Ejemplo n.º 1
  *  Save Cat edit
  * @uses wikigroup_check_for_save
  * @uses awcf_redirect
  * @since Version 2.5.8
 function edit_cat_do()
     global $wgRequest;
     $cat_name = $wgRequest->getVal('cat_name');
     $cat_desc = $wgRequest->getVal('cat_desc');
     $c_wiki_perm = parent::wikigroup_check_for_save('c_wiki_perm');
     $cat_order = $wgRequest->getVal('cat_order');
     $cID = $wgRequest->getVal('cID');
     $dbw = wfGetDB(DB_MASTER);
     $dbw->update('awc_f_cats', array('cat_name' => $cat_name, 'cat_desc' => $cat_desc, 'cat_order' => $cat_order, 'c_wiki_perm' => $c_wiki_perm), array('cat_id' => $cID), '');
     $info['msg'] = 'cat_edited';
     $info['url'] = awc_url . 'admin/cat/get_cat_id_edit/' . $cID;
     return awcf_redirect($info);
Ejemplo n.º 2
function load_awcs_forum()
    # $START = processing_time(); // Used for testing speed... $RESULT at bottom...
    global $wgRequest, $wgOut, $wgScriptPath;
    global $awc, $awcUser, $awc_tables, $awc_ver, $ForumStat, $awcs_forum_config, $WhoWhere, $action_url, $tplt;
    global $awc_url, $wiki_url, $style_path, $button_path, $awc__url;
    require_once awc_dir . "includes/funcs.php";
    require_once awc_dir . "includes/gen_funk.php";
    require_once awc_dir . "includes/gen_class.php";
    // awcs_forum_config, awcs_forum_user, awcs_forum_stats,
    $WhoWhere = null;
    define('awc_path', $wgScriptPath . awcForumPath);
    define('emo_path', awc_path . 'images/emotions/default/');
    define('button_path', awc_path . 'images/buttons/default/');
    $style_path = awc_path . 'skins/';
    // used in awcs_forum_skin_templetes::phase() for "find and replace"
    $button_path = button_path;
    // used in awcs_forum_skin_templetes::phase() for "find and replace"
    $wiki_url = awcsf_wiki_url;
    // used in awcs_forum_skin_templetes::phase() for "find and replace"
    $awc_url = awc_url;
    // used in awcs_forum_skin_templetes::phase() function for "find and replace"
    $awc__url = $awc_url;
    if (!isset($awcUser)) {
        $awcUser = new awcs_forum_user();
    $wgRequest->action = null;
    $clean_todo = null;
    $clean_todo_arr = $wgRequest->getVal('title');
    $clean_todo_arr = rawurldecode($clean_todo_arr);
    $clean_todo_arr = explode('/', $clean_todo_arr);
    if (isset($clean_todo_arr[1]) and (!isset($_GET['action']) or !isset($_POST['action']))) {
        $count_to = count($clean_todo_arr) - 1;
        for ($i = 1; $i <= $count_to; ++$i) {
            $clean_todo .= $clean_todo_arr[$i] . "/";
        $wgRequest->action = $clean_todo;
    $action = $wgRequest->getVal('action');
    if ($action == null) {
        $action = $clean_todo;
    } else {
        $action = str_replace('%2F', '/', $action);
        $wgRequest->action = $action;
    $action_spl = explode("/", $action);
    #$todo = $action_spl[0];
    $action_url = array();
    $action_url['all'] = $action;
    $action_url['what_file'] = $action_spl[0];
    if (isset($action_spl[1])) {
        if (strstr($action_spl[1], "id")) {
            $action_url['id'] = str_replace(array('_', 'id', 'id_'), '', $action_spl[1]);
        } else {
            $action_url['section'] = $action_spl[1];
            $action_url['id'] = $wgRequest->getVal('id');
    } else {
        $action_url['id'] = $wgRequest->getVal('id');
    if (isset($action_spl[2])) {
        $action_url['todo'] = $action_spl[2];
    foreach ($action_spl as $act) {
        if (strstr($act, "id_")) {
            $action_url['id'] = str_replace(array('_', 'id', 'id_'), '', $act);
        } else {
            $action_url[] = $act;
    if ($wgRequest->action == "install_forum" and in_array('sysop', $awcUser->mGroups)) {
        require awc_dir . "updates/install/install_forum.php";
    if (!isset($awcs_forum_config)) {
        $awcs_forum_config = new awcs_forum_config();
        // gen_class.php
    if ($awcs_forum_config->get_config() === false) {
        $out = $awcs_forum_config->get_install();
    # die("k,h");
    //  Note:
    // This needs to be after the awcs_forum_config()
    // for some reason the unserialize() gets messed with the default CSS and cant read it correctly
    if (awcs_forum_convert_latin) {
        $dbw = wfGetDB(DB_MASTER);
        $dbw->query("SET NAMES latin1");
        // Check to see if forum is installed by checking of the Dbase config table is there...
