Ejemplo n.º 1
 public function buzz($s = \HACKLIB_UNINIT)
     if ($s === \HACKLIB_UNINIT) {
         $s = \HH\Map::hacklib_new(array('a'), array('z'));
     echo join(", ", (array) \hacklib_cast_as_array($s)) . "\n";
 public function getHandlerContext($fn_name)
     $context = \HH\Map::hacklib_new(array(), array());
     foreach ($this->handlers as $key => $handler) {
         $context[$key] = $handler->getHandlerContext($fn_name);
     return $context;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        echo "({$t}) {$i} : {$out}\n";
    $i = $m->getIterator();
    try {
        echo "should not see this";
    } catch (InvalidOperationException $e) {
        echo $e->getMessage() . "\n";
$immMap = \HH\ImmMap::hacklib_new(array("25", 9, "9"), array("Galadriel", true, new Foo()));
$map = \HH\Map::hacklib_new(array("25", 9, "keyai"), array("zinc", 99, array(2 => 2)));
$i = $map->getIterator();
$map[\hacklib_id("25")] = "copper";
echo "key is " . $i->key() . "\n";
$map[\hacklib_id("logo")] = "basic";
try {
    echo "should not see this";
} catch (InvalidOperationException $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage() . "\n";
$map = $map->add(\HH\Pair::hacklib_new("tweedledee", "tweedledum"));
foreach ($map as $i => $mal) {
    $out = var_export($mal, true);
Ejemplo n.º 4
    private function __construct()
    private static $hacklib_values = array('Fly' => "15", 'Blue' => 12, 'Red' => 15, 'Green' => "green");
    const Fly = "15";
    const Blue = 12;
    const Red = 15;
    const Green = "green";
echo "ImmVector: ";
var_dump(E2::assertAll(new \HH\ImmVector(array(15, "15", "12", 12, "green"))));
echo "array: ";
var_dump(E2::assertAll(array(15, "15", "12", 12, "green")));
echo "Map: ";
var_dump(E2::assertAll(\HH\Map::hacklib_new(array(12, "1", 1, "grey", 3), array(15, "15", "12", 12, "green"))));
function fn()
    $a = array(15, "15", "12", 12, "green");
    foreach ($a as $v) {
        (yield $v);
$g = fn();
echo "Generator: ";
try {
    E2::assertAll(array(15, "true", 12));
} catch (\UnexpectedValueException $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage() . "\n";
Ejemplo n.º 5
function test_all_containers()
    $data_arr = array(1, 2, 3);
    test_container(new \HH\ImmVector(array()));
    test_container(new \HH\ImmVector($data_arr));
    test_container(new \HH\Vector(array()));
    test_container(new \HH\Vector($data_arr));
    test_container(\HH\Pair::hacklib_new(1, 2));
    test_container(new \HH\ImmSet(array()));
    test_container(new \HH\ImmSet($data_arr));
    test_container(new \HH\Set(array()));
    test_container(new \HH\Set($data_arr));
    test_container(\HH\ImmMap::hacklib_new(array(), array()));
    test_container(new \HH\ImmMap($data_arr));
    test_container(\HH\Map::hacklib_new(array(), array()));
    test_container(new \HH\Map($data_arr));
    test_container(new Foo());
 public static function hacklib_initialize_statics()
     self::$c = \HH\Map::hacklib_new(array("do", "re", "mi"), array("a deer", "a drop", "a name"));
Ejemplo n.º 7
    echo $name . " : " . (\hacklib_cast_as_boolean($c) ? " TRUE " : " FALSE ") . "\n";
$o1 = 10;
$o2 = "10";
print_res("straightforward equality", 10 == "10");
print_res("simple equality", \hacklib_equals($o1, $o2));
print_res("simple inequality", \hacklib_not_equals($o1, $o2));
print_res("vec and immvec", \hacklib_equals(new \HH\Vector(array()), new \HH\ImmVector(array())));
$m1 = \HH\Map::hacklib_new(array("t", 1), array("tt", 2));
$m2 = \HH\Map::hacklib_new(array(1, "t"), array(2, "tt"));
print_res("map key order", \hacklib_equals($m1, $m2));
$p1 = \HH\Pair::hacklib_new(1, 2);
$p2 = \HH\Pair::hacklib_new(1, 2);
print_res("collections with additional state", \hacklib_equals($p1, $p2));
print_res("Pairs can be unequal", \hacklib_not_equals(\HH\Pair::hacklib_new("high", "tea"), \HH\Pair::hacklib_new("high", "tee")));
print_res("Vector uses ==", \hacklib_equals(new \HH\Vector(array(1)), new \HH\ImmVector(array("1"))));
print_res("Even if Empty", \hacklib_equals(new \HH\Vector(array()), new \HH\ImmVector(array())));
print_res("Number of Items", \hacklib_equals(new \HH\Set(array(1)), new \HH\Set(array(1, 2))));
print_res("Sets use === on keys", \hacklib_equals(new \HH\Set(array(1)), new \HH\Set(array("1"))));
print_res("Sets can equal ImmSets", \hacklib_equals(new \HH\Set(array("a", 1)), new \HH\ImmSet(array(1, "a"))));
print_res("Maps do both", \hacklib_equals(\HH\Map::hacklib_new(array("1", 1), array("zork", "mindy")), \HH\Map::hacklib_new(array(1, "1"), array("mindy", "zork"))));
print_res("Maps can equal ImmMaps", \hacklib_equals(\HH\ImmMap::hacklib_new(array("o", 1), array("mork", 1)), \HH\Map::hacklib_new(array(1, "o"), array(1, "mork"))));
print_res("Check for false", \hacklib_equals(new \HH\Vector(array()), false));
print_res("Check for true", \hacklib_equals(true, new \HH\Vector(array())));
print_res("Using not equals", \hacklib_not_equals(\HH\Map::hacklib_new(array(), array()), true));
