Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Processes the opt:include node.
  * @internal
  * @param Opt_Xml_Node $node The recognized node.
 public function processNode(Opt_Xml_Node $node)
     $params = array('file' => array(0 => self::OPTIONAL, self::EXPRESSION, null, 'str'), 'view' => array(0 => self::OPTIONAL, self::EXPRESSION, NULL, 'parse'), 'from' => array(0 => self::OPTIONAL, self::ID, NULL), 'default' => array(0 => self::OPTIONAL, self::EXPRESSION, NULL, 'str'), 'import' => array(0 => self::OPTIONAL, self::BOOL, NULL), 'branch' => array(0 => self::OPTIONAL, self::EXPRESSION, NULL, 'str'), '__UNKNOWN__' => array(0 => self::OPTIONAL, self::EXPRESSION, 'parse'));
     $vars = $this->_extractAttributes($node, $params);
     // Conditional attribute control.
     if (!isset($params['from']) && !isset($params['file']) && !isset($params['view'])) {
         throw new Opt_IncludeNoAttributes($node->getXmlName());
     // Possible section integration
     $codeBegin = '';
     $codeEnd = '';
     $viewExistenceCond = '';
     if (isset($params['from'])) {
         $section = Opt_Instruction_BaseSection::getSection($params['from']);
         if (is_null($section)) {
             throw new Opt_SectionNotFound_Exception('opt:include', $params['from']);
         $section['format']->assign('item', 'view');
         $view = $section['format']->get('section:variable');
         $viewExistenceCond = '!' . $view . ' instanceof Opt_View ||';
     if (isset($params['view'])) {
         $view = $params['view'];
         $viewExistenceCond = '!' . $view . ' instanceof Opt_View || ';
     } elseif (isset($params['file'])) {
         $codeBegin = '$view = new Opt_View(' . $params['file'] . ');';
         $view = '$view';
         $codeEnd = ' unset($view); ';
     // Compile the import
     if ($params['import'] == 'yes') {
         if (isset($params['file'])) {
             $codeBegin .= $view . '->_data = $this->_data; ';
         } else {
             $codeBegin .= $view . '->_data = array_merge(' . $view . '->_data, $this->_data); ';
     foreach ($vars as $name => $value) {
         $codeBegin .= $view . '->' . $name . ' = ' . $value . '; ';
     if (isset($params['branch'])) {
         $codeBegin .= $view . '->setBranch(' . $params['branch'] . '); ';
     if (!is_null($params['default'])) {
         $node->addAfter(Opt_Xml_Buffer::TAG_BEFORE, $codeBegin . ' if(' . $viewExistenceCond . '!' . $view . '->_parse($output, false)){ ' . $view . '->_template = ' . $params['default'] . '; ' . $view . '->_parse($output, true); } ' . $codeEnd);
     } elseif ($node->hasChildren()) {
         $node->addBefore(Opt_Xml_Buffer::TAG_CONTENT_BEFORE, $codeBegin . ' if(' . $viewExistenceCond . '!' . $view . '->_parse($output, false)){ ');
         $node->addAfter(Opt_Xml_Buffer::TAG_CONTENT_AFTER, ' } ' . $codeEnd);
     } else {
         $node->addAfter(Opt_Xml_Buffer::TAG_BEFORE, $codeBegin . '  ' . $view . '->_parse($output, $exception); ' . $codeEnd);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 protected function _build($hookName)
     if ($hookName == 'section:init') {
         $section = $this->_getVar('section');
         if (!is_null($section['parent'])) {
             $parent = Opt_Instruction_BaseSection::getSection($section['parent']);
             $parent['format']->assign('item', $section['name']);
             if ($parent['format']->property('section:useReference')) {
                 return '$_sect' . $section['name'] . '_vals = &' . $parent['format']->get('section:variable') . '; ';
             return '$_sect' . $section['name'] . '_vals = ' . $parent['format']->get('section:variable') . '; ';
         } elseif (!is_null($section['datasource'])) {
             return '$_sect' . $section['name'] . '_vals = ' . $section['datasource'] . '; ';
         } else {
             $this->assign('item', $section['name']);
             return '$_sect' . $section['name'] . '_vals = &' . $this->get('variable:main') . '; ';
     } else {
         return parent::_build($hookName);
     return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 protected function _build($hookName)
     if ($hookName == 'section:init') {
         $section = $this->_getVar('section');
         // Choose the data source.
