Ejemplo n.º 1
 public static function get(WOOOF $wo, $paramCode, $evenDeleted = false)
     $place = __CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__;
     $p_param = trim(strtoupper($paramCode));
     if (isset(self::$params[$paramCode])) {
         return self::$params[$paramCode][0];
     $t1 = new WOOOF_dataBaseTable($wo->db, 'sys_params');
     if (!$t1->constructedOk) {
         return false;
     $wheres = ['code' => $paramCode];
     if (!$evenDeleted) {
         $wheres['isDeleted'] = 0;
     $res = $t1->getResult($wheres, 'code');
     if ($res === FALSE) {
         return false;
     if ($res['rowsFetched'] !== 1) {
         $wo->logError(self::_ECP . "0010 {$res['rowsFetched']} records found for [{$paramCode}]");
         return false;
     $paramRec = $t1->resultRows[0];
     $l_val = self::convertToType($paramRec['paramValue'], $paramRec['paramDataType']);
     self::$params[$paramCode] = array($l_val, $paramRec['paramDataType']);
     return $l_val;
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * @param WOOOF $wo
  * @param array $in
  * @return false | flagged item type
 public static function saveFlagItem(WOOOF $wo, $movieramaUserId, $in)
     $place = __CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__;
     $wo->debug("{$place}:  ");
     //find if user has already flagged the movie once before
     $tblFlagItems = new WOOOF_dataBaseTable($wo->db, 'flag_items');
     if (!$tblFlagItems->constructedOk) {
         return false;
     $res = $tblFlagItems->getResult(['whatId' => $in['whatId'], 'whatType' => $in['whatType'], 'flaggedByUserId' => $movieramaUserId, 'flagStatus' => 'P', 'isDeleted' => '0'], '', '', '', '', false, true);
     if ($res === FALSE) {
         return false;
     foreach ($tblFlagItems->resultRows as $aFlagItem) {
         $tblFlagItemUpdate = new VO_TblFlagItems($aFlagItem);
         $tblFlagItemUpdate->flagText = $in['flagText'];
         $res = self::save($wo, $tblFlagItemUpdate, 'U');
         if ($res === FALSE) {
             return false;
         return $res;
     $tblFlagItemInsert = new VO_TblFlagItems();
     $tblFlagItemInsert->whatType = $in['whatType'];
     $tblFlagItemInsert->whatId = $in['whatId'];
     $tblFlagItemInsert->flaggedByUserId = $movieramaUserId;
     $tblFlagItemInsert->flagText = $in['flagText'];
     $tblFlagItemInsert->flagStatus = 'P';
     $res = self::save($wo, $tblFlagItemInsert, 'I');
     if ($res === FALSE) {
         return false;
     return $res;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 $addressItems = explode('_', $address);
 if (count($addressItems) < 2 || $addressItems[0] != '1') {
     //$wo->reportError('Η διεύθυνση που δώσατε είναι εσφαλμένη. Δεν βρέθηκε το κατάλληλο descriptor.');
     $wo->handleShowStopperError('Wrong authorisation location.');
 $table = new WOOOF_dataBaseTable($wo->db, '', $addressItems[1]);
 if ($action == 'read' && count($addressItems) == 2) {
     if ($table->getAdminPresentation() == '4') {
         $table2 = new WOOOF_dataBaseTable($wo->db, $table->getGroupedByTable());
         if (!isset($_GET[$table->getLocalGroupColumn()]) || $_GET[$table->getLocalGroupColumn()] == '') {
             if ($table2->getOrderingColumnForListings() != '') {
                 $orderBy = $table2->getOrderingColumnForListings();
             } else {
                 $orderBy = 'id';
             $table2->getResult('', $orderBy, '', 1);
             $_GET[$table->getLocalGroupColumn()] = $table2->resultRows[0]['id'];
         } else {
             $_GET[$table->getLocalGroupColumn()] = $wo->cleanUserInput($_GET[$table->getLocalGroupColumn()]);
         foreach ($table2->columns as $key => $value) {
             $column = $value->getColumnMetaData();
             if ($column['appearsInLists']) {
                 $columnsToShow = $column['name'];
         $htmlFragment = '<li><a class="treeItemLevel@@@level@@@" href="administration.php?__address=1_' . $table->getTableId() . '&' . $table->getLocalGroupColumn() . '=@@@' . $table->getRemoteGroupColumn() . '@@@&wooofParent=@@@' . $table->getRemoteGroupColumn() . '@@@&action=read">@@@' . $columnsToShow . '@@@</a>
         $row = $wo->db->getRow($table2->getTableName(), $_GET[$table->getLocalGroupColumn()]);
         if ($table->getHasDeletedColumn()) {
             $where = ' and isDeleted!=\'1\'';
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * @param WOOOF $wo
  * @param id $fromUserId
  * @param id $movieId
  * @return false | id
 public static function hateMovie(WOOOF $wo, $fromUserId, $movieId)
     $place = __CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__;
     $wo->debug("{$place}:  Hate Movie");
     //First check if the movie is liked to revert the change
     $tblUserOpinions = new WOOOF_dataBaseTable($wo->db, 'movierama_user_movies_opinions');
     if (!$tblUserOpinions->constructedOk) {
