Ejemplo n.º 1
 /** @function getTasking() Finds out if there's a tasking for the relevant host.
  * if there is, returns the printTasking, otherwise
  * presents the menu.
  * @return void
 public function getTasking()
     $Task = $this->Host->get('task');
     if (!$Task->isValid()) {
         if ($this->FOGCore->getSetting('FOG_NO_MENU')) {
         } else {
     } else {
         if ($this->Host->get('mac')->isImageIgnored()) {
         $TaskType = new TaskType($Task->get('typeID'));
         $imagingTasks = array(1, 2, 8, 15, 16, 17, 24);
         if ($TaskType->isMulticast()) {
             $MulticastSessionAssoc = current($this->getClass('MulticastSessionsAssociationManager')->find(array('taskID' => $Task->get('id'))));
             $MulticastSession = new MulticastSessions($MulticastSessionAssoc->get('msID'));
             if ($MulticastSession && $MulticastSession->isValid()) {
                 $this->Host->set('imageID', $MulticastSession->get('image'));
         if (in_array($TaskType->get('id'), $imagingTasks)) {
             $Image = $Task->getImage();
             $StorageGroup = $Image->getStorageGroup();
             $StorageNode = $StorageGroup->getOptimalStorageNode();
             $this->HookManager->processEvent('BOOT_TASK_NEW_SETTINGS', array('Host' => &$this->Host, 'StorageNode' => &$StorageNode, 'StorageGroup' => &$StorageGroup));
             if ($TaskType->isUpload() || $TaskType->isMulticast()) {
                 $StorageNode = $StorageGroup->getMasterStorageNode();
             $osid = $Image->get('osID');
             $storage = in_array($TaskType->get('id'), $imagingTasks) ? sprintf('%s:/%s/%s', $this->FOGCore->resolveHostname(trim($StorageNode->get('ip'))), trim($StorageNode->get('path'), '/'), $TaskType->isUpload() ? 'dev/' : '') : null;
         if ($this->Host && $this->Host->isValid()) {
             $mac = $this->Host->get('mac');
         } else {
             $mac = $_REQUEST['mac'];
         $clamav = in_array($TaskType->get('id'), array(21, 22)) ? sprintf('%s:%s', $this->FOGCore->resolveHostname(trim($StorageNode->get('ip'))), '/opt/fog/clamav') : null;
         $storageip = in_array($TaskType->get('id'), $imagingTasks) ? $this->FOGCore->resolveHostname($StorageNode->get('ip')) : null;
         $img = in_array($TaskType->get('id'), $imagingTasks) ? $Image->get('path') : null;
         $imgFormat = in_array($TaskType->get('id'), $imagingTasks) ? $Image->get('format') : null;
         $imgType = in_array($TaskType->get('id'), $imagingTasks) ? $Image->getImageType()->get('type') : null;
         $imgPartitionType = in_array($TaskType->get('id'), $imagingTasks) ? $Image->getImagePartitionType()->get('type') : null;
         $imgid = in_array($TaskType->get('id'), $imagingTasks) ? $Image->get('id') : null;
         $ftp = $this->FOGCore->resolveHostname($this->FOGCore->getSetting('FOG_TFTP_HOST'));
         $chkdsk = $this->FOGCore->getSetting('FOG_DISABLE_CHKDSK') == 1 ? 0 : 1;
         $PIGZ_COMP = in_array($TaskType->get('id'), $imagingTasks) ? $Image->get('compress') > -1 && is_numeric($Image->get('compress')) ? $Image->get('compress') : $this->FOGCore->getSetting('FOG_PIGZ_COMP') : $this->FOGCore->getSetting('FOG_PIGZ_COMP');
