Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Generates a clone of the current record, removing any auto incremented primary key value and allowing for replicating related records
  * This method will accept three different sets of parameters:
  *  - No parameters: this object will be cloned
  *  - A single `TRUE` value: this object plus all many-to-many associations and all child records (recursively) will be cloned
  *  - Any number of plural related record class names: the many-to-many associations or child records that correspond to the classes specified will be cloned
  * The class names specified can be a simple class name if there is only a
  * single route between the two corresponding database tables. If there is 
  * more than one route between the two tables, the class name should be
  * substituted with a string in the format `'RelatedClass{route}'`.
  * @param  string $related_class  The plural related class to replicate - see method description for details
  * @param  string ...
  * @return fActiveRecord  The cloned record
 public function replicate($related_class = NULL)
     fORM::callHookCallbacks($this, 'pre::replicate()', $this->values, $this->old_values, $this->related_records, $this->cache, fActiveRecord::$replicate_level);
     $class = get_class($this);
     $hash = self::hash($this->values, $class);
     $schema = fORMSchema::retrieve($class);
     $table = fORM::tablize($class);
     // If the object has not been replicated yet, do it now
     if (!isset(fActiveRecord::$replicate_map[$class])) {
         fActiveRecord::$replicate_map[$class] = array();
     if (!isset(fActiveRecord::$replicate_map[$class][$hash])) {
         fActiveRecord::$replicate_map[$class][$hash] = clone $this;
         // We need the primary key to get a hash, otherwise certain recursive relationships end up losing members
         $pk_columns = $schema->getKeys($table, 'primary');
         if (sizeof($pk_columns) == 1 && $schema->getColumnInfo($table, $pk_columns[0], 'auto_increment')) {
             fActiveRecord::$replicate_map[$class][$hash]->values[$pk_columns[0]] = $this->values[$pk_columns[0]];
     $clone = fActiveRecord::$replicate_map[$class][$hash];
     $parameters = func_get_args();
     $recursive = FALSE;
     $many_to_many_relationships = $schema->getRelationships($table, 'many-to-many');
     $one_to_many_relationships = $schema->getRelationships($table, 'one-to-many');
     // When just TRUE is passed we recursively replicate all related records
     if (sizeof($parameters) == 1 && $parameters[0] === TRUE) {
         $parameters = array();
         $recursive = TRUE;
         foreach ($many_to_many_relationships as $relationship) {
             $parameters[] = fGrammar::pluralize(fORM::classize($relationship['related_table'])) . '{' . $relationship['join_table'] . '}';
         foreach ($one_to_many_relationships as $relationship) {
             $parameters[] = fGrammar::pluralize(fORM::classize($relationship['related_table'])) . '{' . $relationship['related_column'] . '}';
     $record_sets = array();
     foreach ($parameters as $parameter) {
         // Parse the Class{route} strings
         if (strpos($parameter, '{') !== FALSE) {
             $brace = strpos($parameter, '{');
             $related_class = fGrammar::singularize(substr($parameter, 0, $brace));
             $related_class = fORM::getRelatedClass($class, $related_class);
             $related_table = fORM::tablize($related_class);
             $route = substr($parameter, $brace + 1, -1);
         } else {
             $related_class = fGrammar::singularize($parameter);
             $related_class = fORM::getRelatedClass($class, $related_class);
             $related_table = fORM::tablize($related_class);
             $route = fORMSchema::getRouteName($schema, $table, $related_table);
         // Determine the kind of relationship
         $many_to_many = FALSE;
         $one_to_many = FALSE;
         foreach ($many_to_many_relationships as $relationship) {
             if ($relationship['related_table'] == $related_table && $relationship['join_table'] == $route) {
                 $many_to_many = TRUE;
         foreach ($one_to_many_relationships as $relationship) {
             if ($relationship['related_table'] == $related_table && $relationship['related_column'] == $route) {
                 $one_to_many = TRUE;
         if (!$many_to_many && !$one_to_many) {
             throw new fProgrammerException('The related class specified, %1$s, does not appear to be in a many-to-many or one-to-many relationship with %$2s', $parameter, get_class($this));
