public function doApprove() { $exist = Member::get()->filter(array('Email' => $this->Email))->first(); if ($exist) { return false; } $member = new Member(); $data = $this->toMap(); unset($data['ID']); unset($data['ClassName']); unset($data['UnapprovedMember']); $member->update($data); $member->write(); if ($this->MemberType === 'Organization') { $member->addToGroupByCode('organization'); $organization = new Organization(); $organization->AccountID = $member->ID; $organization->company_name = $this->OrganizationName; $organizationID = $organization->write(); $member->OrganizationID = $organizationID; $member->write(); } else { $member->addToGroupByCode('personal'); } $this->setField('Approved', true); $this->write(); return true; }
function testDefaultPasswordEncryptionDoesntChangeExistingMembers() { $member = new Member(); $member->Password = '******'; $member->PasswordEncryption = 'sha1_v2.4'; $member->write(); $origAlgo = Security::get_password_encryption_algorithm(); Security::set_password_encryption_algorithm('none'); $member->Password = '******'; $member->write(); $this->assertEquals($member->PasswordEncryption, 'sha1_v2.4'); $result = $member->checkPassword('mynewpassword'); $this->assertTrue($result->valid()); Security::set_password_encryption_algorithm($origAlgo); }
/** * If the REMOTE_USER is set and is in the Member table, log that member in. If * not, and Config::inst()->get('AuthRemoteUserExtension', 'auto_create_user') is set, add that * Member to the configured group, and log the new user in. Otherwise, do nothing. */ public function onAfterInit() { if (isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'])) { $unique_identifier = $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']; } elseif (isset($_SERVER['REDIRECT_REMOTE_USER'])) { $unique_identifier = $_SERVER['REDIRECT_REMOTE_USER']; } if (isset($unique_identifier)) { $unique_identifier_field = Member::config()->unique_identifier_field; $member = Member::get()->filter($unique_identifier_field, $unique_identifier)->first(); if ($member) { $member->logIn(); $this->owner->redirectBack(); } elseif (Config::inst()->get('AuthRemoteUserExtension', 'auto_create_user') && strlen(Config::inst()->get('AuthRemoteUserExtension', 'auto_user_group'))) { $group = Group::get()->filter('Title', Config::inst()->get('AuthRemoteUserExtension', 'auto_user_group'))->first(); if ($group) { $member = new Member(); $member->{$unique_identifier_field} = $unique_identifier; $member->write(); $member->Groups()->add($group); $member->logIn(); } } } }
/** * creates and logs in a temporary user. * */ private function createAndLoginUser() { $this->username = "******"; $this->password = rand(1000000000, 9999999999); //Make temporary admin member $adminMember = Member::get()->filter(array("Email" => $this->username))->first(); if ($adminMember != NULL) { $adminMember->delete(); } $this->member = new Member(); $this->member->Email = $this->username; $this->member->Password = $this->password; $this->member->write(); $adminGroup = Group::get()->filter(array("code" => "administrators"))->first(); if (!$adminGroup) { user_error("No admin group exists"); } $this->member->Groups()->add($adminGroup); curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $this->username . ":" . $this->password); $loginUrl = Director::absoluteURL('/Security/LoginForm'); curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "POST"); curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_URL, $loginUrl); curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, 'Email=' . $this->username . '&Password='******'color:red'>There was an error logging in!</span><br />"; } }
