Ejemplo n.º 1
" type='text' name='venue[City]' size='25' value='<?php 
if (isset($_VenueCity)) {
    echo esc_attr($_VenueCity);
' /></td>
<tr class="venue">
	<td class='tribe-table-field-label'><?php 
esc_html_e('Country:', 'the-events-calendar');
$countries = Tribe__Events__View_Helpers::constructCountries($event->ID);
$defaultCountry = tribe_get_default_value('country');
if (isset($_VenueCountry) && $_VenueCountry) {
    $current = $_VenueCountry;
} elseif (isset($defaultCountry[1])) {
    $current = $defaultCountry[1];
} else {
    $current = null;
if (is_array($current) && isset($current[1])) {
    $current = $current[1];
		<select class="chosen" tabindex="<?php 

$organizers = Tribe__Events__Main::instance()->get_organizer_info();
$organizer_options = array();
if (is_array($organizers) && !empty($organizers)) {
    $organizer_options[0] = __('No Default', 'tribe-events-calendar-pro');
    foreach ($organizers as $organizer) {
        $organizer_options[$organizer->ID] = $organizer->post_title;
$venues = Tribe__Events__Main::instance()->get_venue_info();
$venue_options = array();
if (is_array($venues) && !empty($venues)) {
    $venue_options[0] = __('No Default', 'tribe-events-calendar-pro');
    foreach ($venues as $venue) {
        $venue_options[$venue->ID] = $venue->post_title;
$state_options = Tribe__Events__View_Helpers::loadStates();
$state_options = array_merge(array('' => __('Select a State', 'tribe-events-calendar-pro')), $state_options);
$country_options = Tribe__Events__View_Helpers::constructCountries();
$defaultsTab = array('priority' => 30, 'fields' => array('info-start' => array('type' => 'html', 'html' => '<div id="modern-tribe-info">'), 'info-box-title' => array('type' => 'html', 'html' => '<h2>' . __('Default Content', 'tribe-events-calendar-pro') . '</h2>'), 'info-box-description' => array('type' => 'html', 'html' => '<p>' . __('<p>Choose the default venue & organizer. Set default address information to save time when entering a new venue or organizer.</p><p>You can override these settings as you enter a new event.</p>', 'tribe-events-calendar-pro') . '</p>'), 'info-end' => array('type' => 'html', 'html' => '</div>'), 'tribe-form-content-start' => array('type' => 'html', 'html' => '<div class="tribe-settings-form-wrap">'), 'eventsDefaultOptionsHelperTitle' => array('type' => 'html', 'html' => '<h3>' . __('Options', 'tribe-events-calendar-pro') . '</h3>'), 'defaultValueReplace' => array('type' => 'checkbox_bool', 'label' => __('Automatically replace empty fields with default values', 'tribe-events-calendar-pro'), 'default' => false, 'validation_type' => 'boolean'), 'defaultValueReplaceHelper' => array('type' => 'html', 'html' => '<p style="margin-top:-15px;" class="tribe-field-indent tribe-field-description description">' . __('Check this box to have the organizer and venue fields pre-populated with the default values below for any new event that is created.', 'tribe-events-calendar-pro') . '</p>'), 'eventsDefaultOrganizerHelperTitle' => array('type' => 'html', 'html' => '<h3>' . __('Organizer', 'tribe-events-calendar-pro') . '</h3>'), 'eventsDefaultOrganizerID' => array('type' => 'dropdown_chosen', 'label' => __('Default organizer', 'tribe-events-calendar-pro'), 'default' => false, 'validation_type' => 'options', 'options' => $organizer_options, 'if_empty' => __('No saved organizers yet.', 'tribe-events-calendar-pro'), 'can_be_empty' => true), 'current-default-organizer' => array('type' => 'html', 'display_callback' => 'tribe_display_saved_organizer'), 'eventsDefaultVenueHelperTitle' => array('type' => 'html', 'html' => '<h3>' . __('Venue', 'tribe-events-calendar-pro') . '</h3>'), 'eventsDefaultVenueID' => array('type' => 'dropdown_chosen', 'label' => __('Default