         return false;
     $res = $tblUserOpinions->getResult(['movieramaUserId' => $fromUserId, 'movieId' => $movieId, 'isPositive' => '1', 'isDeleted' => '0'], '', '', '', '', false, true);
     if ($res === FALSE) {
         return false;
     foreach ($tblUserOpinions->resultRows as $aRow) {
         //delete like
         $deleteLike = $tblUserOpinions->deleteRow($aRow['id']);
         if ($deleteLike === FALSE) {
             return false;
         //update counter
         $decreaseLike = self::updateCounter($wo, $movieId, 'noOfLikes', '-1');
         if ($decreaseLike === FALSE) {
             return false;
     $tblUserHateInsert = new VO_TblMovieRamaUserMoviesOpinions();
     $tblUserHateInsert->movieramaUserId = $fromUserId;
     $tblUserHateInsert->movieId = $movieId;
     $tblUserHateInsert->isPositive = '0';
     $res = self::saveUserOpinion($wo, $tblUserHateInsert);
     if ($res === FALSE) {
         return false;
     $increaseHate = self::updateCounter($wo, $movieId, 'noOfHates', '+1');
     if ($increaseHate === FALSE) {
         return false;
     return $res;
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * @param WOOOF $wo
  * @param id $evaluationId
  * @param id $requestorUserId
  * @return bool
 public static function calcResults(WOOOF $wo, $evaluationId, $requestorUserId)
     $place = __CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__;
     if (!$wo->hasContent($evaluationId)) {
         $wo->logError(self::_ECP . "5389 No value for evaluation id to calc results");
         return false;
     $isSelfEvalOwner = self::isEvaluationOwner($wo, $evaluationId, $requestorUserId);
     if ($isSelfEvalOwner === FALSE) {
         return false;
     if ($isSelfEvalOwner === 0) {
         $wo->logError(self::_ECP . "5399 I am sorry you cannot request to calc results of the evaluation you are not the owner");
         return false;
     $tblEvalutionResults = new WOOOF_dataBaseTable($wo->db, 'evaluation_results');
     if (!$tblEvalutionResults->constructedOk) {
         return false;
     //first delete all previous results for this evaluationId
     $res = $tblEvalutionResults->getResult(['evaluationId' => $evaluationId, 'isDeleted' => '0'], '', '', '', '', false, true);
     if ($res === FALSE) {
         return false;
     foreach ($tblEvalutionResults->resultRows as $aRow) {
         $res = $tblEvalutionResults->deleteRow($aRow['id']);
         if ($res === FALSE) {
             return false;
     //save new results
     $sql = "select evaluationCriteriaId, avg(theValue) as avg, count(*) as count\n\t\t\tfrom evaluation_answers\n\t\t\twhere evaluationId = '{$evaluationId}'\n\t\t\tgroup by evaluationCriteriaId";
     $succ = $wo->db->getResultByQuery($sql, true, false);
     if ($succ === FALSE) {
         return FALSE;
     foreach ($wo->db->resultRows as $aEvalResult) {
         $tblEvalResultInsert = new VO_TblEvaluationResults();
         $tblEvalResultInsert->evaluationId = $evaluationId;
         $tblEvalResultInsert->evaluationCriteriaId = $aEvalResult['evaluationCriteriaId'];
         $tblEvalResultInsert->theValue = $aEvalResult['avg'];
         $tblEvalResultInsert->theCount = $aEvalResult['count'];
         $res = self::saveResults($wo, $tblEvalResultInsert);
         if ($res === FALSE) {
             return false;
     //update final score and final count on evaluations table
     $tblEvaluations = new WOOOF_dataBaseTable($wo->db, 'evaluations');
     if (!$tblEvaluations->constructedOk) {
         return false;
     //first get the evaluation
     $evalRow = $wo->db->getRow('evaluations', $evaluationId);
     $sql = "\n\t\t\tselect\n\t\t\t\tsum(\n\t\t\t\t\tevr.theValue \n\t\t\t\t\t* \n\t\t\t\t\tevc.weight \n\t\t\t\t\t/ \n\t\t\t\t\t(\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\tselect sum(evc2.weight) \n\t\t\t\t\t\tfrom  evaluation_criteria evc2 \n\t\t\t\t\t\twhere evc2.evaluationId = '{$evaluationId}'\n\t\t\t\t\t) \n\t\t\t\t) * 10 as finalScore, MAX(evr.theCount) as finalCount\n\t\t\tfrom\n\t\t\t\tevaluation_results evr,\n\t\t\t\tevaluation_criteria evc\n\t\t\twhere\n\t\t\t\tevr.evaluationId = '{$evaluationId}' and\n\t\t\t\tevc.id = evr.evaluationCriteriaId\t\t\n\t\t";
     $succ = $wo->db->getResultByQuery($sql, true, false);
     if ($succ === FALSE) {
         return FALSE;
     foreach ($wo->db->resultRows as $aEval) {
         $tblEvalUpdate = new VO_TblEvaluations($evalRow);
         $tblEvalUpdate->finalScore = $aEval['finalScore'];
         $tblEvalUpdate->finalCount = $aEval['finalCount'];
         $res = self::save($wo, $tblEvalUpdate);
         if ($res === FALSE) {
             return false;
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * @param string $rowId
  * @return boolean
 public function deleteRow($rowId, $callLevel = 1)
     // CAUTION: infinite recursion is possible!
