public function endMovie() { println("Shutting movie theater down..."); $this->popper->off(); $this->lights->on(); $this->screen->up(); $this->projector->off(); $this->amp->off(); $this->dvd->stop(); $this->dvd->eject(); $this->dvd->off(); }
public static function init() { /** * If initialized, return initialized value without reprocessing. */ if (self::$_init !== null) { return self::$_init; } /** * Define name of the cookie set by asets/js/core/server.js. */ self::$_name = 'screen'; /** * Contents of cookie set by asets/js/core/server.js. */ self::$_cookie = Cookie::get(self::$_name); /** * If cookie is set, extract contents and parse the JSON into a PHP * object, then setting initialized value to true. Otherwise, set it * false, as initialization has failed since no cookie is defined. */ if (isset(self::$_cookie)) { self::$_screen = self::parse(self::$_cookie); self::$_init = true; } else { self::$_init = false; } /** * Return whether initialization succeeded or failed. */ return self::$_init; }
public function actionTest($id) { // renders the view file 'protected/views/screen/display.php' // using the default layout 'protected/views/layouts/billboard.php' $this->screen_id = $id; $screen = Screen::model()->findByPk($id); if ($screen === null) { throw new CHttpException(404, Yii::t('error', 'The requested screen does not exist.')); } Yii::app()->theme = count($screen->themes) == 0 ? 'he' : $screen->themes[0]->theme; $conditions = array(); $conditions[] = 'ads.expire>=:now'; $conditions[] = 'ads.start<=:now'; $conditions[] = 'ads.' . date('D', strtotime('now')) . '=1'; $ads = $screen->ads(array('condition' => implode(' AND ', $conditions), 'params' => array(':now' => date('Y-m-d', strtotime('now'))))); $yeshuv = $screen->yeshuv->name_heb; $commercial = $screen->commercials[0]->file_name; date_default_timezone_set('Asia/Jerusalem'); if ($this->isweekend()) { $holiday = Holiday::model()->find(array('condition' => 'name = :name', 'params' => array(':name' => 'friday'))); } else { $holiday = Holiday::model()->find(array('condition' => 'end_date >= :now && start_date <= :now', 'params' => array(':now' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime('now'))))); } $this->render('test', array('ads' => $ads, 'screen' => $screen, 'yeshuv' => $yeshuv, 'commercial' => 5, 'holiday' => $holiday)); }
function show() { $this->clear(); foreach ($this->layers as $l => $layer) { $this->map = Map::add($this->map, $layer->map, $layer->options); } Screen::to_screen($this->map->map()); }
function showAction() { $this->group = new Group($this->args[1]); $this->feeds = Feed::get_all('WHERE group_id=' . $this->group->id); $this->screens = Screen::get_all('WHERE group_id=' . $this->group->id); $this->setTitle($this->group->name); $this->setSubject($this->group->name); $this->canEdit = $_SESSION['user']->can_write('group', $this->args[1]); }
public function testGetScreenPermissionsNoneWithScreenDefined() { $module = 'xim'; $action = 'doThis'; $roles = ''; $mockDao = $this->getMock('ScreenPermissionDao', array('getScreenPermissions')); $emptyDoctrineCollection = new Doctrine_Collection('ScreenPermission'); $mockDao->expects($this->once())->method('getScreenPermissions')->with($module, $action, $roles)->will($this->returnValue($emptyDoctrineCollection)); $this->service->setScreenPermissionDao($mockDao); $screen = new Screen(); $screen->setName('abc'); $screenDao = $this->getMock('ScreenDao', array('getScreen')); $screenDao->expects($this->once())->method('getScreen')->with($module, $action)->will($this->returnValue($screen)); $this->service->setScreenDao($screenDao); $permissions = $this->service->getScreenPermissions($module, $action, $roles); $this->assertTrue($permissions instanceof ResourcePermission); $this->verifyPermissions($permissions, false, false, false, false); }
