Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Copy of the setup function of the same name
  * This one also checks the write and read capabilities of
  * the log files.
 public static function checkDirectories(&$content, $home_dir = null, $check_branch = true)
     $errorDir = true;
     if (empty($home_dir)) {
         $home_dir = PHPWS_Boost::getHomeDir();
     $directory[] = $home_dir . 'images/';
     $directory[] = $home_dir . 'files/';
     $directory[] = LOG_DIRECTORY;
     foreach ($directory as $id => $check) {
         if (!is_dir($check)) {
             $dirExist[] = $check;
         } elseif (!is_writable($check)) {
             $writableDir[] = $check;
     if (isset($dirExist)) {
         $content[] = dgettext('boost', 'The following directories need to be created:');
         $content[] = implode("\n", $dirExist);
         $errorDir = false;
     if (isset($writableDir)) {
         $content[] = dgettext('boost', 'The following directories are not writable:');
         $content[] = implode(chr(10), $writableDir);
         $errorDir = false;
     $files = array('boost.log', 'error.log');
     foreach ($files as $log_name) {
         if (is_file('logs/' . $log_name) && (!is_readable('logs/' . $log_name) || !is_writable('logs/' . $log_name))) {
             $content[] = sprintf(dgettext('boost', 'Your logs/%s file must be readable and writable.'), $log_name);
             $errorDir = false;
     if (!isset($GLOBALS['Boost_Ready'])) {
         $GLOBALS['Boost_Ready'] = $errorDir;
     if (!$errorDir) {
         $GLOBALS['Boost_Current_Directory'] = false;
     if ($check_branch && !PHPWS_Core::isBranch() && PHPWS_Core::moduleExists('branch')) {
         $db = new PHPWS_DB('branch_sites');
         $result = $db->select();
         if (!empty($result)) {
             if (PHPWS_Error::logIfError($result)) {
                 $content[] = dgettext('boost', 'An error occurred when tryingt to access your branch site listing.');
                 $content[] = dgettext('boost', 'Branches could not be checked.');
                 return $errorDir;
             foreach ($result as $branch) {
                 $contentTmp = array();
                 if (!PHPWS_Boost::checkDirectories($contentTmp, $branch['directory'], false)) {
                     $content[] = sprintf(dgettext('boost', 'Checking branch "%s"'), $branch['branch_name']);
                     foreach ($contentTmp as $tmp) {
                         $content[] = $tmp;
                     $content[] = '';
                     $errorDir = false;
     return $errorDir;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public static function listModules($type)
     $allow_update = true;
     $core_update_needed = false;
     $dir_content = array();
     if (!PHPWS_Boost::checkDirectories($dir_content)) {
         $tpl['DIRECTORIES'] = implode('<br />', $dir_content);
         $allow_update = false;
     $core_mods = PHPWS_Core::coreModList();
     $installed_mods = PHPWS_Core::installModList();
     $dir_mods = PHPWS_Boost::getAllMods();
     if ($type == 'core_mods') {
         $allowUninstall = false;
         $modList = $core_mods;
         $core_file = new PHPWS_Module('core');
         $core_db = new PHPWS_Module('core', false);
         $template['TITLE'] = $core_db->proper_name;
         $template['VERSION'] = $core_db->version;
         if (isset($_SESSION['Boost_Needs_Update']['core'])) {
             $link_title = $_SESSION['Boost_Needs_Update']['core'];
             if (version_compare($core_file->version, $_SESSION['Boost_Needs_Update']['core'], '<')) {
                 $link_title = sprintf(dgettext('boost', '%s - New'), $link_title);
         } else {
             $link_title = dgettext('boost', 'Check');
         if ($core_file->isAbout()) {
             $address = PHPWS_Text::linkAddress('boost', array('action' => 'aboutView', 'aboutmod' => $core_file->title), true);
             $aboutView = array('label' => dgettext('boost', 'About'), 'address' => $address);
             $template['ABOUT'] = Layout::getJavascript('open_window', $aboutView);
         $link_command['opmod'] = 'core';
         $link_command['action'] = 'check';
         if (ini_get('allow_url_fopen')) {
             $template['LATEST'] = PHPWS_Text::secureLink($link_title, 'boost', $link_command);
         } else {
             $template['LATEST'] = dgettext('boost', 'Check disabled');
         if (version_compare($core_db->version, $core_file->version, '<')) {
             if ($core_file->checkDependency()) {
                 if ($allow_update) {
                     $link_command['action'] = 'update_core';
                     $core_links[] = PHPWS_Text::secureLink(dgettext('boost', 'Update'), 'boost', $link_command);
                 } else {
                     $core_links[] = dgettext('boost', 'Update');
                 $tpl['WARNING'] = dgettext('boost', 'The Core requires updating! You should do so before any modules.');
                 $core_update_needed = true;
             } else {
                 $link_command['action'] = 'show_dependency';
                 $core_links[] = PHPWS_Text::secureLink(dgettext('boost', 'Missing dependency'), 'boost', $link_command);
             $template['VERSION'] = sprintf('%s &gt; %s', $core_db->version, $core_file->version);
             $template['COMMAND'] = implode(' | ', $core_links);
         } else {
             $template['COMMAND'] = dgettext('boost', 'None');
         $template['ROW'] = 1;
         $tpl['mod-row'][] = $template;
     } else {
         $allowUninstall = true;
         $modList = array_diff($dir_mods, $core_mods);
