Ejemplo n.º 1
 protected function addUser($_post)
     $p = $_post;
     $defaults = ['fname' => '', 'lname' => '', 'email' => '', 'password' => '', 'cpassword' => '', 'phone' => '', 'cell' => '', 'is_agent' => '0', 'company_name' => '', 'company_street' => '', 'company_state' => 'ACT', 'company_phone' => '', 'company_abn' => '', 'company_city' => '', 'company_postcode' => '', 'company_color' => '', 'terms' => '0'];
     // Required user details //
     App\Cb\Api::req($p, ['email', 'password', 'cpassword', 'fname', 'lname', 'phone', 'terms']);
     $has_company = isset($p['company_name']) && trim($p['company_name']) !== '' || isset($p['is_agent']) && intval($p['is_agent']);
     if ($has_company) {
         // Required company details //
         App\Cb\Api::req($p, ['company_name', 'company_abn', 'company_phone']);
     $p = array_merge($defaults, $p);
     // See: https://github.com/Respect/Validation/blob/master/docs/VALIDATORS.md
     $checks = [];
     $checks['fname'] = Valid::string()->notEmpty()->validate($p['fname']);
     $checks['lname'] = Valid::string()->notEmpty()->validate($p['lname']);
     $checks['email'] = Valid::email()->notEmpty()->validate($p['email']);
     $checks['password'] = Valid::string()->notEmpty()->validate($p['password']);
     $checks['cpassword'] = Valid::string()->notEmpty()->equals($p['password'])->validate($p['cpassword']);
     // Check password confirmation
     $checks['phone'] = Valid::string()->notEmpty()->validate($p['phone']);
     $checks['terms'] = isset($p['terms']) && intval($p['terms']);
     if (in_array(false, $checks)) {
         $err_msg = 'Some required field(s) have invalid values.';
         if ($checks['terms'] === false) {
             $err_msg = 'Terms and conditions need to be set';
         if ($checks['cpassword'] === false && trim($p['password']) !== '') {
             $err_msg = 'Password mismatch.';
     if (App\Cb\Users::emailExists($p['email'])) {
         App\Cb\Api::error('Sorry the email address your provided is already registered in our system.');
     // Check the logo file passed //
     if (isset($p['company_logo'])) {
         if (App\Json::isValid($p['company_logo'])) {
             $logo_details = (object) App\Json::decode($p['company_logo']);
             if (isset($logo_details->base64)) {
                 // Check if file is a valid image //
                 if (!in_array($logo_details->extension, config('cleverbons.files.allowed_images'))) {
                     App\Cb\Api::error('Please upload a valid logo');
                 $has_uploaded_a_logo = true;
         } else {
             xplog('Invalid JSON string passed |' . $p['company_logo'] . '|', __METHOD__);
     $user_id = App\Cb\Users::add(['email' => $p['email'], 'password' => $p['password'], 'fname' => $p['fname'], 'lname' => $p['lname'], 'phone' => $p['phone'], 'cellphone' => $p['cell']]);
     if (!$user_id) {
         App\Cb\Api::error('Unable to save details.');
     if ($has_company) {
         // Save the company details first //
         $company_details = App\Cb\Users\Company::add($user_id, ['name' => $p['company_name'], 'abn' => $p['company_abn'], 'street' => $p['company_street'], 'city' => $p['company_city'], 'state' => $p['company_state'], 'postcode' => $p['company_postcode'], 'phone' => $p['company_phone'], 'logo' => '', 'primary_color' => $p['company_color']]);
         if (!$company_details) {
             App\Cb\Api::error('Unable to save company details');
         if (isset($has_uploaded_a_logo)) {
             // Save the uploaded logo for his/her company //
             // See: http://www.opinionatedgeek.com/dotnet/tools/Base64Encode/
             if (!App\Cb\Users\Company::saveLogo($user_id, $logo_details, true)) {
                 xplog('Unable to save logo file for user "' . $user_id . '"', __METHOD__);
     // Send confimation email here //
     $confirmation_sent = App\Cb\Notifications\Email::signUpConfirmation(['uid' => $user_id, 'fname' => $p['fname'], 'email' => $p['email']]);
     if (!$confirmation_sent) {
         xplog('Unable to send confirmation email for user "' . $user_id . '"');
         App\Cb\Api::error('Unable to send your confirmation email.');
     $user_details = App\Cb\Users::getDetailsById($user_id);
     $res = ['api_name' => $_post['api_name'], 'payload' => ['user_details' => $user_details]];
     if ($has_company) {
         $company_details = App\Cb\Users\Company::getDetailsByUserId($user_id);
         if (!$company_details) {
             xplog('Unable to find company details for user "' . $user_id . '"', __METHOD__);
         $res['payload']['company_details'] = $company_details;
     return $res;