Ejemplo n.º 1
 public function testGetRandom()
     // Default is 1.
     $randomPages1 = $this->pageListGetter->getRandom();
     $this->assertCount(1, $randomPages1->toArray());
     // 8 random pages.
     $randomPages2 = $this->pageListGetter->getRandom(['rnlimit' => 8]);
     $this->assertCount(8, $randomPages2->toArray());
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Visit every descendant page of $rootCategoryName (which will be a Category
  * page, because there are no desecendants of any other pages).
  * @param Page $rootCat The full name of the page to start at.
  * @param Page[] $currentPath Used only when recursing into this method, to track each path
  * through the category hierarchy in case of loops.
  * @return Pages All descendants of the given category.
  * @throws CategoryLoopException If a category loop is detected.
 public function descend(Page $rootCat, $currentPath = null)
     // Make sure we know the namespace IDs.
     $rootCatName = $rootCat->getPageIdentifier()->getTitle()->getText();
     if (is_null($currentPath)) {
         $this->alreadyVisited = [];
         $currentPath = new Pages();
     $this->alreadyVisited[] = $rootCatName;
     // Start a list of child pages.
     $descendants = new Pages();
     do {
         $pageListGetter = new PageListGetter($this->api);
         $members = $pageListGetter->getPageListFromCategoryName($rootCatName);
         foreach ($members->toArray() as $member) {
             /** @var Title */
             $memberTitle = $member->getPageIdentifier()->getTitle();
             // See if this page is a Category page.
             $isCat = false;
             if (isset($this->namespaces[$memberTitle->getNs()])) {
                 $ns = $this->namespaces[$memberTitle->getNs()];
                 $isCat = isset($ns['canonical']) && $ns['canonical'] === 'Category';
             // If it's a category, descend into it.
             if ($isCat) {
                 // If this member has already been visited on this branch of the traversal,
                 // throw an Exception with information about which categories form the loop.
                 if ($currentPath->hasPage($member)) {
                     $loop = new CategoryLoopException();
                     throw $loop;
                 // Don't go any further if we've already visited this member
                 // (does not indicate a loop, however; we've already caught that above).
                 if (in_array($memberTitle->getText(), $this->alreadyVisited)) {
                 // Call any registered callbacked, and carry on to the next branch.
                 $this->call(self::CALLBACK_CATEGORY, [$member, $rootCat]);
                 $newDescendants = $this->descend($member, $currentPath);
                 $currentPath = new Pages();
                 // Re-set the path.
             } else {
                 // If it's a page, add it to the list and carry on.
                 $this->call(self::CALLBACK_PAGE, [$member, $rootCat]);
     } while (isset($result['continue']));
     return $descendants;