Ejemplo n.º 1
     * get slide list item html
    public function getSlideHtml($item, $numItem)
        $sliderID = $item->sliderid;
        $itemID = $item->id;
        //get params
        $params = new JRegistry();
        $params->loadString($item->params, "json");
        $urlRoot = JURI::root();
        //get image url's:
        $urlImage = $params->get("image");
        if (empty($urlImage)) {
            $urlImage = GlobalsUniteRev::$urlDefaultSlideImage;
        $image = UniteFunctionJoomlaRev::getImageFilename($urlImage);
        $thumbUrl = UniteFunctionJoomlaRev::getImageOutputUrl($image, 200, 100, true);
        $imageUrl = $urlRoot . $image;
        $img_file = pathinfo($imageUrl, PATHINFO_BASENAME);
        $itemTitle = $item->title . " ({$img_file})";
        $itemTitle = htmlspecialchars($itemTitle);
        $linkItem = HelperUniteRev::getViewUrl_Item($sliderID, $itemID);
        $isPublished = $item->published;
        $isJoomla3 = UniteFunctionJoomlaRev::isJoomla3();
			<li id="item_<?php 
        echo $itemID;
				<span class="slide-col col-checkbox">
					<div class='num-item'>
						<label class="label_numitem" for="check_item_<?php 
        echo $itemID;
        echo $numItem;
					<div class="published_icon_wrapper">						
        if ($isPublished) {
            if ($isJoomla3) {
                //joomla 3 published
								<a class="publish_link btn btn-micro active" data-published="true" data-itemid="<?php 
                echo $itemID;
" title="<?php 
                echo JText::_("COM_UNITEREVOLUTION_UNPUBLISH_ITEM");
" href="javascript:void(0);">							
									<div class="publish_loader" style="display:none;"></div>
									<i class="icon-publish"></i>
            } else {
                //joomla 2.5 published
								<a class="jgrid publish_link" data-published="true" data-itemid="<?php 
                echo $itemID;
" title="<?php 
                echo JText::_("COM_UNITEREVOLUTION_UNPUBLISH_ITEM");
" href="javascript:void(0);">							
									<div class="publish_loader" style="display:none;"></div>
									<span class="state publish">
										<span class="text"><?php 
                echo JText::_("COM_UNITEREVOLUTION_PUBLISHED");
        } else {
            if ($isJoomla3) {
                //joomla3 unpublish
								<a class="publish_link btn btn-micro active" data-published="false" data-itemid="<?php 
                echo $itemID;
" title="<?php 
                echo JText::_("COM_UNITEREVOLUTION_PUBLISH_ITEM");
" href="javascript:void(0);">
									<div class="publish_loader" style="display:none;"></div>
									<i class="icon-unpublish"></i>
            } else {
                //joomla 2.5 unpublish
								<a class="jgrid publish_link" data-published="false" data-itemid="<?php 
                echo $itemID;
" title="<?php 
                echo JText::_("COM_UNITEREVOLUTION_PUBLISH_ITEM");
" href="javascript:void(0);">
									<div class="publish_loader" style="display:none;"></div>
									<span class="state unpublish">
										<span class="text"><?php 
                echo JText::_("COM_UNITEREVOLUTION_UNPUBLISHED");
				<span class="slide-col col-title">
					<a class='link_slide_title' href="<?php 
        echo $linkItem;
        echo $itemTitle;

					<a href="<?php 
        echo $linkItem;
" data-itemid="<?php 
        echo $itemID;
" class="button_edit_slide btn btn-small btn-small">Edit Slide</a>
				<span class="slide-col col-image">
					<a class="modal" href="<?php 
        echo $imageUrl;
						<img src="<?php 
        echo $thumbUrl;
" alt="slide image" />
				<span class="slide-col col-operations">
					<a href="javascript:void(0)" data-itemid="<?php 
        echo $itemID;
" class="button_delete_slide btn btn-danger btn-small">Delete</a>
					<span class="deleting_slide_loader" style="display:none;"> <?php 
					<a href="javascript:void(0)" data-itemid="<?php 
        echo $itemID;
" class="button_duplicate_slide btn btn-small btn-small">Duplicate</a>
					<span class="duplicate_slide_loader" style="display:none;"><?php 
				<span class="slide-col col-handle">
					<div class="col-handle-inside">
						<span class="ui-icon ui-icon-arrowthick-2-n-s"></span>
        $content = ob_get_contents();
        return $content;
Ejemplo n.º 2
     * output the slides
    private function putSlides()
        $sliderParams = $this->params;
        if (empty($this->arrSlides)) {
				<div class="no-slides-text">
					No slides found, please add some slides
        $thumbWidth = $sliderParams->get("thumb_width", 100);
        $thumbHeight = $sliderParams->get("thumb_height", 50);
        $slideWidth = $sliderParams->get("slider_width", 900);
        $slideHeight = $sliderParams->get("slider_height", 350);
        $navigationType = $sliderParams->get("navigaion_type", "none");
        $isThumbsActive = $navigationType == "thumb" ? true : false;
        $flagReize = $sliderParams->get("php_resize", "none");
        $flagReize = $flagReize == "on" ? true : false;
        //for one slide preview
        if ($this->oneSlideMode == true) {
        foreach ($this->arrSlides as $slide) {
            $slideParams = $slide["params"];
            $transition = $slideParams->get("slide_transition", "random");
            $slotAmount = $slideParams->get("slot_amount", "7");
            //get slide image url
            $urlSlideImage = UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($slide, "image");
            if (empty($urlSlideImage)) {
                $urlSlideImage = GlobalsUniteRev::$urlDefaultSlideImage;
            $urlSlideImage = UniteFunctionJoomlaRev::getImageUrl($urlSlideImage);
            $filenameSlideImage = UniteFunctionJoomlaRev::getImageFilename($urlSlideImage);
            $filepathSlideImage = UniteFunctionJoomlaRev::getImageFilepath($filenameSlideImage);
            //resize the image file with php resize if needed.
