Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Create service with name
  * @param ServiceLocatorInterface $serviceLocator
  * @param string $name
  * @param string $requestedName
  * @throws \LogicException
  * @return mixed
 public function createServiceWithName(ServiceLocatorInterface $serviceLocator, $name, $requestedName)
     /** @var $env Environment */
     $env = $serviceLocator->get(Definition::SERVICE_ENVIRONMENT);
     $nameParts = explode('.', $requestedName);
     Assertion::min(count($nameParts), 3, sprintf("Given service bus alias %s is invalid. Format should be processing.(command|event)_bus.[target]", $requestedName));
     $busType = $nameParts[1];
     $address = implode('.', $nameParts);
     $busConfig = $this->getChannelConfigFor($env, $address);
     $target = $this->getTargetFromAddress($address);
     $bus = $busType === "command_bus" ? new CommandBus() : new EventBus();
     $bus->utilize(new ServiceLocatorProxy(Zf2ServiceManagerProxy::proxy($serviceLocator)));
     $messageHandler = $busConfig->stringValue('message_dispatcher', $target);
     if (!empty($messageHandler)) {
         $bus->utilize(new SingleTargetMessageRouter($messageHandler));
     } else {
         throw new \LogicException("Missing a message handler for the bus " . $requestedName);
     foreach ($busConfig->arrayValue('utils') as $busUtil) {
         if (is_string($busUtil)) {
             $busUtil = $serviceLocator->get($busUtil);
     return $bus;
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Create service
  * @param ServiceLocatorInterface $serviceLocator
  * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
  * @return mixed
 public function createService(ServiceLocatorInterface $serviceLocator)
     //Set up is ported from https://github.com/prooph/ProophEventStoreModule/blob/master/src/ProophEventStoreModule/Factory/EventStoreFactory.php
     $config = $serviceLocator->get("configuration");
     if (!isset($config['prooph.event_store'])) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Missing key prooph.event_store in application configuration");
     $config = $config['prooph.event_store'];
     if (!isset($config['adapter'])) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Missing adapter configuration in prooph.event_store configuration");
     $adapterType = isset($config['adapter']["type"]) ? $config['adapter']["type"] : 'Prooph\\EventStore\\Adapter\\InMemoryAdapter';
     $adapterOptions = isset($config['adapter']["options"]) ? $config['adapter']["options"] : [];
     if ($adapterType == 'Prooph\\EventStore\\Adapter\\Zf2\\Zf2EventStoreAdapter' && isset($adapterOptions['zend_db_adapter']) && is_string($adapterOptions['zend_db_adapter'])) {
         $config['adapter']['options']['zend_db_adapter'] = $serviceLocator->get($adapterOptions['zend_db_adapter']);
     $featureManagerConfig = null;
     if (isset($config['feature_manager'])) {
         $featureManagerConfig = new Config($config['feature_manager']);
     $esConfiguration = new Configuration($config);
     $featureManager = new ZF2FeatureManager($featureManagerConfig);
     return new EventStore($esConfiguration);
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * @param null|array|ServiceManager $configurationOrServices
  * @throws \RuntimeException
  * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
  * @return \Prooph\Processing\Environment\Environment
 public static function setUp($configurationOrServices = null)
     $env = null;
     //If neither a config array nor a ServiceManager is given, we initialize the variable with an empty array
     //Later in the set up the default config is merged with this empty array
     if (is_null($configurationOrServices)) {
         $configurationOrServices = [];
     //Initialize the Environment
     if ($configurationOrServices instanceof ServiceManager) {
         //We assume that when the workflow processor service definition is missing
         //then the other services related to the workflow environment are also missing
         if (!$configurationOrServices->has(Definition::SERVICE_WORKFLOW_PROCESSOR)) {
             $servicesConfig = new Config(self::$defaultServicesConfig);
         $env = new self(Zf2ServiceManagerProxy::proxy($configurationOrServices));
         //Check if the provided ServiceManager already has a configuration service available
         //so we make sure that we won't override it later but just merge it with the default environment config
         if ($env->services()->has('configuration')) {
             $configurationOrServices = $env->services()->get('configuration');
         } else {
             $configurationOrServices = [];
     } elseif (is_array($configurationOrServices)) {
         //No external ServiceManager given, so we set up a new one
         $servicesConfig = [];
         if (isset($configurationOrServices['services'])) {
             $servicesConfig = $configurationOrServices['services'];
         $servicesConfig = new Config(ArrayUtils::merge(self::$defaultServicesConfig, $servicesConfig));
         $env = new self(Zf2ServiceManagerProxy::proxy(new ServiceManager($servicesConfig)));
     //This should never happen, but if for whatever reason a wrong $configurationOrServices was passed to the set up
     //we stop the process here
     if (is_null($env)) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Processing set up requires either a config array or a ready to use Zend\\ServiceManager");
     //We proceed with merging and preparing the environment configuration
     $envConfig = ArrayUtils::merge(self::$defaultEnvConfig, $configurationOrServices);
     //The environment node name is used as target for the local channel, the config needs to be adapted accordingly.
     $envConfigReader = new ArrayReader($envConfig);
     $nodeName = $envConfigReader->stringValue('processing.node_name', Definition::DEFAULT_NODE_NAME);
     $localChannelTargets = $envConfigReader->arrayValue('processing.channels.local.targets');
     if (!in_array($nodeName, $localChannelTargets)) {
         $envConfig = ArrayUtils::merge($envConfig, ['processing' => ['channels' => ['local' => ['targets' => [$nodeName]]]]]);
     $env->services()->set('configuration', $envConfig, true);
     if (!$env->services()->has('config')) {
         $env->services()->setAlias('config', 'configuration');
     $env->services()->set(Definition::SERVICE_ENVIRONMENT, $env, true);
     //The node name is used as message bus target to address the workflow processor of the current environment
     //We alias the workflow processor service with the node name to ensure that the target can be resolved
     $env->services()->setAlias($nodeName, Definition::SERVICE_WORKFLOW_PROCESSOR);
     //The environment component ships with an own workflow engine implementation that uses the ServiceManager
     //to resolve the required message buses for the various targets
     $env->workflowEngine = new ServicesAwareWorkflowEngine($env->services());
     //Add an initializer which injects the local processor message buses whenever a workflow message handler
     //is requested from the ServiceManager
     $env->services()->addInitializer(new WorkflowProcessorBusesProvider());
     //After the set up routine is finished the plugin mechanism can be triggered
     foreach ($env->getConfig()->arrayValue('plugins') as $plugin) {
         if (!$plugin instanceof Plugin && !is_string($plugin)) {
             throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf("Invalid plugin detected: %s. Plugins should be instance of Prooph\\Processing\\Environment\\Plugin or a ServiceManager alias that resolves to a plugin", is_object($plugin) ? get_class($plugin) : gettype($plugin)));
         if (is_string($plugin)) {
             $plugin = $env->services->get($plugin);
             if (!$plugin instanceof Plugin) {
                 throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf("Resolved plugin for alias %s does not implement Prooph\\Processing\\Environment\\Plugin"));
     return $env;