Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Create a meeting.
  * @return \sanduhrs\BigBlueButton\Member\Meeting
 private function createMeeting($attributes = [])
     $attributes += ['id' => $this->generateMeetingId()];
     $meeting = new Meeting($attributes, $this->client);
     return $meeting;
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Add meeting.
  * Creates a BigBlueButton meeting.
  * The create call is idempotent: you can call it multiple times with the
  * same parameters without side effects. This simplifies the logic for
  * joining a user into a session, your application can always call create
  * before returning the join URL. This way, regardless of the order in which
  * users join, the meeting will always exist but won’t be empty. The
  * BigBlueButton server will automatically remove empty meetings that were
  * created but have never had any users after a number of minutes specified
  * by defaultMeetingCreateJoinDuration defined in bigbluebutton.properties.
  * @param array $options
  *   - meetingID (string): The meeting ID.
  *   - attendeePW (string): The attendee password.
  *   - moderatorPW (string): The moderator password.
  *   - name (string): A name for the meeting.
  *   - welcome (string): A welcome message that gets displayed on the chat
  *     window when the participant joins. You can include keywords
  *     (%%CONFNAME%%, %%DIALNUM%%, %%CONFNUM%%) which will be substituted
  *     automatically. You can set a default welcome message on
  *     bigbluebutton.properties
  *   - dialNumber (string): The dial access number that participants can
  *     call in using regular phone. You can set a default dial number on
  *     bigbluebutton.properties
  *   - voiceBridge (string): Voice conference number that participants enter
  *     to join the voice conference. The default pattern for this is a
  *     5-digit number. This is the PIN that a dial-in user must enter to
  *     join the conference. If you want to change this pattern, you have to
  *     edit FreeSWITCH dialplan and defaultNumDigitsForTelVoice of
  *     bigbluebutton.properties. When using the default setup, we recommend
  *     you always pass a 5-digit voiceBridge parameter. Finally, if you
  *     don’t pass a value for voiceBridge, then users will not be able to
  *     join a voice conference for the session.
  *   - webVoice (string): Voice conference alphanumeric that participants
  *     enter to join the voice conference.
  *   - logoutURL (string): The URL that the BigBlueButton client will go to
  *     after users click the OK button on the ‘You have been logged out
  *     message’. This overrides, the value for
  *     bigbluebutton.web.loggedOutURL if defined in bigbluebutton.properties
  *   - record (string): Setting ‘record=true’ instructs the BigBlueButton
  *     server to record the media and events in the session for later
  *     playback. Available values are true or false. Default value is false.
  *   - duration (number): The maximum length (in minutes) for the meeting.
  *     Normally, the BigBlueButton server will end the meeting when either
  *     the last person leaves (it takes a minute or two for the server to
  *     clear the meeting from memory) or when the server receives an end API
  *     request with the associated meetingID (everyone is kicked and the
  *     meeting is immediately cleared from memory). BigBlueButton begins
  *     tracking the length of a meeting when the first person joins. If
  *     duration contains a non-zero value, then when the length of the
  *     meeting exceeds the duration value the server will immediately end
  *     the meeting (same as receiving an end API request).
  *   - meta (string): You can pass one or more metadata values for create a
  *     meeting. These will be stored by BigBlueButton and later retrievable
  *     via the getMeetingInfo call and getRecordings. Examples of meta
  *     parameters are meta_Presenter, meta_category, meta_LABEL, etc. All
  *     parameters are converted to lower case, so meta_Presenter would be
  *     the same as meta_PRESENTER.
  *   - moderatorOnlyMessage (string): Display a message to all moderators in
  *     the public chat.
  *   - autoStartRecording (boolean): Automatically starts recording when
  *     first user joins. NOTE: Don’t set to autoStartRecording =false and
  *     allowStartStopRecording=false as the user won’t be able to record.
  *   - allowStartStopRecording (boolean): Allow the user to start/stop
  *     recording. This means the meeting can start recording automatically
  *     (autoStartRecording=true) with the user able to stop/start recording
  *     from the client.
  * @return \sanduhrs\BigBlueButton\Member\Meeting
  *   A meeting object.
 public function addMeeting($options)
     $meeting = new Meeting($options, $this->client);
     return $meeting->create();