Ejemplo n.º 1
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.
//namespace Yare;
if (defined('WP_DEBUG') and WP_DEBUG) {
    $password = Yare::config('theme.debug.password');
    if (!$password) {
    $connector = \PhpConsole\Helper::register();
    if ($connector->isActiveClient()) {
        // Apply 'stack' option to PHP Console.
        //if ( true === $this->options['stack'] ) {
        // Init errors & exceptions handler
        $handler = \PC::getHandler();
        /* You can override default Handler behavior:
               $handler->setHandleErrors(false);  // disable errors handling
               $handler->setHandleExceptions(false); // disable exceptions handling
               $handler->setCallOldHandlers(false); // disable passing errors & exceptions to prviously defined handlers
        // start handling PHP errors & exceptions
        if (Yare::config('theme.debug.stack')) {
            $connector->getDebugDispatcher()->detectTraceAndSource = true;
            // so files paths on client will be shorter (optional)
        // protect access by password

require_once __DIR__ . '/../../src/PhpConsole/__autoload.php';
$password = null;
if (!$password) {
    die('Please set $password variable value in ' . __FILE__);
$connector = PhpConsole\Helper::register();
if ($connector->isActiveClient()) {
    // Init errors & exceptions handler
    $handler = PC::getHandler();
    // start handling PHP errors & exceptions
    // so files paths on client will be shorter (optional)
    // protect access by password
    // $connector->enableSslOnlyMode(); // PHP Console clients will be always redirected to HTTPS
    // $connector->setAllowedIpMasks(array('192.168.*.*'));
    // Enable eval provider
    $evalProvider = $connector->getEvalDispatcher()->getEvalProvider();
    // means disable functions like include(), require(), file_get_contents() & etc
    $evalProvider->addSharedVar('uri', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
    // so you can access $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] just as $uri in terminal
    $evalProvider->addSharedVarReference('post', $_POST);
     $evalProvider->setOpenBaseDirs(array(__DIR__)); // set directories limited for include(), require(), file_get_contents() & etc
     $evalProvider->addCodeHandler(function(&$code) { // modify or validate code before execution
    		$code = 'return '. $code;