         // Get the related records
         $record_set = fORMRelated::buildRecords($class, $this->values, $this->related_records, $related_class, $route);
         // One-to-many records need to be replicated, possibly recursively
         if ($one_to_many) {
             if ($recursive) {
                 $records = $record_set->call('replicate', TRUE);
             } else {
                 $records = $record_set->call('replicate');
             $record_set = fRecordSet::buildFromArray($related_class, $records);
             $record_set->call('set' . fGrammar::camelize($route, TRUE), NULL);
         // Cause the related records to be associated with the new clone
         fORMRelated::associateRecords($class, $clone->related_records, $related_class, $record_set, $route);
     if (!fActiveRecord::$replicate_level) {
         // This removes the primary keys we had added back in for proper duplicate detection
         foreach (fActiveRecord::$replicate_map as $class => $records) {
             $table = fORM::tablize($class);
             $pk_columns = $schema->getKeys($table, 'primary');
             if (sizeof($pk_columns) != 1 || !$schema->getColumnInfo($table, $pk_columns[0], 'auto_increment')) {
             foreach ($records as $hash => $record) {
                 $record->values[$pk_columns[0]] = NULL;
         fActiveRecord::$replicate_map = array();
     fORM::callHookCallbacks($this, 'post::replicate()', $this->values, $this->old_values, $this->related_records, $this->cache, fActiveRecord::$replicate_level);
     fORM::callHookCallbacks($clone, 'cloned::replicate()', $clone->values, $clone->old_values, $clone->related_records, $clone->cache, fActiveRecord::$replicate_level);
     return $clone;
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Counts the related records for all records in this set in one DB query
  * @param  string $related_class  This should be the name of a related class
  * @param  string $route          This should be a column name or a join table name and is only required when there are multiple routes to a related table. If there are multiple routes and this is not specified, an fProgrammerException will be thrown.
  * @return fRecordSet  The record set object, to allow for method chaining
 private function precount($related_class, $route = NULL)
     if (!$this->records) {
         return $this;
     // If there are no primary keys we can just exit
     if (!array_merge($this->getPrimaryKeys())) {
         return $this;
     $db = fORMDatabase::retrieve($this->class, 'read');
     $schema = fORMSchema::retrieve($this->class);
     $related_table = fORM::tablize($related_class);
     $table = fORM::tablize($this->class);
     $route = fORMSchema::getRouteName($schema, $table, $related_table, $route, '*-to-many');
     $relationship = fORMSchema::getRoute($schema, $table, $related_table, $route, '*-to-many');
     // Build the query out
     $table_and_column = $table . '.' . $relationship['column'];
     if (isset($relationship['join_table'])) {
         $table_to_join = $relationship['join_table'];
         $column_to_join = $relationship['join_table'] . '.' . $relationship['join_column'];
     } else {
         $table_to_join = $related_table;
         $column_to_join = $related_table . '.' . $relationship['related_column'];
     $params = array($db->escape("SELECT count(*) AS flourish__count, %r AS flourish__column FROM %r INNER JOIN %r ON %r = %r WHERE ", $table_and_column, $table, $table_to_join, $table_and_column, $column_to_join));
     $params = $this->addWhereParams($db, $schema, $params);
     $params[0] .= $db->escape(' GROUP BY %r', $table_and_column);
     // Run the query and inject the results into the records
     $result = call_user_func_array($db->translatedQuery, $params);
     $counts = array();
     foreach ($result as $row) {
         $counts[$row['flourish__column']] = (int) $row['flourish__count'];
     $total_records = sizeof($this->records);
     $get_method = 'get' . fGrammar::camelize($relationship['column'], TRUE);
     $tally_method = 'tally' . fGrammar::pluralize($related_class);
     for ($i = 0; $i < $total_records; $i++) {
         $record = $this->records[$i];
         $count = isset($counts[$record->{$get_method}()]) ? $counts[$record->{$get_method}()] : 0;
         $record->{$tally_method}($count, $route);
     return $this;
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * Sets the related records for *-to-many relationships
  * @internal
  * @param  string $class             The class to set the related records for