         $kernelArgsArray = array("mac={$mac}", "ftp={$ftp}", "storage={$storage}", "storageip={$storageip}", "web={$this->web}", "osid={$osid}", "consoleblank=0", "irqpoll", "hostname=" . $this->Host->get('name'), array('value' => "clamav={$clamav}", 'active' => in_array($TaskType->get('id'), array(21, 22))), array('value' => "chkdsk={$chkdsk}", 'active' => in_array($TaskType->get('id'), $imagingTasks)), array('value' => "img={$img}", 'active' => in_array($TaskType->get('id'), $imagingTasks)), array('value' => "imgType={$imgType}", 'active' => in_array($TaskType->get('id'), $imagingTasks)), array('value' => "imgPartitionType={$imgPartitionType}", 'active' => in_array($TaskType->get('id'), $imagingTasks)), array('value' => "imgid={$imgid}", 'active' => in_array($TaskType->get('id'), $imagingTasks)), array('value' => "imgFormat={$imgFormat}", 'active' => in_array($TaskType->get('id'), $imagingTasks)), array('value' => "PIGZ_COMP=-{$PIGZ_COMP}", 'active' => in_array($TaskType->get('id'), $imagingTasks)), array('value' => 'shutdown=1', 'active' => $Task->get('shutdown')), array('value' => 'adon=1', 'active' => $this->Host->get('useAD')), array('value' => 'addomain=' . $this->Host->get('ADDomain'), 'active' => $this->Host->get('useAD')), array('value' => 'adou=' . $this->Host->get('ADOU'), 'active' => $this->Host->get('useAD')), array('value' => 'aduser='******'ADUser'), 'active' => $this->Host->get('useAD')), array('value' => 'adpass='******'ADPass'), 'active' => $this->Host->get('useAD')), array('value' => 'fdrive=' . $this->Host->get('kernelDevice'), 'active' => $this->Host->get('kernelDevice')), array('value' => 'hostearly=1', 'active' => $this->FOGCore->getSetting('FOG_CHANGE_HOSTNAME_EARLY') && in_array($TaskType->get('id'), $imagingTasks) ? true : false), array('value' => 'pct=' . (is_numeric($this->FOGCore->getSetting('FOG_UPLOADRESIZEPCT')) && $this->FOGCore->getSetting('FOG_UPLOADRESIZEPCT') >= 5 && $this->FOGCore->getSetting('FOG_UPLOADRESIZEPCT') < 100 ? $this->FOGCore->getSetting('FOG_UPLOADRESIZEPCT') : '5'), 'active' => $TaskType->isUpload() && in_array($TaskType->get('id'), $imagingTasks) ? true : false), array('value' => 'ignorepg=' . ($this->FOGCore->getSetting('FOG_UPLOADIGNOREPAGEHIBER') ? 1 : 0), 'active' => $TaskType->isUpload() && in_array($TaskType->get('id'), $imagingTasks) ? true : false), array('value' => 'port=' . ($TaskType->isMulticast() ? $MulticastSession->get('port') : null), 'active' => $TaskType->isMulticast()), array('value' => 'mining=1', 'active' => $this->FOGCore->getSetting('FOG_MINING_ENABLE')), array('value' => 'miningcores=' . $this->FOGCore->getSetting('FOG_MINING_MAX_CORES'), 'active' => $this->FOGCore->getSetting('FOG_MINING_ENABLE')), array('value' => 'winuser='******'passreset'), 'active' => $TaskType->get('id') == '11' ? true : false), array('value' => 'miningpath=' . $this->FOGCore->getSetting('FOG_MINING_PACKAGE_PATH'), 'active' => $this->FOGCore->getSetting('FOG_MINING_ENABLE')), array('value' => 'isdebug=yes', 'active' => $Task->get('isDebug')), array('value' => 'debug', 'active' => $this->FOGCore->getSetting('FOG_KERNEL_DEBUG')), $TaskType->get('kernelArgs'), $this->FOGCore->getSetting('FOG_KERNEL_ARGS'), $this->Host->get('kernelArgs'));
         if ($Task->get('typeID') == 12 || $Task->get('typeID') == 13) {
         } else {
             if ($Task->get('typeID') == 4) {
                 $Send['memtest'] = array("#!ipxe", "{$this->memdisk} iso raw", "{$this->memtest}", "boot");
             } else {
Ejemplo n.º 2
 /** deploy_post() actually create the deployment task
  * @return void
 public function deploy_post()
     $Data = $this->obj;
     $TaskType = new TaskType($_REQUEST['type']);
     $Snapin = $_REQUEST['snapin'] ? new Snapin($_REQUEST['snapin']) : -1;
     $enableShutdown = $_REQUEST['shutdown'] ? true : false;
     $enableSnapins = $TaskType->get('id') != '17' ? $Snapin instanceof Snapin && $Snapin->isValid() ? $Snapin->get('id') : $Snapin : false;
