Ejemplo n.º 1
  * function addFormItem
  * <pre>
  * Stores a Form Item entry
  * </pre>
  * @param $name [STRING] the name of the form item
  * @param $value [STRING] default value of this form item
  * @param $error [STRING] error message related to this form item
  * @param $type [STRING] type of form item
  * @param $options [ARRAY] list of alternate parameters for specific form types
  * @return [void]
 function addFormItem($name, $value, $error, $type, $options)
     $xmlItem = new XMLObject(XMLObject_AdminBox::XML_NODE_FORMITEM);
     $xmlItem->addElement(XMLObject_AdminBox::XML_ELEMENT_FORMITEM_NAME, $name);
     $xmlItem->addElement(XMLObject_AdminBox::XML_ELEMENT_FORMITEM_VALUE, $value);
     $xmlItem->addElement(XMLObject_AdminBox::XML_ELEMENT_FORMITEM_ERROR, $error);
     $xmlItem->addElement(XMLObject_AdminBox::XML_ELEMENT_FORMITEM_TYPE, $type);
     switch ($type) {
         case 'D':
             // on a date type, add the start and end years
             $key = XMLObject_AdminBox::XML_ELEMENT_FORMITEM_DATE_STARTYEAR;
             $xmlItem->addElement($key, $options[$key]);
             $key = XMLObject_AdminBox::XML_ELEMENT_FORMITEM_DATE_ENDYEAR;
             $xmlItem->addElement($key, $options[$key]);
         case 'L':
             // add each list item to the form item
             foreach ($options as $value => $label) {
                 $xmlOption = new XMLObject(XMLObject_AdminBox::XML_NODE_FORMITEM_LIST_ITEM);
                 $xmlOption->addElement(XMLObject_AdminBox::XML_ELEMENT_FORMITEM_LIST_ITEM_LABEL, $label);
                 $xmlOption->addElement(XMLObject_AdminBox::XML_ELEMENT_FORMITEM_LIST_ITEM_VALUE, $value);
  * function loadData
  * <pre>
  * gathers the label data from the DB
  * </pre>
  * @return [void]
 function loadData()
     // build sql for gathering data
     //       $fieldNames = str_replace('label_moddate','FROM_UNIXTIME(label_moddate) as label_moddate', $this->fieldNames);
     $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ';
     $sql .= SITE_DB_NAME . '.' . XMLObject_MultilingualManager::DB_TABLE_LABEL;
     $sql .= ' WHERE page_id="' . $this->pageID . '" AND label_key="' . $this->labelKey . '"';
     // for each label
     while ($row = $this->db->retrieveRow()) {
         // create new XML Object
         $currentLabel = new XMLObject(XMLObject_Multilingual_Label::NODE_LABEL);
         // load Values into XML Object
         for ($indx = 0; $indx < count($this->fieldList); $indx++) {
             $fieldName = $this->fieldList[$indx];
             $currentLabel->addElement($fieldName, $row[$fieldName]);
         // Load any translation requests for this label
         $translationRequests = new XMLObject_Multilingual_Translation($row['label_id']);
         // store XML Object into array
         $this->labelsList[] = $currentLabel;
     // next label
     // Add Each Label entry to this element
     for ($indx = 0; $indx < count($this->labelsList); $indx++) {
     // next Label