  * @param  array  &$related_records  The related records existing for the fActiveRecord class
  * @param  string $related_class     The class we are associating with the current record
  * @param  fRecordSet $records       The records are associating
  * @param  string $route             The route to use between the current class and the related class
  * @return void
 public static function setRecordSet($class, &$related_records, $related_class, fRecordSet $records, $route = NULL)
     $table = fORM::tablize($class);
     $related_table = fORM::tablize($related_class);
     $schema = fORMSchema::retrieve($class);
     $route = fORMSchema::getRouteName($schema, $table, $related_table, $route);
     if (!isset($related_records[$related_table])) {
         $related_records[$related_table] = array();
     if (!isset($related_records[$related_table][$route])) {
         $related_records[$related_table][$route] = array();
     $related_records[$related_table][$route]['record_set'] = $records;
     $related_records[$related_table][$route]['count'] = $records->count();
     $related_records[$related_table][$route]['associate'] = FALSE;
     $related_records[$related_table][$route]['primary_keys'] = NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * Add a one-to-many rule that requires at least one related record is associated with the current record
  * @param  mixed  $class          The class name or instance of the class to add the rule for
  * @param  string $related_class  The name of the related class
  * @param  string $route          The route to the related class
  * @return void
 public static function addOneToManyRule($class, $related_class, $route = NULL)
     $class = fORM::getClass($class);
     $related_class = fORM::getRelatedClass($class, $related_class);
     if (!isset(self::$related_one_or_more_rules[$class])) {
         self::$related_one_or_more_rules[$class] = array();
     if (!isset(self::$related_one_or_more_rules[$class][$related_class])) {
         self::$related_one_or_more_rules[$class][$related_class] = array();
     $route = fORMSchema::getRouteName(fORMSchema::retrieve($class), fORM::tablize($class), fORM::tablize($related_class), $route, 'one-to-many');
     self::$related_one_or_more_rules[$class][$related_class][$route] = TRUE;
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * Finds all of the table names in the SQL and creates the appropriate `FROM` and `GROUP BY` clauses with all necessary joins
  * The SQL string should contain two placeholders, `:from_clause` and
  * `:group_by_clause`. All columns should be qualified with their full table
  * name. Here is an example SQL string to pass in presumming that the
  * tables users and groups are in a relationship:
  * {{{
  * SELECT users.* FROM :from_clause WHERE groups.group_id = 5 :group_by_clause ORDER BY lower(users.first_name) ASC
  * }}}
  * @internal
  * @param  fDatabase $db      The database the query is to be executed on
  * @param  fSchema   $schema  The schema for the database
  * @param  array     $params  The parameters for the fDatabase::query() call
  * @param  string    $table   The main table to be queried
  * @return array  The params with the SQL `FROM` and `GROUP BY` clauses injected
 public static function injectFromAndGroupByClauses($db, $schema, $params, $table)
     $table = self::cleanTableName($schema, $table);
     $joins = array();
     if (strpos($params[0], ':from_clause') === FALSE) {
         throw new fProgrammerException('No %1$s placeholder was found in:%2$s', ':from_clause', "\n" . $params[0]);
     if (strpos($params[0], ':group_by_clause') === FALSE && !preg_match('#group\\s+by#i', $params[0])) {
         throw new fProgrammerException('No %1$s placeholder was found in:%2$s', ':group_by_clause', "\n" . $params[0]);
     $has_group_by_placeholder = strpos($params[0], ':group_by_clause') !== FALSE ? TRUE : FALSE;
     // Separate the SQL from quoted values
     preg_match_all("#(?:'(?:''|\\\\'|\\\\[^']|[^'\\\\])*')|(?:[^']+)#", $params[0], $matches);
     $table_alias = $table;
     $used_aliases = array();
     $table_map = array();
     // If we are not passing in existing joins, start with the specified table
     if (!$joins) {
         $joins[] = array('join_type' => 'none', 'table_name' => $table, 'table_alias' => $table_alias);
     $used_aliases[] = $table_alias;
     foreach ($matches[0] as $match) {
         if ($match[0] != "'") {
             // This removes quotes from around . in the {route} specified of a shorthand column name