/** * Performs the login, but will also create and sync the Member record on-the-fly, if not found. * * @param array $data * @param Form $form * @return bool|Member|void * @throws SS_HTTPResponse_Exception */ public static function authenticate($data, Form $form = null) { $service = Injector::inst()->get('LDAPService'); $result = $service->authenticate($data['Username'], $data['Password']); $success = $result['success'] === true; if (!$success) { if ($form) { $form->sessionMessage($result['message'], 'bad'); } return; } $data = $service->getUserByUsername($result['identity']); if (!$data) { if ($form) { $form->sessionMessage(_t('LDAPAuthenticator.PROBLEMFINDINGDATA', 'There was a problem retrieving your user data'), 'bad'); } return; } // LDAPMemberExtension::memberLoggedIn() will update any other AD attributes mapped to Member fields $member = Member::get()->filter('GUID', $data['objectguid'])->limit(1)->first(); if (!($member && $member->exists())) { $member = new Member(); $member->GUID = $data['objectguid']; $member->write(); } Session::clear('BackURL'); return $member; }
public function finish($data, $form) { parent::finish($data, $form); $steps = DataObject::get('MultiFormStep', "SessionID = {$this->session->ID}"); if ($steps) { foreach ($steps as $step) { if ($step->class == 'Page2PersonalDetailsFormStep') { $member = new Member(); $data = $step->loadData(); if ($data) { $member->update($data); $member->write(); } } if ($step->class == 'Page2OrganisationDetailsFormStep') { $organisation = new Organisation(); $data = $step->loadData(); if ($data) { $organisation->update($data); if ($member && $member->ID) { $organisation->MemberID = $member->ID; } $organisation->write(); } } // Debug::show($step->loadData()); // Shows the step data (unserialized by loadData) } } $controller = $this->getController(); $controller->redirect($controller->Link() . 'finished'); }
/** * Test that a member can be authenticated via their temp id */ public function testAuthenticateByTempID() { $member = new Member(); $member->Email = '*****@*****.**'; $member->PasswordEncryption = "sha1"; $member->Password = "******"; $member->write(); // Make form $controller = new Security(); $form = new Form($controller, 'Form', new FieldList(), new FieldList()); // If the user has never logged in, then the tempid should be empty $tempID = $member->TempIDHash; $this->assertEmpty($tempID); // If the user logs in then they have a temp id $member->logIn(true); $tempID = $member->TempIDHash; $this->assertNotEmpty($tempID); // Test correct login $result = MemberAuthenticator::authenticate(array('tempid' => $tempID, 'Password' => 'mypassword'), $form); $this->assertNotEmpty($result); $this->assertEquals($result->ID, $member->ID); $this->assertEmpty($form->Message()); // Test incorrect login $form->clearMessage(); $result = MemberAuthenticator::authenticate(array('tempid' => $tempID, 'Password' => 'notmypassword'), $form); $this->assertEmpty($result); $this->assertEquals('The provided details don't seem to be correct. Please try again.', $form->Message()); $this->assertEquals('bad', $form->MessageType()); }
function doSave($data, $form) { if (isset($data['Password']) && is_array($data['Password'])) { $data['Password'] = $data['Password']['_Password']; } // We need to ensure that the unique field is never overwritten $uniqueField = Member::get_unique_identifier_field(); if (isset($data[$uniqueField])) { $SQL_unique = Convert::raw2sql($data[$uniqueField]); $existingUniqueMember = Member::get()->filter(array($uniqueField => $SQL_unique))->first(); if ($existingUniqueMember && $existingUniqueMember->exists()) { if (Member::currentUserID() != $existingUniqueMember->ID) { die("current member does not match enrolled member."); return false; } } } $member = Member::currentUser(); if (!$member) { $member = new Member(); } $member->update($data); $member->write(); $arrayExtraFields = array(); if (isset($data["SelectedOption"])) { $arrayExtraFields["SelectedOption"] = $data["SelectedOption"]; } if (isset($data["BookingCode"])) { $arrayExtraFields["BookingCode"] = $data["BookingCode"]; } $this->controller->addAttendee($member, $arrayExtraFields); $this->redirect($this->getController()->Link("thankyou")); return; }
