public function onMasterOptions(DataContainer $dc)
     if (($jumpTo = PageModel::findByPk($dc->activeRecord->jumpTo)) === null) {
         return [];
     $associated = [];
     $pageFinder = new PageFinder();
     foreach ($pageFinder->findAssociatedForPage($jumpTo, true) as $page) {
         $associated[] = $page->id;
     if (0 === count($associated)) {
         return [];
     $options = [];
     $result = Database::getInstance()->prepare('
             SELECT id, title 
             FROM ' . $this->table . ' 
             WHERE jumpTo IN (' . implode(',', $associated) . ') AND master=0 
             ORDER BY title
     while ($result->next()) {
         $options[$result->id] = sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG'][$this->table]['isSlave'], $result->title);
     return $options;
  * @expectedException \InvalidArgumentException
 public function testThrowsExceptionWhenLanguageDoesNotExist()
     $enRoot = $this->createRootPage('en', true);
     $deRoot = $this->createRootPage('de', false);
     $en = $this->createPage($enRoot);
     $dePage = new PageModel();
     $dePage->id = $this->createPage($deRoot, $en);
     $dePage->pid = $deRoot;
     $dePage->languageMain = $en;
     $this->pageFinder->findAssociatedForLanguage($dePage, 'fr');
  * @param PageModel $currentPage
  * @return NavigationItem[]
  * @throws \RuntimeException
 public function findNavigationItems(PageModel $currentPage)
     $rootPages = $this->pageFinder->findRootPagesForPage($currentPage, false, false);
     $navigationItems = $this->createNavigationItemsForRootPages($rootPages);
     $this->setTargetPageForNavigationItems($navigationItems, $rootPages, $this->pageFinder->findAssociatedForPage($currentPage));
     foreach ($navigationItems as $k => $item) {
         if (!$item->hasTargetPage()) {
             $item->setTargetPage($this->pageFinder->findAssociatedParentForLanguage($currentPage, $item->getLanguageTag()), false);
     return array_values($navigationItems);
 public function onLanguageMainOptions(DataContainer $dc)
     $pageFinder = new PageFinder();
     $current = ArticleModel::findByPk($dc->id);
     $page = PageModel::findByPk($current->pid);
     if (null === $page || ($master = $pageFinder->findAssociatedInMaster($page)) === null) {
         return [];
     $options = [];
     $result = Database::getInstance()->prepare('
             SELECT id, title 
             FROM tl_article 
             WHERE pid=? AND id NOT IN (
                 SELECT languageMain FROM tl_article WHERE id!=? AND pid=? AND languageMain > 0
         ')->execute($master->id, $current->id, $page->id);
     while ($result->next()) {
         $options[$result->id] = sprintf('%s [ID %s]', $result->title, $result->id);
     return $options;
  * Translate URL parameters for articles.
  * @param ChangelanguageNavigationEvent $event
 public function onChangelanguageNavigation(ChangelanguageNavigationEvent $event)
     // Try to find matching article
     if ($event->getNavigationItem()->isCurrentPage() || !$event->getUrlParameterBag()->hasUrlAttribute('articles')) {
     /** @var PageModel $objPage */
     global $objPage;
     $parameterBag = $event->getUrlParameterBag();
     $currentArticle = ArticleModel::findByIdOrAliasAndPid($parameterBag->getUrlAttribute('articles'), $objPage->id);
     if (null === $currentArticle) {
     $pageFinder = new PageFinder();
     $targetRoot = $event->getNavigationItem()->getRootPage();
     $masterRoot = $pageFinder->findMasterRootForPage($targetRoot);
     $targetArticle = $this->findTargetArticle($currentArticle, $targetRoot->id, $objPage->rootId === $masterRoot->id, null !== $masterRoot && $targetRoot->id === $masterRoot->id);
     if (null === $targetArticle) {
     } else {
         $parameterBag->setUrlAttribute('articles', $targetArticle->alias);
 public function testKeyEqualsPageId()
     $master = $this->createRootPage('', 'en');
     $this->createRootPage('', 'de', false);
     $this->createRootPage('', 'fr', true, $master);
     $this->createRootPage('', 'it', false);
     $pageModel = new PageModel();
     $pageModel->id = $master;
     $pageModel->domain = '';
     $roots = $this->pageFinder->findRootPagesForPage($pageModel);
     $this->assertPageCount($roots, 4);
     foreach ($roots as $id => $page) {
         $this->assertEquals($page->id, $id);
  * Limits the available pages in page picker to the fallback page tree.
  * @param int $pageId
 private function setRootNodesForPage($pageId)
     $page = PageModel::findWithDetails($pageId);
     $root = PageModel::findByPk($page->rootId);
     if ($root->fallback && (!$root->languageRoot || ($languageRoot = PageModel::findByPk($root->languageRoot)) === null)) {
     $pageFinder = new PageFinder();
     $masterRoot = $pageFinder->findMasterRootForPage($page);
     if (null !== $masterRoot) {
         $GLOBALS['TL_DCA']['tl_page']['fields']['languageMain']['eval']['rootNodes'] = Database::getInstance()->prepare('SELECT id FROM tl_page WHERE pid=?')->execute($masterRoot->id)->fetchEach('id');
 private function validateLanguageMainForPage($pageId)
     $page = PageModel::findWithDetails($pageId);
     // Moving a root page does not affect language assignments
     if (null === $page || !$page->languageMain || 'root' === $page->type) {
     $duplicates = PageModel::countBy(['id IN (' . implode(',', Database::getInstance()->getChildRecords($page->rootId, 'tl_page')) . ')', 'languageMain=?', 'id!=?'], [$page->languageMain, $page->id]);
     // Reset languageMain if another page in the new page tree has the same languageMain
     if ($duplicates > 0) {
     $pageFinder = new PageFinder();
     $masterRoot = $pageFinder->findMasterRootForPage($page);
     // Reset languageMain if current tree has no master or if it's the master tree
     if (null === $masterRoot || $masterRoot->id === $page->rootId) {
     // Reset languageMain if the current value is not a valid ID of the master tree
     if (!in_array($page->id, Database::getInstance()->getChildRecords($masterRoot->id, 'tl_page'), false)) {