             $match = preg_replace('#(\\{\\w+)"\\."(\\w+\\})#', '\\1.\\2', $match);
             preg_match_all('#(?<!\\w|"|=>)((?:"?((?:\\w+"?\\."?)?\\w+)(?:\\{([\\w.]+)\\})?"?=>)?("?(?:\\w+"?\\."?)?\\w+)(?:\\{([\\w.]+)\\})?"?)\\."?\\w+"?(?=[^\\w".{])#m', $match, $table_matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
             foreach ($table_matches as $table_match) {
                 if (!isset($table_match[5])) {
                     $table_match[5] = NULL;
                 if (!empty($table_match[2])) {
                     $table_match[2] = self::cleanTableName($schema, $table_match[2]);
                 $table_match[4] = self::cleanTableName($schema, $table_match[4]);
                 if (in_array($db->getType(), array('oracle', 'db2'))) {
                     foreach (array(2, 3, 4, 5) as $subpattern) {
                         if (isset($table_match[$subpattern])) {
                             $table_match[$subpattern] = strtolower($table_match[$subpattern]);
                 // This is a related table that is going to join to a once-removed table
                 if (!empty($table_match[2])) {
                     $related_table = $table_match[2];
                     $route = fORMSchema::getRouteName($schema, $table, $related_table, $table_match[3]);
                     $join_name = $table . '_' . $related_table . '{' . $route . '}';
                     $once_removed_table = $table_match[4];
                     // Add the once removed table to the aliases in case we also join directly to it
                     // which may cause the replacements later in this method to convert first to the
                     // real table name and then from the real table to the real table's alias
                     if (!in_array($once_removed_table, $used_aliases)) {
                         $used_aliases[] = $once_removed_table;
                     self::createJoin($schema, $table, $table_alias, $related_table, $route, $joins, $used_aliases);
                     $route = fORMSchema::getRouteName($schema, $related_table, $once_removed_table, $table_match[5]);
                     $join_name = self::createJoin($schema, $related_table, $joins[$join_name]['table_alias'], $once_removed_table, $route, $joins, $used_aliases);
                     $table_map[$table_match[1]] = $db->escape('%r', $joins[$join_name]['table_alias']);
                     // Remove the once removed table from the aliases so we also join directly to it without an alias
                     unset($used_aliases[array_search($once_removed_table, $used_aliases)]);
                     // This is a related table
                 } elseif (($table_match[4] != $table || fORMSchema::getRoutes($schema, $table, $table_match[4])) && self::cleanTableName($schema, $table_match[1]) != $table) {
                     $related_table = $table_match[4];
                     $route = fORMSchema::getRouteName($schema, $table, $related_table, $table_match[5]);
                     // If the related table is the current table and it is a one-to-many we don't want to join
                     if ($table_match[4] == $table) {
                         $one_to_many_routes = fORMSchema::getRoutes($schema, $table, $related_table, 'one-to-many');
                         if (isset($one_to_many_routes[$route])) {
                             $table_map[$table_match[1]] = $db->escape('%r', $table_alias);
                     $join_name = self::createJoin($schema, $table, $table_alias, $related_table, $route, $joins, $used_aliases);
                     $table_map[$table_match[1]] = $db->escape('%r', $joins[$join_name]['table_alias']);
     // Determine if we joined a *-to-many relationship
     $joined_to_many = FALSE;
     foreach ($joins as $name => $join) {
         if (is_numeric($name)) {
         if (substr($name, -5) == '_join') {
             $joined_to_many = TRUE;
         $main_table = preg_replace('#_' . $join['table_name'] . '{\\w+}$#iD', '', $name);
         $second_table = $join['table_name'];
         $route = preg_replace('#^[^{]+{([\\w.]+)}$#D', '\\1', $name);
         $routes = fORMSchema::getRoutes($schema, $main_table, $second_table, '*-to-many');
         if (isset($routes[$route])) {
             $joined_to_many = TRUE;
     $found_order_by = FALSE;
     $from_clause = self::createFromClauseFromJoins($db, $joins);
     // If we are joining on a *-to-many relationship we need to group by the
     // columns in the main table to prevent duplicate entries
     if ($joined_to_many) {
         $column_info = $schema->getColumnInfo($table);
         $columns = array();
