Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Render the page 
  * @since Version 3.10.0
  * @return string
 public function render()
     if (!$this->userObject instanceof User) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException("No valid user object has been provided");
     #$this->smarty->clearCache($this->template, $this->unique);
     if ($this->smarty->isCached($this->template, $this->unique)) {
         Debug::LogCLI("!! Template file " . $this->template . " is already cached for unique ID " . $this->unique);
         return $this->smarty->fetch($this->template, $this->unique);
     Debug::LogCLI("Template file " . $this->template . " is NOT cached for unique ID \"" . $this->unique . "\"");
      * Get user alerts
     if (!$this->userObject->guest) {
         global $acl;
         $alerts = $this->userObject->getAlerts($acl);
         $this->smarty->Assign("alerts", $alerts, true);
      * Get the latest jobs
     $newjobs = array();
     foreach ((new Jobs())->yieldNewJobs(5) as $Job) {
         $newjobs[] = $Job->getArray();
     $this->smarty->Assign("jobs", $newjobs, true);
      * Upcoming events
     $Memcached = AppCore::GetMemcached();
     $cachekey = "railpage.home.upcomingevents";
     $upcoming = [];
     if (!($upcoming = $Memcached->fetch($cachekey))) {
         $Events = new Events();
         $upcoming = [];
         foreach ($Events->getUpcomingEvents(5) as $row) {
             //$Event = EventsFactory::CreateEvent($row['event_id']);
             $EventDate = new EventDate($row['id']);
             $data = $EventDate->getArray();
             $upcoming[] = $data;
         $Memcached->save("railpage.home.upcomingevents", $upcoming, strtotime("+5 minutes"));
     $this->smarty->Assign("upcomingevents", $upcoming);
      * New photos
     $this->smarty->Assign("newphotos", RecentImages::getNewest(5));
      * Chronicle
     $Chronicle = new Chronicle();
     $this->smarty->Assign("chronicle", $Chronicle->getEntriesForToday(10));
      * Get the latest railcam photo
     $Camera = new Camera(1);
     $Photo = $Camera->getLatest(false);
     $railcam = $Photo->getArray();
     $railcam['sizes']['small']['source'] = ImageCache::cache($railcam['sizes']['small']['source']);
     $this->smarty->Assign("railcam", $railcam);
     $this->smarty->Assign("railcam_updated", ContentUtility::relativeTime($railcam['dates']['taken']));
      * First check if this user has a personalised news feed
     if (filter_var($this->userObject->id, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT) && $this->userObject->id > 0) {
         $Feed = new Feed();
         if (count($Feed->filter_words) || count($Feed->filter_topics)) {
             $latest = $Feed->findArticles(0, 20);
             foreach ($latest as $id => $article) {
                 $article['sid'] = $article['story_id'];
                 $article['catid'] = $article['topic_id'];
                 $article['hometext'] = preg_replace("@(\\[b\\]|\\[\\/b\\])@", "", $article['story_blurb']);
                 $article['informant'] = $article['username'];
                 $article['informant_id'] = $article['user_id'];
                 $article['ForumThreadId'] = $article['forum_topic_id'];
                 $article['topictext'] = $article['topic_title'];
                 $article['topic'] = $article['topic_id'];
                 $article['featured_image'] = $article['story_image'];
                 $article['title'] = $article['story_title'];
                 $article['time_relative'] = time2str($article['story_time_unix']);
                 $latest[$id] = $article;
     $this->smarty->Assign("personalfeed", isset($latest));
      * No personal news feed - go ahead as normal
     if (!isset($latest)) {
          * Instantiate the base News module
         $News = new Base();
          * Get the latest 15 news articles
         $latest = $News->latest(20);
      * Format titles and tags for the latest news articles
     foreach ($latest as $id => $data) {
          * Load the JSON for this article
         if (!isset($data['sid'])) {
             $data['sid'] = $data['story_id'];
         $json = json_decode(News::getArticleJSON($data['sid']), true);
         $latest[$id]['hometext'] = isset($json['article']['blub']) ? wpautop(process_bbcode($json['article']['blub'])) : wpautop(process_bbcode($json['article']['blurb']));
         $latest[$id]['hometext'] = strip_tags($latest[$id]['hometext'], "<a><p><img><br><br /><strong><em>");
         $latest[$id]['title'] = format_topictitle($data['title']);
         $latest[$id]['topic'] = $json['article']['topic'];
         $latest[$id]['topic_highlight'] = ColourUtility::String2Hex($latest[$id]['topic_title']);