     $tpl['TITLE_LABEL'] = dgettext('boost', 'Module Title');
     $tpl['COMMAND_LABEL'] = dgettext('boost', 'Commands');
     $tpl['ABOUT_LABEL'] = dgettext('boost', 'More information');
     $tpl['VERSION_LABEL'] = dgettext('boost', 'Current version');
     if ($type == 'core_mods' && Current_User::isDeity() && DEITIES_CAN_UNINSTALL) {
         $tpl['WARNING'] = dgettext('boost', 'WARNING: Only deities can uninstall core modules. Doing so may corrupt your installation!');
     if (empty($modList)) {
         return dgettext('boost', 'No modules available.');
     $count = 1;
     foreach ($modList as $title) {
         $links = array();
         $template = $link_command = NULL;
         $link_command['opmod'] = $title;
         $mod = new PHPWS_Module($title);
         if (!$mod->isFullMod()) {
         $proper_name = $mod->getProperName();
         if (!isset($proper_name)) {
             $proper_name = $title;
         $template['VERSION'] = $mod->version;
         $template['TITLE'] = $proper_name;
         $template['ROW'] = $count % 2 + 1;
         $version_check = $mod->getVersionHttp();
         if (isset($version_check)) {
             if (isset($_SESSION['Boost_Needs_Update'][$mod->title])) {
                 $link_title = $_SESSION['Boost_Needs_Update'][$mod->title];
                 if (version_compare($mod->version, $_SESSION['Boost_Needs_Update'][$mod->title], '<')) {
                     $link_title = sprintf(dgettext('boost', '%s - New'), $link_title);
             } else {
                 $link_title = dgettext('boost', 'Check');
             $link_command['action'] = 'check';
             if (ini_get('allow_url_fopen')) {
                 $template['LATEST'] = PHPWS_Text::secureLink($link_title, 'boost', $link_command);
             } else {
                 $template['LATEST'] = dgettext('boost', 'Check disabled');
         if (!$mod->isInstalled()) {
             if ($mod->checkDependency()) {
                 $link_title = dgettext('boost', 'Install');
                 $link_command['action'] = 'install';
             } else {
                 $link_title = dgettext('boost', 'Missing dependency');
                 $link_command['action'] = 'show_dependency';
             if ($GLOBALS['Boost_Ready']) {
                 if (javascriptEnabled()) {
                     $js['width'] = 640;
                     $js['height'] = 480;
                     $js['address'] = PHPWS_Text::linkAddress('boost', $link_command, true);
                     $js['label'] = $link_title;
                     $links[] = javascript('open_window', $js);
                 } else {
                     $links[] = PHPWS_Text::secureLink($link_title, 'boost', $link_command);
             } else {
                 $links[] =& $link_title;
         } else {
             if ($mod->needsUpdate()) {
                 $db_mod = new PHPWS_Module($mod->title, false);
                 $template['VERSION'] = $db_mod->version . ' &gt; ' . $mod->version;
                 if ($mod->checkDependency()) {
                     if ($title == 'boost' && !$core_update_needed) {
                         $tpl['WARNING'] = dgettext('boost', 'Boost requires updating! You should do so before any other module!');
                     $link_title = dgettext('boost', 'Update');
                     $link_command['action'] = 'update';
                 } else {
                     $link_title = dgettext('boost', 'Missing dependency');
                     $link_command['action'] = 'show_dependency';
                 if ($allow_update) {
                     $js['width'] = 640;
                     $js['height'] = 480;
                     $js['address'] = PHPWS_Text::linkAddress('boost', $link_command, true);
                     $js['label'] = $link_title;
                     $links[] = javascript('open_window', $js);
                 } else {
                     $links[] =& $link_title;
             if ($type != 'core_mods' || Current_User::isDeity() && DEITIES_CAN_UNINSTALL) {
                 if ($dependents = $mod->isDependedUpon()) {
                     $link_command['action'] = 'show_depended_upon';
                     $depend_warning = sprintf(dgettext('boost', 'This module is depended upon by: %s'), implode(', ', $dependents));
                     $links[] = PHPWS_Text::secureLink(dgettext('boost', 'Depended upon'), 'boost', $link_command, NULL, $depend_warning);
                 } else {
                     $links[] = PHPWS_Boost::uninstallLink($title);
         if ($mod->isAbout()) {
             $address = PHPWS_Text::linkAddress('boost', array('action' => 'aboutView', 'aboutmod' => $mod->title), true);
             $aboutView = array('label' => dgettext('boost', 'About'), 'address' => $address);
             $template['ABOUT'] = Layout::getJavascript('open_window', $aboutView);
         if (!empty($links)) {
             $template['COMMAND'] = implode(' | ', $links);
         } else {
             $template['COMMAND'] = dgettext('boost', 'None');
         $tpl['mod-row'][] = $template;
     $tpl['OLD_MODS'] = Boost_Form::oldModList();
     if (ini_get('allow_url_fopen')) {
         $tpl['CHECK_FOR_UPDATES'] = PHPWS_Text::secureLink(dgettext('boost', 'Check all'), 'boost', array('action' => 'check_all', 'tab' => $type));
     } else {
         $tpl['CHECK_FOR_UPDATES'] = dgettext('boost', 'Server configuration prevents version checking.');
     $tpl['LATEST_LABEL'] = dgettext('boost', 'Latest version');
     $release_version = PHPWS_Core::releaseVersion();
     $tpl['PHPWS_VERSION'] = $release_version;
     $result = PHPWS_Template::process($tpl, 'boost', 'module_list.tpl');
     return $result;