         foreach ($column_info as $column => $info) {
             $columns[] = $table . '.' . $column;
         $group_by_columns = $db->escape('%r ', $columns);
         $group_by_clause = ' GROUP BY ' . $group_by_columns;
     } else {
         $group_by_clause = ' ';
         $group_by_columns = '';
     // Put the SQL back together
     $new_sql = '';
     $preg_table_pattern = preg_quote($table, '#') . '\\.|' . preg_quote('"' . $table . '"', '#') . '\\.';
     foreach ($matches[0] as $match) {
         $temp_sql = $match;
         // Get rid of the => notation and the :from_clause placeholder
         if ($match[0] !== "'") {
             // This removes quotes from around . in the {route} specified of a shorthand column name
             $temp_sql = preg_replace('#(\\{\\w+)"\\."(\\w+\\})#', '\\1.\\2', $match);
             foreach ($table_map as $arrow_table => $alias) {
                 $temp_sql = preg_replace('#(?<![\\w"])' . preg_quote($arrow_table, '#') . '(?!=[\\w"])#', $alias, $temp_sql);
             // In the ORDER BY clause we need to wrap columns in
             if ($found_order_by && $joined_to_many) {
                 $temp_sql = preg_replace('#(?<!avg\\(|count\\(|max\\(|min\\(|sum\\(|cast\\(|case |when |"|avg\\("|count\\("|max\\("|min\\("|sum\\("|cast\\("|case "|when "|\\{)\\b((?!' . $preg_table_pattern . ')("?\\w+"?\\.)?"?\\w+"?\\."?\\w+"?)(?![^\\w."])#i', 'max(\\1)', $temp_sql);
             if ($joined_to_many && preg_match('#order\\s+by#i', $temp_sql)) {
                 $order_by_found = TRUE;
                 $parts = preg_split('#(order\\s+by)#i', $temp_sql, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
                 $parts[2] = $temp_sql = preg_replace('#(?<!avg\\(|count\\(|max\\(|min\\(|sum\\(|cast\\(|case |when |"|avg\\("|count\\("|max\\("|min\\("|sum\\("|cast\\("|case "|when "|\\{)\\b((?!' . $preg_table_pattern . ')("?\\w+"?\\.)?"?\\w+"?\\."?\\w+"?)(?![^\\w."])#i', 'max(\\1)', $parts[2]);
                 $temp_sql = join('', $parts);
             $temp_sql = str_replace(':from_clause', $from_clause, $temp_sql);
             if ($has_group_by_placeholder) {
                 $temp_sql = preg_replace('#\\s:group_by_clause(\\s|$)#', strtr($group_by_clause, array('\\' => '\\\\', '$' => '\\$')), $temp_sql);
             } elseif ($group_by_columns) {
                 $temp_sql = preg_replace('#(\\sGROUP\\s+BY\\s((?!HAVING|ORDER\\s+BY).)*)\\s#i', '\\1, ' . strtr($group_by_columns, array('\\' => '\\\\', '$' => '\\$')), $temp_sql);
         $new_sql .= $temp_sql;
     $params[0] = $new_sql;
     return $params;
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * Counts the related records for all records in this set in one DB query
  * @param  string $related_class  This should be the name of a related class
  * @param  string $route          This should be a column name or a join table name and is only required when there are multiple routes to a related table. If there are multiple routes and this is not specified, an fProgrammerException will be thrown.
  * @return fRecordSet  The record set object, to allow for method chaining
 private function precount($related_class, $route = NULL)
     if (!$this->records) {
         return $this;
     // If there are no primary keys we can just exit
     if (!array_merge($this->getPrimaryKeys())) {
         return $this;
     $related_table = fORM::tablize($related_class);
     $table = fORM::tablize($this->class);
     $route = fORMSchema::getRouteName($table, $related_table, $route, '*-to-many');
     $relationship = fORMSchema::getRoute($table, $related_table, $route, '*-to-many');
     $table_with_route = $route ? $table . '{' . $route . '}' : $table;
     // Build the query out
     $where_sql = $this->constructWhereClause($route);
     $order_by_sql = $this->constructOrderByClause($route);
     $related_table_keys = fORMSchema::retrieve()->getKeys($related_table, 'primary');
     $related_table_keys = fORMDatabase::addTableToValues($related_table, $related_table_keys);
     $related_table_keys = join(', ', $related_table_keys);
     $column = $table_with_route . '.' . $relationship['column'];
     $new_sql = 'SELECT count(' . $related_table_keys . ') AS __flourish_count, ' . $column . ' AS __flourish_column ';
     $new_sql .= ' FROM :from_clause ';
     $new_sql .= ' WHERE ' . $where_sql;
     $new_sql .= ' GROUP BY ' . $column;
     $new_sql .= ' ORDER BY ' . $column . ' ASC';
     $new_sql = fORMDatabase::insertFromAndGroupByClauses($related_table, $new_sql);
     // Run the query and inject the results into the records
