public function testGBNumber()
     $number = new PhoneNumber();
     $timeZone = PhoneNumberToTimeZonesMapper::getInstance();
     $this->assertEquals(array("Europe/London"), $timeZone->getTimeZonesForNumber($number));
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public function testEqualWithPreferredDomesticCarrierCodeSetToDefault()
     $numberA = new PhoneNumber();
     $numberB = new PhoneNumber();
     $this->assertEquals($numberA, $numberB);
 public function send(Message $message, PhoneNumber $recipient)
     foreach ($this->whitelist as $whitelisted) {
         if ($recipient->equals($whitelisted)) {
             return $this->sender->send($message, $recipient);
     return true;
  * Returns the description of the geographical area the {@code number} corresponds to. This method
  * distinguishes the case of an invalid prefix and a prefix for which the name is not available in
  * the current language. If the description is not available in the current language an empty
  * string is returned. If no description was found for the provided number, null is returned.
  * @internal param \libphonenumber\PhoneNumber $number the phone number to look up
  * @param \libphonenumber\PhoneNumber $phoneNumber
  * @return string|null bla the description of the geographical area
 public function lookup(PhoneNumber $phoneNumber)
     if (count($this->areaCodeMapStorage) == 0) {
         return null;
     $phonePrefix = $phoneNumber->getCountryCode() . $this->phoneUtil->getNationalSignificantNumber($phoneNumber);
     while (strlen($phonePrefix) > 0) {
         if (array_key_exists($phonePrefix, $this->areaCodeMapStorage)) {
             return $this->areaCodeMapStorage[$phonePrefix];
         $phonePrefix = substr($phonePrefix, 0, -1);
     return null;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public function testSerializingPhoneNumber2()
     $phoneNumber = new PhoneNumber();
     $serializedString = serialize($phoneNumber);
     $phoneObject2 = unserialize($serializedString);
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * @param Message     $message
  * @param PhoneNumber $recipient
  * @throws SenderException
  * @return bool
 public function send(Message $message, PhoneNumber $recipient)
     $params = ['api_key' => $this->apiKey, 'api_secret' => $this->apiSecret, 'from' => $this->senderName, 'to' => $recipient->getCountryCode() . $recipient->getNationalNumber(), 'text' => $message->getContent(), 'type' => $message->getType() === Message::TYPE_UNICODE ? "unicode" : "text"];
     $url = self::NEXTMO_ENDPOINT . '?' . http_build_query($params);
     $response = $this->getResponse($url);
     if (false === isset($response['messages'])) {
         throw new SenderException('Invalid nexmo response: ' . var_export($response, true));
     foreach ($response['messages'] as $message) {
         if ($message['status'] !== "0") {
             throw new SenderException($message['error-text'], $message['status']);
     return true;
 public function equals(PhoneNumberModel $other)
     if (empty($this->isValid()) || empty($other->isValid())) {
         return false;
     return $this->phoneNumberProto->equals($other->phoneNumberProto);
 public function testLookupTimeZonesForNumber_RU()
     $number = new PhoneNumber();
     $this->assertEquals(array(self::MOSCOW_TZ), self::$prefixTimeZonesMapForRU->lookupTimeZonesForNumber($number));
     $this->assertEquals(array(self::VLADIVOSTOK_TZ), self::$prefixTimeZonesMapForRU->lookupTimeZonesForNumber($number));
     $this->assertEquals(array(self::YEKATERINBURG_TZ), self::$prefixTimeZonesMapForRU->lookupTimeZonesForNumber($number));
     // A mobile number
     $this->assertEquals(array(), self::$prefixTimeZonesMapForRU->lookupTimeZonesForNumber($number));
     // An invalid number (too short)
     $this->assertEquals(array(self::IRKUTSK_TZ), self::$prefixTimeZonesMapForRU->lookupTimeZonesForNumber($number));
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public function send(Message $message, PhoneNumber $recipient)
     $number = $recipient->getCountryCode() . $recipient->getNationalNumber();
     $text = $message->getContent();
     try {
         $maxLen = $message->getType() === Message::TYPE_ASCII ? self::MAX_LENGTH_ASCII : self::MAX_LENGTH_UNICODE;
         $textPreparedForSms = $this->transport->prepareTextForMessage($text);
         if (mb_strlen($textPreparedForSms) > $maxLen) {
             $text = $this->transport->splitMessage($textPreparedForSms, $maxLen);
             $text = array_map($this->transport, $text);
         if (false === is_array($text)) {
             $text = array($text);
         foreach ($text as $contentPart) {
             $this->sender->sendMessage($number, $contentPart, $this->getTypeForMessage($message));
         return true;
     } catch (MobitexException $e) {
         throw new SenderException($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode(), $e);
Ejemplo n.º 10
  * Returns the list of time zones {@code number}'s calling country code corresponds to.
