Ejemplo n.º 1
function FAS_Call($type, $name, $title, $url, $content)
    $context = Model_Context::getInstance();
    $pool = DBModel::getInstance();
    $blogstr = $context->getProperty('uri.host') . $context->getProperty('uri.blog');
    $DDosTimeWindowSize = 300;
    $rpc = new XMLRPC();
    $rpc->url = 'http://antispam.textcube.org/RPC/';
    if ($rpc->call('checkSpam', $blogstr, $type, $name, $title, $url, $content, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) == false) {
        // call fail
        // Do Local spam check with "Thief-cat algorithm"
        $count = 0;
        if ($type == 2) {
            $storage = "RemoteResponses";
            $pool->setQualifier("url", "eq", $url, true);
            $pool->setQualifier("isfiltered", ">", 0);
            if ($cnt = $pool->getCount("id")) {
                $count += $cnt;
        } else {
            // Comment Case
            $storage = "Comments";
            $pool->setQualifier("comment", "eq", ${$content}, true);
            $pool->setQualifier("name", "eq", $name, true);
            $pool->setQualifier("homepage", "eq", $url, true);
            $pool->setQualifier("isfiltered", ">", 0);
            if ($cnt = $pool->getCount("id")) {
                $count += $cnt;
        // Check IP
        $pool->setQualifier("ip", "eq", $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], true);
        $pool->setQualifier("written", ">", Timestamp::getUNIXtime() - $DDosTimeWindowSize);
        if ($cnt = $pool->getCount("id")) {
            $count += $cnt;
        if ($count >= 10) {
            return false;
        return true;
    if (!is_null($rpc->fault)) {
        // FAS has some problem
        return true;
    if ($rpc->result['result'] == true) {
        return false;
        // it's spam
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
function EAS_Call($type, $name, $title, $url, $content)
    global $hostURL, $blogURL, $database;
    $blogstr = $hostURL . $blogURL;
    $rpc = new XMLRPC();
    $rpc->url = 'http://antispam.eolin.com/RPC/index.php';
    if ($rpc->call('checkSpam', $blogstr, $type, $name, $title, $url, $content, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) == false) {
        // call fail
        // Do Local spam check with "Thief-cat algorithm"
        $count = 0;
        $tableName = $database['prefix'] . 'RemoteResponses';
        if ($type == 2) {
            $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(id) as cc FROM ' . $database['prefix'] . 'RemoteResponses WHERE';
            $sql .= ' url = \'' . POD::escapeString($url) . '\'';
            $sql .= ' AND isfiltered > 0';
            if ($row = POD::queryRow($sql)) {
                $count += @$row[0];
        } else {
            // Comment Case
            $tableName = $database['prefix'] . 'Comments';
            $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(id) as cc FROM ' . $database['prefix'] . 'Comments WHERE';
            $sql .= ' comment = \'' . POD::escapeString($content) . '\'';
            $sql .= ' AND homepage = \'' . POD::escapeString($url) . '\'';
            $sql .= ' AND name = \'' . POD::escapeString($name) . '\'';
            $sql .= ' AND isfiltered > 0';
            if ($row = POD::queryRow($sql)) {
                $count += @$row[0];
        // Check IP
        $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(id) as cc FROM ' . $tableName . ' WHERE';
        $sql .= ' ip = \'' . POD::escapeString($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) . '\'';
        $sql .= ' AND isfiltered > 0';
        if ($row = POD::queryRow($sql)) {
            $count += @$row[0];
        if ($count >= 10) {
            return false;
        return true;
    if (!is_null($rpc->fault)) {
        // EAS has some problem
        return true;
    if ($rpc->result['result'] == true) {
        return false;
        // it's spam
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * @brief Syndicating routine.
 * @see Tag, User, DBModel, Model_Context
function SyndicateToEolin($entryId, $entry, $mode)
    $context = Model_Context::getInstance();
    $blogid = $context->getProperty('blog.id');
    $rpc = new XMLRPC();
    $rpc->url = 'http://ping.eolin.com/';
    $summary = array('blogURL' => $context->getProperty('uri.default'), 'syncURL' => $context->getProperty('uri.default') . "/plugin/abstractToEolin?entryId={$entryId}");
    if ($mode == 'create') {
        $summary['blogTitle'] = $context->getProperty('blog.title');
        $summary['language'] = $context->getProperty('blog.language');
        $summary['permalink'] = $context->getProperty('uri.default') . "/" . ($context->getProperty('blog.useSloganOnPost') ? "entry/{$entry['slogan']}" : $entry['id']);
        $summary['title'] = Utils_Unicode::lessenAsByte($entry['title'], 255);
        $summary['content'] = Utils_Unicode::lessenAsByte(stripHTML(getEntryContentView($blogid, $entry['id'], $entry['content'], $entry['contentformatter'])), 1023, '');
        $summary['author'] = User::authorName($entry['userid'], $entryId);
