protected function getField($aField)
     $this->_sCheckboxClassSelector = '';
     $aField['label'] = $this->_getPostTypeArrayForChecklist(isset($aField['slugs_to_remove']) ? $this->getAsArray($aField['slugs_to_remove']) : $this->aDefaultRemovingPostTypeSlugs, $aField['query'], $aField['operator']);
     return parent::getField($aField);
    protected function getScripts()
        $_aJSArray = json_encode($this->aFieldTypeSlugs);
        return parent::getScripts() . <<<JAVASCRIPTS
/* For tabs */
var enableAPFTabbedBox = function( nodeTabBoxContainer ) {
    jQuery( nodeTabBoxContainer ).each( function() {
        jQuery( this ).find( '.tab-box-tab' ).each( function( i ) {
            if ( 0 === i ) {
                jQuery( this ).addClass( 'active' );
            jQuery( this ).click( function( e ){
                // Prevents jumping to the anchor which moves the scroll bar.
                // Remove the active tab and set the clicked tab to be active.
                jQuery( this ).siblings( '' ).removeClass( 'active' );
                jQuery( this ).addClass( 'active' );
                // Find the element id and select the content element with it.
                var thisTab = jQuery( this ).find( 'a' ).attr( 'href' );
                active_content = jQuery( this ).closest( '.tab-box-container' ).find( thisTab ).css( 'display', 'block' ); 
                active_content.siblings().css( 'display', 'none' );

jQuery( document ).ready( function() {
    enableAPFTabbedBox( jQuery( '.tab-box-container' ) );

    /* The repeatable event */
    jQuery().registerAPFCallback( {     
         * The repeatable field callback for the add event.
         * @param object node
         * @param string    the field type slug
         * @param string    the field container tag ID
         * @param integer    the caller type. 1 : repeatable sections. 0 : repeatable fields.
        added_repeatable_field: function( oClonedField, sFieldType, sFieldTagID, iCallType ) {

            /* If it is not the color field type, do nothing. */
            if ( jQuery.inArray( sFieldType, {$_aJSArray} ) <= -1 ) { return; }

            oClonedField.nextAll().andSelf().each( function() {     
                jQuery( this ).find( 'div' ).incrementIDAttribute( 'id' );
                jQuery( this ).find( ' a' ).incrementIDAttribute( 'href' );
                jQuery( this ).find( 'li.category-list' ).incrementIDAttribute( 'id' );
                enableAPFTabbedBox( jQuery( this ).find( '.tab-box-container' ) );
         * The repeatable field callback for the remove event.
         * @param object    the field container element next to the removed field container.
         * @param string    the field type slug
         * @param string    the field container tag ID
         * @param integer    the caller type. 1 : repeatable sections. 0 : repeatable fields.
        removed_repeatable_field: function( oNextFieldConainer, sFieldType, sFieldTagID, iCallType ) {

            /* If it is not the color field type, do nothing. */
            if ( jQuery.inArray( sFieldType, {$_aJSArray} ) <= -1 ) { return; }

            oNextFieldConainer.nextAll().andSelf().each( function() {
                jQuery( this ).find( 'div' ).decrementIDAttribute( 'id' );
                jQuery( this ).find( ' a' ).decrementIDAttribute( 'href' );
                jQuery( this ).find( 'li.category-list' ).decrementIDAttribute( 'id' );