     // Static properties:
     // $deleteRowFilesToRemove;	// array( id =>isImage, ... )
     // $deleteRowRowIds;		// array( table => array( rowId, ... ), ... )
     $wo = WOOOF::$instance;
     $wo->debug("deleteRow: {$this->tableName} [{$rowId}] [{$callLevel}]");
     if ($callLevel == 1) {
         $this::$deleteRowFilesToRemove = array();
         $this::$deleteRowRowIds = array();
     if (isset($this::$deleteRowRowIds[$this->tableName][$rowId])) {
         $wo->logError(self::_ECP . "0530 deleteRow: Detected cycle on {$this->tableName}.{$rowId}");
         return true;
         // break the cycle
     // add to memory
     $this::$deleteRowRowIds[$this->tableName] = $rowId;
     $theRow = $this->getRow($rowId);
     if ($theRow === FALSE) {
         return FALSE;
     if ($theRow === NULL) {
         $wo->logError(self::_ECP . "0540 Delete row [{$rowId}] not found");
         return false;
     if ($this->hasDeletedColumn) {
         $res = $this->dataBase->query('update ' . $this->tableName . ' set isDeleted=\'1\' where id=\'' . WOOOF::$instance->cleanUserInput($rowId) . '\'');
         if ($res === FALSE) {
             return FALSE;
     } else {
         if ($this->hasGhostTable) {
             //TODO: ghost table stuf goes here
         // antonis
         // Handle possible File (externalFiles entries) and Picture fields
         // Remove any relevant external files as well.
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->columns) / 2; $i++) {
             $metadata = $this->columns[$i]->getColumnMetaData();
             if ($metadata['presentationType'] == WOOOF_columnPresentationTypes::picture or $metadata['presentationType'] == WOOOF_columnPresentationTypes::file) {
                 // add to memory
                 $this::$deleteRowFilesToRemove[] = array($theRow[$metadata['name']], $metadata['presentationType'] == WOOOF_columnPresentationTypes::picture);
             // file or image field
         // for all columns
         $res = $this->dataBase->query('delete from ' . $this->tableName . ' where id=\'' . WOOOF::$instance->cleanUserInput($rowId) . '\'');
         if ($res === FALSE) {
             return FALSE;
     // antonis
     // Handle possible Detail records
     // CAUTION: tablesGroupedByThis should be the space separated list of all tables with groupedByTable == this.table
     // CAUTION: this is manually done in dbManager
     if ($wo->hasContent($this->tablesGroupedByThis)) {
         $subTableNames = explode(' ', $this->tablesGroupedByThis);
         foreach ($subTableNames as $aSubTableName) {
             $subTable = new WOOOF_dataBaseTable($wo->db, $aSubTableName);
             if (!$subTable->constructedOk) {
                 return FALSE;
             if ($subTable->groupedByTable != $this->tableName) {
                 $wo->logError(self::_ECP . "0550 SubTable name mismatch!");
                 return FALSE;
             $res = $subTable->getResult(array($subTable->localGroupColumn => $rowId), null, null, null, null, true, false);
             if ($res === FALSE) {
                 return FALSE;
             foreach ($subTable->resultRows as $aSubTableRow) {
                 $succ = $subTable->deleteRow($aSubTableRow['id'], $callLevel + 1);
                 if ($succ === FALSE) {
                     return FALSE;
         // foreach subTable
     // there exist sub tables
     if (isset($this->resultRows[$rowId])) {
         foreach ($this->resultRows as $key => $value) {
             if ($value['id'] == $rowId) {
     if ($callLevel == 1) {
         $wo->debug("deleteRow: Completed for all cases.");
         foreach ($this::$deleteRowFilesToRemove as $aFileData) {
             $succ = WOOOF_ExternalFiles::deleteExternalFile($wo, $aFileData[0], $aFileData[1]);
             // ???ignore false results (like failing to delete row from externaal file.