     $enableDebug = $_REQUEST['debug'] == 'true' || $_REQUEST['isDebugTask'] ? true : false;
     $scheduleDeployTime = $this->nice_date($_REQUEST['scheduleSingleTime']);
     $imagingTasks = in_array($TaskType->get('id'), array(1, 2, 8, 15, 16, 17, 24));
     try {
         if (!$TaskType || !$TaskType->isValid()) {
             throw new Exception(_('Task type is not valid'));
         $taskName = $TaskType->get('name') . ' Task';
         if ($Data && $Data->isValid()) {
             // Error Checking
             if ($Data instanceof Host && $imagingTasks) {
                 if (!$Data->getImage() || !$Data->getImage()->isValid()) {
                     throw new Exception(_('You need to assign an image to the host'));
                 if ($TaskType->isUpload() && $Data->getImage()->get('protected')) {
                     throw new Exception(_('You cannot upload to this image as it is currently protected'));
                 if (!$Data->checkIfExist($TaskType->get('id'))) {
                     throw new Exception(_('You must first upload an image to create a download task'));
             } else {
                 if ($Data instanceof Group && $imagingTasks) {
                     if ($TaskType->isMulticast() && !$Data->doMembersHaveUniformImages()) {
                         throw new Exception(_('Hosts do not contain the same image assignments'));
                     unset($NoImage, $ImageExists, $Tasks);
                     foreach ((array) $Data->get('hosts') as $Host) {
                         if ($Host && $Host->isValid() && !$Host->get('pending')) {
                             $NoImage[] = !$Host->getImage() || !$Host->getImage()->isValid();
                     if (in_array(true, $NoImage)) {
                         throw new Exception(_('One or more hosts do not have an image set'));
                     foreach ((array) $Data->get('hosts') as $Host) {
                         if ($Host && $Host->isValid() && !$Host->get('pending')) {
                             $ImageExists[] = !$Host->checkIfExist($TaskType->get('id'));
                     if (in_array(true, $ImageExists)) {
                         throw new Exception(_('One or more hosts have an image that does not exist'));
                     foreach ((array) $Data->get('hosts') as $Host) {
                         if ($Host && $Host->isValid() && $Host->get('task') && $Host->get('task')->isValid()) {
                             $Tasks[] = $Host->get('task');
                     if (count($Tasks) > 0) {
                         throw new Exception(_('One or more hosts are currently in a task'));
             $passreset = trim($_REQUEST['account']);
             if ($TaskType->get('id') == 11 && empty($passreset)) {
                 throw new Exception(_('Password reset requires a user account to reset'));
             try {
                 if ($_REQUEST['scheduleType'] == 'instant') {
                     if ($Data instanceof Group) {
                         foreach ((array) $Data->get('hosts') as $Host) {
                             if ($Host && $Host->isValid() && !$Host->get('pending')) {
                                 if ($Host->createImagePackage($TaskType->get('id'), $taskName, $enableShutdown, $enableDebug, $enableSnapins, $Data instanceof Group, $_SESSION['FOG_USERNAME'], $passreset)) {
                                     $success[] = sprintf('<li>%s &ndash; %s</li>', $Host->get('name'), $Host->getImage()->get('name'));
                     } else {
                         if ($Data instanceof Host) {