        $summary['tags'] = Tag::getTagsWithEntryId($blogid, $entry);
        $summary['location'] = $entry['location'];
        $summary['written'] = Timestamp::getRFC1123($entry['published']);
    return $rpc->call("sync.{$mode}", $summary);
Ejemplo n.º 4
function api_BlogAPI()
    global $blogApiFunctions;
    if (!array_key_exists('HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA', $GLOBALS)) {
        XMLRPC::sendFault(1, 'Invalid Method Call');
    $blogApiFunctions = array("blogger.getUsersBlogs", "blogger.newPost", "blogger.editPost", "blogger.getTemplate", "blogger.getRecentPosts", "blogger.deletePost", "blogger.getPost", "metaWeblog.newPost", "metaWeblog.getPost", "metaWeblog.getCategories", "metaWeblog.getRecentPosts", "metaWeblog.editPost", "metaWeblog.newMediaObject", "mt.getPostCategories", "mt.setPostCategories", "mt.getCategoryList", "mt.supportedMethods", "mt.publishPost", "mt.getRecentPostTitles");
    $xmlrpc = new XMLRPC();
    foreach ($blogApiFunctions as $func) {
        $callback = str_replace(".", "_", $func);
        $xmlrpc->registerMethod($func, $callback);
    $otherMethods = fireEvent('RegisterRpcMethod', array());
    foreach ($otherMethods as $func => $callback) {
        $xmlrpc->registerMethod($func, $callback);
Ejemplo n.º 5
		function _encodeValue($value) {
			echo '<value>';
			if (is_a($value, 'XMLCustomType')) {
				echo "<{$value->name}>";
				echo $value->value;
				echo "</{$value->name}>";
			} else if (is_int($value)) {
				echo '<i4>';
				echo $value;
				echo '</i4>';
			} else if (is_double($value)) {
				echo '<double>';
				echo $value;
				echo '</double>';
			} else if (is_bool($value)) {
				echo '<boolean>';
				echo ($value ? '1' : '0');
				echo '</boolean>';
			} else if (is_array($value)) {
				for ($i = 0; $i < count($value); $i++) {
					if (!isset($value[$i]))
				if ($i < count($value)) {
					echo '<struct>';
					foreach ($value as $name => $data) {
						echo '<member><name>';
						echo $name;
						echo '</name>';
						echo '</member>';
					echo '</struct>';
				} else {
					echo '<array><data>';
					for ($i = 0; $i < count($value); $i++)
					echo '</data></array>';
			} else if ((strlen($value) == 17) && ($value{8} == 'T') && ($value{11} == ':') && ($value{14} == ':')) {
				echo '<dateTime.iso8601>';
				echo $value;
				echo '</dateTime.iso8601>';
			} else {
				echo '<string>';
				if ($this->useOldXmlRPC == true) {
					echo XMLRPC::encodingStringEx($value);
				} else {
				echo htmlspecialchars($value);
				echo '</string>';
			echo '</value>';
Ejemplo n.º 6
function sendTrackbackPing($entryId, $permalink, $url, $site, $title)
    $rpc = new XMLRPC();
    $rpc->url = TEXTCUBE_SYNC_URL;
    $summary = array('permalink' => $permalink, 'url' => $url, 'blogName' => $site, 'title' => $title);
    $rpc->async = true;
    $rpc->call('sync.trackback', $summary);
Ejemplo n.º 7
function syndicateEntry($id, $mode)
    $context = Model_Context::getInstance();
    $pool = DBModel::getInstance();
    $pool->setQualifier('blogid', 'equals', $context->getProperty('blog.id'));
    $sites = $pool->getAll('url,pingtype');
    $entry = getEntry($context->getProperty('blog.id'), $id);
    if (is_null($entry)) {
        return false;
    if (!empty($sites)) {
        foreach ($sites as $site) {
            $rpc = new XMLRPC();
            $rpc->url = $site['url'];
            $result[$site['url']] = $rpc->call($context->getProperty('blog.title'), $context->getProperty('uri.default'));
    if ($mode == 'create') {
        fireEvent('CreatePostSyndicate', $id, $entry);
    } else {
        if ($mode == 'modify') {
            fireEvent('ModifyPostSyndicate', $id, $entry);
        } else {
            if ($mode == 'delete') {
                fireEvent('DeletePostSyndicate', $id, $entry);
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 8
function sendCommentPing($entryId, $permalink, $name, $homepage)
    return true;
    global $database, $blog;
    $blogid = getBlogId();
    if ($slogan = POD::queryCell("SELECT slogan\n\t\tFROM {$database['prefix']}Entries\n\t\tWHERE blogid = {$blogid}\n\t\t\tAND id = {$entryId}\n\t\t\tAND draft = 0\n\t\t\tAND visibility = 3 \n\t\t\tAND acceptcomment = 1")) {
        $rpc = new XMLRPC();
        $rpc->url = TEXTCUBE_SYNC_URL;
        $summary = array('permalink' => $permalink, 'name' => $name, 'homepage' => $homepage);
        $rpc->async = true;
        $rpc->call('sync.comment', $summary);
Ejemplo n.º 9
 function call($url = "", $function = "", $arguments = array())
     $arguments = XMLRPC::array_encode($arguments);
     $myResult = XMLRPC::call_raw($url, $function, $arguments);
     if (!$myResult) {
         $result = "XMLRPC::Error ErrNo: " . $myClient->errno . " ErrStr: " . $myClient->errstr;
     } else {
         if ($myResult->faultCode()) {
             $result = "XMLRPC::ResultError Code: " . $myResult->faultCode() . " Reason: " . $myResult->faultString();
         } else {
             // We have a valid response
             $result = array(XML_RPC_Decode($myResult->Value()));
     return $result;