            $out =  $awcs_forum_config->get_install() ;
            return ;
    // ckeck forum version...
    if (version_compare(awcs_forum_ver_current, awcs_forum_ver, '<')) {
        global $wgRequest;
        if (!strstr($wgRequest->action, "admin/forum_update") and !strstr($wgRequest->action, "admin/get_updates")) {
            if (!in_array('sysop', $awcUser->mGroups)) {
                $wgOut->addHTML("<center>" . wfMsg('awcsf_updating') . "<br /> <b>" . wfMsg('awcsf_sysops_login') . "</b></center>");
            die(header('Location: ' . awc_url . 'admin/forum_update'));
    if (isset($awcs_forum_config->cf_header_import) and !empty($awcs_forum_config->cf_header_import)) {
        $header = awc_wikipase($awcs_forum_config->cf_header_import, $wgOut);
    // load this after config_config
    require awc_dir . "includes/load/load_skin_tplts.php";
    if (!isset($tplt)) {
        require awc_dir . 'admin.php';
        awcsforum_funcs::get_table_names(array('awc_f_cats'), true);
        // Get all the forums d-base table names, check for table pre-fix
        awcsforum_funcs::get_page_lang(array('lang_txt_forum', 'lang_txt_search', 'lang_txt_admin'));
        // get lang difinitions...
        $admin = new awcforum_forumAdmin();
    // load lang difinistions and get sql table names
    switch ($action_url['what_file']) {
        case 'search':
            require awc_dir . 'search.php';
            awcsforum_funcs::get_table_names(array('awc_f_threads', 'awc_f_posts', 'awc_f_forums', 'awc_f_cats'));
            // Get all the forums d-base table names, check for table pre-fix
            awcsforum_funcs::get_page_lang(array('lang_txt_forum', 'lang_txt_search'));
            // get lang difinitions...
        case 'post':
            require awc_dir . 'post.php';
            awcsforum_funcs::get_table_names(array('awc_f_polls', 'awc_f_posts', 'awc_f_forums', 'awc_f_threads', 'awc_f_watchthreads', 'awc_f_watchforums'));
            // Get all the forums d-base table names, check for table pre-fix
            awcsforum_funcs::get_page_lang(array('lang_txt_forum', 'lang_txt_search', 'lang_txt_thread', 'lang_txt_redirects'));
            // get lang difinitions...
        case 'st':
        case 'sp':
        case 'last_post':
        case 'delete_post':
        case 'delete_thread':
            require awc_dir . 'thread.php';
            awcsforum_funcs::get_table_names(array('awc_f_posts', 'awc_f_threads', 'awc_f_polls', 'awc_f_forums', 'awc_f_member_titles', 'awc_f_cats'));
            // Get all the forums d-base table names, check for table pre-fix
            awcsforum_funcs::get_page_lang(array('lang_txt_forum', 'lang_txt_search', 'lang_txt_thread'));
            // get lang difinitions...
        case 'member_options':
            require awc_dir . 'members.php';
            awcsforum_funcs::get_table_names(array('awc_f_watchthreads', 'awc_f_watchforums', 'awc_f_threads', 'awc_f_pms_info', 'awc_f_pms', 'awc_f_mems', 'awc_f_threads'));
            // Get all the forums d-base table names, check for table pre-fix
            awcsforum_funcs::get_page_lang(array('lang_txt_forum', 'lang_txt_search', 'lang_txt_mem', 'lang_txt_redirects'));
            // get lang difinitions...
        case 'admin':
            require awc_dir . 'admin.php';
            awcsforum_funcs::get_table_names(array('awc_f_cats'), true);
            // Get all the forums d-base table names, check for table pre-fix
            awcsforum_funcs::get_page_lang(array('lang_txt_forum', 'lang_txt_search', 'lang_txt_admin', 'lang_txt_redirects'));
            // get lang difinitions...
