Ejemplo n.º 1
 function fetch($id = null, array $args = array(), $permission_check = true)
     if (is_null($id)) {
         $id = $this->id;
     $object = parent::fetch($id, $args, $permission_check);
     $user = $this->db->select('user.id, user.name, user.email, user.roles, user.last_ip, user.last_login')->from('user')->where('id', $id)->get()->row_array();
     if (!$user) {
         throw new Exception(lang('user') . ' ' . $id . ' ' . lang('not_found'), 404);
     return array_merge($object, $user);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 function object()
     $this->db->delete('object', array('num' => '_test'));
     // insert an object
     $object_1 = new Object_model(array('name' => '大灰', 'type' => 'user', 'num' => '_test', 'meta' => array(array('key' => '身份证号', 'value' => '123456789012345678', 'unique' => true), array('key' => '手机', 'value' => '12345678901'), array('key' => '手机', 'value' => '12345678902')), 'status' => array(array('name' => '注册', 'date' => '2014-05-12 00:00:00'), array('name' => '登录', 'date' => '2014-05-12 00:00:03')), 'tag' => array('性别' => '男')));
     $this->unit->run($object_1->name, '大灰', 'insert an object');
     // insert a user based on an object
     $user_1_id = $this->user->add(array('name' => '大灰', 'password' => 'myPassword', 'email' => '*****@*****.**', 'roles' => 'admin,test'), array('object' => $object_1->id));
     $user_1 = new User_model($user_1_id);
     $this->unit->run($user_1->name === '大灰' && $user_1_id === $object_1->id, true, 'insert a user based on an object');
     // insert a group, add user to the group
     $this->user->add(array('name' => '男人帮', 'type' => 'group', 'num' => '_test', 'roles' => 'man', 'relative' => array($object_1->id)));
     $this->unit->run(in_array('man', $this->user->roles), true, 'insert a group, add user to the group', 'Group role should exists in user role.');
     // insert a user and the base object at once
     $user_2 = new User_model(array('name' => '大鱼', 'type' => 'user', 'num' => '_test', 'password' => 'myPassword', 'email' => '*****@*****.**', 'roles' => 'admin,test', 'meta' => array(array('key' => '身份证号', 'value' => '123456789012345678', 'unique' => true), array('key' => '手机', 'value' => '12345678901'), array('key' => '手机', 'value' => '12345678902')), 'status' => array(array('name' => '注册', 'date' => '2014-05-12 00:00:01'), array('name' => '登录', 'date' => '2014-05-12 00:00:02')), 'tag' => array('性别' => '女')));
     $this->unit->run($user_2->name === '大鱼', true, 'insert a user and the base object at once');
     $this->user->add(array('name' => '女儿国', 'type' => 'group', 'num' => '_test', 'roles' => 'girl', 'relative' => array($user_2->id)));
     // insert meta
     $object_1->addMeta('爱好', '桌球');
     $object_1->addMeta('爱好', '编程');
     $this->unit->run($object_1->meta['爱好'] === array('桌球', '编程'), true, 'insert meta');
     $object_1->addMeta('年龄', 21, true);
     try {
         $object_1->addMeta('年龄', 80, true);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $error = $e->getCode();
     $this->unit->run($object_1->meta['年龄'] === array('21') && $error === 400, true, 'insert unique meta');
     $object_1->addMeta(array(array('key' => '工作单位', 'value' => 'Allstar', 'unique' => true), array('key' => '项目', 'value' => '89jian'), '项目' => 'zhouyi'));
     $this->unit->run($object_1->meta['工作单位'] === array('Allstar') && $object_1->meta['项目'] === array('89jian', 'zhouyi'), true, 'batch insert meta');
     // update meta
     $object_1->updateMeta('工作单位', 'Career');
     $this->unit->run($object_1->meta['工作单位'], array('Career'), 'update meta');
     $object_1->updateMeta('项目', 'Circle');
     $this->unit->run($object_1->meta['项目'], array('Circle', 'zhouyi'), 'update meta (one of multiple)');
     $object_1->updateMeta('项目', 'CMCC', 'zhouyi');
     $this->unit->run($object_1->meta['项目'], array('Circle', 'CMCC'), 'update meta (specific previous meta value)');
     // insert tag
     $object_1->addTag('外省', '户籍');
     $this->unit->run($object_1->tag['户籍'], array('外省'), 'insert tag');
     // insert tag (appending)
     $object_1->addTag(array('本市', '外省'), '户籍', true);
     $this->unit->run($object_1->tag['户籍'], array('外省', '本市'), 'insert tag (appending)');
     // insert tag (replacing)
     $object_1->addTag('本市', '户籍');
     $this->unit->run($object_1->tag['户籍'], array('本市'), 'insert tag (replacing)');
     // batch insert tag
     $object_1->addTag(array('劳动关系' => '派遣', '居住地' => '宝山'));
     $this->unit->run($object_1->tag['劳动关系'] === array('派遣') && $object_1->tag['居住地'] === array('宝山'), true, 'batch insert tag');
     // remove tag
     $object_1->setTag(null, '户籍');
     $this->unit->run(array_key_exists('户籍', $object_1->tag), false, 'remove tag');
     // insert status
     $this->unit->run(strtotime($object_1->status['登录'][count($object_1->status['登录']) - 1]), time(), 'insert status');
     // update status
     $object_1->updateStatus('登录', time() + 1000, 'A Comment Message.');
     $this->unit->run($object_1->status['登录'][count($object_1->status['登录']) - 1], date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time() + 1000), 'update status');
     // update status
     $object_1->updateStatus('登录', time(), null, '2014-05-12 00:00:03');
     $this->unit->run($object_1->status['登录'][0], date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time()), 'update status (specified previous date)');
     // remove status
     $object_1->removeStatus('登录', time() + 1000);
     $this->unit->run($object_1->status['登录'][0], date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time()), 'remove status (specified previous date)');
     $this->unit->run(array_key_exists('登录', $object_1->status), false, 'remove status');
     // insert relative
     $object_1->addRelative('同学', $user_2->id, 1, array('自从' => '初中', '直到' => '现在'));
     $this->unit->run($object_1->relative['同学'][0]['name'], '大鱼', 'insert relative');
     $object_1->setRelativeMeta('同学', $user_2->id, '直到', '永远');
     $this->unit->run($object_1->relative['同学'][0]['meta']['直到'], '永远', 'set relative meta');
     $object_1->setRelativeMeta('同学', $user_2->id, '自从', null);
     $this->unit->run(array_key_exists('自从', $object_1->relative['同学'][0]['meta']), false, 'remove relative meta');
     // read public object as user not logged in
     $this->unit->run($object_1->name, '大灰', 'reading public object without logged in');
     // reading private object without logged in
     try {
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $error = $e->getCode();
     $this->unit->run($error, 403, 'reading private object without logged in');