Ejemplo n.º 1
 public function materialColumnToField($column, $structure)
     // Find first user
     $user = null;
     if (dbQuery('user')->first($user)) {
     // Create structure for all materials
     $db_structure = null;
     if (!dbQuery('structure')->Url('__' . $structure)->cond('Active', 1)->first($db_structure)) {
         $db_structure = new \samson\activerecord\structure(false);
         $db_structure->Name = $structure;
         $db_structure->Url = '__' . $structure;
         $db_structure->Active = 1;
         $db_structure->UserID = $user->id;
         $db_structure->system = 1;
     $dbField = null;
     if (!dbQuery('field')->Name($column)->first($dbField)) {
         $dbField = new \samson\activerecord\field(false);
         $dbField->Name = $column;
         $dbField->Type = 8;
         $dbField->Active = 1;
         $dbField->system = 1;
     // Create structure field relations
     $db_sf = null;
     if (!dbQuery('structurefield')->FieldID($dbField->id)->StructureID($db_structure->id)->cond('Active', 1)->first($db_sf)) {
         $db_sf = new \samson\activerecord\structurefield(false);
         $db_sf->FieldID = $dbField->id;
         $db_sf->StructureID = $db_structure->id;
         $db_sf->Active = 1;
     // Iterate all existing materials
     $db_materials = array();
     if (dbQuery('material')->cond('Active', '1')->Draft('0')->exec($db_materials)) {
         trace('Found materials:' . sizeof($db_materials));
         foreach ($db_materials as $db_material) {
             //trace('Updating material:'.$db_material->id);
             // If current material has no connection with new structure
             $db_sm = null;
             if (!dbQuery('structurematerial')->StructureID($db_structure->id)->MaterialID($db_material->id)->first($db_sm)) {
                 // Create this connection
                 $db_sm = new \samson\activerecord\structurematerial(false);
                 $db_sm->StructureID = $db_structure->id;
                 $db_sm->MaterialID = $db_material->id;
                 $db_sm->Active = 1;
                 //trace('Updating structurematerial:'.$db_material->id);
             // If this material has no Content field right now
             $db_mf = null;
             if (!dbQuery('materialfield')->MaterialID($db_material->id)->FieldID($dbField->id)->cond('Active', 1)->first($db_mf)) {
                 // Create Content additional field
                 $db_mf = new \samson\activerecord\materialfield(false);
                 $db_mf->MaterialID = $db_material->id;
                 $db_mf->FieldID = $dbField->id;
                 $db_mf->Active = 1;
                 $db_mf->Value = $db_material[$column];
                 //trace('Updating materialfield:'.$db_material->id);
     db()->query('ALTER TABLE  `material` DROP  `' . $column . '`');
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public function createMaterial()
     $material = new \samson\activerecord\material(false);
     $material->Name = $this->Name . ' - material';
     $material->Active = 1;
     $material->Url = generate_password(10);
     $material->Published = 0;
     /** @var CMSNav $seoNav */
     $seoNav = null;
     if (dbQuery('structure')->cond('Url', '__seo')->first($seoNav)) {
         $strmat = new \samson\activerecord\structurematerial(false);
         $strmat->MaterialID = $material->id;
         $strmat->StructureID = $seoNav->id;
         $strmat->Active = 1;
     return $material->id;
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * Generic material form controller
  * @param int|null $materialId Editing material identifier if not null.
  * If null is passed material creation form will be displayed
  * @param int|null $navigation Structure material belongs to.