  * @param $number PhoneNumber the phone number to look up
  * @return array the list of corresponding time zones
 public function lookupCountryLevelTimeZonesForNumber(PhoneNumber $number)
     return $this->lookupTimeZonesForNumberKey($number->getCountryCode());
 public function testEmergencyNumberForSharedCountryCallingCode()
     // Test the emergency number 112, which is valid in both Australia and the Christmas Islands.
     $this->assertTrue($this->shortInfo->isEmergencyNumber("112", RegionCode::AU));
     $this->assertTrue($this->shortInfo->isValidShortNumberForRegion($this->parse("112", RegionCode::AU), RegionCode::AU));
     $this->assertEquals(ShortNumberCost::TOLL_FREE, $this->shortInfo->getExpectedCostForRegion($this->parse("112", RegionCode::AU), RegionCode::AU));
     $this->assertTrue($this->shortInfo->isEmergencyNumber("112", RegionCode::CX));
     $this->assertTrue($this->shortInfo->isValidShortNumberForRegion($this->parse("112", RegionCode::CX), RegionCode::CX));
     $this->assertEquals(ShortNumberCost::TOLL_FREE, $this->shortInfo->getExpectedCostForRegion($this->parse("112", RegionCode::CX), RegionCode::CX));
     $sharedEmergencyNumber = new PhoneNumber();
     $this->assertEquals(ShortNumberCost::TOLL_FREE, $this->shortInfo->getExpectedCost($sharedEmergencyNumber));
 public function testSpecialCaseIndianMobile()
     $fixedLineAndMobileNumber = new PhoneNumber();
     $this->assertEquals(PhoneNumberType::FIXED_LINE_OR_MOBILE, $this->phoneUtil->getNumberType($fixedLineAndMobileNumber));
 public function testIsNumberMatchShortNsnMatches()
     // Short NSN matches with the country not specified for either one or both numbers.
     $this->assertEquals(MatchType::SHORT_NSN_MATCH, $this->phoneUtil->isNumberMatch("+64 3 331-6005", "331 6005"));
     $this->assertEquals(MatchType::SHORT_NSN_MATCH, $this->phoneUtil->isNumberMatch("+64 3 331-6005", "tel:331-6005;"));
     $this->assertEquals(MatchType::SHORT_NSN_MATCH, $this->phoneUtil->isNumberMatch("+64 3 331-6005", "tel:331-6005;isub=1234;"));
     $this->assertEquals(MatchType::SHORT_NSN_MATCH, $this->phoneUtil->isNumberMatch("+64 3 331-6005", "tel:331-6005;isub=1234;;a=%A1"));
     // We did not know that the "0" was a national prefix since neither number has a country code,
     // so this is considered a SHORT_NSN_MATCH.
     $this->assertEquals(MatchType::SHORT_NSN_MATCH, $this->phoneUtil->isNumberMatch("3 331-6005", "03 331 6005"));
     $this->assertEquals(MatchType::SHORT_NSN_MATCH, $this->phoneUtil->isNumberMatch("3 331-6005", "331 6005"));
     $this->assertEquals(MatchType::SHORT_NSN_MATCH, $this->phoneUtil->isNumberMatch("3 331-6005", "tel:331-6005;"));
     $this->assertEquals(MatchType::SHORT_NSN_MATCH, $this->phoneUtil->isNumberMatch("3 331-6005", "+64 331 6005"));
     // Short NSN match with the country specified.
     $this->assertEquals(MatchType::SHORT_NSN_MATCH, $this->phoneUtil->isNumberMatch("03 331-6005", "331 6005"));
     $this->assertEquals(MatchType::SHORT_NSN_MATCH, $this->phoneUtil->isNumberMatch("1 234 345 6789", "345 6789"));
     $this->assertEquals(MatchType::SHORT_NSN_MATCH, $this->phoneUtil->isNumberMatch("+1 (234) 345 6789", "345 6789"));
     // NSN matches, country calling code omitted for one number, extension missing for one.
     $this->assertEquals(MatchType::SHORT_NSN_MATCH, $this->phoneUtil->isNumberMatch("+64 3 331-6005", "3 331 6005#1234"));
     // One has Italian leading zero, one does not.
