Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Update a user's session activity.
  * @param mixed $controllerResponse The response from the controller. Generally, a XenForo_ControllerResponse_Abstract object.
  * @param string $controllerName
  * @param string $action
 public function updateSessionActivity($controllerResponse, $controllerName, $action)
     if (!XenForo_Application::isRegistered('session')) {
     if ($controllerResponse instanceof XenForo_ControllerResponse_Abstract) {
         switch (get_class($controllerResponse)) {
             case 'XenForo_ControllerResponse_Redirect':
             case 'XenForo_ControllerResponse_Reroute':
                 // don't update anything, assume the next page will do it
             // don't update anything, assume the next page will do it
             case 'XenForo_ControllerResponse_Message':
             case 'XenForo_ControllerResponse_View':
                 $newState = 'valid';
                 $newState = 'error';
     } else {
         $newState = 'error';
     if ($this->canUpdateSessionActivity($controllerName, $action, $newState)) {
         $this->getModelFromCache('XenForo_Model_User')->updateSessionActivity(XenForo_Visitor::getUserId(), $this->_request->getClientIp(false), $controllerName, $action, $newState, $this->_request->getUserParams());
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Redirect to startup page after logging in if request contains any params (except security key)
  * @param Mage_Admin_Model_User $user
  * @param Zend_Controller_Request_Http $request
  * @param string|null $alternativeUrl
  * @return null|string
 public function getRedirectUrl(Mage_Admin_Model_User $user, Zend_Controller_Request_Http $request = null, $alternativeUrl = null)
     if (empty($request)) {
     $countRequiredParams = $this->_urlModel->useSecretKey() && $request->getParam(Mage_Adminhtml_Model_Url::SECRET_KEY_PARAM_NAME) ? 1 : 0;
     $countGetParams = count($request->getUserParams()) + count($request->getQuery());
     return $countGetParams > $countRequiredParams ? $this->_urlModel->getUrl($user->getStartupPageUrl()) : $alternativeUrl;
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * Update a user's session activity.
  * @param mixed $controllerResponse The response from the controller. Generally, a XenForo_ControllerResponse_Abstract object.
  * @param string $controllerName
  * @param string $action
 public function updateSessionActivity($controllerResponse, $controllerName, $action)
     if (!XenForo_Application::isRegistered('session')) {
     if ($this->_request->getServer('HTTP_X_MOZ') == 'prefetch') {
     if ($controllerResponse instanceof XenForo_ControllerResponse_Abstract) {
         switch (get_class($controllerResponse)) {
             case 'XenForo_ControllerResponse_Redirect':
             case 'XenForo_ControllerResponse_Reroute':
             case 'XenForo_ControllerResponse_ReroutePath':
                 // don't update anything, assume the next page will do it
             // don't update anything, assume the next page will do it
             case 'XenForo_ControllerResponse_Message':
             case 'XenForo_ControllerResponse_View':
                 $newState = 'valid';
                 $newState = 'error';
         if ($controllerResponse->responseCode && $controllerResponse->responseCode >= 400) {
             $newState = 'error';
     } else {
         $newState = 'error';
     $session = XenForo_Application::getSession();
     if ($this->canUpdateSessionActivity($controllerName, $action, $newState)) {
         /** @var $userModel XenForo_Model_User */
         $userModel = $this->getModelFromCache('XenForo_Model_User');
         $userModel->updateSessionActivity(XenForo_Visitor::getUserId(), $this->_request->getClientIp(false), $controllerName, $action, $newState, $this->_request->getUserParams(), null, $session->isRegistered('robotId') ? $session->get('robotId') : '');
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * Called before an action is dispatched by Zend_Controller_Dispatcher.
  * This callback allows for proxy or filter behavior.  The
  * $action must be returned for the Zend_Controller_Dispatcher_Token to be dispatched.
  * To abort the dispatch, return FALSE.
  * @param  Zend_Controller_Request_Http $action
  * @return Zend_Controller_Request_Http
 public function preDispatch($action)
     /*@var $action Zend_Controller_Request_Http */
     $controllerName = strtolower($action->getControllerName());
     $actionName = strtolower($action->getActionName());
     $moduleName = strtolower($action->getModuleName());
     // Check for authorization.
     $app = NovemberApplication::getInstance();
     $currentUser = $app->getUser();
     if ($currentUser->getRole() == User::ROLE_LOCKED) {
         $action->setControllerName(ifset($this->config, 'login_controller', 'user'));
         $action->setActionName(ifset($this->config, 'login_action', 'login'));
         return $action;
     // Get the restrictions for the current request (if any)
     $conf = ifset($this->config, $moduleName);
     $roles = '';
     if (is_string($conf)) {
         $roles = $conf;
     } else {
         if (is_array($conf)) {
             // check for a default
             $roles = ifset($conf, 'default_roles', '');
             // If there's something in the controllername entry...
             $controllerConf = ifset($conf, $controllerName, $roles);
             if (is_array($controllerConf)) {
                 $roles = ifset($controllerConf, $actionName, $roles);
             } else {
                 $roles = $controllerConf;
     // Are there required roles to authenticate?
     $loginRequired = false;
     za()->log(__CLASS__ . ':' . __LINE__ . " - Authorizing " . $currentUser->getUsername() . " for roles {$roles}");
     if ($roles != '') {
         $loginRequired = true;
         $roles = explode(',', $roles);
         // If the user has any of the roles, let them in
         foreach ($roles as $role) {
             if ($currentUser->hasRole($role)) {
                 return $action;
     // If we've got this far, then we should ask the DB if the current user has
     // access to the current module and controller
     // We're expecting user_access =>
     // user_role
     // OR array (controller => user_role)
     $userAccess = ifset($conf, 'user_access');
     if ($userAccess != null) {
         $loginRequired = true;
         // if it's a string, just get the access for the module
         $accessService = za()->getService('AccessService');
         // See if they have access to this module
         $access = $accessService->getAccessList($currentUser->getUsername(), $moduleName);
         if (count($access)) {
             // okay, they have access, so we're all cool
             return $action;
     if ($loginRequired) {
         $url = build_url($controllerName, $actionName, $action->getUserParams(), false, $moduleName);
         $_SESSION[NovemberController::RETURN_URL] = $url;
         // $action->setModuleName(ifset($this->config, 'login_module', 'default'));
     return $action;