private function createUser() { // create user $u = new Member(); $u->write(); $s = new \Ntb\SocialIdentity(['UserID' => 'foo_user', 'AuthService' => 'facebook', 'MemberID' => $u->ID]); $s->write(); }
/** * Assertion Consumer Service * * The user gets sent back here after authenticating with the IdP, off-site. * The earlier redirection to the IdP can be found in the SAMLAuthenticator::authenticate. * * After this handler completes, we end up with a rudimentary Member record (which will be created on-the-fly * if not existent), with the user already logged in. Login triggers memberLoggedIn hooks, which allows * LDAP side of this module to finish off loading Member data. * * @throws OneLogin_Saml2_Error */ public function acs() { $auth = Injector::inst()->get('SAMLHelper')->getSAMLAuth(); $auth->processResponse(); $error = $auth->getLastErrorReason(); if (!empty($error)) { SS_Log::log($error, SS_Log::ERR); Form::messageForForm("SAMLLoginForm_LoginForm", "Authentication error: '{$error}'", 'bad'); Session::save(); return $this->getRedirect(); } if (!$auth->isAuthenticated()) { Form::messageForForm("SAMLLoginForm_LoginForm", _t('Member.ERRORWRONGCRED'), 'bad'); Session::save(); return $this->getRedirect(); } $decodedNameId = base64_decode($auth->getNameId()); // check that the NameID is a binary string (which signals that it is a guid if (ctype_print($decodedNameId)) { Form::messageForForm("SAMLLoginForm_LoginForm", "Name ID provided by IdP is not a binary GUID.", 'bad'); Session::save(); return $this->getRedirect(); } // transform the NameId to guid $guid = LDAPUtil::bin_to_str_guid($decodedNameId); if (!LDAPUtil::validGuid($guid)) { $errorMessage = "Not a valid GUID '{$guid}' recieved from server."; SS_Log::log($errorMessage, SS_Log::ERR); Form::messageForForm("SAMLLoginForm_LoginForm", $errorMessage, 'bad'); Session::save(); return $this->getRedirect(); } // Write a rudimentary member with basic fields on every login, so that we at least have something // if LDAP synchronisation fails. $member = Member::get()->filter('GUID', $guid)->limit(1)->first(); if (!($member && $member->exists())) { $member = new Member(); $member->GUID = $guid; } $attributes = $auth->getAttributes(); foreach ($member->config()->claims_field_mappings as $claim => $field) { if (!isset($attributes[$claim][0])) { SS_Log::log(sprintf('Claim rule \'%s\' configured in LDAPMember.claims_field_mappings, but wasn\'t passed through. Please check IdP claim rules.', $claim), SS_Log::WARN); continue; } $member->{$field} = $attributes[$claim][0]; } $member->SAMLSessionIndex = $auth->getSessionIndex(); // This will throw an exception if there are two distinct GUIDs with the same email address. // We are happy with a raw 500 here at this stage. $member->write(); // This will trigger LDAP update through LDAPMemberExtension::memberLoggedIn. // Both SAML and LDAP identify Members by the GUID field. $member->logIn(); return $this->getRedirect(); }
public function testDeletesOpauthIdentityOnDelete() { $member = new Member(array('Email' => '*****@*****.**')); $member->write(); $identity = new OpauthIdentity(); $identity->write(); $member->OpauthIdentities()->add($identity); $member->delete(); $this->assertEquals(0, $member->OpauthIdentities()->Count()); }
protected function createMember() { $email = $this->getValidEmailInput(); if ($email !== false) { $member = new Member(['Email' => $email, 'Password' => $this->getPasswordFromInputOrEmail($email), 'FirstName' => $this->getFirstNameFromInputOrEmail($email), 'Surname' => $this->getLastNameInput()]); $member->write(); return $member; } return false; }
function requireDefaultRecords() { $hasTestMembers = DataObject::get('Member')->find('Email', '*****@*****.**'); if (!$hasTestMembers) { foreach ($this->data() as $name) { $member = new Member(array('FirstName' => $name, 'FirstName' => 'Smith', 'Email' => "{$name}")); $member->write(); } DB::alteration_message("Added default records to Member table", "created"); } }