         //echo WOOOF_Util::do_dump($this::$deleteRowFilesToRemove);
         //echo WOOOF_Util::do_dump($this::$deleteRowRowIds);
     return TRUE;
Ejemplo n.º 7
    $addressItems = explode('_', $wo->cleanUserInput($_GET['__address']));
$counter = 0;
while ($table->columns[$counter]->getAppearsInLists() != '1') {
$path = '';
foreach ($table->columns as $key => $value) {
    $column = $value->getColumnMetaData();
    if ($column['appearsInLists']) {
        $columnsToShow = $column['name'];
if (count($addressItems) == 2 || $addressItems[2] == '') {
    $whereClauses['parent_id'] = '-1';
    $table->getResult($whereClauses, 'ord');
    //$innerStuff ='<div id="listTitle"><a href="administration.php?action=edit&__address=1_'. $table->getTableId() .'_&wooofParent=-1">Προσθήκη '. $table->getTableDescription() .'</a></div>';
    $actualRow['name'] = 'Μενού';
    $additionLabel = '<a href="administration.php?action=edit&__address=1_' . $table->getTableId() . '_&wooofParent=-1">Προσθήκη ' . $table->getTableDescription() . '</a>';
} else {
    $actualRow = $wo->db->getRow($table->getTableName(), $addressItems[2]);
    $whereClauses['parent_id'] = $addressItems[2];
    $table->getResult($whereClauses, $table->getOrderingColumnForListings());
    $current_row['parent_id'] = $addressItems[2];
    $treeLevel = 0;
    do {
        $current_row = $wo->db->getRow($table->getTableName(), $current_row['parent_id']);
        if ($addressItems[2] == $current_row['id']) {
            $path = ' > ' . $current_row[$table->columns[$counter]->getName()] . $path;
        } else {
Ejemplo n.º 8
    public function listRows($in)
        $wo = $this->wo;
        $tableName = $this->tableName;
        if (!WOOOF::hasContent($tableName)) {
            return array('contentTop' => '<h1>Please select a table</h1>');
            //$wo->log(WOOOF_loggingLevels::WOOOF_ERROR, "1000 No tableName was provided!" );
            //return false;
        $timers = array();
        $tplContentTop = '';
        $tplContent = '';
        $tplContentDataHeaders = '';
        $tplContentData = '';
        $tplErrorMessage = '';
        $tplMessage = '';
        $extraWhere = $wo->getFromArray($in, '_where');
        $orderBy = $wo->getFromArray($in, '_orderBy', 'id asc');
        $fragmentsFile = $wo->getFromArray($in, '_fragmentsFile', '');
        $cudFormURL = $wo->getFromArray($in, '_cudFormURL', "_genericEdit.php");
        $wo->debug("Generic.show for '{$tableName}'. fragmentFile is [{$fragmentsFile}]. Form is [{$cudFormURL}].");
        $table = new WOOOF_dataBaseTable($wo->db, $tableName);
        if (!$table->constructedOk) {
            $wo->log(WOOOF_loggingLevels::WOOOF_ERROR, "1010 Failed to init '{$tableName}'!");
            return false;
        $wheres = array();
        // TODO: will not be available to all tables
        // $wheres['isDeleted!']='1';
        $noOfRowsArr = $table->getResult($wheres, $orderBy, 0, 20, $extraWhere);
        if ($noOfRowsArr === FALSE) {
            $wo->log(WOOOF_loggingLevels::WOOOF_ERROR, "1020 Failed to get '{$tableName}'!");
            return false;
        $tplContentTop .= "<h1>'{$tableName}' List</h1>";
        $tplContentTop .= "<h2>[where: {$extraWhere}] [orderBy: {$orderBy}]</h2>";
        $tplContent .= <<<SOMEHTMLSTRING
\t\t<a href="{$cudFormURL}?_action=insert&_tableName={$tableName}">Create new...</a>
\t\t<form method="POST" action="_genericEdit.php">
\t\t\t<input type="hidden" name="_tableName" value="{$tableName}">
\t\t\t<input type="text" name="_id" size="10">
\t\t\t<input class="btn btn-medium" type="submit" name="_viewButton" \t\tvalue="View" >
\t\t\t<input class="btn btn-medium" type="submit" name="_editButton" \t\tvalue="Edit" >
\t\t\t<input class="btn btn-medium" type="submit" name="_deleteButton" \tvalue="Delete" >
\t\t<form method="POST" action="_genericList.php">
