Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Return directory contents for the silo path
  * @param string $path The path to retrieve the contents of
  * @return array An array of MediaAssets describing the contents of the directory
 public function silo_dir($path)
     $path_elements = explode("/", $path);
     $type = $path_elements[0];
     $size = Options::get('picasasilo__picasa_size');
     $picasa = new Picasa();
     $results = array();
     switch ($type) {
         case 'albums':
             $xml = $picasa->get_albums();
             foreach ($xml->channel->item as $album) {
                 $media = $album->children('http://search.yahoo.com/mrss/');
                 $photo = $album->children('http://schemas.google.com/photos/2007');
                 $props['title'] = (string) $album->title;
                 $results[] = new MediaAsset(self::SILO_NAME . '/photos/album/' . $photo->id, true, $props);
         case 'photos':
             $xml = $picasa->get_photos(array($path_elements[1] => $path_elements[2]));
             foreach ($xml->entry as $photo) {
                 $media = $photo->children('http://search.yahoo.com/mrss/');
                 $props['filetype'] = 'picasa';
                 $props['thumbnail_url'] = (string) $media->group->thumbnail->attributes()->url;
                 $props['title'] = (string) $media->group->title;
                 $props['description'] = (string) $media->group->description;
                 //$props['filetype'] = str_replace("/", "_", $photo->content->attributes()->type);
                 //Add the desired size to the url
                 $src = (string) $photo->content->attributes()->src;
                 $props['url'] = substr($src, 0, strrpos($src, '/')) . "/{$size}" . substr($src, strrpos($src, '/'));
                 // Do the same for fullsize, Google does not return fullsize by default
                 $props['picasa_url'] = substr($src, 0, strrpos($src, '/')) . "/s0" . substr($src, strrpos($src, '/'));
                 $results[] = new MediaAsset(self::SILO_NAME . '/photos/' . $path_elements[2] . '/' . $media->group->title, false, $props);
         case 'recent':
             $xml = $picasa->get_photos();
             foreach ($xml->entry as $photo) {
                 $media = $photo->children('http://search.yahoo.com/mrss/');
                 $props['filetype'] = 'picasa';
                 $props['thumbnail_url'] = (string) $media->group->thumbnail->attributes()->url;
                 $props['title'] = (string) $media->group->title;
                 //$props['filetype'] = str_replace("/", "_", $photo->content->attributes()->type);
                 //Add the desired size to the url
                 $src = (string) $photo->content->attributes()->src;
                 $props['url'] = substr($src, 0, strrpos($src, '/')) . "/{$size}" . substr($src, strrpos($src, '/'));
                 $props['picasa_url'] = $src;
                 $results[] = new MediaAsset(self::SILO_NAME . '/photos/' . $media->group->title, false, $props);
         case 'tags':
             $xml = $picasa->get_tags();
             foreach ($xml->entry as $tag) {
                 $props['title'] = (string) $tag->title;
                 $results[] = new MediaAsset(self::SILO_NAME . '/photos/tag/' . (string) $tag->title, true, $props);
         case '':
             $results[] = new MediaAsset(self::SILO_NAME . '/albums', true, array('title' => 'Albums'));
             $results[] = new MediaAsset(self::SILO_NAME . '/recent', true, array('title' => 'Recently Uploaded'));
             $results[] = new MediaAsset(self::SILO_NAME . '/tags', true, array('title' => 'Tags'));
     return $results;