public function testCMSAccess() { $members = Member::get()->byIDs($this->allFixtureIDs('Member')); foreach ($members as $member) { $this->assertTrue(Permission::checkMember($member, 'CMS_ACCESS')); } $member = new Member(); $member->update(array('FirstName' => 'No CMS', 'Surname' => 'Access', 'Email' => '*****@*****.**')); $member->write(); $this->assertFalse(Permission::checkMember($member, 'CMS_ACCESS')); }
public function testFindOrCreateMemberOverwriteExistingFields() { $member = new Member(array('Email' => '*****@*****.**', 'FirstName' => 'Existing', 'Surname' => 'Existing')); $member->write(); $identity = OpauthIdentity::factory(array('auth' => array('provider' => 'Facebook', 'uid' => 999, 'info' => array('email' => '*****@*****.**', 'first_name' => 'New', 'last_name' => 'New')))); $member = $identity->findOrCreateMember(array('overwriteExistingFields' => false)); $this->assertEquals('Existing', $member->FirstName, 'Does not overwrite unless requested'); $identity = OpauthIdentity::factory(array('auth' => array('provider' => 'Facebook', 'uid' => 999, 'info' => array('email' => '*****@*****.**', 'first_name' => 'New', 'last_name' => 'New')))); $member = $identity->findOrCreateMember(array('overwriteExistingFields' => array('FirstName'))); $this->assertEquals('New', $member->FirstName, 'Overwrites existing fields if requested'); $this->assertEquals('Existing', $member->Surname, 'Does not overwrite fields if not present in whitelist'); }
function activate($data, $form, $request) { //Check if there's a temp member with a Verification Code equal to this //if there is, register the new member and log him in //if not, tell him the code is wrong //Check if this member already exists $tempMember = TempMember::codeExists($data); if (!$tempMember) { $form->sessionMessage(_t("Register.REGISTRATION ERROR", "There's no account waiting for activation with this code.\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t If you already have an account log in here <a href=\"my-events/\">here</a>"), 'bad'); Director::redirectBack(); return; } // Create a new Member object $member = new Member(); $member->FirstName = $tempMember->FirstName; $member->Surname = $tempMember->Surname; $member->Phone = $tempMember->Phone; $member->Email = $tempMember->Email; $member->Password = $tempMember->Password; $member->ReceiveMail = $tempMember->ReceiveMail; $member->ReceiveMail = $tempMember->ReceiveMail; $member->RequestListedAsPresenter = $tempMember->RequestListedAsPresenter; $member->LocationAddress = $tempMember->LocationAddress; $member->LocationLatitude = $tempMember->LocationLatitude; $member->LocationLongitude = $tempMember->LocationLongitude; $member->Description = $tempMember->Description; // Write to db. // This needs to happen before we add it to a group $member->write(); if ($tempMember->RequestListedAsPresenter) { $presentorApproval = new PresentorApproval(); $presentorApproval->MemberID = $member->ID; $presentorApproval->MemberName = $tempMember->FirstName . ' ' . $tempMember->Surname; $presentorApproval->Message = $tempMember->Description; $presentorApproval->Email = $tempMember->Email; $presentorApproval->Confirmation = 'Pending'; $presentorApproval->IsDone = false; $presentorApproval->write(); } $tempMember->delete(); $member->logIn(); // Add the member to User Group // Check if it exists first if ($group = DataObject::get_one('Group', 'ID = 3')) { $member->Groups()->add($group); // Redirect based on URL // TO EDIT Director::redirect('SuccessVerification'); } else { $form->sessionMessage(_t("Register.REGISTRATION ERROR", "Your registration wasn't successful please try again"), 'bad'); Director::redirectBack(); } }
/** * Copy user details from vBulletin to SilverStripe member */ function createNewUser($bbUserID) { $tablePrefix = self::$table_prefix ? self::$table_prefix . '_' : ''; $SQL_userID = (int) $_COOKIE['bbuserid']; $userInfo = DB::query("SELECT * FROM {$tablePrefix}user WHERE userid = {$SQL_userID}")->record(); $m = new Member(); $m->VBulletinUserID = $userInfo['userid']; $m->VBulletinUsername = $userInfo['username']; $m->FirstName = $userInfo['username']; $m->Email = $userInfo['email']; $m->write(); return $m; }
