Ejemplo n.º 1
        define('USERBASE_ACTIVITY_ADDED_UPASS', 1003);
        define('USERBASE_ACTIVITY_ADDED_FB', 1004);
        define('USERBASE_ACTIVITY_ADDED_GFC', 1005);
        define('USERBASE_ACTIVITY_REMOVED_FB', 1006);
        define('USERBASE_ACTIVITY_REMOVED_GFC', 1007);
        define('USERBASE_ACTIVITY_LOGOUT', 1008);
        define('USERBASE_ACTIVITY_REGISTER_FB', 1010);
        define('USERBASE_ACTIVITY_REGISTER_GFC', 1011);
        define('USERBASE_ACTIVITY_UPDATEPASS', 1013);
        define('USERBASE_ACTIVITY_RESETPASS', 1014);
        define('USERBASE_ACTIVITY_RETURN_DAILY', 1015);
        define('USERBASE_ACTIVITY_RETURN_WEEKLY', 1016);
        // Array of activities in the system.
        // Key must be integer (best if specified using a constant).
        // The values are an array with label and "points" value of activity.
        UserConfig::$activities = array(USERBASE_ACTIVITY_LOGIN_UPASS => array('Logged in using username and password', 1), USERBASE_ACTIVITY_LOGIN_FB => array('Logged in using Facebook', 1), USERBASE_ACTIVITY_LOGIN_GFC => array('Logged in using Google Friend Connect', 1), USERBASE_ACTIVITY_ADDED_UPASS => array('Added username and password', 1), USERBASE_ACTIVITY_ADDED_FB => array('Added Facebook credential', 1), USERBASE_ACTIVITY_ADDED_GFC => array('Added Google Friend Connect credential', 1), USERBASE_ACTIVITY_REMOVED_FB => array('Removed Facebook Connect', 0), USERBASE_ACTIVITY_REMOVED_GFC => array('Removed Google Friend Connect credential', 0), USERBASE_ACTIVITY_LOGOUT => array('Logged out', 0), USERBASE_ACTIVITY_REGISTER_UPASS => array('Registered using a form', 1), USERBASE_ACTIVITY_REGISTER_FB => array('Registered using Facebook', 1), USERBASE_ACTIVITY_REGISTER_GFC => array('Registered using Google Friend Connect', 1), USERBASE_ACTIVITY_UPDATEUSERINFO => array('Updated user info', 0), USERBASE_ACTIVITY_UPDATEPASS => array('Updated their password', 0), USERBASE_ACTIVITY_RESETPASS => array('Reset forgotten password', 0), USERBASE_ACTIVITY_RETURN_DAILY => array('Returned to the site within a day', 3), USERBASE_ACTIVITY_RETURN_WEEKLY => array('Returned to the site within a week', 2), USERBASE_ACTIVITY_RETURN_MONTHLY => array('Returned to the site within a month', 1));
        UserConfig::$cohort_providers[] = new GenerationCohorts(GenerationCohorts::MONTH);
        UserConfig::$cohort_providers[] = new GenerationCohorts(GenerationCohorts::WEEK);
        UserConfig::$cohort_providers[] = new GenerationCohorts(GenerationCohorts::YEAR);
        UserConfig::$cohort_providers[] = new RegMethodCohorts();
    // Couldn't reuse it, but keeping it here because it might be still populated in user configs
    // Use UserConfig::$all_modules array instead of needed
    /* !!! DEPRECATED !!! */
    public static $modules = array();