     $italianNumberOne = new PhoneNumber();
     $italianNumberTwo = new PhoneNumber();
     $this->assertEquals(MatchType::SHORT_NSN_MATCH, $this->phoneUtil->isNumberMatch($italianNumberOne, $italianNumberTwo));
     // One has an extension, the other has an extension of "".
     $this->assertEquals(MatchType::SHORT_NSN_MATCH, $this->phoneUtil->isNumberMatch($italianNumberOne, $italianNumberTwo));
  * Returns a text description for the given phone number, in the language provided. The
  * description might consist of the name of the country where the phone number is from, or the
  * name of the geographical area the phone number is from if more detailed information is
  * available.
  * <p>This method assumes the validity of the number passed in has already been checked, and that
  * the number is suitable for geocoding. We consider fixed-line and mobile numbers possible
  * candidates for geocoding.
  * <p>If $userRegion is set, we also consider the region of the user. If the phone number is from
  * the same region as the user, only a lower-level description will be returned, if one exists.
  * Otherwise, the phone number's region will be returned, with optionally some more detailed
  * information.
  * <p>For example, for a user from the region "US" (United States), we would show "Mountain View,
  * CA" for a particular number, omitting the United States from the description. For a user from
  * the United Kingdom (region "GB"), for the same number we may show "Mountain View, CA, United
  * States" or even just "United States".
  * @param PhoneNumber $number a valid phone number for which we want to get a text description
  * @param string $locale the language code for which the description should be written
  * @param string $userRegion the region code for a given user. This region will be omitted from the
  *     description if the phone number comes from this region. It is a two-letter uppercase ISO
  *     country code as defined by ISO 3166-1.
  * @return string a text description for the given language code for the given phone number
 public function getDescriptionForValidNumber(PhoneNumber $number, $locale, $userRegion = null)
     // If the user region matches the number's region, then we just show the lower-level
     // description, if one exists - if no description exists, we will show the region(country) name
     // for the number.
     $regionCode = $this->phoneUtil->getRegionCodeForNumber($number);
     if ($userRegion == null || $userRegion == $regionCode) {
         $languageStr = Locale::getPrimaryLanguage($locale);
         $scriptStr = "";
         $regionStr = Locale::getRegion($locale);
         $mobileToken = $this->phoneUtil->getCountryMobileToken($number->getCountryCode());
         $nationalNumber = $this->phoneUtil->getNationalSignificantNumber($number);
         if ($mobileToken !== "" && !strncmp($nationalNumber, $mobileToken, strlen($mobileToken))) {
             // In some countries, eg. Argentina, mobile numbers have a mobile token before the national
             // destination code, this should be removed before geocoding.
             $nationalNumber = substr($nationalNumber, strlen($mobileToken));
             $copiedNumber = new PhoneNumber();
             if (substr($nationalNumber, 0, 1) == "0") {
             $areaDescription = $this->prefixFileReader->getDescriptionForNumber($copiedNumber, $languageStr, $scriptStr, $regionStr);
         } else {
             $areaDescription = $this->prefixFileReader->getDescriptionForNumber($number, $languageStr, $scriptStr, $regionStr);
         return strlen($areaDescription) > 0 ? $areaDescription : $this->getCountryNameForNumber($number, $locale);
     // Otherwise, we just show the region(country) name for now.
     return $this->getRegionDisplayName($regionCode, $locale);
     // TODO: Concatenate the lower-level and country-name information in an appropriate
     // way for each language.
  * Returns the customary display name in the given language for the given territory the phone
  * number is from. If it could be from many territories, nothing is returned.
  * @param PhoneNumber $number
  * @param string $locale
  * @return string
 protected function getCountryNameForNumber(PhoneNumber $number, $locale)
     $regionCodes = $this->phoneUtil->getRegionCodesForCountryCode($number->getCountryCode());
     if (count($regionCodes) === 1) {
         return $this->getRegionDisplayName($regionCodes[0], $locale);
     } else {
         $regionWhereNumberIsValid = 'ZZ';
         foreach ($regionCodes as $regionCode) {
             if ($this->phoneUtil->isValidNumberForRegion($number, $regionCode)) {
                 if ($regionWhereNumberIsValid !== 'ZZ') {
                     // If we can't assign the phone number as definitely belonging to only one territory,
                     // then we return nothing.
                     return "";
                 $regionWhereNumberIsValid = $regionCode;
         return $this->getRegionDisplayName($regionWhereNumberIsValid, $locale);
  * Returns the description of the {@code $number}. This method distinguishes the case of an invalid
  * prefix and a prefix for which the name is not available in the current language. If the
  * description is not available in the current language an empty string is returned. If no
  * description was found for the provided number, null is returned.
