Ejemplo n.º 1
 public static function generate_statement($statement_type, $list, $list_type, $tables, $conditions, $return_type = 'json')
     //sets list to select all if not provided
     $list = set_default($list, '*');
     $conditions = set_default($conditions, '');
     //retrieve limits for shorthand
     $zero_minimium = Limits::get('zero_minimium');
     $text_limit = Limits::get('text_limit');
     //validate statement type
     $statement_types = Constants::get('statement_types');
     enforce_inputs(array($statement_type, 'string', $statement_types, null, false), array($list, 'array', null, null, true), array($list_type, 'string', Constants::get('statement_list_types'), null, false), array($tables, 'string', $text_limit['min'], $text_limit['max'], false), array($conditions, 'string', $zero_minimium, $text_limit['max'], true), $return_type);
     //conditions are optional
     $statement = '';
     if (compare_string($statement, 'SELECT', false)) {
         $statement = format_select($list, $list_type, $tables, $conditions);
     } else {
         if (compare_string($statement, 'INSERT', false)) {
             $statement = format_insert($list, $list_type, $tables, $conditions);
         } else {
             if (compare_string($statement, 'UPDATE', false)) {
                 $statement = format_update($list, $tables, $list_type, $conditions);
             } else {
                 if (compare_string($statement, 'DELETE', false)) {
                     $statement = format_delete($list, $tables, $list_type, $conditions);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public function __construct($request_path, $request_params, $request_method, $return_type)
     $function = array('class_name' => __NAMESPACE__, 'method_name' => __METHOD__);
     //validating the return type and set default if not found
     if (array_contains($return_type, Constants::get('allowed_return_types') == false)) {
         $return_type = Constants::get('default_return_type');
     } else {
         $this->return_type = set_default($return_type, Constants::get('allowed_return_types'));
     //validate if request path is valid else throw error
     if (is_ready($request_path) == false) {
         $error = Tool::prepare('Request path is invalid, unable to process routing request.', 'Request path is null, verify that index router has parsed the information correctly.', __LINE__, $this->return_type, Constants::get('default_error_code'));
         Tool::error($function, $error, false);
     } else {
         enforce_inputs(array($request_path, 'array', null, null, false), $this->return_type);
         $this->original_path = $request_path;
         $this->request_path = $request_path;
     //validate if request method is valid, else set as default (post takes precendence if both are used)
     $this->request_method = set_default($request_method, Constants::get('default_http_method'));
     $allowed_http_methods = Constants::get('allowed_http_methods');
     if (array_contains($request_method, $allowed_http_methods, false) == false) {
         $request_method = Constants::get('default_http_method');
     $this->request_method = strtolower($request_method);
     //add post params to class if exist
     $this->request_params = $request_params;
     //normalise request_path
     if (is_ready(end($this->request_path)) == false) {
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public function __construct($route)
     $function = array('class_name' => __NAMESPACE__, 'method_name' => __METHOD__);
     //validate if route is valid else throw error
     if (is_ready($route)) {
         $this->route = $route;
     } else {
         //route is invalid, throw error
         $error = Tool::prepare('Route is invalid, unable to process routing request.', 'Route is null, verify that index router has parsed the information correctly.', __LINE__, $this->route->get_return_type(), Constants::get('default_error_code'));
         Tool::error($function, $error, false);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public function execute($bindings = null, $write_statement = false)
     $function = array('class_name' => __NAMESPACE__, 'method_name' => __METHOD__);
     try {
         if ($write_statement == false) {
             return $this->statement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
     } catch (PDOException $exception) {
         $error = Tool::prepare('Unable to execute statement.', $exception->getMessage(), __LINE__, $this->route->get_return_type(), Constants::get('default_error_code'));
         Tool::error($function, $error, false);
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public static function write($http_status_code, $data, $parent_tag, $return_type = 'json')
     $function = array('class_name' => __NAMESPACE__, 'method_name' => __METHOD__);
     //setting default values to the input parameters
     $http_status_code = set_default($http_status_code, 200);
     $data = set_default($data, array());
     $parent_tag = set_default($parent_tag, 'datas');
     $return_type = set_default($return_type, Constants::get('default_return_type'));
     //retrieve required limits from tools/constants/limits
     $text_limit = Limits::get('text_limit');
     //ensuring that inputs are validated against the array list of requirements $enforcement contains the results of the validation and message of the error if any.
     $enforcement = enforce_inputs(array($data, 'string:array', null, null, false), array($parent_tag, 'string', $text_limit['min'], $text_limit['max'], false), array($return_type, 'string', Constants::get('allowed_return_types'), null, false));
     $http_status_codes = Constants::get('http_status_codes');
     if (isset($http_status_codes[$http_status_code])) {
         //validates if the $http_status_code provided is in the list
         //check if data type is an array
         if (!is_array($data)) {
             $error = Tool::prepare('Data provided must be an array.', '', __LINE__, $return_type, Constants::get('default_error_code'));
             Tool::error($function, $error, false);
         //formats the data return with the appropriate http status code.