         if (!is_null($section['parent'])) {
             $parent = Opt_Instruction_BaseSection::getSection($section['parent']);
             $parent['format']->assign('item', $section['name']);
             $ds = $parent['format']->get('section:variable');
         } elseif (!is_null($section['datasource'])) {
             $ds = $section['datasource'];
         } else {
             $this->assign('item', $section['name']);
             $ds = $this->get('variable:main');
         if (!is_object($this->_decorated)) {
             throw new Opt_FormatNotDecorated_Exception('StaticGenerator');
         $ref = $this->_decorated->property('section:useReference') ? ' & ' : '';
         return ' if(' . $ds . ' instanceof Opt_Generator_Interface){ $_sect' . $section['name'] . '_vals = ' . $ds . '->generate(\'' . $section['name'] . '\'); }else{ $_sect' . $section['name'] . '_vals = ' . $ref . $ds . '; } ';
Ejemplo n.º 4
 protected function _build($hookName)
     if ($hookName == 'section:init') {
         $section = $this->_getVar('section');
         // Choose the data source.
         if (!is_null($section['parent'])) {
             $parent = Opt_Instruction_BaseSection::getSection($section['parent']);
             $parent['format']->assign('item', $section['name']);
             $ds = $parent['format']->get('section:variable');
         } elseif (!is_null($section['datasource'])) {
             $ds = $section['datasource'];
         } else {
             $this->assign('item', $section['name']);
             $ds = $this->get('variable:main');
         // This format must be decorated by the user, because it does not support directly the rest
         // of "section" namespace.
         if (!is_object($this->_decorated)) {
             throw new Opt_FormatNotDecorated_Exception('StaticGenerator');
         return ' $_sect' . $section['name'] . '_vals = array(); if(' . $ds . ' instanceof Opt_Generator_Interface){ $_sect' . $section['name'] . '_vals = ' . $ds . '->generate(\'' . $section['name'] . '\'); } ';
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * Builds a PHP code for the specified hook name.
  * @param String $hookName The hook name
  * @return String The output PHP code
 protected function _build($hookName)
     switch ($hookName) {
         // Initializes the section by obtaining the list of items to display
         case 'section:init':
             $section = $this->_getVar('section');
             if ($section['parent'] !== null) {
                 $parent = Opt_Instruction_BaseSection::getSection($section['parent']);
                 $parent['format']->assign('item', $section['name']);
                 return '$_sect' . $section['name'] . '_vals = ' . $parent['format']->get('section:variable') . '; ';
             $form = Opf_View_Instruction_Form::getProcessedForm();
             if ($section['order'] == 'desc') {
                 return '$_sect' . $section['name'] . '_vals = array_reverse($_form->getItems(\'' . $section['name'] . '\')); ';
             return '$_sect' . $section['name'] . '_vals = $_form->getItems(\'' . $section['name'] . '\'); ';
             // The end of the section loop.
         // The end of the section loop.
         case 'section:endLoop':
             return ' } ';
             // The condition that should test if the section is not empty.
         // The condition that should test if the section is not empty.
         case 'section:isNotEmpty':
             $section = $this->_getVar('section');
             return 'is_array($_sect' . $section['name'] . '_vals) && ($_sect' . $section['name'] . '_cnt = sizeof($_sect' . $section['name'] . '_vals)) > 0';
             // The code block after the condition
         // The code block after the condition
         case 'section:started':
             return '';
             // The code block before the end of the conditional block.
         // The code block before the end of the conditional block.
         case 'section:finished':
             return '';
             // The code block after the conditional block
         // The code block after the conditional block
         case 'section:done':
             $section = $this->_getVar('section');
             return '';
             // The code block before entering the loop.
         // The code block before entering the loop.
         case 'section:loopBefore':
             return '';
             // The default loop for the ascending order.
         // The default loop for the ascending order.
         case 'section:startAscLoop':
             $section = $this->_getVar('section');
             return 'foreach($_sect' . $section['name'] . '_vals as $_sect' . $section['name'] . '_i => $_sect' . $section['name'] . '_v){ ';
             // The default loop for the descending order.
         // The default loop for the descending order.
         case 'section:startDescLoop':
             $section = $this->_getVar('section');
             return 'foreach($_sect' . $section['name'] . '_vals as $_sect' . $section['name'] . '_i => $_sect' . $section['name'] . '_v){ ';
             // Retrieving the whole section item.
         // Retrieving the whole section item.
         case 'section:item':
             $section = $this->_getVar('section');
             return '$_sect' . $section['name'] . '_v';
             // Retrieving a variable from a section item.
         // Retrieving a variable from a section item.
         case 'section:variable':
             $section = $this->_getVar('section');
             if ($this->isDecorating()) {
                 return '$_sect' . $section['name'] . '_v' . $this->_decorated->get('item:item');
             return '$_sect' . $section['name'] . '_v->' . $this->_getVar('item');
             // Resetting the section to the first element.