        case 'pm':
            require awc_dir . 'pm.php';
            // Get all the forums d-base table names, check for table pre-fix
            awcsforum_funcs::get_page_lang(array('lang_txt_forum', 'lang_txt_search', 'lang_txt_mem'));
            // get lang difinitions...
        case 'mem_profile':
        case 'credits':
        case 'whoshere':
            require awc_dir . 'misc.php';
            awcsforum_funcs::get_table_names(array('awc_f_langs', 'awc_f_sessions'));
            // Get all the forums d-base table names, check for table pre-fix
            awcsforum_funcs::get_page_lang(array('lang_txt_forum', 'lang_txt_search', 'lang_txt_mem'));
            // get lang difinitions...
        case 'mod':
            awcsforum_funcs::get_page_lang(array('lang_txt_forum', 'lang_txt_search', 'lang_txt_thread', 'lang_txt_redirects'));
            // get lang difinitions...
        case 'sc':
        case 'sf':
        case 'subf':
            require awc_dir . 'forum.php';
            awcsforum_funcs::get_table_names(array('awc_f_cats', 'awc_f_forums', 'awc_f_anns', 'awc_f_threads'));
            // Get all the forums d-base table names, check for table pre-fix
            awcsforum_funcs::get_page_lang(array('lang_txt_forum', 'lang_txt_search'));
            // get lang difinitions...
    $awcs_forum_config->ver = isset($awcs_forum_config->cf_forumversion) ? $awcs_forum_config->cf_forumversion : '2.x.x';
    $awcs_forum_config->ver = str_replace('.', '', $awcs_forum_config->ver);
    // need a check, some servers will drop the last zero from the version, version needs to be three digets
    #strlen($awc_ver) == 2 ? $awc_ver = $awc_ver . '0' : $awc_ver = $awc_ver ;
    $awcs_forum_config->ver = !isset($awcs_forum_config->ver[2]) ? $awcs_forum_config->ver . '0' : $awcs_forum_config->ver;
    $awc_ver = $awcs_forum_config->ver;
    $info['url'] = awc_url;
    // Need a check here for Admin Setting....
    if (isset($awcs_forum_config->cf_use_forum_stats) and $awcs_forum_config->cf_use_forum_stats == '1') {
        $ForumStat = new awcs_forum_stats();
    // need to do something here....
    // PM check, display pop-up or not, set MemCP text for top menu
    if ($awcUser->mId != '0') {
        // set
        if (isset($awcUser->m_pmunread)) {
            $info['user_title'] = $awcUser->m_pmunread == 0 || $awcUser->m_pmunread == '' ? get_awcsforum_word('word_MemOpts') . '' : get_awcsforum_word('word_MemOpts') . ' <b>' . $awcUser->m_pmunread . '</b> ' . get_awcsforum_word('word_unreadpms');
            $pms = $awcUser->m_pmunread . ' ' . get_awcsforum_word('word_unreadpms');
        } else {
            $info['user_title'] = get_awcsforum_word('word_MemOpts');
            $pms = '';
        $info['user_name'] = urlencode($awcUser->mName) . '/' . $awcUser->mId;
        $word['word_recent_posts'] = get_awcsforum_word('word_recent_posts');
        $word['word_gotomempc'] = get_awcsforum_word('word_gotomempc');
        $word['word_gotopms'] = get_awcsforum_word('word_gotopms');
        $word['word_gotosig'] = get_awcsforum_word('word_gotosig');
        $word['word_gotoavatar'] = get_awcsforum_word('word_gotoavatar');
        $word['word_subscribe_email'] = get_awcsforum_word('word_subscribe_email');
        $word['word_subscribe_memcp'] = get_awcsforum_word('word_subscribe_memcp');
        $word['word_threads'] = get_awcsforum_word('word_threads');
        $word['word_posts'] = get_awcsforum_word('word_posts');
        $word['word_MemClearIndicators'] = get_awcsforum_word('word_MemClearIndicators');
        $info['mem_links'] = $tplt->phase($word, $info, 'top_menu_user_links');
    } else {
        $pms = '';
        $mem_title = null;
        $info['mem_links'] = null;
    //$wgOut->addScript('<script type="text/javascript" src="'. awc_path . 'awc.js"></script>');
    $wgOut->mScripts .= '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . awc_path . 'awc.js"></script>';
    if (UserPerm == 10) {
        $word['word_AdminCP'] = get_awcsforum_word('word_AdminCP');
        $word['word_AdminCP'] = strlen($word['word_AdminCP']) < 2 ? "Admin Control Panel" : $word['word_AdminCP'];
        $info['admin_link'] = $tplt->phase($word, '', 'top_menu_admin_link');
    } else {
        $info['admin_link'] = null;
