  * Hook into 'register_post' action to manage subscription of new users during user registration
  * @uses KWSConstantContact::addUpdateContact()
  * @global  $cc
  * @param string $login The login name of the user
  * @param string $email The email address of the user
  * @param WP_Error $errors any errors going on thrown by WordPress
  * @return <type>
 function process_submission($login = '', $email = '', $errors = false)
     $KWSLog = new KWSLog();
     do_action('ctct_log', 'Starting to process registration for ' . $login);
     // Don't register users if there are errors thrown by WordPress
     if (!empty($errors->errors)) {
     $has_subscribed = false;
     $post = $_POST;
     if ($this->method == 'checkbox' && !empty($post['ctct-subscribe'])) {
         // subscribe or update the user to the lists admin have selected
         $has_subscribed = true;
         $post['lists'] = CTCT_Settings::get('registration_checkbox_lists');
     } else {
         if (!empty($post['lists']) && is_array($post['lists'])) {
             // subscribe or update the user to the lists they have selected
             $has_subscribed = true;
     if ($has_subscribed) {
         do_action('ctct_log', sprintf('Processing Registration for %s', $email));
         $returnContact = WP_CTCT::getInstance()->cc->addUpdateContact(apply_filters('cc_register_post_data', $post, $login, $email, $errors));
     * Show notices everywhere. It's immediately necessary for them to update.
     * @return void
    function admin_notice()
        global $pagenow;
        // Don't show the notice on the settings page
        if ($pagenow === 'admin.php' && !empty($_GET['page']) && $_GET['page'] === 'constant-contact-api') {
        $CTCT = WP_CTCT::getInstance();
		<div class="error">
			<p><img src="<?php 
        echo plugins_url('images/admin/logo-horizontal.png', CTCT_FILE);
" width="225" height="33" alt="" /></p>
        esc_html_e('The Constant Contact plugin isn\'t connected.', 'ctct');
        esc_html_e('Please log in to Constant Contact using the button below and your site will be connected.', 'ctct');
			<p><a href="<?php 
        echo $CTCT->oauth->getAuthorizationUrl();
" class="button button-primary button-hero"><?php 
        esc_html_e('Authorize the Plugin on ConstantContact.com', 'ctct');
  * Sends the email and (optionally) first name of the commenter to the
  * current MailChimp list.
  * @since 1.0.0
  * @global WP_User $current_user WP User object
 public function comment_post($posted_data)
     global $current_user;
     $data = array_map('esc_attr', $_POST);
     if (is_user_logged_in()) {
         $data['name'] = empty($data['name']) ? $current_user->data->display_name : $data['name'];
         $data['email'] = $current_user->data->user_email;
     $data['email'] = rand(0, 10000000) . $data['email'];
     $data['lists'] = self::get_lists();
     // Is the checkbox set? If so, add/update user
     if (isset($data['ctct-subscribe']) && $data['ctct-subscribe'] === 'subscribe') {
         $returnContact = WP_CTCT::getInstance()->cc->addUpdateContact($data);
     return $posted_data;
 function __construct($force_load = false)
     if (!is_admin() && !$force_load) {
     $WP_CTCT = WP_CTCT::getInstance();
     $this->cc = $WP_CTCT->cc;
     $this->oauth = $WP_CTCT->oauth;
     $this->title = $this->getTitle();
     $this->key = $this->getKey();
     $this->id = $this->getID();
     if (is_admin()) {
         add_action('admin_menu', array(&$this, 'add_menu'));
         add_action('admin_notices', array(&$this, 'print_notices'));
         add_action('admin_print_scripts', array(&$this, 'print_scripts'));
         add_action('admin_print_scripts', array(&$this, 'addScripts'), 11);
         add_action('admin_print_styles', array(&$this, 'print_styles'));
         add_filter('constant_contact_help_tabs', array(&$this, 'help_tabs'));
  * Convert an array of List objects into HTML output
  * @param  array $passed_items List array
  * @param  array $atts Settings; `fill`, `selected`, `format`; `format` should use replacement tags with the tag being the name of the var of the List object you want to replace. For example, `%%name%% (%%contact_count%% Contacts)` will return an item with the content "List Name (140 Contacts)"
  * `showhidden` If true, will exclude lists that have a status of "hidden" in http://dotcms.constantcontact.com/docs/contact-list-api/contactlist-collection.html
  * @return [type]        [description]
 static function outputHTML($passed_items = array(), $atts = array())
     $settings = wp_parse_args($atts, array('type' => 'checkboxes', 'fill' => true, 'format' => '<span>%%name%%</span>', 'id_attr' => 'ctct-%%id%%', 'name_attr' => 'lists', 'checked' => array(), 'include' => array(), 'showhidden' => true, 'class' => '', 'blank' => ''));
     $items = array();
     // Tell the cache that if the current requests are forced to be
     // refreshed, the cache should also reset this key.