         $latest[$id]['url'] = $json['article']['url'];
         $latest[$id]['author'] = $json['article']['author'];
         $latest[$id]['staff'] = $json['article']['staff'];
         if (!empty($latest[$id]['featured_image'])) {
             $latest[$id]['featured_image'] = ImageCache::cache($latest[$id]['featured_image']);
         // Get the first paragraph from the home text
         preg_match("/<p>(.*)<\\/p>/", $latest[$id]['hometext'], $matches);
         $latest[$id]['hometext'] = strip_tags($matches[1]);
         if (empty($json['article']['body']) && !empty($json['article']['source'])) {
             $latest[$id]['url'] = $json['article']['source'];
          * Pre-rendering
         $this->smarty->addHeadTag(sprintf("<link rel='prerender' href='%s'>", $json['article']['url']['url']));
      * Slice the first news article off
     $newsLatest = array_shift($latest);
      * Send them to Smarty
     $this->smarty->assign("newsLatest", $newsLatest);
     $this->smarty->assign("news", $latest);
     $this->smarty->assign("pagecontrols", '<p style="background: #333; background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);margin: -20px;padding: 10px;margin-top: 20px; text-align: center;">Wasting time and bandwidth since 1992</p>');
     if ($this->params['handheld']) {
         $this->smarty->assign("pagecontrols", '<p style="background: #333; background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);margin: 0px -20px;padding: 0px;margin-top: 40px; text-align: center;font-size:1em;">Wasting time and bandwidth since 1992</p>');
     return $this->smarty->fetch($this->template, $this->unique);
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Scrape the RSS feed
  * @since Version 3.9
  * @return \Railpage\News\Scraper
 public function fetch()
     if (!is_string($this->feed)) {
         throw new Exception("Cannot fetch news articles from RSS feed because no RSS feed was provided");
     $articles = array();
     $FastFeed = FastFeedFactory::create();
     $FastFeed->addFeed('default', $this->feed);
     $FastFeed->pushProcessor(new RemoveStylesProcessor());
     #$FastFeed->pushParser(new RailpageParser);
      * Remove tags
     $StripTagsProcessor = new StripTagsProcessor();
     $StripTagsProcessor->setAllowedTagsForContent("img, a, ul, li, ol, strong, i, em, table, tr, td, th, thead, tbody, tfoot");
     $StripTagsProcessor->setAllowedTagsForIntro("a, ul, li, ol, strong, i, em, table, tr, td, th, thead, tbody, tfoot");
     $items = $FastFeed->fetch('default');
     foreach ($items as $Item) {
         $content = $Item->getContent();
         $date = $Item->getDate();
         $row = array("title" => $Item->getName(), "date" => $date->setTimeZone(new DateTimeZone("Australia/Melbourne")), "source" => $Item->getSource(), "blurb" => $Item->getIntro(), "body" => $Item->getContent(), "topic" => News::guessTopic($topic));
     $articles[] = $row;
     $this->articles = $articles;
      * Zend HTTP config
     $config = array('adapter' => 'Zend\\Http\\Client\\Adapter\\Curl', 'curloptions' => array(CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION => true));
     $client = new Client($this->feed, $config);
      * Fetch the RSS feed
     $response = $client->send();
     $content = $response->getBody();
      * Load the SimpleXML object
     $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($content);
      * Load the namespaces
     $ns = $xml->getNamespaces(true);
      * Loop through each RSS item and build an associative array of the data we need
     foreach ($xml->channel->item as $item) {
         if (isset($ns['content']) && !empty($ns['content'])) {
             $content = $item->children($ns['content']);
             $content = strval($content->encoded);
         } else {
             $content = $item->description->__toString();
             $content = strip_tags($content, "img,a");
         $topic = json_decode(json_encode($item->category), true);
         if (empty($topic)) {
             $topic = $this->feed;
         $line = explode("\n", $content);
         $firstline = preg_replace('/([^?!.]*.).*/', '\\1', strip_tags($line[0]));
         $body = trim(str_replace($firstline, "", $content));
         $row = array("title" => strval($item->title), "date" => (new DateTime(strval($item->pubDate)))->setTimeZone(new DateTimeZone("Australia/Melbourne")), "source" => strval($item->link), "blurb" => $firstline, "body" => $body, "topic" => News::guessTopic($topic));
          * Add this article to the list of news articles found in this scrape
         $articles[] = $row;
     $this->articles = $articles;
     return $this;