public function CreateChannelsForWindows($screenId, $netId) { $Screen = Screen::model()->findByPk($screenId); $windows = $Screen->windows; NetChannel::model()->deleteAll("net_id = :net_id", array('net_id' => $netId)); foreach ($windows as $window) { $channel = new NetChannel(); $channel->attributes = array('net_id' => $netId, 'window_id' => $window->id); $channel->save(); } }
function dashboardAction() { $this->notifications = Newsfeed::get_for_user($_SESSION['user']->id); $this->setTitle("Concerto Dashboard"); $group_str = implode(',', $_SESSION['user']->groups); $this->setTitle("Dashboard"); if (count($_SESSION['user']->groups) > 0) { $group_str = 'OR group_id IN (' . $group_str . ')'; } else { $group_str = ""; } $this->screens = Screen::get_all('WHERE type = 0 ' . $group_str . ' ORDER BY `name`'); if (!is_array($this->screens)) { $this->screens = array(); } $this->screen_stats = Screen::screenStats('WHERE type = 0 ' . $group_str . ' ORDER BY `name`'); }
/** * Parsed raw xrandr output and builds lists for screens and outputs * * @throws \Exception */ public function parseRaw() { $this->screens = array(); $this->outputs = array(); $currentOutput = null; $outputIndex = 0; $raw = $this->getRaw(); if ($raw == null) { return false; } foreach ($raw as $line) { // Using switch just because I think its more "logical" selecting from a case switch (true) { // Screen case preg_match(Screen::LINE_REGEX, $line, $result): $newScreen = Screen::parseLine($line); $this->screens[$newScreen->getId()] = Screen::parseLine($line); break; // Output // Output case preg_match(Output::LINE_REGEX, $line, $result): $currentOutput = Output::parseLine($outputIndex++, $line); $this->outputs[$currentOutput->getName()] = $currentOutput; break; // Mode // Mode case preg_match(Mode::LINE_REGEX, $line, $result): if (!isset($currentOutput)) { throw new \Exception("parseRawException: Mode line but no currentOutput\n{$line}"); } $currentOutput->_addExistingMode(Mode::parseLine($line)); break; default: // ToDo: Exeption handling if (Xrandr::DEBUG) { echo "Line could not be parsed!\n"; echo $line; echo "\n"; } } } return true; }
function screen_offline_mail() { # Query all screens and mail a report if any are offline $screens = Screen::get_all(); if (!is_array($screens)) { return false; } $downed_screens = array(); foreach ($screens as $screen) { if ($screen->went_down()) { $downed_screens[] = $screen; } } # construct email report if any screens have gone down in last 2 hours if (count($downed_screens) > 0) { $admin = new Group(ADMIN_GROUP_ID); $mail_body = "The following Concerto screens have gone offline. Please investigate.\n"; //$mail_body .= "NOTE: THIS EMAIL IS A TEST, IT IS ONLY A TEST. FEEL FREE TO IGNORE.\n"; foreach ($downed_screens as $screen) { $name = $screen->name; echo "Found downed screen {$name}.\n"; $location = $screen->location; $mac = $screen->mac_inhex; $last_ip = $screen->last_ip; $mail_body .= "{$name} (at {$location}, last ip {$last_ip} mac {$mac})\n"; } $admin->send_mail("Screen Outage Detected", $mail_body); } }
/** * Get the html node for this element * * @param \DOMElement $node * @param \AppShed\Remote\XML\DOMDocument $xml * @param \AppShed\Remote\HTML\Settings $settings * @param \AppShed\Remote\Style\CSSDocument $css * @param array $javascripts */ protected function getHTMLNodeBase($node, $xml, $settings, $css, &$javascripts) { parent::getHTMLNodeBase($node, $xml, $settings, $css, $javascripts); $node->setAttribute('data-zoom', $this->zoom); }