  * @param PhoneNumber $number The phone number to look up
  * @return string|null the description of the number
 public function lookup(PhoneNumber $number)
     $phonePrefix = $number->getCountryCode() . $this->phoneUtil->getNationalSignificantNumber($number);
     return $this->lookupKey($phonePrefix);
Ejemplo n.º 17
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function __toString()
     return parent::__toString();
  * Returns a text description in the given language for the given phone number.
  * @param PhoneNumber $number the phone number for which we want to get a text description
  * @param string $language two-letter lowercase ISO language codes as defined by ISO 639-1
  * @param string $script four-letter titlecase (the first letter is uppercase and the rest of the letters
  *     are lowercase) ISO script codes as defined in ISO 15924
  * @param string $region two-letter uppercase ISO country codes as defined by ISO 3166-1
  * @return string a text description in the given language for the given phone number, or an empty
  *     string if a description is not available
 public function getDescriptionForNumber(PhoneNumber $number, $language, $script, $region)
     $phonePrefix = $number->getCountryCode() . PhoneNumberUtil::getInstance()->getNationalSignificantNumber($number);
     $phonePrefixDescriptions = $this->getPhonePrefixDescriptions($phonePrefix, $language, $script, $region);
     $description = $phonePrefixDescriptions !== null ? $phonePrefixDescriptions->lookup($number) : null;
     // When a location is not available in the requested language, fall back to English.
     if (($description === null || strlen($description) === 0) && $this->mayFallBackToEnglish($language)) {
         $defaultMap = $this->getPhonePrefixDescriptions($phonePrefix, "en", "", "");
         if ($defaultMap === null) {
             return "";
         $description = $defaultMap->lookup($number);
     return $description !== null ? $description : "";
  * Returns a text description in the given language for the given phone number.
  * @param PhoneNumber $number  the phone number for which we want to get a text description
  * @param string $language  two-letter lowercase ISO language codes as defined by ISO 639-1
  * @param string $script  four-letter titlecase (the first letter is uppercase and the rest of the letters
  *     are lowercase) ISO script codes as defined in ISO 15924
  * @param string $region  two-letter uppercase ISO country codes as defined by ISO 3166-1
  * @return string a text description in the given language for the given phone number, or an empty
  *     string if a description is not available
 public function getDescriptionForNumber(PhoneNumber $number, $language, $script, $region)
     $countryCallingCode = $number->getCountryCode();
     // As the NANPA data is split into multiple files covering 3-digit areas, use a phone number
     // prefix of 4 digits for NANPA instead, e.g. 1650.
     $phonePrefix = $countryCallingCode !== 1 ? $countryCallingCode : 1000 + intval($number->getNationalNumber() / 10000000);
     $phonePrefixDescriptions = $this->getPhonePrefixDescriptions($phonePrefix, $language, $script, $region);
     $description = $phonePrefixDescriptions !== null ? $phonePrefixDescriptions->lookup($number) : null;
     // When a location is not available in the requested language, fall back to English.
     if (($description === null || strlen($description) === 0) && $this->mayFallBackToEnglish($language)) {
         $defaultMap = $this->getPhonePrefixDescriptions($phonePrefix, "en", "", "");
         if ($defaultMap === null) {
             return "";
         $description = $defaultMap->lookup($number);
     return $description !== null ? $description : "";
 public function testParseNationalNumber()
     // National prefix attached.
     $this->assertEquals(self::$nzNumber, $this->phoneUtil->parse("033316005", RegionCode::NZ));
     $this->assertEquals(self::$nzNumber, $this->phoneUtil->parse("33316005", RegionCode::NZ));
     // National prefix attached and some formatting present.
     $this->assertEquals(self::$nzNumber, $this->phoneUtil->parse("03-331 6005", RegionCode::NZ));
     $this->assertEquals(self::$nzNumber, $this->phoneUtil->parse("03 331 6005", RegionCode::NZ));
     // Testing international prefixes.
     // Should strip country calling code.
     $this->assertEquals(self::$nzNumber, $this->phoneUtil->parse("0064 3 331 6005", RegionCode::NZ));
     // Try again, but this time we have an international number with Region Code US. It should
     // recognise the country calling code and parse accordingly.
     $this->assertEquals(self::$nzNumber, $this->phoneUtil->parse("01164 3 331 6005", RegionCode::US));
     $this->assertEquals(self::$nzNumber, $this->phoneUtil->parse("+64 3 331 6005", RegionCode::US));
     // We should ignore the leading plus here, since it is not followed by a valid country code but
     // instead is followed by the IDD for the US.
