Ejemplo n.º 1
 public function test500()
     $this->app->route('500', '/500', function () {
         throw new \Exception('Test Exception for 500');
     $this->app->demand('header', function ($header) use(&$headers_list) {
         $headers_list[] = $header;
     $this->assertContains('HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error', $headers_list);
Ejemplo n.º 2
use Microsite\Template;
use Microsite\Tinycode;
use Microsite\Renderers\JSONRenderer;
use Microsite\Renderers\MarkdownRenderer;
use Microsite\DB\Mongo\DB as MongoDB;
//include 'src/microsite.phar';
include 'src/stub2.php';
$app = new App();
// Assign a directory in which templates can be found for rendering
$app->template_dirs = [__DIR__ . '/views'];
 * Basic home page.
 * Set the view to a home.php view provided in the view directory
$app->route('home', '/', function (App $app) {
    return $app->response()->render('home.php');
 * Simple string output.
$app->route('string', '/string', function () {
    return "A response can be a simple string from inside a function";
 * Weird routing issue
$app->route('inbound', '/inbound', function () {
    echo 'ok?';
 * Simple echo output.