public static function pdfUploadEnabled() { if (!class_exists('\\XPDF\\PdfToText')) { return 'Missing dependency php-xpdf/php-xpdf; install it using composer'; } else { try { $obj = \XPDF\PdfToText::create(); } catch (\XPDF\Exception\BinaryNotFoundException $e) { return 'Cannot locate required binary "pdftotext". Package name may be "poppler-utils" or "xpdf-utils" on Debian based distros or "xpdf" on Red Hat based distros.'; } catch (Exception $e) { return 'Unexpected error initializing pdftotext wrapper. Details: ' . $e->getMessage(); } } return true; }
public function testCreate() { $finder = new ExecutableFinder(); $php = $finder->find('php'); if (null === $php) { $this->markTestSkipped('Unable to find PHP binary, required for this test'); } $logger = $this->getMock('Psr\\Log\\LoggerInterface'); $pdfToText = PdfToText::create(array('pdftotext.binaries' => $php, 'timeout' => 42), $logger); $this->assertInstanceOf('XPDF\\PdfToText', $pdfToText); $this->assertEquals(42, $pdfToText->getProcessBuilderFactory()->getTimeout()); $this->assertEquals($logger, $pdfToText->getProcessRunner()->getLogger()); $this->assertEquals($php, $pdfToText->getProcessBuilderFactory()->getBinary()); }
public function register(Application $app) { $app['xpdf.configuration'] = array(); $app['xpdf.default.configuration'] = array('pdftotext.timeout' => 60, 'pdftotext.binaries' => 'pdftotext'); $app['xpdf.logger'] = null; $app[''] = $app->share(function (Application $app) { return array_replace($app['xpdf.default.configuration'], $app['xpdf.configuration']); }); $app['xpdf.pdftotext'] = $app->share(function (Application $app) { $configuration = $app['']; if (isset($configuration['pdftotext.timeout'])) { $configuration['timeout'] = $configuration['pdftotext.timeout']; } return PdfToText::create($configuration, $app['xpdf.logger']); }); }
/** * @covers XPDF\PdfToText::load * @covers XPDF\PdfToText::getBinaryName */ public function testLoad() { $this->assertInstanceOf('\\XPDF\\PdfToText', \XPDF\PdfToText::load($this->logger)); }