\t\t\t<input type="hidden" name="_tableName" value="{$tableName}">
\t\t\t<input type="hidden" name="_fragmentsFile" value="{$fragmentsFile}">
\t\t\t<input type="hidden" name="_cudFormURL" value="{$cudFormURL}">
\t\t\t<label>Where</label><input type="text" name="_where" size="120" value="{$extraWhere}">
\t\t\t<label>Order by</label><input type="text" name="_orderBy" size="120" value="{$orderBy}">
\t\t\t<input class="btn btn-medium" type="submit" name="_searchButton" value="Search" >
        if (WOOOF::hasContent($fragmentsFile)) {
            $htmlParts = $wo->fetchApplicationFragment($fragmentsFile);
        } else {
            $htmlParts = array('htmlListHead' => '', 'htmlFragment' => '');
        $tplContentDataHeaders .= $htmlParts['htmlListHead'];
        $tplContentData .= $table->presentResults($htmlParts['htmlFragment']);
        if ($tplContentData === FALSE) {
            $wo->log(WOOOF_loggingLevels::WOOOF_ERROR, "1030 Failed to presentResults");
            return false;
        $tplContent .= $tplContentDataHeaders . $tplContentData;
        return array('contentTop' => $tplContentTop, 'content' => $tplContent, 'contentDataHeaders' => $tplContentDataHeaders, 'contentData' => $tplContentData, 'errorMessage' => $tplErrorMessage, 'message' => $tplMessage);
Ejemplo n.º 9
  * getDomainValues get the data values for a requested domain/subdomain
  * @param WOOOD $wo -- the initialized instance of WOOOF to use
  * @param string $value  -- the value to check
  * @param string $requestedDomain  -- the domain whose values we want to retrieve
  * @param string $requestedSubDomain -- optional -- if the domain is split in subdomains, the requested subdomain should be specified here. If there are subdomains in the domain and no subdomain is specified all the values will be returned regardless of subdomain bu a warning will be written to the debug log. 
  * @param string $mandatory -- optional -- if the given value must have content or not
  * @return boolean TRUE for valid input.
 public static function validateId(WOOOF $wo, $value, $requestedDomain, $requestedSubDomain = '', $mandatory = TRUE)
     if (!$wo->hasContent($value) && $mandatory) {
         return FALSE;
     $domain = $wo->db->getRowByColumn('__domains', 'code', $requestedDomain);
     if ($domain === FALSE) {
         return FALSE;
     } elseif (!isset($domain['id'])) {
         $wo->log(WOOOF_loggingLevels::WOOOF_ERROR, self::_ECP . '0301 Requested domain [' . $wo->cleanUserInput($requestedDomain) . '] doesn\'t exist in the database!');
         return FALSE;
     $domainData = new WOOOF_dataBaseTable($wo->db, '__domain_values');
     if (!$domainData->constructedOk) {
         $wo->log(WOOOF_loggingLevels::WOOOF_ERROR, self::_ECP . '0302 Internal failure. Failed to construct instance of __domain_values!');
         return FALSE;
     $whereClauses['domainId'] = $domain['id'];
     if ($wo->hasContent($requestedSubDomain)) {
         $subDomainsR = $wo->db->query('select subDomain from __domain_values where domainId = \'' . $wo->db->escape($domain['id']) . '\' and subDomain = \'' . $wo->db->escape($requestedSubDomain) . '\'');
         if (!$wo->db->getNumRows($subDomainsR)) {
             $wo->log(WOOOF_loggingLevels::WOOOF_ERROR, self::_ECP . '0204 Requested subdomain [' . $wo->cleanUserInput($requestedSubDomain) . '] doesn\'t exist in the database!');
             return FALSE;
         $whereClauses['subDomain'] = $requestedSubDomain;
     $whereClauses['active'] = '1';
     $whereClauses['domainValueCode'] = $value;
     $howManyResults = $domainData->getResult($whereClauses);
     if ($howManyResults === FALSE) {
         $wo->log(WOOOF_loggingLevels::WOOOF_ERROR, self::_ECP . '0303 Operation failed in result retrieval from domain values.');
         return FALSE;
     if ($howManyResults['rowsFetched'] == 0) {
         return FALSE;
     return TRUE;