Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Creates a new controller object and sets all the request variables as class variables.
  * @throws ezcMvcControllerException if the action method is empty
  * @param string        $action
  * @param ezcMvcRequest $request
 public function __construct($action, ezcMvcRequest $request)
     if (ezcBase::inDevMode() && (!is_string($action) || strlen($action) == 0)) {
         throw new ezcMvcControllerException("The '" . get_class($this) . "' controller requires an action.");
     $this->action = $action;
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Returns routing information, including a controller classname from the set of routes.
  * This method is run by the dispatcher to obtain a controller. It uses the
  * user implemented createRoutes() method from the inherited class to fetch the
  * routes. It then loops over these routes in order - the first one that
  * matches the request returns the routing information. The loop stops as
  * soon as a route has matched. In case none of the routes matched
  * with the request data an exception is thrown.
  * @throws ezcMvcNoRoutesException when there are no routes defined.
  * @throws ezcBaseValueException when one of the returned routes was not
  *         actually an object implementing the ezcMvcRoute interface.
  * @throws ezcMvcRouteNotFoundException when no routes matched the request URI.
  * @return ezcMvcRoutingInformation
 public function getRoutingInformation()
     $routes = $this->createRoutes();
     if (ezcBase::inDevMode() && (!is_array($routes) || !count($routes))) {
         throw new ezcMvcNoRoutesException();
     foreach ($routes as $route) {
         if (ezcBase::inDevMode() && !$route instanceof ezcMvcRoute) {
             throw new ezcBaseValueException('route', $route, 'instance of ezcMvcRoute');
         $routingInformation = $route->matches($this->request);
         if ($routingInformation !== null) {
             return $routingInformation;
     throw new ezcMvcRouteNotFoundException($this->request);
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * Returns routing information, including a controller classname from the set of routes.
  * This method is run by the dispatcher to obtain a controller. It uses the
  * user implemented createRoutes() method from the inherited class to fetch the
  * routes. It then loops over these routes in order - the first one that
  * matches the request returns the routing information. The loop stops as
  * soon as a route has matched. In case none of the routes matched
  * with the request data an exception is thrown.
  * @throws ezcMvcNoRoutesException when there are no routes defined.
  * @throws ezcBaseValueException when one of the returned routes was not
  *         actually an object implementing the ezcMvcRoute interface.
  * @throws ezcMvcRouteNotFoundException when no routes matched the request URI.
  * @return ezcMvcRoutingInformation
 public function getRoutingInformation()
     $routes = $this->createRoutes();
     if (ezcBase::inDevMode() && (!is_array($routes) || !count($routes))) {
         throw new ezcMvcNoRoutesException();
     foreach ($routes as $route) {
         if (ezcBase::inDevMode() && !$route instanceof ezcMvcRoute) {
             throw new ezcBaseValueException('route', $route, 'instance of ezcMvcRoute');
         $routingInformation = $route->matches($this->request);
         if ($routingInformation !== null) {
             // Add the router to the routing information struct, so that
             // can be passed to the controllers for reversed route
             // generation.
             $routingInformation->router = $this;
             return $routingInformation;
     throw new ezcMvcRouteNotFoundException($this->request);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public function testSetGetRunMode()
     self::assertEquals(ezcBase::MODE_DEVELOPMENT, ezcBase::getRunMode());
     self::assertEquals(true, ezcBase::inDevMode());
     self::assertEquals(ezcBase::MODE_PRODUCTION, ezcBase::getRunMode());
     self::assertEquals(false, ezcBase::inDevMode());
     self::assertEquals(ezcBase::MODE_DEVELOPMENT, ezcBase::getRunMode());
     self::assertEquals(true, ezcBase::inDevMode());
Ejemplo n.º 5
 function runResponseFilters(ezcMvcRoutingInformation $routeInfo, ezcMvcRequest $request, ezcMvcResult $result, ezcMvcResponse $response)
     if (!ezcBase::inDevMode()) {
         if (in_array('gzip', $request->accept->encodings)) {
             $filter = new ezcMvcGzipResponseFilter();
         } else {
             if (in_array('deflate', $request->accept->encodings)) {
                 $filter = new ezcMvcGzDeflateResponseFilter();
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * Uses the configuration to fetch the response writer
  * @throws ezcMvcInvalidConfiguration when the returned object is of the wrong class
  * @param ezcMvcRoutingInformation $routingInformation
  * @param ezcMvcRequest            $request
  * @param ezcMvcResult             $result
  * @param ezcMvcResponse           $response
  * @return ezcMvcResponseWriter
 protected function getResponseWriter(ezcMvcRoutingInformation $routingInformation, ezcMvcRequest $request, ezcMvcResult $result, ezcMvcResponse $response)
     $responseWriter = $this->configuration->createResponseWriter($routingInformation, $request, $result, $response);
     if (ezcBase::inDevMode() && !$responseWriter instanceof ezcMvcResponseWriter) {
         throw new ezcMvcInvalidConfiguration('responseWriter', $responseWriter, 'instance of ezcMvcResponseWriter');
     return $responseWriter;
Ejemplo n.º 7
  * Creates a controller from the set of routes.
  * This method is run by the createResponse() method to obtain a rendered
  * result from data from the controller. It uses the user implemented
  * createZones() method from the inherited class to fetch the different
  * zones of the view, and then loops over these zones in order. Each zone's
  * results are made available to subsequent zones. Each zone will be
  * processed by a view handler of the ezcMvcViewHandler class. 
  * @throws ezcMvcNoZonesException when there are no zones defined.
  * @throws ezcBaseValueException when one of the returned zones was not
  *         actually an object implementing the ezcMvcViewHandler interface.
  * @return mixed
 protected function createResponseBody()
     $processed = array();
     $zones = $this->createZones(true);
     if (ezcBase::inDevMode() && (!is_array($zones) || !count($zones))) {
         throw new ezcMvcNoZonesException();
     // get the last zone
     $lastZone = array_pop($zones);
     array_push($zones, $lastZone);
     foreach ($zones as $zone) {
         if (ezcBase::inDevMode() && !$zone instanceof ezcMvcViewHandler) {
             throw new ezcBaseValueException('zone', $zone, 'instance of ezcMvcViewHandler');
         // Get the variables returned by the controller for the view
         foreach ($this->result->variables as $propertyName => $propertyValue) {
             // Send it verbatim to the template processor
             $zone->send($propertyName, $propertyValue);
         // Zones are additional templates that the final view should be built
         // with. The main page layout is the last zone returned from
         // createZones() method.
         foreach ($processed as $processedZone) {
             $zone->send($processedZone->getName(), $processedZone->getResult());
         $zone->process($zone === $lastZone);
         $processed[] = $zone;
     return $zone->getResult();