    if (CanSearch()) {
        $word['search'] = get_awcsforum_word('search_search');
        $info['search_link'] = $tplt->phase($word, '', 'top_menu_search_link');
    } else {
        $info['search_link'] = null;
    $word['word_todays_posts'] = get_awcsforum_word('word_todays_posts');
    $info['todays_posts'] = $tplt->phase($word, '', 'top_menu_todays_posts_link', true);
    $word['word_credits'] = get_awcsforum_word('word_credits');
    $top_menu_links = $tplt->phase($word, $info, 'top_menu_top', true);
    if ($awcUser->mId != '0') {
        if (isset($awcUser->m_pmpop) and isset($awcUser->m_pmoptions['m_pmpop'])) {
            if ($awcUser->m_pmpop == '1' and $awcUser->m_pmoptions['m_pmpop'] == '1' and $action_url['what_file'] != 'member_options') {
                $wgOut->addHTML('<script type= "text/javascript">  alert("' . get_awcsforum_word('word_newpm') . '"); </script>');
    # $wgOut->addHTML('<hr>');
    global $wgSitename;
    $awcs_forum_config->forum_name = !empty($awcs_forum_config->cf__forumname) ? str_replace('|$|', ' ' . $wgSitename . ' ', $awcs_forum_config->cf__forumname) : $wgSitename . ' ' . get_awcsforum_word('word_forum');
    $awcs_forum_config->forum_subtitle = isset($awcs_forum_config->cf__forumsubtitle) ? $awcs_forum_config->cf__forumsubtitle : '';
    if (!$awcUser->canRead and $action_url['what_file'] != 'credits') {
        global $wgSitename;
        $Tforum_name = str_replace('|$|', ' ' . $wgSitename . ' ', $awcs_forum_config->cf__forumname);
        Set_AWC_Forum_SubTitle($awcs_forum_config->forum_name, $awcs_forum_config->forum_name);
        get_awcsforum_word('word_standalongforumextension') == '' ? $awc_info = 'Stand Alone Forum Extension' : ($awc_info = get_awcsforum_word('word_standalongforumextension'));
        $wgOut->addHTML("\r" . '<br /><hr><center> <a href="http://wiki.anotherwebcom.com" target="_blank" title="PHP, Visual Basic  scripts and programs">AWC\'s</a>: <b>' . $awcs_forum_config->cf_forumversion . '</b> MediaWiki - ' . $awc_info . '</center>' . "\r");
    switch ($action_url['what_file']) {
        case 'mod':
            require awc_dir . 'includes/mod_post.php';
        case 'whoshere':
            //$WhoWhere = 'whoshere' ;
            $WhoWhere['type'] = 'forum';
            $WhoWhere['where'] = 'whoshere||awc-split||whoshere';
            $whoshere = new awcforum_misc();
        case 'search':
            #$search = new awcforum_search();
        case 'post':
            #$post=new awcsforum_post_cls();
        case 'st':
        case 'sp':
        case 'last_post':
        case 'delete_post':
        case 'delete_thread':
        case 'member_options':
        case 'admin':
            $admin = new awcforum_forumAdmin();
        case 'pm':
            $pm = new awcforum_pm();
        case 'mem_profile':
        case 'credits':
            $pm = new awcforum_misc();
        case 'feed':
            $title = str_replace('feed/', '', $action_url['all']);
            $rss = new FeedItem($title, 'Description', awc_url . $title);
        case 'sc':
        case 'sf':
        case 'subf':
        case 'fpw':
    $awc_info = get_awcsforum_word('word_standalongforumextension') == '' ? 'Stand Alone Forum Extension' : get_awcsforum_word('word_standalongforumextension');
    // admin check needed
    if (isset($awcs_forum_config->cf_show_whoes_here) and $awcs_forum_config->cf_show_whoes_here == '1') {
        $whos_here = new awcs_forum_whos_here();
        $word = array('word_forum_stats_whos_here' => get_awcsforum_word('word_forum_stats_whos_here'), 'members' => get_awcsforum_word('word_members'), 'guests' => get_awcsforum_word('word_guests'), 'word_forum_stats_bots' => get_awcsforum_word('word_forum_stats_bots'));
        $info['names'] = substr($whos_here->whos_here['names'], 0, -2);
        $info['num_mems'] = $whos_here->whos_here['mems'];
        $info['num_guests'] = $whos_here->whos_here['guests'];
        $info['num_bots'] = $whos_here->whos_here['bots'];
        $footer_whoshere = $tplt->phase($word, $info, 'footer_whoshere', true);
        unset($word, $info);
    #require(awc_dir . 'dBase.php');
    #$dBase = new awcforum_cls_dBase();
    # die("done");
     * top poster, replier, most posts in thread, most viewed thrread.