         // Resetting the section to the first element.
         case 'section:reset':
             $section = $this->_getVar('section');
             return 'reset($_sect' . $section['name'] . '_vals);';
             // Moving to the next element.
         // Moving to the next element.
         case 'section:next':
             $section = $this->_getVar('section');
             return '$_sect' . $section['name'] . '_i++;';
             // Checking whether the iterator is valid.
         // Checking whether the iterator is valid.
         case 'section:valid':
             $section = $this->_getVar('section');
             return 'isset($_sect' . $section['name'] . '_vals[$_sect' . $section['name'] . '_i])';
             // Populate the current element
         // Populate the current element
         case 'section:populate':
             $section = $this->_getVar('section');
             return '$_sect' . $section['name'] . '_v = current($_sect' . $section['name'] . '_vals); $_sect' . $section['name'] . '_i = key($_sect' . $section['name'] . '_vals);';
             // The code that returns the number of items in the section;
         // The code that returns the number of items in the section;
         case 'section:count':
             $section = $this->_getVar('section');
             return '$_sect' . $section['name'] . '_cnt';
             // Section item size.
         // Section item size.
         case 'section:size':
             $section = $this->_getVar('section');
             return '($_sect' . $section['name'] . '_v instanceof Countable ? $_sect' . $section['name'] . '_v->count() : -1)';
             // Section iterator.
         // Section iterator.
         case 'section:iterator':
             $section = $this->_getVar('section');
             return '$_sect' . $section['name'] . '_i';
             // Testing the first element.
         // Testing the first element.
         case 'section:isFirst':
             return '$_sect' . $section['nesting'] . '_i == 0';
             // Testing the last element.
         // Testing the last element.
         case 'section:isLast':
             return '$_sect' . $section['nesting'] . '_i == ($_sect' . $section['name'] . '_cnt-1)';
             // Testing the extreme element.
         // Testing the extreme element.
         case 'section:isExtreme':
             $section = $this->_getVar('section');
             return '(($_sect' . $section['nesting'] . '_i == ($_sect' . $section['name'] . '_cnt-1)) || ($_sect' . $section['nesting'] . '_i == 0))';
         case 'item:item':
             switch ($this->_getVar('item')) {
                 case 'component':
                 case 'widget':
                     return '->getWidget()';
                 case 'name':
                     return '->getName()';
                 case 'valid':
                     return '->isValid()';
             return '';
             return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * Build a PHP code for the specified hook name.
  * @param String $hookName The hook name
  * @return String The output PHP code
 protected function _build($hookName)
     switch ($hookName) {
         // Initializes the section by obtaining the list of items to display
         case 'section:init':
             $section = $this->_getVar('section');
             if (!is_null($section['parent'])) {
                 $parent = Opt_Instruction_BaseSection::getSection($section['parent']);
                 $parent['format']->assign('item', $section['name']);
                 return '$_sect' . $section['name'] . '_vals = ' . $parent['format']->get('section:variable') . '; ';
             } elseif (!is_null($section['datasource'])) {
                 return '$_sect' . $section['name'] . '_vals = ' . $section['datasource'] . '; ';
             } else {
                 $this->assign('item', $section['name']);
                 return '$_sect' . $section['name'] . '_vals = ' . $this->get('variable:main') . '; ';
             // The end of the section loop.
         // The end of the section loop.
         case 'section:endLoop':
             return ' } ';
             // The condition that should test if the section is not empty.
         // The condition that should test if the section is not empty.
         case 'section:isNotEmpty':
             $section = $this->_getVar('section');
             return 'is_object($_sect' . $section['name'] . '_vals) && ($_sect' . $section['name'] . '_vals instanceof Traversable) && ($_sect' . $section['name'] . '_vals instanceof Countable) && ($_sect' . $section['name'] . '_vals->count() > 0)';
             // The code block after the condition
         // The code block after the condition
         case 'section:started':
             // The code block before the end of the conditional block.
         // The code block before the end of the conditional block.
         case 'section:finished':
             // The code block after the conditional block
         // The code block after the conditional block
         case 'section:done':
             // The code block before entering the loop.
         // The code block before entering the loop.
         case 'section:loopBefore':
             $section = $this->_getVar('section');
             if ($section['order'] == 'desc') {
                 return ' $tmp = array(); foreach($_sect' . $section['name'] . '_vals as $i => $v){ $tmp[$i] = $v; } $_sect' . $section['name'] . '_vals = &$tmp; ';
             return '';
             // The default loop for the ascending order.