venue', 'tribe-events-calendar-pro'), 'default' => false, 'validation_type' => 'options', 'options' => $venue_options, 'if_empty' => __('No saved venues yet.', 'tribe-events-calendar-pro'), 'can_be_empty' => true), 'current-default-venue' => array('type' => 'html', 'display_callback' => 'tribe_display_saved_venue'), 'eventsDefaultAddressHelperTitle' => array('type' => 'html', 'html' => '<h3>' . __('Address', 'tribe-events-calendar-pro') . '</h3>'), 'eventsDefaultAddressHelperText' => array('type' => 'html', 'html' => '<p class="description">' . __('You can use this setting to set specific, individual defaults for any new Venue you create (these will not be used for your default venue).', 'tribe-events-calendar-pro') . '</p>'), 'eventsDefaultAddress' => array('type' => 'text', 'label' => __('Default address', 'tribe-events-calendar-pro'), 'default' => false, 'class' => 'venue-default-info', 'validation_type' => 'address', 'can_be_empty' => true), 'current-default-address' => array('type' => 'html', 'class' => 'venue-default-info', 'display_callback' => 'tribe_display_saved_address'), 'eventsDefaultCity' => array('type' => 'text', 'label' => __('Default city', 'tribe-events-calendar-pro'), 'default' => false, 'class' => 'venue-default-info', 'validation_type' => 'city_or_province', 'can_be_empty' => true), 'current-default-city' => array('type' => 'html', 'class' => 'venue-default-info', 'display_callback' => 'tribe_display_saved_city'), 'eventsDefaultState' => array('type' => 'dropdown_chosen', 'label' => __('Default state', 'tribe-events-calendar-pro'), 'default' => false, 'class' => 'venue-default-info', 'validation_type' => 'options', 'options' => $state_options, 'can_be_empty' => true), 'current-default-state' => array('type' => 'html', 'display_callback' => 'tribe_display_saved_state'), 'eventsDefaultProvince' => array('type' => 'text', 'label' => __('Default province', 'tribe-events-calendar-pro'), 'default' => false, 'class' => 'venue-default-info', 'validation_type' => 'city_or_province', 'can_be_empty' => true), 'current-default-province' => array('type' => 'html', 'class' => 'venue-default-info', 'display_callback' => 'tribe_display_saved_province'), 'eventsDefaultZip' => array('type' => 'text', 'label' => __('Default postal code/zip code', 'tribe-events-calendar-pro'), 'default' => false, 'class' => 'venue-default-info', 'validation_type' => 'address', 'can_be_empty' => true), 'current-default-zip' => array('type' => 'html', 'class' => 'venue-default-info', 'display_callback' => 'tribe_display_saved_zip'), 'defaultCountry' => array('type' => 'dropdown_chosen', 'label' => __('Default country', 'tribe-events-calendar-pro'), 'default' => false, 'class' => 'venue-default-info', 'validation_type' => 'options_with_label', 'options' => $country_options, 'can_be_empty' => true), 'current-default-country' => array('type' => 'html', 'display_callback' => 'tribe_display_saved_country'), 'eventsDefaultPhone' => array('type' => 'text', 'label' => __('Default phone', 'tribe-events-calendar-pro'), 'default' => false, 'class' => 'venue-default-info', 'validation_type' => 'phone', 'can_be_empty' => true), 'current-default-phone' => array('type' => 'html', 'class' => 'venue-default-info', 'display_callback' => 'tribe_display_saved_phone'), 'tribeEventsCountries' => array('type' => 'textarea', 'label' => __('Use a custom list of countries', 'tribe-events-calendar-pro'), 'default' => false, 'validation_type' => 'country_list', 'tooltip' => __('One country per line in the following format: <br>US, United States <br> UK, United Kingdom. <br> (Replaces the default list.)', 'tribe-events-calendar-pro'), 'can_be_empty' => true), 'tribe-form-content-end' => array('type' => 'html', 'html' => '</div>')));