    global $css_ver_info;
    if ($css_ver_info != null) {
        $css_ver_info = get_awcsforum_word('word_css_style_by') . " {$css_ver_info}";
    // Read the top please... http://google.com/search?q=Special:AWCforum will bring up your site sooner or later...
    $wgOut->addHTML('<br /><hr>
                <a href="http://wiki.anotherwebcom.com" target="_blank" title="PHP, Visual Basic  scripts and programs">AWC\'s</a>:
                 <b>' . $awcs_forum_config->cf_forumversion . '</b> MediaWiki - ' . $awc_info . '<br />' . $css_ver_info . '</center>');
    if (isset($ForumStat)) {
    if ($awcUser->mId != '0') {
        $now = awcsforum_funcs::wikidate(wfTimestampNow());
        if (isset($awcs_forum_config->cf_save_recent_in_dabase) and $awcs_forum_config->cf_save_recent_in_dabase == '1') {
            $dbw = wfGetDB(DB_MASTER);
            $dbw->update('awc_f_mems', array('m_lasttouch' => wfTimestampNow(), 'm_lasthere' => $now), array('m_id' => $awcUser->mId), '');
        } else {
            global $wgCookieExpiration, $wgCookiePath, $wgCookieDomain;
            $exp = time() + $wgCookieExpiration;
            setcookie('awc_startTime', $now, $exp, $wgCookiePath, $wgCookieDomain);
    # $wgOut->setSubtitle( 'Time Test: ' .  processing_time($START) . ' Memory Peek= ' . memory_get_peak_usage(true) . ' memory_get_usage= ' . memory_get_usage()  ) ;  # testing
Ejemplo n.º 3
 function MainAdmin()
     global $wgTitle, $awc_lang, $wgUser;
     $tmp = awc_url . 'admin/';
     #$html = '<a href="http://wiki.anotherwebcom.com/Category:MediaWiki:Forum" target="new"><img src="http://anotherwebcom.com/awc_forum_update.gif"></a>';
     $html = '<table width="100%" class="dl_maintable" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr>';
     $html .= '<td width="25%" class="dl_maintable_head" nowrap>' . get_awcsforum_word('admin_controls') . '</td>';
     $html .= '<td width="75%" class="dl_maintable_head" nowrap><a href="http://wiki.anotherwebcom.com/Category:MediaWiki:Forum" target="new"><img src="http://anotherwebcom.com/awc_forum_update.gif"></a></td>';
     $html .= '</tr>';
     $html .= '<tr>';
     $html .= '<td width="15%" align="left" nowrap class="thread_rows0"><a href="' . $tmp . 'cat/create_cat">' . get_awcsforum_word('admin_create_new_cat') . '</a></td>';
     $html .= '<td width="85%" align="left" nowrap class="thread_rows1"> &nbsp; </td>';
     $html .= '</tr>';
     $html .= '<tr>';
     $html .= '<td width="15%" align="left" nowrap class="thread_rows0"><a href="' . $tmp . 'cat/get_cat_list">' . get_awcsforum_word('admin_word_edit_cat') . '</a></td>';
     $html .= '<td width="85%" align="left" nowrap class="thread_rows1">';
     $html .= '<form action="' . awc_url . 'admin/cat/get_cat_id_edit/" method="post">';
     $html .= '<select name="id">';
     $cats_array = parent::cats_get_all_array();
     foreach ($cats_array as $id => $info) {
         $html .= '<option value="' . $id . '"> ' . $info['cat_name'] . '</option>';
     $html .= '</select>';
     $html .= ' <input type="submit" value="' . get_awcsforum_word('edit') . '">';
     $html .= '</form>';
     $html .= '</td></tr>';
     $html .= '<tr>';
     $html .= '<td width="15%" align="left" nowrap class="thread_rows0"><a href="' . $tmp . 'forum/create_forum">' . get_awcsforum_word('admin_create_new_forum') . '</a></td>';
     $html .= '<td width="85%" align="left" nowrap class="thread_rows1"> &nbsp; </td>';
     $html .= '</tr>';
     $html .= '<tr>';