function testRun() { $m = new Member(); $m->Password = '******'; $m->PasswordEncryption = 'none'; $m->write(); $t = new EncryptAllPasswordsTask(); $t->run(null); $m = DataObject::get_by_id('Member', $m->ID); $this->assertEquals($m->PasswordEncryption, 'sha1_v2.4'); $this->assertNotEquals($m->Password, 'plain'); $result = $m->checkPassword('plain'); $this->assertTrue($result->valid()); }
/** * Adds or modifies a job on the website. * * @param array $data * @param Form $form */ public function doJobForm() { $data = $this->request->postVars(); $form = new JobBoardForm($this); $form->loadDataFrom($data); $existed = false; if (!isset($data['JobID']) && !$data['JobID']) { $job = new Job(); } else { $job = Job::get()->byId($data['JobID']); $existed = true; if ($job && !$job->canEdit()) { return $this->owner->httpError(404); } else { $job = new Job(); } } $form->saveInto($job); $job->isActive = true; $job->write(); Session::set('JobID', $job->ID); $member = Member::get()->filter(array('Email' => $data['Email']))->first(); if (!$member) { $member = new Member(); $member->Email = $SQL_email; $member->FirstName = isset($data['Company']) ? $data['Company'] : false; $password = Member::create_new_password(); $member->Password = $password; $member->write(); $member->addToGroupByCode('job-posters', _t('Jobboard.JOBPOSTERSGROUP', 'Job Posters')); } $member->logIn(); $job->MemberID = $member->ID; $job->write(); if (!$existed) { $email = new Email(); $email->setSubject($data['EmailSubject']); $email->setFrom($data['EmailFrom']); $email->setTo($member->Email); // send the welcome email. $email->setTemplate('JobPosting'); $email->populateTemplate(array('Member' => $member, 'Password' => isset($password) ? $password : false, 'FirstPost' => $password ? true : false, 'Holder' => $this, 'Job' => $job)); if ($notify = $form->getController()->getJobNotifyAddress()) { $email->setBcc($notify); } $email->send(); } return $this->redirect($data['BackURL']); }
/** * Provide custom Silverstripe authentication logic for a SimpleSAMLphp authentication source * to authenticate a user */ public function authenticate() { $attributes = $this->getAttributes(); $email = $attributes[""][0]; $member = Member::get()->filter('Email', $email)->first(); //If the member does not exist in Silverstripe, create them if (!$member) { $member = new Member(); $member->Username = $attributes[""][0]; $member->FirstName = $attributes[""][0]; $member->Surname = $attributes[""][0]; $member->Email = $attributes[""][0]; $member->write(); } return $member; }
/** * Provide custom Silverstripe authentication logic for a SimpleSAMLphp authentication source * to authenticate a user */ public function authenticate() { $attributes = $this->getAttributes(); $email = $attributes['mail'][0]; $member = Member::get()->filter('Email', $email)->first(); //If the member does not exist in Silverstripe, create them if (!$member) { $member = new Member(); $member->Username = $attributes['sAMAccountName'][0]; $member->FirstName = $attributes['givenName'][0]; $member->Surname = $attributes['sn'][0]; $member->Email = $attributes['mail'][0]; $member->write(); } return $member; }
public function testNoLegacyPasswordHashMigrationOnIncompatibleAlgorithm() { Config::inst()->update('PasswordEncryptor', 'encryptors', array('crc32' => array('PasswordEncryptor_PHPHash' => 'crc32'))); $field = Member::config()->unique_identifier_field; $member = new Member(); $member->{$field} = '*****@*****.**'; $member->PasswordEncryption = "crc32"; $member->Password = "******"; $member->write(); $data = array('Email' => $member->{$field}, 'Password' => 'mypassword'); MemberAuthenticator::authenticate($data); $member = DataObject::get_by_id('Member', $member->ID); $this->assertEquals($member->PasswordEncryption, "crc32"); $result = $member->checkPassword('mypassword'); $this->assertTrue($result->valid()); }