         header('HTTP/1.0 ' . $http_status_code . ' ' . $http_status_codes[$http_status_code], true, $http_status_code);
         if (compare_string($return_type, Constants::get('xml'))) {
             //checks if the user requested data to be returned in xml (by default json)
             header('Content-type: text/xml');
             echo '<' . $parent_tag . '>';
             foreach ($data as $index => $post) {
                 if (is_array($post)) {
                     foreach ($post as $key => $value) {
                         echo '<', $key, '>';
                         if (is_array($value)) {
                             foreach ($value as $tag => $val) {
                                 echo '<', $tag, '>', htmlentities($val), '</', $tag, '>';
                         echo '</', $key, '>';
                 } else {
                     echo '<' . $index . '>' . $post . '</' . $index . '>';
             echo '</' . $parent_tag . '>';
         } else {
             //header('Content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8');
             echo json_encode(array($parent_tag => $data));
     } else {
         Writer::write(400, 'Invalid HTTP status code.', Constants::get('error_tag'), $return_type);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public static function error($info, $error, $loggable = false)
     //preset $info('class_name', 'method_name', 'return_type')
     $class_name = set_default($info['class_name'], '');
     $method_name = set_default($info['method_name'], '');
     $return_type = set_default($error['return_type'], Constants::get('default_return_type'));
     //preset $error('message', 'details', 'line', 'error_code')
     $message = set_default($error['message'], 'Unknown Error Occurred.');
     $details = set_default($error['details'], '');
     $line = set_default($error['line'], '');
     $http_status_code = set_default($error['http_status_code'], Constants::get('default_error_code'));
     $error['function'] = str_replace($class_name . '/', '', $method_name);
     Writer::write($http_status_code, $error, Constants::get('error_tag'), $return_type);
     $debuggable = Config::get('enable_debugging');
     if ($debuggable == true) {
     if ($loggable == true) {
     //write to log
Ejemplo n.º 7
 private function handle_include($current_location)
     $controller = end($current_location);
     if (is_ready($controller) == false) {
     //form the string to parse location
     $current_location = implode('/', $this->route->get_current_location());
     $function = array('class_name' => __NAMESPACE__, 'method_name' => __METHOD__);
     //prepare location for directory and file from current location
     $include_path = getcwd() . Constants::get('controller_location') . '/' . $current_location;
     $directory_location = $include_path . '/index.php';
     //for directory, redirect to index router (controller)
     $file_location = $include_path . '.php';
     //for file, check if action exists (action)
     //check if include_path is a directory location, send to index router
     if (is_dir($include_path)) {
         //check if router is attatched to controller if indicated
         if (file_exists($directory_location)) {
             include_once $directory_location;
             //send the router the corresponding route
             $class_name = Constants::get('controller_reference') . '\\' . $controller;
             $router = new $class_name($this->route);
         } else {
             $error = Tool::prepare('Router is not installed. (controller/index.php) - ' . $directory_location, 'Ensure the .index.php router is provided for the controller indicated.', __LINE__, $this->route->get_return_type(), Constants::get('default_error_code'));
             Tool::error($function, $error, false);
         //check if file location is a file, send to action
     } else {
         if (file_exists($file_location)) {
             include_once $file_location;
             //send the router the corresponding route
             $class_name = Constants::get('controller_reference') . '\\' . $controller;
             $router = new $class_name($this->route);
             //add variables back into the list if directory matches
         } else {
Ejemplo n.º 8
function validate_hash($hash, $hash_type = 'md5')
    $results = false;
    if (array_contains($hash_type, Constants::get('allowed_hash_types'), false)) {
        $results = preg_match(Regex::get('hash_' . strtolower($hash_type) . '_regex'), $hash);
    } else {
        $results = false;
    return $results;
Ejemplo n.º 9
function enforce_https($return_type = 'json')
    $enable_https = Config::get('enable_https');
    if ($enable_https == true) {
        if (validate_https() == false) {
            Writer::write(412, 'Request is not sent securely with https.', Constants::get('error_tag'), $return_type);
        } else {
            return true;
Ejemplo n.º 10
    $count = strpos($request, '&') == false ? strlen($request) : strpos($request, '&');
    $request = substr($request, 0, $count);
    $request_path = explode("/", $request);
    //extract return type, check if return type is in the allowed list
    $return_type = end($request_path);
    $return_type = set_default($return_type, Constants::get('default_return_type'));
    $return_type = strrchr($return_type, ".");
    $return_type = substr($return_type, 1);
    $allowed_return_types = Constants::get('allowed_return_types');
    if (array_contains($return_type, $allowed_return_types, false) == false) {
        $return_type = Constants::get('default_return_type');
    } else {
        //remove the return type from the request_path
        $item = end($request_path);
        $item = substr($item, 0, strlen($item) - (strlen($return_type) + 1));
        $request_path[count($request_path) - 1] = $item;
    //extract request_method, can be defined in both get and post reauest, post takes precedence
    $request_method = set_default($_REQUEST['request_method'], $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']);
    $allowed_http_methods = Constants::get('allowed_http_methods');
    if (array_contains($request_method, $allowed_http_methods, false) == false) {
        $request_method = Constants::get('default_http_method');
    $request_params = $_REQUEST;
    //form route and send through router
    $route = new Route($request_path, $request_params, $request_method, $return_type);
    $router = new Router($route);
    //TODO: Can handle redirection to api introduction if no specific request is made
} else {
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public function delete_accessor($param, $post_params)
     //define tags for parent tags and child tag
     $parent_tag = 'results';
     $child_tag = 'result';
     //handle authentication
     //initalizing and set default for params
     $statement = '';
     $param[0] = set_default($param[0], '');
     //handle $param parsing
     if (is_ready($param[0]) == false) {
         //delete all records
         Writer::write(501, 'Method not implemented.', Constants::get('error_tag'), parent::get_route()->get_return_type());
     } else {
         if (count($param) == 1) {
             if (is_numeric($param[0])) {
                 //delete record based on the id
                 $statement = 'DELETE FROM accessor WHERE _id = ' . $param[0];
             } else {
                 if (is_string($param[0])) {
                     //delete record based on the search term on all columns
         } else {
             if (count($param) == 2) {
                 //delete record based on the search term on a row column