     $html .= '<td width="15%" align="left" nowrap class="thread_rows0"><a href="' . $tmp . 'forum/get_forum_list">' . get_awcsforum_word('admin_edit_forum') . '</a></td>';
     $html .= '<td width="85%" align="left" nowrap class="thread_rows1">';
     $html .= '<form action="' . awc_url . 'admin/forum/get_forum_id_edit/" method="post">';
     $html .= '<select name="id">';
     $cats_array = parent::forums_get_all_array();
     foreach ($cats_array as $id => $info) {
         $html .= '<option value="' . $id . '"> ' . $info['f_name'] . '</option>';
     $html .= '</select>';
     $html .= ' <input type="submit" value="' . get_awcsforum_word('edit') . '">';
     $html .= '</form>';
     $html .= '</td></tr>';
     $html .= '<tr>';
     $html .= '<td width="15%" align="left" nowrap class="thread_rows0">' . get_awcsforum_word('admin_get_config') . ' <br />
      &nbsp;  &nbsp; - &nbsp; <a href="' . awc_url . 'admin/admin_get_config/general">' . get_awcsforum_word('admin_display_geneal_options') . '</a><br />
      &nbsp;  &nbsp; - &nbsp; <a href="' . awc_url . 'admin/admin_get_config/forum">' . get_awcsforum_word('admin_display_forum_options') . '</a><br />
      &nbsp;  &nbsp; - &nbsp; <a href="' . awc_url . 'admin/admin_get_config/mem">' . get_awcsforum_word('admin_display_mem_options') . '</a><br />
      &nbsp;  &nbsp; - &nbsp; <a href="' . awc_url . 'admin/admin_get_config/thread">' . get_awcsforum_word('admin_display_thread_options') . '</a><br />
      &nbsp;  &nbsp; - &nbsp; <a href="' . awc_url . 'admin/admin_get_config/forum_tag">' . get_awcsforum_word('admin_display_forumtag_options') . '</a><br />
      &nbsp;  &nbsp; - &nbsp; <a href="' . awc_url . 'admin/get_emotions">' . get_awcsforum_word('admin_emotions_edit') . '</a><br />  
      &nbsp;  &nbsp; - &nbsp; <a href="' . awc_url . 'admin/mem_title/get_all">' . get_awcsforum_word('cf_display_mem_titles') . '</a><br />
     $html .= '<td width="85%" align="left" nowrap class="thread_rows1" valign="top"> &nbsp; ' . get_awcsforum_word('admin_get_config_des') . '</td>';
     $html .= '</tr>';
     # &nbsp;  &nbsp; - &nbsp; <a href="'. awc_url . 'admin/theme">'.get_awcsforum_word('word_forum_theme').'</a><br />
     $html .= '<tr>';
     $html .= '<td width="15%" align="left" nowrap class="thread_rows0">' . get_awcsforum_word('word_forum_theme') . ' <br />
      &nbsp;  &nbsp; - &nbsp; <a href="' . awc_url . 'admin/css/css_edit_get">' . get_awcsforum_word('admin_editcss') . '</a><br /> 
      &nbsp;  &nbsp; - &nbsp; <a href="' . awc_url . 'admin/tplt/display">' . get_awcsforum_word('admin_edittplt') . '</a><br /> 
      &nbsp;  &nbsp; - &nbsp; <a href="' . awc_url . 'admin/css/exported_css_list">' . get_awcsforum_word('admin_exportedfiles') . '</a><br /> 
     $html .= '<td width="85%" align="left" nowrap class="thread_rows1" valign="top"> &nbsp; ' . get_awcsforum_word('word_forum_theme_desc') . '</td>';
     $html .= '</tr>';
     $html .= '<tr>';
     $html .= '<td width="15%" align="left" nowrap class="thread_rows0"><a href="' . awc_url . 'admin/awc_lang/display_lang_options">' . get_awcsforum_word('admin_get_lang') . '</a></td>';
     $html .= '<td width="85%" align="left" nowrap class="thread_rows1"> &nbsp; ' . get_awcsforum_word('admin_get_lang_des') . '</td>';
     $html .= '</tr>';
     $html .= '<tr>';
     $html .= '<td width="15%" align="left" nowrap class="thread_rows0"><a href="' . awc_url . 'admin/maintenance">' . get_awcsforum_word('admin_maintenance') . '</a></td>';