     $this->assertEquals(self::$nzNumber, $this->phoneUtil->parse("+01164 3 331 6005", RegionCode::US));
     $this->assertEquals(self::$nzNumber, $this->phoneUtil->parse("+0064 3 331 6005", RegionCode::NZ));
     $this->assertEquals(self::$nzNumber, $this->phoneUtil->parse("+ 00 64 3 331 6005", RegionCode::NZ));
     $nzNumber = new PhoneNumber();
     $this->assertEquals($nzNumber, $this->phoneUtil->parse("64(0)64123456", RegionCode::NZ));
     // Check that using a "/" is fine in a phone number.
     $this->assertEquals(self::$deNumber, $this->phoneUtil->parse("301/23456", RegionCode::DE));
     $usNumber = new PhoneNumber();
     // Check it doesn't use the '1' as a country calling code when parsing if the phone number was
     // already possible.
     $this->assertEquals($usNumber, $this->phoneUtil->parse("123-456-7890", RegionCode::US));
     // Test star numbers. Although this is not strictly valid, we would like to make sure we can
     // parse the output we produce when formatting the number.
     $this->assertEquals(self::$jpStarNumber, $this->phoneUtil->parse("+81 *2345", RegionCode::JP));
     // Test national number bigger than max 32-bit signed integer
     $inNumber = new PhoneNumber();
     $this->assertEquals($inNumber, $this->phoneUtil->parse("9876543210", RegionCode::BR));
Ejemplo n.º 21
  * Returns the national number of this PhoneNumber.
  * The national number is a series of digits.
  * @return string
 public function getNationalNumber()
     return $this->phoneNumber->getNationalNumber();
Ejemplo n.º 22
  * Returns a text description in the given language for the given phone number.
  * @param PhoneNumber $number the phone number for which we want to get a text description
  * @param string $language two-letter lowercase ISO language codes as defined by ISO 639-1
  * @param string $script four-letter titlecase (the first letter is uppercase and the rest of the letters
  *     are lowercase) ISO script codes as defined in ISO 15924
  * @param string $region two-letter uppercase ISO country codes as defined by ISO 3166-1
  * @return string a text description in the given language for the given phone number, or an empty
  *     string if a description is not available
 public function getDescriptionForNumber(PhoneNumber $number, $language, $script, $region)
     $countryCallingCode = $number->getCountryCode();
     // As the NANPA data is split into multiple files covering 3-digit areas, use a phone number
     // prefix of 4 digits for NANPA instead, e.g. 1650.
     if ($countryCallingCode === 1) {
         $phonePrefix = 1000 + intval($number->getNationalNumber() / 10000000);
     } elseif ($countryCallingCode === 86) {
         // Split China into multiple files to reduce PHP memory usage
         // @see
         $phonePrefix = '86' . substr($number->getNationalNumber(), 0, 3);
     } else {
         $phonePrefix = $countryCallingCode;
     $phonePrefixDescriptions = $this->getPhonePrefixDescriptions($phonePrefix, $language, $script, $region);
     $description = $phonePrefixDescriptions !== null ? $phonePrefixDescriptions->lookup($number) : null;
     // When a location is not available in the requested language, fall back to English.
     if (($description === null || strlen($description) === 0) && $this->mayFallBackToEnglish($language)) {
         $defaultMap = $this->getPhonePrefixDescriptions($phonePrefix, "en", "", "");
         if ($defaultMap === null) {
             return "";
         $description = $defaultMap->lookup($number);
     return $description !== null ? $description : "";
Ejemplo n.º 23
  * @return int
 public function getCountryCode() : int
     return $this->number->getCountryCode();
  * Attempts to extract a valid number from a phone number that is too long to be valid, and resets
  * the PhoneNumber object passed in to that valid version. If no valid number could be extracted,
  * the PhoneNumber object passed in will not be modified.
  * @param $number PhoneNumber a PhoneNumber object which contains a number that is too long to be valid.
  * @return boolean true if a valid phone number can be successfully extracted.
 public function truncateTooLongNumber(PhoneNumber $number)
     if ($this->isValidNumber($number)) {
         return true;
     $numberCopy = new PhoneNumber();
     $nationalNumber = $number->getNationalNumber();
     do {
         $nationalNumber = floor($nationalNumber / 10);
         if ($this->isPossibleNumberWithReason($numberCopy) == ValidationResult::TOO_SHORT || $nationalNumber == 0) {
             return false;
     } while (!$this->isValidNumber($numberCopy));
     return true;