         // The default loop for the ascending order.
         case 'section:startAscLoop':
             $section = $this->_getVar('section');
             return 'foreach($_sect' . $section['name'] . '_vals as $_sect' . $section['name'] . '_i => $_sect' . $section['name'] . '_v){ ';
             // The default loop for the descending order.
         // The default loop for the descending order.
         case 'section:startDescLoop':
             $section = $this->_getVar('section');
             return 'foreach($_sect' . $section['name'] . '_vals as $_sect' . $section['name'] . '_i => $_sect' . $section['name'] . '_v){ ';
             // Retrieving the whole section item.
         // Retrieving the whole section item.
         case 'section:item':
             $section = $this->_getVar('section');
             return '$_sect' . $section['name'] . '_v';
             // Retrieving a variable from a section item.
         // Retrieving a variable from a section item.
         case 'section:variable':
             $section = $this->_getVar('section');
             if ($this->isDecorating()) {
                 return '$_sect' . $section['name'] . '_v' . $this->_decorated->get('item:item');
             return '$_sect' . $section['name'] . '_v->' . $this->_getVar('item');
             // Resetting the section to the first element.
         // Resetting the section to the first element.
         case 'section:reset':
             $section = $this->_getVar('section');
             if ($section['order'] == 'asc') {
                 return '$_sect' . $section['name'] . '_vals->reset();';
             } else {
                 return 'end($_sect' . $section['name'] . '_vals); $_sect' . $section['name'] . '_v = current($_sect' . $section['name'] . '_vals); $_sect' . $section['name'] . '_i = key($_sect' . $section['name'] . '_vals); ';
             // Moving to the next element.
         // Moving to the next element.
         case 'section:next':
             $section = $this->_getVar('section');
             if ($section['order'] == 'asc') {
                 return '$_sect' . $section['name'] . '_vals->next();';
             } else {
                 return 'prev($_sect' . $section['name'] . '_vals);';
             // Checking whether the iterator is valid.
         // Checking whether the iterator is valid.
         case 'section:valid':
             $section = $this->_getVar('section');
             return 'isset($_sect' . $section['name'] . '_vals[$_sect' . $section['nesting'] . '_i])';
             // Populate the current element
         // Populate the current element
         case 'section:populate':
             $section = $this->_getVar('section');
             return '$_sect' . $section['name'] . '_v = current($_sect' . $section['name'] . '_vals); $_sect' . $section['name'] . '_i = key($_sect' . $section['name'] . '_vals);';
             // The code that returns the number of items in the section;
         // The code that returns the number of items in the section;
         case 'section:count':
             $section = $this->_getVar('section');
             return '$_sect' . $section['name'] . '_cnt';
             // Section item size.
         // Section item size.
         case 'section:size':
             $section = $this->_getVar('section');
             return '($_sect' . $section['name'] . '_v instanceof Countable ? $_sect' . $section['name'] . '_v->count() : -1)';
             // Section iterator.
         // Section iterator.
         case 'section:iterator':
             $section = $this->_getVar('section');
             return '$_sect' . $section['name'] . '_i';
             // Testing the first element.
         // Testing the first element.
         case 'section:isFirst':
             $section = $this->_getVar('section');
             if ($section['order'] == 'asc') {
                 return '$_sect' . $section['nesting'] . '_i == 0';
             } else {
                 return '$_sect' . $section['nesting'] . '_i == ($_sect' . $section['name'] . '_cnt-1)';
             // Testing the last element.
         // Testing the last element.
         case 'section:isLast':
             $section = $this->_getVar('section');
             if ($section['order'] == 'asc') {
                 return '$_sect' . $section['nesting'] . '_i == ($_sect' . $section['name'] . '_cnt-1)';
             } else {
                 return '$_sect' . $section['nesting'] . '_i == 0';
             // Testing the extreme element.
         // Testing the extreme element.
         case 'section:isExtreme':
             $section = $this->_getVar('section');
             return '(($_sect' . $section['nesting'] . '_i == ($_sect' . $section['name'] . '_cnt-1)) || ($_sect' . $section['nesting'] . '_i == 0))';
             // The variable access.
         // The variable access.
         case 'variable:main':
             $this->_applyVars = false;
             $item = $this->_getVar('item');
             return 'variableHandler(\'' . $item . '\')';
         case 'variable:assign':
             $this->_applyVars = false;
             $item = $this->_getVar('item');
             return 'modifyVariable(\'' . $item . '\', ' . $this->_getVar('value') . ')';
         case 'item:item':
             return '->readItem(\'' . $this->_getVar('item') . '\')';
         case 'item:assign':
             return '->saveItem(\'' . $this->_getVar('item') . '\',' . $this->_getVar('value') . ')';
             return NULL;