<?php /* @var $this ThemeController */ /* @var $model Theme */ /* @var $form CActiveForm */ ?> <div class="form"> <?php $form = $this->beginWidget('booster.widgets.TbActiveForm', array('id' => 'CreateScreenForm', 'type' => 'horizontal')); ?> <fieldset> <?php echo $form->dropDownListGroup($model, 'theme', array('wrapperHtmlOptions' => array('class' => 'col-sm-5'), 'widgetOptions' => array('data' => Screen::model()->getAvailiableTheme(), 'htmlOptions' => array()))); ?> <?php echo $form->textAreaGroup($model, 'description', array('wrapperHtmlOptions' => array('class' => 'col-sm-5'), 'widgetOptions' => array('htmlOptions' => array('rows' => 4)))); ?> </fieldset> <div class="form-actions"> <?php $this->widget('booster.widgets.TbButton', array('buttonType' => 'submit', 'context' => 'primary', 'label' => YII::t('default', 'Submit'))); ?> <?php $this->widget('booster.widgets.TbButton', array('buttonType' => 'reset', 'label' => YII::t('default', 'Reset'))); ?> </div> <?php
<?php namespace AScreen; require_once 'loader.php'; $s = new Screen(); $s->add_layer(new Chaff(20, 80, ['character' => '*'])); $b = $s->add_layer(); $b->map->write(2, 4, '[ this text will be partially obscured by dots ]'); $d = $s->add_layer(new BendDexter(20, 40, ['start_column' => 4])); //$d->map->show(); //$s->add_layer(new Chaff(20,40,['character'=>'.'])); $s->add_layer(new Chaff(30, 60, ['character' => '.'])); $text = $s->add_layer(null, ['transparent' => '~', 'blank' => '~']); $text->map->write(4, 4, '[ this text will appear over everything else on the screen ]'); //$s->add_layer(new BendDexter(20,40,['start_column'=>10])); //$s->add_layer(Generate::bend_sinister(20,40,10)); $s->show();
/** * Ajax return the screens for a specific commercial area. */ public function actionGetSearchScreens() { if (isset($_GET['term'])) { $criteria = new CDbCriteria(); $criteria->select = 'id, name'; $criteria->condition = 'name LIKE :term OR name_heb LIKE :term'; $criteria->params = array(':term' => '%' . $_GET['term'] . '%'); $criteria->with = array('yeshuv' => array('select' => 'name_heb')); $criteria->together = true; $res = Screen::model()->findAll($criteria); if (count($res) > 0) { foreach ($res as $item) { $returnVal[] = array('value' => $item->name . ', ' . $item->yeshuv->name_heb, 'id' => $item->id); } echo CJSON::encode($returnVal); } else { echo CJSON::encode(""); } } Yii::app()->end(); }
/** * Displays the map with the availiable screens */ public function actionMap() { $model = Screen::model()->with('geocodes', 'yeshuv', 'commercials')->findAll(); $array = array(); date_default_timezone_set('Asia/Jerusalem'); $now = new DateTime(); $now = $now->modify("-10 minutes"); $id = 0; $green = 0; foreach ($model as $m) { $color = "red"; $screenAjax = ScreenAjax::model()->findByPk($m->id); if ($screenAjax) { $last = strtotime($screenAjax->last_date); if ($last > $now->getTimestamp()) { $color = "green"; $green++; } } if (count($m->geocodes) < 1) { $geocode = new Geocode(); $location = Screen::model()->geocodeLookup($m->name . ',' . $m->yeshuv->name_heb); $geocode->lat = $location['lat']; $geocode->lng = $location['lng']; if ($geocode->save()) { $screenGeocode = new ScreenGeocodeAssignment(); $screenGeocode->screen_id = $m->id; $screenGeocode->geocode_id = $geocode->id; $screenGeocode->save(); } $marker = array('id' => $id++, 'name' => $m->name . ', ' . $m->yeshuv->name_heb, 'url' => $m->webkey_nickname, 'lat' => $geocode->lat, 'lng' => $geocode->lng, 'commercial' => $m->commercials[0]->name, 'color' => $color); array_push($array, $marker); } else { $marker = array('id' => $id++, 'name' => $m->name . ', ' . $m->yeshuv->name_heb, 'url' => $m->webkey_nickname, 'lat' => $m->geocodes[0]->lat, 'lng' => $m->geocodes[0]->lng, 'commercial' => $m->commercials[0]->name, 'color' => $color); array_push($array, $marker); } } $this->render('map', array('markers' => $array, 'green' => $green)); }
/** * Returns the data model based on the primary key given in the GET variable. * If the data model is not found, an HTTP exception will be raised. * @param integer $id the ID of the model to be loaded * @return Screen the loaded model * @throws CHttpException */ public function loadModel($id) { $model = Screen::model()->findByPk($id); if ($model === null) { throw new CHttpException(404, 'The requested page does not exist.'); } return $model; }