print_res("Nested Comparison True", \hacklib_equals(new \HH\Vector(array(\HH\Map::hacklib_new(array(1), array("zoom")), new \HH\Vector(array("33")))), new \HH\Vector(array(\HH\Map::hacklib_new(array(1), array("zoom")), new \HH\ImmVector(array(33))))));
print_res("Nested Comparison False", \hacklib_equals(new \HH\Vector(array(\HH\Map::hacklib_new(array(1), array("zoom")), new \HH\Set(array("33")))), new \HH\Vector(array(\HH\Map::hacklib_new(array(1), array("zoom")), new \HH\Set(array(33))))));
print_res("Compare with null", \hacklib_equals(null, new \HH\Vector(array())));
print_res("Compare values that are null", \hacklib_equals(new \HH\Vector(array(false)), new \HH\Vector(array(null))));
 public function __construct()
     $this->handlers = \HH\Map::hacklib_new(array(), array());
Ejemplo n.º 9
 private function flushImpl($oneway)
     if (\hacklib_equals(strlen($this->wBuf_), 0)) {
         if (\hacklib_cast_as_boolean($oneway)) {
         } else {
     $out = $this->transform($this->wBuf_);
     $this->wBuf_ = '';
     if ($this->protoId_ === 1 && $this->clientType_ !== self::HTTP_CLIENT_TYPE) {
         throw new TTransportException('Trying to send JSON encoding over binary', TTransportException::INVALID_CLIENT);
     $buf = '';
     if ($this->clientType_ === self::HEADER_CLIENT_TYPE) {
         $transformData = '';
         $num_headers = 0;
         foreach ($this->writeTrans_ as $trans) {
             $transformData .= $this->getVarint($trans);
         if ($this->identity !== null) {
             $this->writeHeaders[self::ID_VERSION_HEADER] = (string) self::ID_VERSION;
             $this->writeHeaders[self::IDENTITY_HEADER] = $this->identity;
         $infoData = '';
         if (\hacklib_cast_as_boolean($this->writeHeaders) || \hacklib_cast_as_boolean($this->persistentWriteHeaders)) {
             $infoData .= $this->getVarint(self::INFO_KEYVALUE);
             $infoData .= $this->getVarint(count($this->writeHeaders) + count($this->persistentWriteHeaders));
             foreach ($this->persistentWriteHeaders as $str_key => $str_value) {
                 $infoData .= $this->writeString($str_key);
                 $infoData .= $this->writeString($str_value);
             foreach ($this->writeHeaders as $str_key => $str_value) {
                 $infoData .= $this->writeString($str_key);
                 $infoData .= $this->writeString($str_value);
         $this->writeHeaders = \HH\Map::hacklib_new(array(), array());
         $headerData = $this->getVarint($this->protoId_) . $this->getVarint($num_headers);
         $header_size = strlen($transformData) + strlen($infoData) + strlen($headerData);
         $paddingSize = 4 - $header_size % 4;
         $header_size += $paddingSize;
         $buf = (string) pack('nn', self::HEADER_MAGIC, $this->flags_);
         $buf .= (string) pack('Nn', $this->seqId_, $header_size / 4);
         $buf .= $headerData . $transformData;
         $buf .= $infoData;
         for ($i = 0; $i < $paddingSize; $i++) {
             $buf .= (string) pack('C', '\\0');
         $buf .= $out;
         $buf = (string) pack('N', strlen($buf)) . $buf;
     } else {
         if ($this->clientType_ === self::FRAMED_DEPRECATED) {
             $buf = (string) pack('N', strlen($out));
             $buf .= $out;
         } else {
             if ($this->clientType_ === self::UNFRAMED_DEPRECATED) {
                 $buf = $out;
             } else {
                 if ($this->clientType_ === self::HTTP_CLIENT_TYPE) {
                     throw new TTransportException('HTTP not implemented', TTransportException::INVALID_CLIENT);
                 } else {
                     throw new TTransportException('Unknown client type', TTransportException::INVALID_CLIENT);
     if (strlen($buf) > self::MAX_FRAME_SIZE) {
         throw new TTransportException('Attempting to send oversize frame', TTransportException::INVALID_FRAME_SIZE);
     if (\hacklib_cast_as_boolean($oneway)) {
     } else {
Ejemplo n.º 10
 protected static final function hacklib_initialize_statics_t3()
     self::$c = \HH\Map::hacklib_new(array("uu"), array("qq"));
Ejemplo n.º 11

require_once $GLOBALS['HACKLIB_ROOT'];
function check_array_cast($c)
    $arr = (array) \hacklib_cast_as_array($c);
    echo \hacklib_cast_as_boolean(is_array($arr)) ? "YES\n" : "NO\n";
    echo count($arr) . "\n";
check_array_cast(new \HH\Vector(array()));
check_array_cast(new \HH\ImmVector(array("hey", "few")));
check_array_cast(\HH\Map::hacklib_new(array("do", "doo"), array("be", "bee")));
Ejemplo n.º 12

namespace blah {
    require_once $GLOBALS['HACKLIB_ROOT'];
    $v = \HH\Vector::fromItems(array(1, 2, 3));
    echo $v->count() . "\n";
    $s = \HH\Set::fromKeysOf(\HH\Map::hacklib_new(array("abc"), array("123")));
    echo \hacklib_cast_as_boolean($s->contains("abc")) ? "yes it does\n" : "no it doesnt\n";
namespace {
    $m = \HH\Map::fromArray(array("foo" => "bar"));
    echo $m->count() . "\n";