Ejemplo n.º 1
  * @{inheritDoc}
 public function truncate($object_type = false)
     $this->query = $this->client->createDeleteQuery('\\phpbb\\titania\\search\\document');
     if ($object_type !== false) {
         $this->query->where($this->query->eq('type', $object_type));
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public function testDeleteQuery()
     $session = new ezcSearchSession($this->backend, new ezcSearchXmlManager($this->testFilesDir));
     $a = new Article(null, 'Test Article Eén', 'This is the first article to test', 'the body of the article', time() - 86400);
     $a = new Article(null, 'Test Article Twee', 'This is the second article to test', 'the body of the article', time());
     $q = $session->createFindQuery('Article');
     $r = $session->find($q);
     self::assertEquals(2, $r->resultCount);
     $q = $session->createDeleteQuery('Article');
     $q->where($q->eq('title', 'Twee'));
     $this->backend->sendRawPostCommand('update', array('wt' => 'json'), '<commit/>');
     $q = $session->createFindQuery('Article');
     $r = $session->find($q);
     self::assertEquals(1, $r->resultCount);