Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Action to edit a post
  * When called via GET, it shows an edit form
  * including the current data of the Post.
  * When called via POST, it modifies the post in the
  * database.
  * The expected HTTP parameters are:
  * <ul>
  * <li>id: Id of the post (via HTTP POST and GET)</li>   
  * <li>title: Title of the post (via HTTP POST)</li>
  * <li>content: Content of the post (via HTTP POST)</li>      
  * </ul>
  * The views are:
  * <ul>
  * <li>posts/edit: If this action is reached via HTTP GET (via include)</li>
  * <li>posts/index: If post was successfully edited (via redirect)</li>
  * <li>posts/edit: If validation fails (via include). Includes these view variables:</li>
  * <ul>
  *  <li>post: The current Post instance, empty or being added (but not validated)</li>
  *  <li>errors: Array including per-field validation errors</li>   
  * </ul>
  * </ul>
  * @throws Exception if no id was provided
  * @throws Exception if no user is in session
  * @throws Exception if there is not any post with the provided id
  * @throws Exception if the current logged user is not the author of the post
  * @return void
 public function edit()
     if (!isset($_REQUEST["id"])) {
         throw new Exception("A post id is mandatory");
     if (!isset($this->currentUser)) {
         throw new Exception("Not in session. Editing posts requires login");
     // Get the Post object from the database
     $postid = $_REQUEST["id"];
     $post = $this->postMapper->findById($postid);
     // Does the post exist?
     if ($post == NULL) {
         throw new Exception("no such post with id: " . $postid);
     // Check if the Post author is the currentUser (in Session)
     if ($post->getAuthor() != $this->currentUser) {
         throw new Exception("logged user is not the author of the post id " . $postid);
     if (isset($_POST["submit"])) {
         // reaching via HTTP Post...
         // populate the Post object with data form the form
         try {
             // validate Post object
             // if it fails, ValidationException
             // update the Post object in the database
             // POST-REDIRECT-GET
             // Everything OK, we will redirect the user to the list of posts
             // We want to see a message after redirection, so we establish
             // a "flash" message (which is simply a Session variable) to be
             // get in the view after redirection.
             $this->view->setFlash(sprintf(i18n("Post \"%s\" successfully updated."), $post->getTitle()));
             // perform the redirection. More or less:
             // header("Location: index.php?controller=posts&action=index")
             // die();
             $this->view->redirect("posts", "index");
         } catch (ValidationException $ex) {
             // Get the errors array inside the exepction...
             $errors = $ex->getErrors();
             // And put it to the view as "errors" variable
             $this->view->setVariable("errors", $errors);
     // Put the Post object visible to the view
     $this->view->setVariable("post", $post);
     // render the view (/view/posts/add.php)
     $this->view->render("posts", "edit");
Ejemplo n.º 2

include '../config.php';
include 'orm_config.php';
$mapper = new PostMapper($db);
$post = new Post();
$post->title = 'New Title';
$post->content = 'New content...';
$post->author_id = 1;
$post->id = 2;
$post = $mapper->find(1);
$post->title = 'Updated Title';
$post->content = 'Updated content...';
$posts = $mapper->find();
$userMapper = new UserMapper($db);
$user = $userMapper->find(1);

foreach ($posts as $post) {
    echo $post->title;