Ejemplo n.º 1
     if ($icon_assoc['Icon'] != "") {
         // Compatible with earlier Cydia version and special situations
         $new_filename = $new_filenames[] = str_replace(" ", "_", $icon_assoc['Name']) . '.png';
         if (substr($new_filename, 0, 1) == '[' && substr($new_filename, -5, -4) == ']') {
             $new_filenames[] = substr($new_filename, 1, -5) . '.png';
         $new_filepath = "../tmp/" . $r_id . "/Applications/Cydia.app/Sections/" . $new_filename;
         copy("../icons/" . $icon_assoc['Icon'], $new_filepath);
         chmod($new_filepath, 0755);
         foreach ($new_filenames as $filename) {
             $new_tar->add_file("/Applications/Cydia.app/Sections/" . $filename, 0755, file_get_contents($new_filepath));
 $result = $raw_data->replace("data.tar.gz", $new_path);
 if (!$result) {
     $alert = __('Icon package template rewriting failed!');
     goto endlabel;
 } else {
     $control_path = "../tmp/" . $r_id . "/control.tar.gz";
     $control_tar = new Tar();
     $f_Package = "Package: " . (defined("AUTOFILL_PRE") ? AUTOFILL_PRE : '') . "sourceicon\nArchitecture: iphoneos-arm\nName: Source Icon\nVersion: 0.1-1\nAuthor: " . (defined("AUTOFILL_SEO") ? AUTOFILL_SEO . (defined("AUTOFILL_EMAIL") ? ' <' . AUTOFILL_EMAIL . '>' : '') : 'DCRM <*****@*****.**>') . "\nSponsor: " . (defined("AUTOFILL_MASTER") ? AUTOFILL_MASTER . (defined("AUTOFILL_EMAIL") ? ' <' . AUTOFILL_EMAIL . '>' : '') : 'i_82 <http://82flex.com>') . "\nMaintainer: " . (defined("AUTOFILL_MASTER") ? AUTOFILL_MASTER . (defined("AUTOFILL_EMAIL") ? ' <' . AUTOFILL_EMAIL . '>' : '') : 'i_82 <http://82flex.com>') . "\nDescription: Custom Empty Source Icon Package";
     $control_tar->add_file("control", "", $f_Package);
     $result = $raw_data->replace("control.tar.gz", $control_path);
     if (!$result) {
         $alert = __('Icon package template rewriting failed!');
         goto endlabel;
     } else {
         $result = rename($deb_path, "../upload/" . AUTOFILL_PRE . "sourceicon_" . time() . ".deb");
Ejemplo n.º 2
    $control_tar = new Tar();
    $new_tar = new Tar();
    $control_array = $control_tar->contents();
    foreach ($control_array as $c_key => $c_value) {
        $alert .= "· " . sprintf(__('Processing file: %s'), htmlspecialchars($c_key)) . "<br />";
        if ($c_key != "control") {
            $new_tar->add_file($c_key, "", $control_array[$c_key]['data']);
    $new_path = "../tmp/" . $r_id . "/control.tar.gz";
    $new_tar->add_file("control", "", $f_Package);
$replace_result = $raw_data->replace($innername, $new_path);
$success = true;
if ($replace_result) {
    $alert .= "· " . __('Package has been successfully written!') . "<br />";
} else {
    $alert .= "· " . __('Warning: Writting to package failed!') . "<br />";
    $success = false;
$chk_success = true;
if ((int) DCRM_CHECK_METHOD != 0) {
    $new_md5 = md5_file($deb_path);
    if (!$new_md5) {
        $chk_success = false;
    } else {
        $md5_query = DB::query("UPDATE `" . DCRM_CON_PREFIX . "Packages` SET `MD5sum` = '" . $new_md5 . "' WHERE `ID` = '" . (string) $request_id . "'");