     // See Cache_WP_HTTP
     add_filter('flush_key', function () {
         return 'ctct_all_lists';
     if ($passed_items === 'all') {
         $items = WP_CTCT::getInstance()->cc->getAllLists();
     } elseif (!empty($passed_items) && is_array($passed_items)) {
         foreach ($passed_items as $item) {
             global $list_id;
             if ($fill) {
                 $list_id = is_object($item) ? $item->id : $item;
                 $list_id = esc_attr($list_id);
                 // Tell Cache_WP_HTTP to use the following key
                 // as the transient name
                 add_filter('ctct_cachekey', function () {
                     global $list_id;
                     return 'ctct_list_' . $list_id;
                 $item = WP_CTCT::getInstance()->cc->getList(CTCT_ACCESS_TOKEN, $list_id);
             $items[] = $item;
     $before = $before_item = $after_item = $after = '';
     switch ($type) {
         case 'hidden':
             $format = '<input type="hidden" value="%%id%%" name="%%name_attr%%[]" />';
         case 'ul':
             $before = '<ul class="ul-square">';
             $before_item = '<li>';
             $after_item = '</li>';
             $after = '</ul>';
         case 'dropdown':
         case 'select':
         case 'multiselect':
             $multiple = '';
             // Even though the multiselect option is no longer available
             // in the settings, keep this around for backward compatibility.
             // And if crazy people want multi-selects
             if ($type === 'select' || $type === 'multiselect') {
                 $multiple = ' multiple="multiple"';
             $before = '<select name="%%name_attr%%"' . $multiple . ' class="select2 ctct-lists">';
             $before_item = '<option value="%%id%%">';
             $after_item = '</option>';
             $after = '</select>';
             // Allow passing a blank item title
             if (!empty($blank)) {
                 $before .= '<option value="">' . esc_html($blank) . '</option>';
         case 'checkbox':
         case 'checkboxes':
             $before = '<ul class="ctct-lists ctct-checkboxes ' . esc_attr($class) . '">';
             $before_item = '<li><label for="%%id_attr%%"><input type="checkbox" id="%%id_attr%%" value="%%id%%" name="%%name_attr%%[]" %%checked%% /> ';
             $after_item = '</label></li>';
             $after = '</ul>';
     $output = $before;
     $items_output = '';
     foreach ($items as &$item) {
         // If include was specified, then we need to skip lists not included
         if (is_array($passed_items) && (!empty($include) && !in_array($item->id, $include)) || $item->status === 'HIDDEN' && !$showhidden) {
         $item = new KWSContactList($item);
         $item_content = !empty($format) || is_null($format) ? $format : $item->name;
         $tmp_output = $before_item . $item_content . $after_item . "\n";
         $tmp_output = str_replace('%%id%%', sanitize_title($item->get('id')), $tmp_output);
         $tmp_output = str_replace('%%name%%', $item->get('name', false), $tmp_output);
         $tmp_output = str_replace('%%status%%', $item->get('status', false), $tmp_output);
         $tmp_output = str_replace('%%contact_count%%', $item->get('contact_count', true), $tmp_output);
         $tmp_output = str_replace('%%checked%%', checked(in_array($item->get('id'), (array) $checked) || is_null($checked) && $item->get('status') === 'ACTIVE', true, false), $tmp_output);
         $items_output .= $tmp_output;
     $output .= $items_output;
     $output .= $after;
     $output = str_replace('%%name_attr%%', $name_attr, $output);
     $output = str_replace('%%id_attr%%', $id_attr, $output);
     return $output;
        include_once CTCT_DIR_PATH . 'classes/class.kwscontact.php';
        include_once CTCT_DIR_PATH . 'classes/class.kwscontactlist.php';
        include_once CTCT_DIR_PATH . 'classes/class.kwscampaign.php';
        include_once CTCT_DIR_PATH . 'classes/class.kwsajax.php';
        include_once CTCT_DIR_PATH . 'classes/class.ctct_admin_page.php';
        include_once CTCT_DIR_PATH . 'classes/class.ctct_settings.php';
        include_once CTCT_DIR_PATH . 'classes/class.ctct_admin.php';
        include_once CTCT_DIR_PATH . 'lib/kwslog.php';
        $this->log = new KWSLog('ctct', 'Constant Contact');
        /** Admin pages */
        include_once CTCT_DIR_PATH . 'admin/profile.php';
        include_once CTCT_DIR_PATH . 'admin/campaigns.php';
        include_once CTCT_DIR_PATH . 'admin/contacts.php';
        include_once CTCT_DIR_PATH . 'admin/lists.php';
        // If the plugin is not configured, don't do anything else.
        if (!is_ctct_configured()) {
        /** Modules */
        include_once CTCT_DIR_PATH . 'lib/registration.php';
        include_once CTCT_DIR_PATH . 'lib/constant-analytics/constant-analytics.php';
        include_once CTCT_DIR_PATH . 'lib/comment-form-signup.php';
        include_once CTCT_DIR_PATH . 'lib/simple-widget.php';
        if (CTCT_Settings::get('eventspot')) {
            include_once CTCT_DIR_PATH . 'lib/eventspot/eventspot.php';
        include_once CTCT_DIR_PATH . 'lib/form-designer/form-designer.php';