function screenStats($where = '') { $numOnline = 0; $numOffline = 0; $numAsleep = 0; $total = 0; $sql = "SELECT * FROM screen $where"; $res = sql_query($sql); $i = 0; while ($row = sql_row_keyed($res, $i)) { $temp = new Screen($row['id']); if ($temp->is_connected()&&$temp->get_powerstate()) { // screen is ONLINE $numOnline++; } else if ($temp->is_connected()&&!$temp->get_powerstate()) { // screen is ASLEEP $numAsleep++; } else { // screen is OFFLINE $numOffline++; } $i++; $total = $numOnline + $numOffline + $numAsleep; } return array($numOnline, $numOffline, $numAsleep, $total); }
break; case 'data': include 'cl/DbConnector.php'; $ctr = new DbConnector(); $result = json_encode($ctr->process($a, $data, $opt)); header('Content-type: application/json'); break; case 'get_all_data': include 'cl/DbConnector.php'; $ctr = new DbConnector(); $result = json_encode($ctr->getAllData()); header('Content-type: application/json'); break; case 'screen': include 'cl/Screen.php'; $ctr = new Screen(); $result = $ctr->process($a, $data); break; case 'login': include 'gateway.php'; exit; break; } if ($result) { echo $result; } else { if (isset($GLOBALS['ERROR'])) { echo $GLOBALS['ERROR']; } else { echo 'no result no errors'; }
imageBtnClose: "<?=ADMIN_BASE_URL?>images/lightbox-btn-close.gif", imageBtnPrev: "<?=ADMIN_BASE_URL?>images/lightbox-btn-prev.gif", imageBtnNext: "<?=ADMIN_BASE_URL?>images/lightbox-btn-next.gif", txtImage: 'Template' }); }); })(jQuery); //--></script> <!-- Beginning Screen Form --> <?php //assuming $this->screen is null or the screen we want to edit if(array_key_exists('screen', $this)) { $screen = $this->screen; } else { $screen = new Screen (); } if(isset($screen->width) && isset($screen->height)){ if ($screen->width/$screen->height==(16/9)){ $ratio = "16:9"; if ($screen->is_connected()) { if (!$screen->get_powerstate()) { $scrimg="screen_169_asleep_big.png"; } else { $scrimg="screen_169_on_big.png"; } } else { $scrimg="screen_169_off_big.png"; }
public function testCreateScreen() { $newScreenName = "Screen test 1"; $this->object->setAttributes(array('name' => $newScreenName, 'description' => "New screen description.")); $this->assertTrue($this->object->save(FALSE)); }
} /** * Require necessary libraries. */ include_once dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/lib/screen.class.php'; include_once dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/lib/image.class.php'; /** * @var int maximum width the image should be as defined first by the browser * width and then more specifically by URI parameters. */ $max_width = Screen::get_width() ? Screen::get_width() * Screen::get_pixel_ratio() : PHP_INT_MAX; /** * @var int maximum height the image should be as defined first by the browser * width and then more specifically by URI parameters. */ $max_height = Screen::get_height() ? Screen::get_height() * Screen::get_pixel_ratio() : PHP_INT_MAX; /** * @var bool true if the image should be compressed based on width. */ $set_width = false; /** * @var bool true if the image should be compressed based on height. */ $set_height = false; /** * Defines $set_height true if a URI segment defining height is set and then * calculates the $max_height that the image should be based on the segment(s). * * @uses $_GET['browser_width_percent'] defines width as percentage of browser width * @uses $_GET['browser_width_force'] defines width as 100% of browser width at max * @uses $_GET['max_width'] defines width by max pixels for the image
public function __construct($title, $columns = 3) { parent::__construct($title); $this->columns = $columns; }