function testOverwriteExistingImport() { $author1 = new Member(); $author1->FirstName = 'author1_first_old'; $author1->Email = '*****@*****.**'; $author1->write(); $loader = new MemberCsvBulkLoader(); $results = $loader->load('sapphire/tests/security/MemberCsvBulkLoaderTest.csv'); $created = $results->Created()->toArray(); $this->assertEquals(count($created), 1); $updated = $results->Updated()->toArray(); $this->assertEquals(count($updated), 1); $this->assertEquals($created[0]->Email, '*****@*****.**'); $this->assertEquals($updated[0]->Email, '*****@*****.**'); $this->assertEquals($updated[0]->FirstName, 'author1_first'); }
public function testHashHidden() { $field = new ConfirmedPasswordField('Password', 'Password', 'valueA'); $field->setCanBeEmpty(true); $this->assertEquals('valueA', $field->Value()); $this->assertEquals('valueA', $field->children->fieldByName($field->getName() . '[_Password]')->Value()); $this->assertEquals('valueA', $field->children->fieldByName($field->getName() . '[_ConfirmPassword]')->Value()); $member = new Member(); $member->Password = "******"; $member->write(); $form = new Form($this, 'Form', new FieldList($field), new FieldList()); $form->loadDataFrom($member); $this->assertEquals('', $field->Value()); $this->assertEquals('', $field->children->fieldByName($field->getName() . '[_Password]')->Value()); $this->assertEquals('', $field->children->fieldByName($field->getName() . '[_ConfirmPassword]')->Value()); }
public function testOverwriteExistingImport() { $author1 = new Member(); $author1->FirstName = 'author1_first_old'; $author1->Email = '*****@*****.**'; $author1->write(); $loader = new MemberCsvBulkLoader(); $results = $loader->load($this->getCurrentRelativePath() . '/MemberCsvBulkLoaderTest.csv'); $created = $results->Created()->toArray(); $this->assertEquals(count($created), 1); $updated = $results->Updated()->toArray(); $this->assertEquals(count($updated), 1); $this->assertEquals($created[0]->Email, '*****@*****.**'); $this->assertEquals($updated[0]->Email, '*****@*****.**'); $this->assertEquals($updated[0]->FirstName, 'author1_first'); }
public function AddMember($results) { //set up new member $member = new Member(); $member->FirstName = Convert::raw2sql($results->name->first); $member->Surname = Convert::raw2sql($results->name->last); $member->Email = Convert::raw2sql($results->email); $member->Gender = Convert::raw2sql($results->gender); $member->Address = Convert::raw2sql($this->GetAddress($results)); $member->Username = Convert::raw2sql($results->username); $member->Phone = Convert::raw2sql($results->phone); $member->Cell = Convert::raw2sql($results->cell); $member->ProfilePic = Convert::raw2sql($results->picture->thumbnail); $member->changePassword($results->password); $member->write(); return $this->Success($results); }
public function go($request) { // Only accept if it's an ajax request if ($this->request->isAjax()) { $mobilenumber = Convert::raw2sql($_POST['mobilenumber']); $errors = array(); // DO some checking if (empty($mobilenumber)) { $errors[] = "Please enter a mobile number"; } // check to see if there is already a member with this mobile number $member = Member::get_one("Member", "MobileNumber = {$mobilenumber}"); if ($member && empty($member->MobileConfirm) && !empty($mobilenumber)) { $errors[] = "A user already exists with that mobile number."; } if ($errors) { $returnArray = array(); $returnArray["success"] = false; $returnArray["errorstring"] = "<div class=\"alert alert-info\">" . implode(", ", $errors) . "</div>"; return json_encode($returnArray); } else { // Create the member if (!$member) { $member = new Member(); } $member->MobileNumber = $mobilenumber; $member->MobileConfirm = mt_rand(100000, 999999); $memberID = $member->write(); // Now send a text message to confirm the account if ($memberID) { $config = Config::inst()->get('TelstraAPI', 'Keys'); $sms = new TelstraSMS($config['consumer'], $config['secret'], $mobilenumber, "Your NextHit verification code is: " . $member->MobileConfirm); $sms->send(); // register a session with the mobile number Session::set("RegisterNumber", $mobilenumber); Session::set("RegisterMemberID", $memberID); $returnArray = array(); $returnArray["success"] = true; $returnArray["nextstep"] = "step2"; return json_encode($returnArray); } } } else { $this->redirect($this->Link(), 404); } }