     $result = fORMDatabase::retrieve()->translatedQuery($new_sql);
     $counts = array();
     foreach ($result as $row) {
         $counts[$row['__flourish_column']] = (int) $row['__flourish_count'];
     $total_records = sizeof($this->records);
     $get_method = 'get' . fGrammar::camelize($relationship['column'], TRUE);
     $tally_method = 'tally' . fGrammar::pluralize($related_class);
     for ($i = 0; $i < $total_records; $i++) {
         $record = $this->records[$i];
         $count = isset($counts[$record->{$get_method}()]) ? $counts[$record->{$get_method}()] : 0;
         $record->{$tally_method}($count, $route);
     return $this;
Ejemplo n.º 7
  * Sets the related records for *-to-many relationships
  * @internal
  * @param  string $class             The class to set the related records for
  * @param  array  &$related_records  The related records existing for the fActiveRecord class
  * @param  string $related_class     The class we are associating with the current record
  * @param  fRecordSet $records       The records are associating
  * @param  string $route             The route to use between the current class and the related class
  * @return void
 public static function setRecordSet($class, &$related_records, $related_class, fRecordSet $records, $route = NULL)
     $table = fORM::tablize($class);
     $related_table = fORM::tablize($related_class);
     try {
         $route = fORMSchema::getRouteName($table, $related_table, $route, '*-to-many');
     } catch (fProgrammerException $e) {
         $route = fORMSchema::getRouteName($table, $related_table, $route, 'one-to-one');
     if (!isset($related_records[$related_table])) {
         $related_records[$related_table] = array();
     if (!isset($related_records[$related_table][$route])) {
         $related_records[$related_table][$route] = array();
     $related_records[$related_table][$route]['record_set'] = $records;
     $related_records[$related_table][$route]['count'] = $records->count();
     $related_records[$related_table][$route]['associate'] = FALSE;
     $related_records[$related_table][$route]['primary_keys'] = NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 8
  * Finds all of the table names in the SQL and creates the appropriate `FROM` and `GROUP BY` clauses with all necessary joins
  * The SQL string should contain two placeholders, `:from_clause` and
  * `:group_by_clause`. All columns should be qualified with their full table
  * name. Here is an example SQL string to pass in presumming that the
  * tables users and groups are in a relationship:
  * {{{
  * SELECT users.* FROM :from_clause WHERE groups.group_id = 5 :group_by_clause ORDER BY lower(users.first_name) ASC
  * }}}
  * @internal
  * @param  string $table  The main table to be queried
  * @param  string $sql    The SQL to insert the `FROM` clause into
  * @return string  The SQL `FROM` clause
 public static function insertFromAndGroupByClauses($table, $sql)
     $joins = array();
     if (strpos($sql, ':from_clause') === FALSE) {
         throw new fProgrammerException("No %1\$s placeholder was found in:%2\$s", ':from_clause', "\n" . $sql);
     if (strpos($sql, ':group_by_clause') === FALSE && !preg_match('#group\\s+by#i', $sql)) {
         throw new fProgrammerException("No %1\$s placeholder was found in:%2\$s", ':group_by_clause', "\n" . $sql);
     $has_group_by_placeholder = strpos($sql, ':group_by_clause') !== FALSE ? TRUE : FALSE;
     // Separate the SQL from quoted values
     preg_match_all("#(?:'(?:''|\\\\'|\\\\[^']|[^'\\\\])*')|(?:[^']+)#", $sql, $matches);
     $table_alias = $table;
     $used_aliases = array();
     $table_map = array();
     // If we are not passing in existing joins, start with the specified table
     if (!$joins) {
         $joins[] = array('join_type' => 'none', 'table_name' => $table, 'table_alias' => $table_alias);
     $used_aliases[] = $table_alias;
     foreach ($matches[0] as $match) {
         if ($match[0] != "'") {
             preg_match_all('#\\b((?:(\\w+)(?:\\{(\\w+)\\})?=>)?(\\w+)(?:\\{(\\w+)\\})?)\\.\\w+\\b#m', $match, $table_matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
             foreach ($table_matches as $table_match) {
                 if (!isset($table_match[5])) {
                     $table_match[5] = NULL;
                 // This is a related table that is going to join to a once-removed table
                 if (!empty($table_match[2])) {
                     $related_table = $table_match[2];
                     $route = fORMSchema::getRouteName($table, $related_table, $table_match[3]);