     $html .= '<td width="85%" align="left" nowrap class="thread_rows1"> &nbsp; ' . get_awcsforum_word('admin_maintenancedesc') . '</td>';
     $html .= '</tr>';
     $html .= '<tr>';
     $html .= '<td width="15%" align="left" nowrap class="thread_rows0"><a href="' . awcsf_wiki_url . 'Special:ListGroupRights">' . get_awcsforum_word('admin_MemberLookup') . '</a></td>';
     $html .= '<td width="85%" align="left" nowrap class="thread_rows1">';
     $html .= '<form method="get" action="' . awcsf_wiki_url . 'Special:Userrights" name="uluser">';
     $html .= '<input name="title" type="hidden" value="Special:Userrights" />';
     $html .= '<input name="user" size="30" value="" id="username" />';
     $html .= ' <input type="submit" value="' . get_awcsforum_word('submit') . '"></form>';
     $html .= '</td></tr>';
     if (in_array('sysop', $wgUser->getGroups())) {
         $html .= '<tr>';
         get_awcsforum_word('admin_forum_update') == '' ? $up = 'Forum Up-date Installer' : ($up = get_awcsforum_word('admin_forum_update'));
         $html .= '<td width="15%" align="left" nowrap class="thread_rows0"><a href="' . awc_url . 'admin/forum_update">' . $up . '</a></td>';
         $html .= '<td width="85%" align="left" nowrap class="thread_rows1"> &nbsp; ' . get_awcsforum_word('admin_forum_updatedesc') . '</td>';
         $html .= '</tr><tr>';
     if ('autoupdate' == 'yes') {
         $html .= '<tr>';
         $up = '<a href="' . awc_url . 'admin/forum_autoupdate">' . get_awcsforum_word('admin_autoupdate') . ' ' . $ver . '</a>';
         $html .= '<td width="15%" align="left" nowrap class="thread_rows0">' . $up . '</td>';
         $html .= '<td width="85%" align="left" nowrap class="thread_rows1"> &nbsp; ' . get_awcsforum_word('admin_expearimental') . '</td>';
         $html .= '</tr><tr>';
     $html .= '</tr></table><br />';
     return $html;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 function edit_forum_do()
     global $wgRequest;
     $f_name = $wgRequest->getVal('f_name');
     $f_desc = $wgRequest->getVal('f_desc');
     $parent_id = $wgRequest->getVal('parent_id');
     $f_wiki_read_perm = parent::wikigroup_check_for_save('f_wiki_read_perm');
     $f_wiki_write_perm = parent::wikigroup_check_for_save('f_wiki_write_perm');
     $f_order = $wgRequest->getVal('f_order');
     $f_passworded = $wgRequest->getVal('f_passworded');
     $f_password = awcsf_encode_password($wgRequest->getVal('f_password'));
     $f_top_tmplt = $wgRequest->getVal('f_top_tmplt');
     $f_posting_mesage_tmpt = $wgRequest->getVal('f_posting_mesage_tmpt');
     $f_id = $wgRequest->getVal('f_id');
     if (strlen($f_desc) == 0) {
         $f_desc = ' ';
     if (strlen($f_name) == 0) {
         $f_name = 'Forum Name ???';
     if (strlen($f_top_tmplt) == 0) {
         $f_top_tmplt = ' ';
     if (strlen($f_posting_mesage_tmpt) == 0) {
         $f_posting_mesage_tmpt = ' ';
     $dbw = wfGetDB(DB_MASTER);
     $dbw->update('awc_f_forums', array('f_name' => $f_name, 'f_desc' => $f_desc, 'f_parentid' => $parent_id, 'f_wiki_read_perm' => $f_wiki_read_perm, 'f_wiki_write_perm' => $f_wiki_write_perm, 'f_order' => $f_order, 'f_passworded' => $f_passworded, 'f_password' => $f_password, 'f_top_tmplt' => $f_top_tmplt, 'f_posting_mesage_tmpt' => $f_posting_mesage_tmpt), array('f_id' => $f_id), '');
     $info['msg'] = 'forum_edited';
     $info['url'] = awc_url . 'sc/id' . $parent_id;
     return awcf_redirect($info);