload.php');

use MediaFoundry\Api\Client;
use GuzzleHttp\Client as GuzzleClient;

$client = new Client('', new GuzzleClient);

Using the client with Laravel

This package also includes a Laravel Service Provider, making using it within any Laravel project simple.


// config/app.php

providers => [

    // ...


Ensure that the environment variable MEDIAFOUNDRY_API_BASE_URI is configured and points to the versioned endpoint base url. This value should not have a trailing slash.

# .env

The API client can now be resolved out of the Service Container.


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use MediaFoundry\Api\Contracts\ApiClient;

class PageController extends Controller
    // Via method injection
    public function index(ApiClient $client)
        $videos = $client->videos();

        return view('home', compact('videos'));

    public function showVideo($video_id, ApiClient $client)
        // Get the video identified by $video_id
        $video = $client->videos($video_id);

        return view('', compact('video'));

Available methods

Method Description
categories($entity_id = null, $filter = [], $sort = []) If $entity_id is supplied, return a specific category identified by $entity_id.
If $entity_id is null, return all categories configured in the API.
If $filter is a non-empty array, filter the returned categories (ignored if $entity_id supplied).
If $sort is a non-empty array, sort the returned categories (ignored if $entity_id is supplied).
episodes($entity_id = null, $filter = [], $sort = []) If $entity_id is supplied, return a specific episode identified by $entity_id.
If $entity_id is null, return all episodes configured in the API.
If $filter is a non-empty array, filter the returned episodes (ignored if $entity_id supplied).
If $sort is a non-empty array, sort the returned episodes (ignored if $entity_id is supplied).
events($entity_id = null, $filter = [], $sort = []) If $entity_id is supplied, return a specific event identified by $entity_id.
If $entity_id is null, return all events configured in the API.
If $filter is a non-empty array, filter the returned events (ignored if $entity_id supplied).
If $sort is a non-empty array, sort the returned events (ignored if $entity_id is supplied).
genres($entity_id = null, $filter = [], $sort = []) If $entity_id is supplied, return a specific genre identified by $entity_id.
If $entity_id is null, return all genres configured in the API.
If $filter is a non-empty array, filter the returned genres (ignored if $entity_id supplied).
If $sort is a non-empty array, sort the returned genres (ignored if $entity_id is supplied).
seasons($entity_id = null, $filter = [], $sort = []) If $entity_id is supplied, return a specific season identified by $entity_id.
If $entity_id is null, return all seasons configured in the API.
If $filter is a non-empty array, filter the returned seasons (ignored if $entity_id supplied).
If $sort is a non-empty array, sort the returned seasons (ignored if $entity_id is supplied).
series($entity_id = null, $filter = [], $sort = []) If $entity_id is supplied, return a specific series identified by $entity_id.
If $entity_id is null, return all series configured in the API.
If $filter is a non-empty array, filter the returned series (ignored if $entity_id supplied).
If $sort is a non-empty array, sort the returned series (ignored if $entity_id is supplied).
videos($entity_id = null, $filter = [], $sort = []) If $entity_id is supplied, return a specific video identified by $entity_id.
If $entity_id is null, return all videos configured in the API.
If $filter is a non-empty array, filter the returned videos (ignored if $entity_id supplied).
If $sort is a non-empty array, sort the returned videos (ignored if $entity_id is supplied).

Returned entities

Each of the available methods will return either an array of, or a single instance of, their corresponding entity. Each of the entities extend the base MediaFoundry\Api\Entities\Entity class, providing access to generic methods.

Generic Entity Method Description
id Get the entity's identifier
self Get the URL to the entity
created Get the entity created datetime
changed Get the entity changed datetime

The Entity class also provides a __get implementation, allowing you to access properties on the underlying entity directly.

Each child class may also present its own public methods, to handle properties specific to itself.

Note: The self method provided on the base Entity class works for the majority of child entities, however, the underlying API is not consistent in how to access this property.

Where stated in parentheses, the method returns an entity. For example, series (Series) indicates that the series method will return an instance of MediaFoundry\Api\Entities\Series.

API Method Entity Entity-Specific Methods
categories() MediaFoundry\Api\Entities\Category
episodes() MediaFoundry\Api\Entities\Episode thumbnail, manifest, series (Series), season (Season)
events() MediaFoundry\Api\Entities\Event scheduled, schedule (EventSchedule|null), image, manifest, ad
genres() MediaFoundry\Api\Entities\Genre
seasons() MediaFoundry\Api\Entities\Season icon, series (Series), episodes
series() MediaFoundry\Api\Entities\Series icon, genres, season (Season)
videos() MediaFoundry\Api\Entities\Video image, manifest, embed, release_date, ogTitle, ogType, ogAuthor, ogPublisher, ogImage, ogDescription


The Video entity implements the OpenGraphable interface, and provides methods to access information with which to generate Open Graph meta tags.


The EventSchedule object exposes two methods, start and end. Each returns an instance of DateTime.


The API interactions, and handling of response data is covered by PHPUnit tests. This will perform queries against the API identified by the API_BASE_URI environment variable.

This is by default, but can be changed on the command line, in order to run tests against a customer-specific deployment of the API.

$ export API_BASE_URI=""
$ ./vendor/bin/phpunit
// this will execute tests against the TDU deployment of the API, rather than the default pre-production instance.

It is worth nothing that all of the unit tests, with exception to MediaFoundryApiTest.php are executed against response fixtures. This means that for testing that a customer-specific API deployment is functioning correctly, you may wish to run a single set of tests, rather than the entire test suite. In this instance:

$ export API_BASE_URI=""
$ ./vendor/bin/phpunit --group core


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