Ejemplo n.º 1
 private function _prefix_keyframe(css_group $keyframe, $apply_list)
     $prefixes = array(3 => "@-ms-keyframes", 2 => "@-o-keyframes", 0 => "@-moz-keyframes", 1 => "@-webkit-keyframes");
     foreach ($prefixes as $id => $value) {
         if (isset($apply_list[$id]) && $apply_list[$id]) {
             $new_name = str_replace('@keyframes', $prefixes[$id], $keyframe->name);
             //Check if keyframe with prefix exists
             $found = false;
             foreach ($keyframe->siblings('css_group') as $sibling) {
                 if ($sibling->name == $new_name) {
                     $found = true;
             if (!$found) {
                 //Create new keyframe only with prefix for the current vendor
                 $new_keyframe = $keyframe->make_clone();
                 $new_keyframe->name = $new_name;
                 $this->_add_prefixes($new_keyframe, array($id => true), true, true);
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Clean a CSS file
  * @param css_group $css_doc CSS file to clean
  * @return css_group
 public function clean(css_group $css_doc)
     //Find tokens
     $project_tokens = $this->_find_tokens();
     //Clean selectors
     $removed = 0;
     $selector_usage = array();
     foreach ($css_doc->find_all('css_group') as $group) {
         /* @var $group css_group */
         if (!$group->name || stripos($group->name, '@') !== false) {
             //Ignore @media, @keyframes and future especial groups
         $current_selectors = $group->selectors();
         $valid_selectors = array();
         foreach ($current_selectors as $selector) {
             $include = true;
             //Remove pseudo-class
             $clean_selector = preg_replace('/\\:.*/', '', $selector);
             //Look for selector tokens in the token list
             foreach ($this->_get_tokens($clean_selector) as $token) {
                 if (!isset($project_tokens[$token])) {
                     //Remove current selector
                     $include = false;
             if ($include) {
                 $valid_selectors[] = $selector;
                 if ($this->report_path) {
                     $count = 0;
                     foreach ($this->_get_tokens($clean_selector) as $token) {
                         $count += $project_tokens[$token];
                     $selector_usage[$clean_selector] = isset($selector_usage[$clean_selector]) ? $selector_usage[$clean_selector] + $count : $count;
         //Set cleaned selectors, or remove entire group if empty
         if (empty($valid_selectors)) {
         } else {
         if ($this->verbose) {
             $dif = array_diff($current_selectors, $valid_selectors);
             if (!empty($dif)) {
                 $removed += count($dif);
                 $dif = implode(', ', $dif);
                 echo "Removed {$dif}\n";
     //Create report
     if ($this->report_path) {
         $lines = array('Selector usage report. Generated on ' . date('r'), '');
         foreach ($selector_usage as $selector => $freq) {
             $lines[] = "{$selector} found {$freq} references";
         file_put_contents($this->report_path, implode(PHP_EOL, $lines));
     if ($this->verbose) {
         echo "\nClean done, removed {$removed} unused selectors\n";
     return $css_doc;
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * @see http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/html-css-techniques/quick-tip-how-to-target-ie6-ie7-and-ie8-uniquely-with-4-characters/
 protected function _remove_ie_hacks(css_group $document)
     foreach ($document->find_all('css_property') as $property) {
         $is_hack = in_array($property->name, array('filter', '-ms-filter')) || in_array($property->name[0], array('*', '_')) || stripos($property->value, 'expression') === 0 || substr($property->value, -2) === '\\9';
         //IE8 Hack
         if ($is_hack) {