                     $join_name = $table . '_' . $related_table . '{' . $route . '}';
                     self::createJoin($table, $table_alias, $related_table, $route, $joins, $used_aliases);
                     $once_removed_table = $table_match[4];
                     $route = fORMSchema::getRouteName($related_table, $once_removed_table, $table_match[5]);
                     $join_name = self::createJoin($related_table, $joins[$join_name]['table_alias'], $once_removed_table, $route, $joins, $used_aliases);
                     $table_map[$table_match[1]] = $joins[$join_name]['table_alias'];
                     // This is a related table
                 } elseif (($table_match[4] != $table || fORMSchema::getRoutes($table, $table_match[4])) && $table_match[1] != $table) {
                     $related_table = $table_match[4];
                     $route = fORMSchema::getRouteName($table, $related_table, $table_match[5]);
                     // If the related table is the current table and it is a one-to-many we don't want to join
                     if ($table_match[4] == $table) {
                         $one_to_many_routes = fORMSchema::getRoutes($table, $related_table, 'one-to-many');
                         if (isset($one_to_many_routes[$route])) {
                             $table_map[$table_match[1]] = $table_alias;
                     $join_name = self::createJoin($table, $table_alias, $related_table, $route, $joins, $used_aliases);
                     $table_map[$table_match[1]] = $joins[$join_name]['table_alias'];
     // Determine if we joined a *-to-many relationship
     $joined_to_many = FALSE;
     foreach ($joins as $name => $join) {
         if (is_numeric($name)) {
         if (substr($name, -5) == '_join') {
             $joined_to_many = TRUE;
         $main_table = preg_replace('#_' . $join['table_name'] . '{\\w+}$#iD', '', $name);
         $second_table = $join['table_name'];
         $route = preg_replace('#^[^{]+{(\\w+)}$#D', '\\1', $name);
         $routes = fORMSchema::getRoutes($main_table, $second_table, '*-to-many');
         if (isset($routes[$route])) {
             $joined_to_many = TRUE;
     $found_order_by = FALSE;
     $from_clause = self::createFromClauseFromJoins($joins);
     // If we are joining on a *-to-many relationship we need to group by the
     // columns in the main table to prevent duplicate entries
     if ($joined_to_many) {
         $column_info = fORMSchema::retrieve()->getColumnInfo($table);
         $group_by_clause = ' GROUP BY ';
         $columns = array();
         foreach ($column_info as $column => $info) {
             $columns[] = $table . '.' . $column;
         $group_by_columns = join(', ', $columns) . ' ';
         $group_by_clause .= $group_by_columns;
     } else {
         $group_by_clause = ' ';
         $group_by_columns = '';
     // Put the SQL back together
     $new_sql = '';
     foreach ($matches[0] as $match) {
         $temp_sql = $match;
         // Get rid of the => notation and the :from_clause placeholder
         if ($match[0] !== "'") {
             foreach ($table_map as $arrow_table => $alias) {
                 $temp_sql = str_replace($arrow_table, $alias, $temp_sql);
             // In the ORDER BY clause we need to wrap columns in
             if ($found_order_by && $joined_to_many) {
                 $temp_sql = preg_replace('#(?<!avg\\(|count\\(|max\\(|min\\(|sum\\(|cast\\(|case |when )\\b((?!' . preg_quote($table, '#') . '\\.)\\w+\\.\\w+)\\b#i', 'max(\\1)', $temp_sql);
             if ($joined_to_many && preg_match('#order\\s+by#i', $temp_sql)) {
                 $order_by_found = TRUE;
                 $parts = preg_split('#(order\\s+by)#i', $temp_sql, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
                 $parts[2] = $temp_sql = preg_replace('#(?<!avg\\(|count\\(|max\\(|min\\(|sum\\(|cast\\(|case |when )\\b((?!' . preg_quote($table, '#') . '\\.)\\w+\\.\\w+)\\b#i', 'max(\\1)', $parts[2]);
                 $temp_sql = join('', $parts);
             $temp_sql = str_replace(':from_clause', $from_clause, $temp_sql);
             if ($has_group_by_placeholder) {
                 $temp_sql = preg_replace('#\\s:group_by_clause\\s#', strtr($group_by_clause, array('\\' => '\\\\', '$' => '\\$')), $temp_sql);
             } elseif ($group_by_columns) {
                 $temp_sql = preg_replace('#(\\sGROUP\\s+BY\\s((?!HAVING|ORDER\\s+BY).)*)\\s#i', '\\1, ' . strtr($group_by_columns, array('\\' => '\\\\', '$' => '\\$')), $temp_sql);
         $new_sql .= $temp_sql;
     return $new_sql;