$ScreenModels = $userModel->screens; $selectedItems = array(); foreach ($ScreenModels as $val) { $dropDown[$val->id] = $val->name; } if (!$model->isNewRecord) { $ScreenModelId = $model->screen_id; $selectedItems[$ScreenModelId] = array('selected' => 'selected'); } echo $form->dropDownList($model, 'screen_id', $dropDown, array('options' => $selectedItems, 'multiple' => false, 'class' => 'form-control', 'size' => '10')); printf("<div id='windowsList'>"); if (!$model->isNewRecord) { $channels = $model->channels; $ScreenModelId = $model->screen_id; if ($ScreenModelId != null) { $ScreenModel = Screen::model()->findByPk($ScreenModelId); if (isset($ScreenModel->windows)) { $windows = $ScreenModel->windows; foreach ($windows as $window) { $windowId = $window->id; $windowName = $window->name; foreach ($channels as $channel) { if ($channel->id_point === $model->id && $channel->window_id === $window->id) { printf("<div class='ChannelsContainer btn-toolbar' data-channelid='%s' role='toolbar' aria-label=''>", $channel['id']); $widgetToChannel = WidgetToChannel::model()->find("channel_id = :channel_id", array("channel_id" => $channel['id'])); printf("<div class='btn-group' role='group' aria-label=''>" . "<button type='button' class='btn btn-default ChannelButt' disabled='disabled'>Screen %s</button>", $windowName); if (count($widgetToChannel) > 0) { $widgetModel = Widget::model()->findByPk($widgetToChannel['widget_id']); printf("<button type='button' class='detach-widget btn btn-warning' data-channelid='%s'>" . "<span class='glyphicon glyphicon-off'></span> Detach widget " . $widgetModel['name'] . "</button>", $channel['id']); } else { printf("<button type='button' class='attach-widget btn btn-success' data-channelid='%s'>" . "<span class='glyphicon glyphicon-paperclip'></span> Attach widget" . "</button>", $channel['id']);
public function getId() { return 'gallery' . parent::getId(); }
/** * print out all the commands available in the app */ public function handleDefault(array $params = array()) { $this->screen->out('TODO: print out commands for this command'); }
function log_back() { $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $screen = new Screen($this->screen_id); $screen->status_update($ip); //Update the screen last updated and ip stuff if ($screen->get_powerstate()) { $sql = "UPDATE position SET display_count = display_count + 1 WHERE screen_id = {$this->screen_id} AND field_id = {$this->field_id} AND feed_id = {$this->feed_id} LIMIT 1"; sql_command($sql); $sql = "UPDATE feed_content SET display_count = display_count + 1 WHERE feed_id = {$this->feed_id} AND content_id = {$this->content_id} LIMIT 1"; sql_command($sql); } return true; }
return $text ? 'true' : 'false'; } function text2text($text) { return $text ? $text : 'false'; } function js2bool2text($function) { return '<script type="text/javascript"> document.write(' . $function . '() ? "true" : "false"); </script>'; } function js2text($function) { return '<script type="text/javascript"> var t; if(t = ' . $function . '()) document.write(t); else document.write("false"); </script>'; } echo HTML_Decorator::html_start()->render(); echo Site_Decorator::head()->set_title('MWF About')->render(); echo HTML_Decorator::body_start()->render(); echo Site_Decorator::header()->set_title('MWF Device')->render(); echo Site_Decorator::content_full()->set_padded()->add_header('The Framework')->add_subheader('Server Info')->add_section(label('User Agent') . $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])->add_section(label('IP Address') . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])->add_subheader('JS Classification')->add_section(label('mwf.classification.isMobile()') . js2bool2text('mwf.classification.isMobile'))->add_section(label('mwf.classification.isBasic()') . js2bool2text('mwf.classification.isBasic'))->add_section(label('mwf.classification.isStandard()') . js2bool2text('mwf.classification.isStandard'))->add_section(label('mwf.classification.isFull()') . js2bool2text('mwf.classification.isFull'))->add_section(label('mwf.classification.isOverride()') . js2bool2text('mwf.classification.isOverride'))->add_section(label('mwf.classification.isPreview()') . js2bool2text('mwf.classification.isPreview'))->add_subheader('PHP Classification')->add_section(label('Classification::is_mobile()') . bool2text(Classification::is_mobile()))->add_section(label('Classification::is_basic()') . bool2text(Classification::is_basic()))->add_section(label('Classification::is_standard()') . bool2text(Classification::is_standard()))->add_section(label('Classification::is_full()') . bool2text(Classification::is_full()))->add_section(label('Classification::is_override()') . bool2text(Classification::is_override()))->add_section(label('Classification::is_preview()') . bool2text(Classification::is_preview()))->add_subheader('JS User Agent')->add_section(label('mwf.userAgent.getOS()') . js2text('mwf.userAgent.getOS'))->add_section(label('mwf.userAgent.getOSVersion()') . js2text('mwf.userAgent.getOSVersion'))->add_section(label('mwf.userAgent.getBrowser()') . js2text('mwf.userAgent.getBrowser'))->add_section(label('mwf.userAgent.getBrowserEngine()') . js2text('mwf.userAgent.getBrowserEngine'))->add_section(label('mwf.userAgent.getBrowserEngineVersion()') . js2text('mwf.userAgent.getBrowserEngineVersion'))->add_subheader('PHP User Agent')->add_section(label('User_Agent::get_os()') . text2text(User_Agent::get_os()))->add_section(label('User_Agent::get_os_version()') . text2text(User_Agent::get_os_version()))->add_section(label('User_Agent::get_browser()') . text2text(User_Agent::get_browser()))->add_section(label('User_Agent::get_browser_engine()') . text2text(User_Agent::get_browser_engine()))->add_section(label('User_Agent::get_browser_engine_version()') . text2text(User_Agent::get_browser_engine_version()))->add_subheader('JS Screen')->add_section(label('mwf.screen.getHeight()') . js2text('mwf.screen.getHeight'))->add_section(label('mwf.screen.getWidth()') . js2text('mwf.screen.getWidth'))->add_section(label('mwf.screen.getPixelRatio()') . js2text('mwf.screen.getPixelRatio'))->add_subheader('PHP Screen')->add_section(label('Screen::get_height()') . text2text(Screen::get_height()))->add_section(label('Screen::get_width()') . text2text(Screen::get_width()))->add_section(label('Screen::get_pixel_ratio()') . text2text(Screen::get_pixel_ratio()))->render(); echo Site_Decorator::button_full()->set_padded()->add_option(Config::get('global', 'back_to_home_text'), Config::get('global', 'site_url'))->render(); echo Site_Decorator::default_footer()->render(); echo HTML_Decorator::body_end()->render(); echo HTML_Decorator::html_end()->render();
/** * Executes a controller, returning the data * * @return array The data from the executed controller. */ public function call() { $data = array(); // any data to return to the view from the controller $cfound=$this->find(); $request_method=$cfound['request_method']; $classname=$cfound['classname']; $found_action=$cfound['found_action']; $root=$cfound['root']; $this->action=$found_action; if (!file_exists($this->controller_root.$this->controller_path.$this->controller.EXT)) throw new ControllerNotFoundException("Could not find a suitable controller: ".$this->controller_root.$this->controller_path.$this->controller.EXT); require_once($this->controller_root.$this->controller_path.$this->controller.EXT); $classname=str_replace('/','',$this->controller_path).$this->controller.'Controller'; if (!class_exists($classname)) throw new ControllerNotFoundException("'$classname' can not be found in '".$this->controller."'."); $request_method = Request::get_request_method(); $found_action=find_methods($classname, $request_method."_".str_replace('-','_',$this->action), str_replace('-','_',$this->action)); if (!