public function testAuthenticateUserToken() { $member = new Member(); $member->Email = "*****@*****.**"; $member->Password = "******"; $member->write(); $this->assertNotNull($member->Token); $this->assertNotNull($member->AuthPrivateKey); $token = $member->ID . ":" . $member->userToken(); // create an authenticator and see what we get back $tokenAuth = new TokenAuthenticator(); $user = $tokenAuth->authenticate($token); $this->assertEquals($member->ID, $user->ID); $token = "42:" . $member->userToken(); $user = $tokenAuth->authenticate($token); $this->assertNull($user); }
public function run($request) { // get all users from LDAP, but only get the attributes we need. // this is useful to avoid holding onto too much data in memory // especially in the case where getUser() would return a lot of users $users = $this->ldapService->getUsers(array_merge(array('objectguid', 'samaccountname', 'useraccountcontrol', 'memberof'), array_keys(Config::inst()->get('Member', 'ldap_field_mappings')))); $start = time(); $count = 0; foreach ($users as $data) { $member = Member::get()->filter('GUID', $data['objectguid'])->limit(1)->first(); if (!($member && $member->exists())) { // create the initial Member with some internal fields $member = new Member(); $member->GUID = $data['objectguid']; $member->write(); $this->log(sprintf('Creating new Member (ID: %s, GUID: %s, sAMAccountName: %s)', $member->ID, $data['objectguid'], $data['samaccountname'])); } else { $this->log(sprintf('Updating existing Member "%s" (ID: %s, GUID: %s, sAMAccountName: %s)', $member->getName(), $member->ID, $data['objectguid'], $data['samaccountname'])); } // sync attributes from LDAP to the Member record // this is also responsible for putting the user into mapped groups try { $this->ldapService->updateMemberFromLDAP($member, $data); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->log($e->getMessage()); } // cleanup object from memory $member->destroy(); $count++; } // remove Member records that were previously imported, but no longer exist in the directory // NOTE: DB::query() here is used for performance and so we don't run out of memory if ($this->config()->destructive) { foreach (DB::query('SELECT "ID", "GUID" FROM "Member" WHERE "IsImportedFromLDAP" = 1') as $record) { if (!isset($users[$record['GUID']])) { $member = Member::get()->byId($record['ID']); $member->delete(); $this->log(sprintf('Removing Member "%s" (GUID: %s) that no longer exists in LDAP.', $member->getName(), $member->GUID)); // cleanup object from memory $member->destroy(); } } } $end = time() - $start; $this->log(sprintf('Done. Processed %s records. Duration: %s seconds', $count, round($end, 0))); }
public function testLinksExistingMembers() { if (!class_exists('Comment')) { $this->markTestSkipped('"Comment" module not installed'); } // Data matching comments.csv fixture $user1 = new Member(array('Nickname' => 'user1')); $user1->write(); $user2 = new Member(array('Nickname' => 'user2')); $user2->write(); $loader = new DrupalBlogCommentBulkLoader(); $result = $loader->load(BASE_PATH . '/drupal-blog-importer/tests/fixtures/comments.csv'); $created = $result->Created(); $comment1 = $created->find('Subject', 'comment1 subject'); $this->assertEquals($comment1->AuthorID, $user1->ID); $comment2 = $created->find('Subject', 'comment2 subject'); $this->assertEquals($comment2->AuthorID, $user1->ID); $comment3 = $created->find('Subject', 'comment3 subject'); $this->assertEquals($comment3->AuthorID, $user2->ID); }