 public function __form($materialId = null, $navigation = null)
     // If this is form for a new material with structure relation
     if ($materialId == 0 && isset($navigation)) {
         // Create new material db record
         $material = new \samson\cms\CMSMaterial(false);
         $material->Active = 1;
         $material->Created = date('Y-m-d H:m:s');
         $user = m('social')->user();
         $material->UserID = $user->user_id;
         // Set new material as current
         $materialId = $material->id;
         // Convert parent CMSNavigation to an array
         $navigationArray = !is_array($navigation) ? array($navigation) : $navigation;
         // Fill parent CMSNavigation relations for material
         foreach ($navigationArray as $navigation) {
             // Create relation with structure
             $structureMaterial = new \samson\activerecord\structurematerial(false);
             $structureMaterial->MaterialID = $material->id;
             $structureMaterial->StructureID = $navigation;
             $structureMaterial->Active = 1;
     // Create form object
     $form = new Form($materialId, $navigation);
     if ($materialId == 0) {
         $this->set('new_material', true);
     // Render form
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * Recursively create CMSNavigation tree and relations with materials
  * @param string $nested_a CMSNav tree
  * @param array  $parents  Array of CMSNavs parents chain
  * @param null   $user
 public static function structure_create($nested_a, array $parents = array(), &$user = null)
     // Iterate structures array
     foreach ($nested_a as $k => $v) {
         // create structure
         if (is_array($v)) {
             /** @var \samson\activerecord\Structure $s */
             $s = null;
             $url = utf8_translit($k);
             // Try to find structure by url
             if (!dbQuery('structure')->Active(1)->Url($url)->first($s)) {
                 // Create new structure
                 $s = new \samson\activerecord\Structure(false);
                 $s->Name = $k;
                 $s->Active = 1;
                 $s->Url = $url;
                 $s->UserID = $user->id;
                 $s->Created = date('Y-m-d h:i:s');
                 // Save structure to db
             // If parents chain is specified and has data
             if (sizeof($parents)) {
                 // Get last element from parents chain
                 $parent = end($parents);
                 /** @var \samson\activerecord\structure_relation $str_related */
                 if ($parent->id != $s->id) {
                     $str_related = new \samson\activerecord\structure_relation(false);
                     $str_related->parent_id = $parent->id;
                     $str_related->child_id = $s->id;
             // Add new created structure object to parents chain
             array_push($parents, $s);
             // Recursion
             self::structure_create($v, $parents, $user);
             // Remove added element from parents chain
         } else {
             // save structure material
             foreach ($parents as $parent) {
                 if (!dbQuery('\\samson\\activerecord\\structurematerial')->MaterialID($v->MaterialID)->StructureID($parent['StructureID'])->first($sm)) {
                     $sm = new \samson\activerecord\structurematerial(false);
                 $sm->MaterialID = $v->MaterialID;
                 $sm->StructureID = $parent['StructureID'];
                 $sm->Active = 1;
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * Assign nested material to the structure
  * @param $material
  * @param $structure
 public function assignNestedMaterial($material, $structure)
     // Assign material to structure
     $structureMaterial = new \samson\activerecord\structurematerial(false);
     $structureMaterial->MaterialID = $material->MaterialID;
     $structureMaterial->StructureID = $structure->StructureID;
     $structureMaterial->Active = 1;
     // Update structure field
     $structure->MaterialID = $material->MaterialID;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public function __async_movestructure($childID, $parentID)
     $child = $this->query->entity('\\samson\\cms\\Navigation')->id($childID)->first();
     $child->ParentID = $parentID;
     $strIds = array();
     $cmsnav = $child->parent();
     while ($cmsnav) {
         $strIds[] = $cmsnav->id;
         if ($cmsnav->id == $this->catalogID) {
         $cmsnav = $cmsnav->parent();
     if ($this->query->entity('\\samson\\activerecord\\structure_relation')->where('child_id', $childID)->exec($strRelations)) {
         foreach ($strRelations as $strRelation) {
     // Create new relation with new parent
     $strRelation = new \samson\activerecord\structure_relation(false);
     $strRelation->child_id = $childID;
     $strRelation->parent_id = $parentID;
     // Create array of structure ids which we need to use to create structurematerial relations
     $relIds = array($parentID);
     // Get relations of new parent
     $stRel = $this->query->entity('\\samson\\activerecord\\structure_relation')->child_id($parentID)->exec();
     while ($stRel) {
         // Break flag
         $break = false;
         foreach ($stRel as $strR) {
             // Save parent
             $relIds[] = $strR->parent_id;
             if ($strR->parent_id == $this->catalogID) {
                 $break = true;
         if ($break) {
         } else {
             // Get next relations
             $stRel = $this->query->entity('\\samson\\activerecord\\structure_relation')->child_id($relIds)->exec();
     // Get materials of current category
     if (\samson\cms\CMS::getMaterialsByStructures($childID, $materials)) {
         // Create new structurematerial relations
         foreach ($materials as $material) {
             // Delete old structurematerial relations
             foreach ($this->query->entity('\\samson\\activerecord\\structurematerial')->where('MaterialID', $material->id)->where('StructureID', $strIds)->exec() as $relation) {
             // Create new relations
             foreach ($relIds as $relId) {
                 $strMat = new \samson\activerecord\structurematerial(false);
                 $strMat->Active = 1;
                 $strMat->StructureID = $relId;
                 $strMat->MaterialID = $material->id;
     return array('status' => 1);