$found_action) { $found_action=find_methods($classname, $request_method."_index", 'index'); array_unshift($this->segments,$this->action); // so here we put that mistakenly stripped parameter back on. } if (!$found_action) { throw new ControllerMethodNotFoundException("Could not find an action to call."); } $this->action=$found_action; // Handle the fact that some URIs contain extra segments that are not part of the controller/action root $root = $this->controller_path . (($this->controller!='index') ? $this->controller . "/" : "") . (($this->action!='index' && $found_action!='index') ? $this->action : ""); $root = rtrim($root,'/'); $request=$this->build_request($root); $class=new $classname($request); if ((isset ($class->ignored)) && (in_array($this->action, $class->ignored))) throw new IgnoredMethodCalledException("Ignored method called."); $meta=AttributeReader::MethodAttributes($class,$found_action); // Call the before screens $screen_data=array(); $method_args=$this->segments; Screen::Run('before',$class,$meta,$screen_data,$method_args); // call the method and pass the segments (add returned data to any initially returned by screens) $data = call_user_func_array(array(&$class, $found_action), $method_args); if (is_array($data)) $data=array_merge($screen_data,$data); else $data=$screen_data; // Call the after screens Screen::Run('after',$class,$meta,$data,$method_args); $class->session->save(); if ($class->view) $this->view=$class->view; else if ($meta->view) $this->view=$meta->view; $data['controller']=&$class; $data['session']=&$class->session; return $data; }
function livecdcreateAction() { if (!defined("NOTIF_OFF")) { //Lets keep liveCD screens private for now define("NOTIF_OFF", 1); } $this->setTitle('Screen Creation'); $screen = new Screen(); //Defaults for live cds /* $default_template = 22; $default_subscriptions[73][] = 0; $default_subscriptions[74][] = 1; $default_subscriptions[74][] = 30; $default_subscriptions[75][] = 8; $default_subscriptions[75][] = 11; */ if (!isset($default_template) || !isset($default_subscriptions) || !is_array($default_subscriptions)) { $this->flash('Live CD support has not been configured yet. Please contact an administrator.', 'error'); redirect_to(ADMIN_URL); } if ($screen->create_screen($_POST[screen][name], $_POST[screen][group], $_POST[screen][location], $_POST[screen][mac_inhex], $_POST[screen][width], $_POST[screen][height], $default_template, 1)) { //Now setup some sample subscriptions foreach ($default_subscriptions as $field_id => $subscriptions) { foreach ($subscriptions as $feed_id) { $pos = new Position(); $pos->create_position($screen->id, $feed_id, $field_id); } } redirect_to(ROOT_URL . '/?mac=' . $_POST[screen][mac_inhex] . '&w=' . $_POST[screen][width] . '&h=' . $_POST[screen][height] . '&livecd=1'); } else { $this->flash('The screen creation failed. ' . 'Please check all fields and try again; contact an administrator if all else fails.', 'error'); redirect_to(ADMIN_URL . '/screens/livecd?mac=' . $_POST[screen][mac_inhex] . '&w=' . $_POST[screen][width] . '&h=' . $_POST[screen][height] . '&livecd=1'); } }
$ctr = new Categories(); $result = $ctr->process($a, $post, $get); break; case 'dests': include 'cl/Destinations.php'; $ctr = new Destinations(); $result = $ctr->process($a, $post, $get); break; case 'destination': include 'cl/Destinations.php'; $ctr = new Destinations(); $result = $ctr->process($a, $post, $get); break; case 'screen': include 'cl/Screen.php'; $ctr = new Screen(); $result = $ctr->process($a, $post, $get); break; case 'importexport': include 'cl/ImportExport.php'; $ctr = new ImportExport(); $result = $ctr->process($a, json_decode(file_get_contents("php://input")), $get); break; } if (is_string($result)) { echo $result; } else { header('Content-type: application/json'); echo json_encode($result); } function utils()