            if ($flagReize == true) {
                if (!empty($filenameSlideImage) && file_exists($filepathSlideImage)) {
                    $urlSlideImage = UniteFunctionJoomlaRev::getImageOutputUrl($filenameSlideImage, $slideWidth, $slideHeight, true);
            //get thumb url
            $htmlThumb = "";
            if ($isThumbsActive == true) {
                $urlThumb = $slideParams->get("slide_thumb", "");
                if (empty($urlThumb)) {
                    //try to get resized thumb
                    if (!empty($filenameSlideImage) && file_exists($filepathSlideImage)) {
                        $urlThumb = UniteFunctionJoomlaRev::getImageOutputUrl($filenameSlideImage, $thumbWidth, $thumbHeight, true);
                //if not - put regular image:
                if (empty($urlThumb)) {
                    $urlThumb = $urlSlideImage;
                $urlThumb = UniteFunctionJoomlaRev::getImageUrl($urlThumb);
                $htmlThumb = 'data-thumb="' . $urlThumb . '" ';
            //get link
            //get link
            $htmlLink = "";
            $enableLink = $slideParams->get("enable_link", "false");
            if ($enableLink == "true") {
                $linkType = $slideParams->get("link_type", "regular");
                switch ($linkType) {
                    //---- normal link
                    case "regular":
                        $link = $slideParams->get("link", "");
                        if (!empty($link)) {
                            $linkOpenIn = $slideParams->get("link_open_in", "same");
                            $htmlTarget = "";
                            if ($linkOpenIn == "new") {
                                $htmlTarget = ' data-target="_blank"';
                            $htmlLink = "data-link=\"{$link}\" {$htmlTarget} ";
                        //---- link to slide
                    //---- link to slide
                    case "slide":
                        $slideLink = $slideParams->get("slide_link");
                        if (!empty($slideLink) && $slideLink != "nothing") {
                            //get slide index from id
                            if (is_numeric($slideLink)) {
                                $slideLink = UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($this->slidesNumIndex, $slideLink);
                            if (!empty($slideLink)) {
                                $htmlLink = "data-link=\"slide\" data-linktoslide=\"{$slideLink}\" ";
            //set link position:
            $linkPos = $slideParams->get("link_pos", "front");
            if ($linkPos == "back") {
                $htmlLink .= ' data-slideindex="back"';
            //set delay
            $htmlDelay = "";
            $delay = $slideParams->get("delay", "");
            if (!empty($delay) && is_numeric($delay)) {
                $htmlDelay = "data-delay=\"{$delay}\" ";
            //get duration
            $htmlDuration = "";
            $duration = $slideParams->get("transition_duration", "");
            if (!empty($duration) && is_numeric($duration)) {
                $htmlDuration = "data-masterspeed=\"{$duration}\" ";
            //get rotation
            $htmlRotation = "";
            $rotation = $slideParams->get("transition_rotation", "");
            if (!empty($rotation)) {
                $rotation = (int) $rotation;
                if ($rotation != 0) {
                    if ($rotation > 720 && $rotation != 999) {
                        $rotation = 720;
                    if ($rotation < -720) {
                        $rotation = -720;
                $htmlRotation = "data-rotate=\"{$rotation}\" ";
            $videoData = $this->getSlideFullWidthVideoData($slideParams);
            $htmlParams = $htmlDuration . $htmlLink . $htmlThumb . $htmlDelay . $htmlRotation;
            //get the alt text
            $altText = $slideParams->get("alt_text");
            if (!empty($altText)) {
                $altText = stripslashes($altText);
                $altText = htmlspecialchars($altText);
					<li data-transition="<?php 
            echo $transition;
" data-slotamount="<?php 
            echo $slotAmount;
" <?php 
            echo $htmlParams;
						<img src="<?php 
            echo $urlSlideImage;
" alt="<?php 
            echo $altText;
" />
            //put video:
            if ($videoData["found"] == true) {
        //get foreach
Ejemplo n.º 3
    //$user->authorise('core.manage',		'com_checkin') || $item->checked_out == $userId || $item->checked_out == 0;
    $canEditOwn = true;
    //$user->authorise('core.edit.own',		'com_contact.category.'.$item->catid) && $item->created_by == $userId;
    $canChange = true;
    //$user->authorise('core.edit.state',	'com_contact.category.'.$item->catid) && $canCheckin;
    //get params
    $params = new JRegistry();
    $params->loadString($item->params, "json");
    $urlRoot = JURI::root();
    //get image url's:
    $urlImage = $params->get("image");
    if (empty($urlImage)) {
        $urlImage = GlobalsUniteRev::$urlDefaultSlideImage;
    $image = UniteFunctionJoomlaRev::getImageFilename($urlImage);
    $thumbUrl = UniteFunctionJoomlaRev::getImageOutputUrl($image, 200, 100, true);
    $imageUrl = $urlRoot . $image;
    $img_file = pathinfo($imageUrl, PATHINFO_BASENAME);
    $itemTitle = $item->title . " ({$img_file})";
			<tr class="row<?php 
    echo $i % 2;
				<td class="center">
    echo JHtml::_('grid.id', $i, $item->id);
					<a href="<?php