                             if ($Data->createImagePackage($TaskType->get('id'), $taskName, $enableShutdown, $enableDebug, $enableSnapins, $Data instanceof Group, $_SESSION['FOG_USERNAME'], $passreset)) {
                                 $success[] = sprintf('<li>%s &ndash; %s</li>', $Data->get('name'), $Data->getImage()->get('name'));
                 } else {
                     if ($_REQUEST['scheduleType'] == 'single') {
                         if ($scheduleDeployTime < $this->nice_date()) {
                             throw new Exception(sprintf('%s<br>%s: %s', _('Scheduled date is in the past'), _('Date'), $scheduleDeployTime->format('Y/d/m H:i')));
                         $ScheduledTask = new ScheduledTask(array('taskType' => $TaskType->get('id'), 'name' => $taskName, 'hostID' => $Data->get('id'), 'shutdown' => $enableShutdown, 'other2' => $enableSnapins, 'isGroupTask' => $Data instanceof Group, 'type' => 'S', 'scheduleTime' => $scheduleDeployTime->getTimestamp(), 'other3' => $this->FOGUser->get('name')));
                     } else {
                         if ($_REQUEST['scheduleType'] == 'cron') {
                             $ScheduledTask = new ScheduledTask(array('taskType' => $TaskType->get('id'), 'name' => $taskName, 'hostID' => $Data->get('id'), 'shutdown' => $enableShutdown, 'other2' => $enableSnapins, 'isGroupTask' => $Data instanceof Group, 'type' => 'C', 'other3' => $this->FOGUser->get('name'), 'minute' => $_REQUEST['scheduleCronMin'], 'hour' => $_REQUEST['scheduleCronHour'], 'dayOfMonth' => $_REQUEST['scheduleCronDOM'], 'month' => $_REQUEST['scheduleCronMonth'], 'dayOfWeek' => $_REQUEST['scheduleCronDOW']));
                 if ($ScheduledTask && $ScheduledTask->save()) {
                     if ($Data instanceof Group) {
                         foreach ((array) $Data->get('hosts') as $Host) {
                             if ($Host && $Host->isValid() && !$Host->get('pending')) {
                                 $success[] = sprintf('<li>%s &ndash; %s</li>', $Host->get('name'), $Host->getImage()->get('name'));
                     } else {
                         if ($Data instanceof Host) {
                             if ($Data && $Data->isValid() && !$Data->get('pending')) {
                                 $success[] = sprintf('<li>%s &ndash; %s</li>', $Data->get('name'), $Data->getImage()->get('name'));
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 $error[] = sprintf('%s: %s', $Data instanceof Group ? $Host->get('name') : $Data->get('name'), $e->getMessage());
         // Failure
         if (count($error)) {
             throw new Exception('<ul><li>' . implode('</li><li>', $error) . '</li></ul>');
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         // Failure
         printf('<div class="task-start-failed"><p>%s</p><p>%s</p></div>', _('Failed to create deployment tasking for the following hosts'), $e->getMessage());
     // Success
     if (count($success)) {
         printf('<div class="task-start-ok"><p>%s</p><p>%s%s%s</p></div>', sprintf(_('Successfully created tasks for deployment to the following Hosts'), $Data instanceof Group ? $Host->getImage()->get('name') : $Data->getImage()->get('name')), $_REQUEST['scheduleType'] == 'cron' ? sprintf('%s: %s', _('Cron Schedule'), implode(' ', array($_REQUEST['scheduleCronMin'], $_REQUEST['scheduleCronHour'], $_REQUEST['scheduleCronDOM'], $_REQUEST['scheduleCronMonth'], $_REQUEST['scheduleCronDOW']))) : '', $_REQUEST['scheduleType'] == 'single' ? sprintf('%s: %s', _('Scheduled to start at'), $scheduleDeployTime->format('Y/m/d H:i')) : '', count($success) ? sprintf('<ul>%s</ul>', implode('', $success)) : '');